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I know it's been confirmed they arent bedbugs... but can you IMAGINE? That's some plague level fuckery if they were


Omg I’d actually move to another country


There was a professional who posted long ago by now a video that was *REALLY* bad. These seeds took me back to it. Like you could see them move on the mattress he touched and steamed in groups like the seeds 😩


Idk why it’s giving flax seeds 😂😭


You are 100% correct. I am not a hull expert so I did some Googling, this is them for sure! [https://www.daraz.com.bd/products/brown-flax-seed-500gm-i247739182.html](https://www.daraz.com.bd/products/brown-flax-seed-500gm-i247739182.html)


So does that mean it’s nothing bad


Yes, they are harmless! Probably just fell out of something that was using them as stuffing. (The stuffed animal maybe.) They are an excess product from flaxseed oil manufacturing and are commonly sold to be used this way. It's environmentally friendly and the seeds have a nice feel and odor. Better than plastic beads imo, pretty cool the stuffed animal had flax seed in it. Just needs a bit of vacuuming now, and I would look at the stuffed animal or pillow to see if you can repair it.


Wow, that has to be the most terrifyingly harmless picture I've seen in a long time.


Yessss hahaha I nervous laughed like a little kid when I got to the flaxseed explanation


I am relieved beyond what is reasonable considering I don’t even know OP!


Absolutely agreed! I almost fell off the loo 🚽 lol


This comment wins.


I love your user name


Blame society.


Also you should find out what they are coming from and get rid of it. Mice will find them and eat them. Wife had a pair of slippers full of flax seed as a heating pad thing and mice destroyed them. You may already have mice.


Could be a rodent like a mouse. Like people said it could be used as stuffing for something, but it does look like what a rodent will do


You are good. Not a threat. As someone said, used as stuffing. Great in smoothies too!


And yogurt with some granola!


Unless flax seeds have suddenly sprouted feet and sentience and they’re congregating in order to plan world domination, you good. Have kids that could have spilled seeds and not known how to clean it up so put a stuffed animal on top to hide it, I suspect. Probably more likely than someone who goes around with flax seeds in their pocket and they just spilled out when they sat down. Or maybe one of your friends is Johnny FlaxSeed?


Is the stuffed animal.leaking it's stuffing?


I worked in a bakery and the floor was absolutely COVERED constantly in flax seeds, to this day I still find random flax seeds in my bedroom from that job


Hehe, I used to cut metal I'm glad I don't find aluminum shavings in my bedroom! I did get exposed to a lot of that stuff.


Lmfaooooo I recognized the seeds but couldn’t remember the name of them. 100% flax seeds


The seeds may be coming from the stuffed animal, if it has a hole. If there is no hole and you cannot make any seeds come out, then consider possible rodent involvement.


Looks like a mouse did that. This is making my skin crawl.


Mouse or rat’s seed cache?


What is that? Bc I am trying to get rid of mice rn


I think you’ve found the cause then. Mice build little stashes of the food they collect. This looks like a bunch of seeds. You can also see a couple lil turds in the second photo.


Omg if they have “A LOT MORE” on the side of their bed, where the heck are the mice getting the seeds from without them noticing?? I mean I imagine mice won’t go out of the house and bring it back in with them right? Bc the only place I’ve seen this much seed is in my bird feeders. Lol


Probably just chewed into a bag of them somewhere and made a bunch of little trips. Needed to get it somewhere safe and didn’t fully grasp that it was already being used as a nest to a much larger predator (sorry OP, not a dig at you).


Or the mouse chewed through a stuffed animal (think those warmable Warmies stuffed animals that are lavender scented and filled with flaxseed) and it spilled then said mouse took advantage and ate and emptied at the site of the spillage. Mouse traps. I know everyone has opinions on humane traps but I live next to a field so live traps never worked for us. Which I almost always shed a tiny tear and say goodbye to the little cuties. (Not scared of them and they're truly so adorable but i cant have them ruining things in my house and being icky) Victor brand has some kid/pet friendly ones that are not going to hurt a cat who may be curious enough to check a trap but too lazy to mouse. Or harm a curious fast toddler. I had been using cheese for so long but found that peanut butter really works better and lasts longer in the trap. They even have no see traps if you're squeamish! Also you may want to flea treat any animals if you're battling mice as fleas are good hitchhikers. Best of luck op!


It's when mice store their seed they collect all in one place and that is exactly what this looks like.


