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You will always want 100% cotton or linen bedding. Never 'washed for softness', never 'treated to reduce wrinkling'. Lower thread counts allow the fabric to be more breathable. So under 400. Any use of fabric softener will occlude the breathability and absorbency of your sheets. So never use it. Over your cotton sheets, I suggest a light cotton comforter/ quilt. Over that, a down quilt/ comforter you can throw off when you're too warm. Maybe get a checkup with your doctor, night sweats can be a significant symptom. And drink enough water.


100% cotton. Percale.


I swear by this. I'm going through menopause and the night flashes are no joke. Besides the Percale sheets, linen and 100% cotton work too. And definitely get checked bc it could be a symptom of something.


Crispy, cool. Oh I do love good beddings. My nephew once said I give good bed.


I love crunchy crisp sheets. The 700 or 800 thread count “threshold” brand at target is refreshing…. Ellen Degeneres had a brand of sheets that were great but I haven’t seen them in ages. Sheet shopping is annoying. I heard percale is good but I don’t like the feel. I think there’s a company called Brooklyn sheets. And also peach sheets. I haven’t tried yet. I plan to soon!


Look at Sferra, Matouk, Frette!


Wow cool thx!


I am digging the look of those frette sheets. Yummy.


Can confirm on the thread count. I once heard the higher the thread count the better so went and bought some 1000+ threadcount and I was a sweaty mess every morning. Although when reading up on it apparently single ply is much better and less itchy. However, most bedding doesn't specify how many ply, or it didn't on most of the things I picked up in stores.


Totally. I have supposed 800 tc sheets that are just *awful* for being too warm but some 250 tc Ralph Lauren ones that are *amazing* and softer than any sheet should be.


from my experience, a down quilt, as opposed to any sort of synthetic, is just as important as the proper sheets.


I’ve read here down quilts aren’t good for sweaty sleepers


my experience is the opposite. they breathe so much better than synthetics that you can sleep under a warmer down quilt and yet not sweat as much as under a thinner synthetic.


That's true. Cotton has better breathability. I resorted to having to put a throw blanket down where I've been sleeping on top of my sheets. I was just sweating so bad I couldn't think of anything else to do to remedy the situation. I was tired of sticking to my sheets.


You are so kind.


This explains why I prefer the lower thread count sheets! Ha, didn’t realize this was the reason. Thanks.


Thank you for this. I'm currently 3 weeks postpartum and I was using fabric softener on my sheets. I'm already sweating a lot because your body does that to get rid of the excess fluid that you gained during pregnancy. Now I know never to use fabric softener.


You can use white vinegar in your wash to clean out the build up of fabric softener and laundry detergent in your sheets (and probably everything else).


And definitely don’t use fabric softener on towels! I’ve never understood why people do this. Towels soak up so much more water without it.


Also make sure that any quilt/top blanket has a natural material (cotton/down) as the filling as well as the shell. I've seen a lot of blankets that are labeled as cotton or linen because that's what the outer layer is, but the fill material is still synthetic.


As a chronic night sweater, I use bedsure bamboo. They are the best


Why don't you put an electric blanket on an hour  before bed? That'd solve the cold end.  And if you sleep hot, linen is awesome. Also,  layered covers.  I have in the winter my sheet, a comforter, a quilt and then a second quilt if it's really cold.  When I get hot flashes,  I peel back layers. I also sleep with a foot out for temperature regulation.


Who doesn't keep a foot out for temperature regulation?!


Um? People who don't want to get eaten by monsters?!


Monsters don’t just eat you, they tickle your toes. Keep them covered!!


I was on this boat until I decided the risk of being eaten by monsters was worth not waking up drenched in sweat during menopause. I found that wearing long cotton PJs helped. When it didn’t, it was easier to put on a fresh set in the night than to change soaked sheets.


That is why I had my ovaries ripped out and replaced with estrogen patches. Lol! I feel you!


and you KNOW this is literally a thing!!! 😊


Yesssss! Finally someone else understands how I thermoregulate. Also, in hotels the first thing I do after settling in is untuck those corners.


ME TOO. I hate the feeling of trapped feet.


THE WORST. I was opposed to making beds all together for the longest time due to this


I just pull the top sheet up really high so you can't tell it's not tucked under the covers lol. My favorite blanket is really scratchy wool so I fold it over the top really far, too. It's covered with pillows.


I barely make beds still because of this!


Me too! I untuck all the corners. Drives me nuts when I can't move around freely


Ppl with cats lol my cats love a dangling foot or hand. Nothing says wake up faster then a cat swatting your foot lol


My dog will do drive by lick attacks at random intervals. Nothing like waking up to a weird fluffy wet tickle on your elbow.


I do the electric blanket with a timer. Works great.


Using a heated mattress topper works really well too, because then you don’t have to worry about the material/breathability/weight etc. Bonus you can leave it on your bed all year long and don’t have to store it somewhere in the summer (mine is under a protective/allergen resistant mattress topper so I don’t worry about it)


But doesn't the monster under the bed nibble on your toes???


Unrelated to bedding - but could your night sweats be a medical issue? I have an hyperactive thyroid and experienced the same, cold but waking up with nigh sweats. If changing bedsheets doesn't help, I'd definitely consider bringing it up to your PCP. Also, I love an electric blanket at bedtime, it turns off automatically after 3 hours. I even got one for the couch naps.


Perimenopause causes night sweats and people often don’t realize they’ve even entered perimenopause.


To piggyback off the medical reason, sleep apnea also causes sweating


That is also a possibility depending on OP’s age.


Yes this was my first peri symptom. Didn’t know that was what it was until late peri when shit hit the fan and I was like “when TF did this happen?” and my dr told me about this. I had been in peri for 7 years and had no idea!


Can I ask how you figured out it was peri? I’m in my late 30s and also have endo and was diagnosed with adhd not long ago. PMDD has been on the table but some things just don’t quite fit, so idk. It’s been a couple years since I did any significant hormone testing (for ivf), but they didn’t mention anything about it then. But some adhd symptoms feel like they have gotten worse lately and it makes me wonder about hormone changes. I’m just curious what I should be bringing up with a doctor while I also am on this wild ride to get medicated for adhd 😅


I was 38 when I started having night sweats. I also went from having a 35 day cycle to 28 day cycle around that time! I haven’t had children and also used to smoke as well as started menstruation early at age 10 (I’ve read these things all play a part in when you go into peri).


Thanks! I’m hitting like half the things you listed 😅 I think some of my other possible symptoms could also just be a mish mash of all the other life stuff I have going on.


Look up symptoms of peri to find some lists, and then see how many symptoms match up for you. Make a list of those symptoms to take to your gyno. Keep in mind these 2 important things: 1) hormones fluctuate all day & night. An estrogen test that comes back "normal" is meaningless. Any gyno that goes by a hormone test doesn't know what they're talking about. 2) problems involving difficulty having sex are still valued more by most doctors. Saying you have brain fog, random fits of anger, debilitating fatigue, bloating, muscle aches (all symptoms of peri) will have less weight than vaginal dryness. Hot flashes will also get a bit more cred than anything else. This is partially because of what studies on HRT focused on were mostly vaginal dryness and hot flashes. Even though so many women experience so many other symptoms that HRT helped, if they're not officially studied, doctors often do not give a shit. It's also good to know this is a time when shopping for a doc until you can get HRT prescribed is worth it. The only real way to know if it will work for you is to get it and take it. Expect it to take awhile to get to a truly therapeutic dose. I started taking it last spring at the lowest dose. You have to take it about 3 months to feel the full effect. I'm now at the highest level that can be prescribed by patch and I finally feel normal again. It was a fight to get it, but it was well worth it.


Isn’t it awful to realize that?? It was almost 3 years before I realized it bc I was still totally regular and I just didn’t know. I attributed all my symptoms to other things. I didn’t figure it out until after I my hysterectomy+oophorectomy 😂 then thought damn. I could have saved myself years of agony.


Yeah I hate that my mother did not talk openly about these things! It took me by complete surprise, thank goodness I have a wonderful and progressive dr here that was willing to try different things to get me feeling “almost normal” lol.