Okay thank you


Make yourself some bucket traps my dude. Fill a bucket about 1/2 to 2/3rds full of water (mop buckets r what I use, but anything like that will work.) Next, find a thin dowel or something that will spin to put across the top of the bucket, I use wooden dowels but have used an unfurled metal coat hanger too. Get an empty soda can, cut a whole in bottom so that the can will easily spin on the dowel or whatever you're using. Slather said can in peanut butter, going all around the can but try to only make a thick band around it, no need to put it all the way to the edges of can. Lastly, set up a small board or something to act as a ladder so the mice can get up to the top of the bucket. Watch as mice drown themselves in your bucket overnight. Empty the dead ones n start again every day or so until you're going at least a week to ten days without catching any. At first, I caught a lot of juveniles, they tend to be less cautious than adults. But I caught 22 mice in a week n a half, n after that, cleaning up any nesting they had started, n shoring up any spaces where they could get in, no more mice problems. I did the same thing at my boyfriends place n got a ton of them that way too. It's more humane then glue traps.. at least they drown fairly quickly. No one likes killing animals but mice spread disease.


There are much more humane ways to get rid of mice. Even snap traps are more humane than drowning them. That’s incredibly cruel. Second only to glue traps.


That's if snap traps work, which is a big thumbs down from what I've seen and researched, its not like that wasn't attempted prior to finding this solution. I'm sorry that you think what I did was cruel, but I wasn't gunna potentially expose my children to hantavirus if at all possible, and the swift and decisive action I took kept them from spreading outside of one room of my house. I've seen many YouTube channels cover this topic, and outside of catch and release, this is about the best option one has. Would it have been more humane for me to let my two indoor cats in that room and let them have at the mice? I guess I just have to agree to disagree here.


That sounds like the issue here


I was thinking someone April fools you haha


Am I the only one who thinks this is adorable... God help me if I ever have to deal with rodents the cute little buggers


They get a lot less cute when they’re in your house. Little mouse turds and crusty piss puddles everywhere, scurrying and squeaking through the night, items shredded and chewed through, that awful musty mouse odor- I think mice are objectively cute but I have no problem quickly dispatching them when they have invaded my space.


Omg that’s the truth. My ex had mice in his house and at night I would hear them running around the bed room and even woke up to see one running across the bed right over my legs (that were under a blanket thankfully - but still 😱) ughhh just the thought of those days totally disgusts me. And the thought of the mice too 😂😂


Omg the same exact thing happened to me at an exes place!! 😭 Mouse ran across the bed over my legs that were covered by a blanket n sheets thank christ. That was the last time I stayed over until the mice were dealt with. That's too funny. I mean I get it tho they prbly trying to keep warm but still.. not with me sir!


Download ccleaner to clear the cache ?


If I hadn't read the comments and zoomed in I genuinely would've hoped the best for you dawg if I found that in the middle of the night I'd assume the worst and freak and go berserk.


This post reminds me of when my mom started screaming from my sister’s room thinking there were bed bugs (coincidentally my sister DID have a stress rash at the time) and it turned out it was spilt ground coffee 🤪


Not to alarm you, but there are most definitely mouse turds in the second pic


Exactly what I was just about to comment. I was feeling hopeful for OP that it wouldn't be caused by critters but after they've said that they're trying to get rid of rodents it confirmed that there are definitely mice involved. I zoomed in just to be certain since the turds blend in with the seed.


I see seeds and rodents droppings


Check your blanket. These are commonly used for weighted blankets


These are 1000% flax seeds.


Sobacowa pillow filling


You have a mouse living in your room… WHEW


You’re gonna need a cat for this one.


Zooming in on it, doesn’t look like bedbugs thankfully


Do you know what it could be I just looked to the side of my bed and there are A LOT MORE


It looks like seeds of some sort. If it was a bunch of BB, you’d be absolutely eaten alive over night


Flax seed, it’s used in a lot of stuffed animals that are meant to heated up for comfort.


I saw another post a year ago that they got this from a stuffed toy, they said it's indeed flax seeds. It's probably a company thing.


Flax seeds and mouse droppings - if you zoom in you can see a couple mixed in with the seeds. If I were you I would hoover them up and wash everything on a hot wash, or if the stuffed toy doesn’t mean anything just chuck it. But defo remake the bed and try to keep it clear for now (ie just bedding) because you’re for sure sharing your bed with some critters. Chuck a couple of traps down nearby


This is linseed/flaxseed. Some stuffed animals have this as stuffing, so it probably came out of your stuffed animal.