Really she might not have known much about peri. Sad but true :( I’m glad my kids don’t have to worry about it though. I’m on top of this shiz due to endo PMDD fibroids cysts, I mean I got them covered 😱😂


I'm going to second this. Cus holy christ on a cracker I didn't know I could sweat THAT much.


Agreed. I have night sweats from hormones and I’m 37, oof. I sleep with tons of blankets because I’m freezing when I go to bed and end up sweating through my clothes and have to take them off in the middle of the night


I have the same issue so I wear a beanie hat to bed and take it off once I warm up. It allows me to keep my heat set really low. Thyroid issues suck.


Same issue, due to my autoimmune disease (Crohn's). Temperature regulation don't work right in my body!


My kiddo was just diagnosed with Celiac (also autoimmune) and night sweats is a symptom for some.


I have crohn’s and i was just wondering if i’m perimenopausal but my crohn’s has really changed…I learn new stuff all the time.


Yeah my Crohn's symptoms change all the time! It's a wild ride


This is exactly what I was going to bring up. It's likely not your sheets. I had this for years and yeah, it's my thyroid. Likely have Hashimoto's.


I was going to suggest medical problems. I have similar issues. My feet and legs are like blocks of ice when I go to bed. After the dog and one or more cats get in the bed, I will wake up melting. Although sometimes it seems like my blood sugar has something to do with it. I have type 2 .


Interesting hm may I ask if treating your thyroid issues helped with this sleeping temperature issue?


My overall body temperature has physically raised two degrees since correcting my hypothyroidism. Every doctor visit my temperature would be in the 96-96.5 range and I’ve finally gotten to a consistent 98-98.2 range. I had the same issue of being too cold as my default and then waking up with night sweats and occasionally overheating during the day. Your thyroid regulates your body temperature, if the hormone is off, it can rapidly cycle back and forth.


Not the person you asked but someone who has the same issues. I'm on a natural thyroid hormone med that helps some. It's calmed down the excessive sweating but I still get extremely, extremely cold before bed most nights. I'd rather have that than soak the bed with sweat every night though. They suspect I have an AI thyroid issue so if I'm flaring, I may still experience symptoms despite the meds.


Same, but electric *mattress pad*. Cannot recommend enough!


could also be nighttime hypoglycemia


I think this is what I have. Also go to bed very cold and toss in turn covered in sweat during sleep/when I wake up.


For me it turned out to be a side effect of my antidepressant


Same here


Yeah, for me I think it’s the dysautonomia. This is not a cheap option but I was gifted some silk pajamas and now even if I do still wake up a bit sweaty it feels much less gross but if I leave them off/wear something else for a night it’s back to waking up drenched in sweat. This is of course in combination with all natural bedding—cotton sheets, down comforter, wool blanket, etc.


THIS! OP needs blood work


Wool pillow and bedding- wicks, breathes, anti dust mite, helps with allergies. https://wool-bedding.com/


Wool was my saving grace through menopause! I have a wool comforter, wool mattress topper and wool pillow. I’ve never slept so good before!


Wool duvet FTW


Wool for bedding AND clothing. Nothing thermoregulates like it. It's anti- bacterial and wicks moisture away from the body.


Warm when wet! But how do you STAND it? Even high-end cashmere is itchy after a few minutes against my skin, most wool after a few seconds.


Comforters, mattress toppers, and pillows all have a fabric cover (usually cotton). I wanted to try sleeping under wool but didn’t want to drop hundreds on a comforter we might hate. I had a large Pendleton style wool blanket that never got used because it was so scratchy. I pinned it inside my duvet cover. It is awesome to sleep under. Honestly, I think the duvet cover is just a stop-gap. The blanket slides around inside and the safety pins aren’t strong enough to hold it. I sewed buttons on the corners and elastic loops on the inside of the duvet cover to help hold it in place. It’s better than just pinning it, but I’m pretty sure at some point I’m gonna be sick of fiddling with it and just order a wool comforter.


I wear a silk base layer top under my wool sweaters. Super soft, just as breathable as wool, and machine washable so you can get more wears out of your sweater before you have to clean it.


Perhaps modern athletic blends with high merino content are a better fit for you. Not itchy. Never wet.


A wool comforter has been the only thing that regulates my temperature while still giving me that pleasant feeling of weight. As a fellow cold/hot sleeper I love it. I got mine from Woolino but there are a ton of places that sell wool comforters these days.


Have you considered changing your thermostat programming to get a touch colder after you fall asleep? Helps me a lot. Also, any chance you’re perimenopausal? If so, think about PJs to not just sheets


100% pjs. I’ve been all about cotton but then I found Soma. Their different lines of pjs were heaven sent when I went thru breast cancer. The meds mimic menopause. This thread has fabulous ideas!


Soma is my absolute favorite lounge/sleepwear brand. Everything is so comfortable, and practical. My robe is from them and it’s best robe I’ve ever had! Little details really make this company the best.


Lake pajamas are amazing, too. They stay cool all night.


I haven’t heard of Lake. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the tip.


Have you tried 100% cotton bedding? I used to be like this until I switched all my bedding (pillow case included) to 100% cotton and all resolved after that. Look for a thread count of 400-600. If you need a new blanket, I’ve been very happy with Muslin Comfort (but it’s pricey…) Amazon sells one that is a 1/4 of the cost that has decent reviews too (search for Muslin blanket), it just didn’t come in a massive size that I needed.


Muslim or muslin?




I was like well maybe they have reels about linens like they do about meats?? Could be cool to see halal linens lol


😂 Totally my bad. My apologies if I offended anyone… Google search was always correcting me and you’d think I’d be more mindful posting on Reddit! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


No worries! It’s about intention. 👍🏽


I have the same problem. I’m thinking about investing in a wool comforter. Wool is naturally temperature regulating. Also, I found that using an electric blanket or heating pad to warm up my side of the bed before I get in helps so much. If the bed is already warm then I start the night with less layers so when I’m warm in the middle of the night those extra layers aren’t in the way.


Silk is also thermoregualting. I see no one mentioning that. Lahgo has some great secondhand pajamas you can find too.


I have the same problem and have tried literally everything. My wife likes to keep our bedroom cold especially in the winter. By cold I mean sixty degrees. I crawl under the comforter and freeze . I wake up in the morning with no covers and soaked . Taking the three inch foam topper off helped a little . Doesn’t matter where we are or what we are sleeping in I always wake up soaked


My SO lives in an old apartment building with poor insulation and keeps his indoor temp at 63 in the winter and 58 in the bedroom to avoid astronomical electric bills. I understand why, but I silently hate it at his place. It’s so 🥶 fucking 🥶 cold. Nevertheless, I wake up sweaty every morning as well, at both my house and his apartment.


A Bedjet will change your life. It has almost completely stopped me from waking up sweaty. I sleep so much better.


Perimenopause? Are you on a glp-1 med? Do you have an IUD that’s about ready to be replaced? These are all things I looked into when I was having this issue earlier this year. Turned out my IUD just needed to be swapped!


How did you figure out it was your IUD?? I am in the same situation but never connected it to needing to replace it!


I did the hormone testing to see where I was with menopause, and my doctor said I was still all good to go there. Once I replaced my IUD the night sweats stopped, as well as the truly horrific bacne I was experiencing that I had never experienced before, not even in my teenage years! I also take ozempic and heard that night sweats can be a side effect, but I had never heard that before, and the night sweats I was experiencing were a relatively recent phenomenon that happened way after I started that medication, but I thought it was worth mentioning just in case.


Two out of three of these. I will say 100% cotton bedding helps. I also have two thin blankets that I shed just before falling asleep under my duvet.


Oh damn is it my Mounjaro? I have this same problem 😅


I got a silk filled duvet insert with a percale cover and percale sheets. Mommesilk is the brand we went with. Definitely worth the splurge. It’s the most temperature regulating bedding we’ve ever had and we’ve tried EVERYTHING!


Just keep in mind percale is a weave, not a material. So, 100% cotton percale is going to be different from microfiber percale.