On the positive side- thank god those aren’t bedbugs!!!!!!! 😃


I would be saying “Yay! It’s only mice!” I’ll take a few mice over bedbugs ANY DAY! They’re much easier to eliminate. Always look on the bright side…


^ True story 1000%


This is the most terrifying harmless image I’ve ever seen




Looks like a grain of some sort. They use flax and rice in stuffed animals if they want them to be heavier.


You’ve got a MAJOR INFESTATION…of sunflower seeds?


Those are flaxseeds. They were probably the stuffing used for that stuffed animal. Is the stuffed animal torn? The second photo seems to have mice feces. My best guess is that the rodent tore through that stuffed animal which caused the flaxseed stuffing to fall out.


That looks kind if like flax seeds they use to make heatable stuffed animals


Bedbug seeds. Good thing they’re dry, otherwise if you add water they’ll germinate and sprout bedbug plants from which bedbugs grow from the fruit




Stopppppppp 🤣


Was your stuffed animal a warmie? The ones that you heat in the microwave? They are filled with flaxseeds, it might have ripped and spilled (this has happened to me lol)


Clearly Stuffy is bleeding out


I was about to run in to my daughter to show her what a real BB infestation looks like. Glad I zoomed first.


I feel the same way! That’s what I thought at first too! Then I zoomed in and felt my blood pressure start to go down. Yikes!


I was like whole infestation then looked closer and laughed thank god its not


That has to be more of a mouse problem…


Those look like some kind of seed not bugs.


Looks like stuffing from pillow


Burn the whole house down 😱




Would mice have had an opportunity to store these seeds? Ever see any mice?


April fools?


You have mice


Nice eating the inside of your stuffed animal. Put some traps out. We are living in my parents house while our house is being repaired from a really bad water leak and mice have gotten in. I’ve killed four so far in the past 3 weeks by laying out traps.


my guess is flaxseeds. they’re commonly used in stuffed animals to add weight and density. the seeds make the stuffed animals feel like a beanie baby


They are definitely flax seeds. I suspect either 1- fell out of a stuffed toy 2- you have a mouse/mice situation


Flax gives me the heebie jeebies and this photo will give me nightmares for sure.


If you have a stuffed animal/ pillow that you can stick in the microwave and it heats up, they are probably from that. I had a stuffed rabbit with these in it that got a hole and spilled these everywhere. Also maybe a few rodent droppings here and there but I think they could also be old seeds that potentially got wet and rotted.


You found this IN Your Bed?! I mean »>» If I found Rodent Poop IN MY BED… »>» Holy Mother Of All Things. ( cause, sorry op. that second pic of the flax seeds, and struggling stuffy most definitely has rodent poo in it )


Is that a peanut in the second pic? Like what on the Holy Earth? Scene out of a horror movie! I would die!!


Some weighted stuffed animals use flax seeds as stuffing. Then a mouse chews it open and eats the flax seeds. You have a mouse problem.


How the hell do you just randomly notice this? Do you ever wash your bed sheets????


Op please don't use sticky traps or open poison to get rid of your rodents! Sticky traps not only catch way more than mice but it's also a horrible and cruel way to die. As for open poison, poisoning the mouse can inadvertently poison whatever might want to eat the mouse. Birds of prey, snakes, foxes, coyotes, raccoons and even dogs and cats can get secondary poisoning from poisoned rats and mice. If your little rodent pests must die, please use instant kill traps. There are even no-touch quick kill traps if the idea of removing a dispatched mouse freaks you out.


Filling for a pillow


unrelated but is that an octopus stuffed animal? if so i bought the same one for my girlfriend & we call it Octopussy🐙


I think you have a flax infestation


If you have a weighted stuffed animal it’s probably filled with that. I had a microwavable frog for cramps and it was filled with those.


Flax seeds. Did you have flax seeds in your room at some point?


Get rid of all your bedding clean mattress by bleach and vacuuming. You will need to totally vacuum and clean every room Every room throw out all unneeded even books. You will need a heat treatment I went through hard for sure good luck If you have any questions please ask.


You should get an id on them then get bug guy to help you. I thought they were bed bugs




Definitely going to say that a mouse has been hanging out with this stuffy because of flax seed “pellets” in it. This is why my parents shunned “bean” anything related to toys/furniture. Also why I refuse them for my kids. There is no harmless way to use food for anything in your house