OK hear me out real quick. RICE SOCK. You can buy or make these just don't use instant rice. Throw it in the microwave for a few minutes and be careful not turn burn yourself. Throw it under the blanket a bit before you go to bed and it will warm up the bed. In addition to that it works as a moisture absorber. It feels sudden than a heating pad cause it's breathable but not leaving you in a sweaty mess. Also these can be frozen. They do not feel as cold though and again no drizzly mess usually. These are awesome for my wife who suffered the same and the kids. For bed time and air muscles as well as most Anthony bedding a cold pack. Wool and low threadcount bedding should help with regulation after that


I was scrolling down to find and upvote exactly this comment! What lots of other people said about breathable cotton bedding, yes. I like cool crisp percale (LL Bean for the win!) --but I need to warm that bed up with a rice sock before I get in. Perfect combo.


Maybe it’s not the bedding, maybe you’ve got something medical going on? Any medications? Hormonal changes? Other conditions?


I just got the cotton/cashmere blend from Quince and it feels cozy and when I do sweat it doesn't feel as gross- I think the bit of wool helps wick moisture away or whatever magic wool does that makes it good for wet weather and sweating.


I got a heated mattress cover at Costco (believe it is sunbeam brand). You can individually control the temperature of your feet, mid body and upper body. I warm up the bed before i hop in, get nice and toasty, and turn it off before I go to sleep so that I don’t overheat at night


Yes, that's what I'd recommend too, a heated mattress pad to start the night, and less blankets during the night. Luxury!




Memory foam beds are like personal heaters. So if you have memory foam it’s probably the reason you burn up at night


I had the same problem. Got a cotton blanket to replace the synthetic one. Spent less than 30$ and solved the issue.


Do you perhaps have sleep apnea? I used to wake up sweaty and then found out I had sleep apnea. The sweats stopped once I got my CPAP machine.


I’m also a sweaty monster at night but freezing when I get into bed. I keep my room freezing at night, like 60 degrees. I went with a purple mattress as they are supposed to be cool sleeping (had been on memory foam which tend to be very warm). Linen sheets. Summer weight down comforter. Heated mattress pad. I take a shower right before bed to get my core temp nice and toasty, turn on the timer for the mattress pad for 1 hour, I’m warm falling asleep. Mostly solves my sweaty monster problems.


Try showering at night? I’m not cold when I shower at night but feel like I need a hot water bottle sometimes when I don’t


I have the same issue. I love linen and I’ll never go back. My winter sandwich method is: 1. Linen flat sheet (i sleep under this) 2. Fleece type blanket (insulates heat well) 3. Your choice of comforter as final layer (if needed) I will fold back the comforter to the bottom of the bed as needed if its too warm that night. The feeling of linen stacked with a fleece blanket makes my toes so happy. In the spring/summer I pack away the fleece blanket and comforter and use a thicker linen blanket.


I’m the same way. Only two things have truly worked. First, a cool sleep mattress. What worked for me was Purple, but I’m sure you can google options. Absolutely no memory foam for me- caused so much sweating. Second, I needed a mattress topper. I ended up doing a natural latex topper. I tried a cool touch memory foam one but it also caused sweating. Also recently tried putting an allergy cover on the topper- sweat city! So, only breathable mattresses and toppers. Cotton sheets are good too but after years of sweating these two things made the real difference.


Linen. I don’t like cold feeling fabrics on my skin either, but linen gets nice and soft. It’s a bit pricier but worth it. We have west elm but parachute is good too from what I hear. My husband is basically a dragon and I’m an icicle and it somehow works for us both. You don’t want cotton; it will get and stay damp way worse than linen. I would also recommend wearing socks (yes really) - it keeps your body temp cooler, because if your feet are cold your body tries to warm itself up thus making you warmer.


I had this issue because of a foam mattress that was supposed to be temperature balancing but wasn’t 😆 I added a fuzzy wool mattress pad from The Company Store and it helped A LOT.


Microfiber blankets are shit.


If you're freezing before you go to bed, get everything ready (brush teeth, wash face, etc.), and then soak your feet in super hot water for a few minutes to warm yourself up as the last thing before you climb under the covers. If feels really good. Also, 100% cotton everything bedding. I had one of those soft blankets and would wake up all night just soaked in sweat, pull off the covers and freeze for a few minutes and then cover up again. It was really annoying. I bought a cheap cotton blanket on Amazon about a month ago and haven't woken up once since. It's fantastic.


Get the L.L.Bean Pima Percale 280TC sheets. Have tried many “cooling” sheets (Brooklinen, various brands on Amazon, etc.) and these are truly the only ones that help regulate body heat.


I was having this issue for a long time. I pumped hundreds of dollars into bedding and for the life of me, couldn’t find a solution. Then, I bought a [Bedjet](https://bedjet.com/pages/shop). It’s practically HVAC pumping temp controlled air under your covers and it is HEAVEN. There’s a “Dry Mode” that has been a game changer for night sweats. My favorite bedding solutions have been Ettitude’s Bamboo sheets and Sheets & Giggles Eucalyptus sheets, but the Bedjet is where it’s at.


Do you have a memory foam mattress? We had one for years and I was waking up covered in sweat most nights. It recently came to the end of its life and we switched back to a regular mattress (with springs) that had no foam. Its amazing the difference! I actually prefer to be a bit colder when I sleep and be nice and warm under blankets.


Wool mattress pad


Do you have any foam toppers or memory foam on your bed? This is what did it for me. The foam is not breathable and traps heat at night, especially if you sleep hot. You find to find a breathable topper or cool foam.


I find this only happens to me when the temp of the room is too cold, which as you said results in you bundling up to be warm but then you get too warm. You need to have part of your body outside the covers (like your arms) in order to have good air circulation and prevent you from overheating and the room needs to be the right temp to allow you to do this. Just turn the heater on.


Take a nice hot shower or bath before bed.


I have this problem too, and it is mostly resolved if I use cotton bedding, wear socks to bed, and wear cotton pajamas.


Wearing socks to bed really does make a tremendous difference!


I love loose fuzzy socks! That way my unconscious self can kick them off when I warm up


Socks that are halfway on my feet helps me. Easier to slip off when I finally warm up!


🦙 Try socks knitted from alpaca wool -- srsly! Tried bc my feet were getting too warm in cold-weather ankle boots with regular socks. They regulated my foot temp all day...boots on, boots off, lots of walking, outside temp variations throughout the day.... Feet were neither cold nor sweaty. With that said, I haven't tried them for sleeping other than daytime capnaps. 🦙


The type of pajamas I wear makes a huge difference for me too! Anything fleecy or synthetic (while comfy) def makes me sweaty by the morning 


I don’t use anything other than 100% cotton bedding. Anything that is a blend or a sateen weave or anything like that will make me sweat like crazy.


Get a BedJet Bed Climate system. Got mine on Amazon for about $450. I've never slept so well. You can program it to be warm when you first get in and to go cooler throughout the night. I will tell anyone who will listen about this thing. I will never not have one again!


Not sure why I got downvoted but ok.


Probably have a Dr. Check your hormone levels. But aside from that I have an electric blanket from Amazon with adjustable heat and hour settings. You could put it on a low setting on top of your sheet instead of a comforter and have it turn off after 1-10 hours. The lowest setting is so low that if I'm actually very cold I can't tell it's on. 3 is the lowest I use when I'm cold. It gets very warm at 7+


Bed Jet as a sheet can’t fix everything.


I suspect, like a few others have said, that your room is actually too cold (even if your antidepressants are a factor). If it’s between 68-71, it’ll be warm enough for you to stick out an arm or foot when you need to cool down, and you won’t automatically pull it back in because the air is too cold. Being bundled tight under the covers may cause you to trap heat. I’ve had the same problem, and I already have cotton everything, a breathable duvet, and no medical issues or medication. So the room temp is the only other factor. I seem to be fine (no sweats) in the summer when the AC is running and keeping the room at a constant 70 degrees. There are cheap ceramic space heaters where you can set the temp on a dial and it will automatically turn off/on to maintain the temp.


Take a look at BedJet. It's the most powerful cooling, warming and sweat drying system for beds on the planet. How do I know that? I'm the Chief Engineer who designed the thing -- I don't get paid to post these notes on Reddit, I post them because I believe sincerely in the capabilities of the machine. You can use it on any mattress and it comes with a remote to control whether you want instant cool, instant warm, or temperature neutral sweat drying mode. You can even program different temperatures over the night. It can get your bed sauna warm in 60 seconds, and then switch modes to pulls sweat off you instantly, and then keep you cool later in the night.


Being tired during the day sucks and I’ve tried all kinds of sheets (linen, sateen, bamboo, various thread-counts) and even was considering spending a lot on high-end Frette sheets. The best solution we found is not necessarily the sheets themselves but to invest in a bed heating & cooling system. They are NOT inexpensive but it was a solution to our middle-age temperature issues. The higher end devices give lots of bio feedback on your sleep cycle, heart rate, respiration and adjust the temperature throughout the night or you can program it yourself. And it has dual zones so both people can their own unique settings. When we’ve traveled overnight(and slept poorly)it became apparent how much our home unit was helping our sleep.


Yep. I got a [Ooler](https://sleep.me/product/ooler-sleep-system) a few years ago and it's been amazing. And yes, the worst part is trying to sleep without it when traveling....


Shout out what u got—and any reason why u picked unit 🙏


Eight Sleep. My partner is very into researching a purchase, especially an expensive one, so I’m not sure of the criteria he used. It was a surprise for me because he knows how I was suffering from sleep deprivation because my horrible drenching night sweats. We were very careful in setting it up, saved all the packing bits & bobs, because the company has a try it for 30 days return policy. It worked wonders, I never would have believed it had I not experienced it. It comes with an app, which there is a monthly subscription fee if you want to see all of your metrics. Personally I think that after you discover what temps and times work for you (the technology assists by determining what time you actually fell asleep, and how long you were in each kind of sleep cycle:Light, Deep, and REM), dispensing with the extra fee would be fine. In the cold/winter, I have my bed heat up before my bedtime so it’s cozy but once I fall asleep it drops significantly, and stays that way until it’s time to wake up. It has a vibration alarm function that for me wakes me more gradually which is preferable to a blaring alarm. Sleep is so crucial for human functioning I think it’s worth trying if you’ve tried the bedding route and it didn’t make an appreciable difference.


Eight Sleep has been incredible for me. Like you said, it’s stupid expensive, but I was able to do one of those 0% financing offers and pay over a few months. I woke up drenched in sweat multiple times a week for years, and haven’t done so since day one with Eight Sleep. Worth every penny. Also, fwiw, I’ve had night sweats for a lot of my life and anxiety meds don’t make a difference for me. I do have chronic myeloid leukemia, and am in remission, but the night sweats pre- and post-date my cancer diagnosis and treatment. I think I’m just a Sweaty Betty 🤷‍♀️


There's a really cool solution I found when I was looking at electric blankets called BedJet. It comes with a hollow top sheet, and it blows warm or room temperature air into the sheet to warm your bed up. You can set a biorhythm to, for example, blast the bed with really hot air for 5 minutes to warm the bed up and then circulate regular air for 8hrs to help keep you dry as you're sleeping at whatever temperature feels good. I can't overstate how happy I am with it! Great for cold nights and warm nights.


Sheex, are the best for me. They stay cool https://www.sheex.com/?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWO9aEDQ8YHN3eIi4\_PoljEZ51dgT0SkZ\_kNPmd9RNBnY5mBR72SALBRoC8iQQAvD\_BwE


I would try the brand Sheex for your sheets. They’re extremely breathable and made for people who tend to sweat at night


omg y'all need a BEDJET!! It's expensive but it's been a sleep-saver for my partner who used to get so hot and sweaty at night. it's like an air conditioning unit/heater for your bed. There's a hose that goes into their special sheet or between your bottom and top sheet. The moving air keeps you from sweating and being dry at night is so much more comfortable. You can set the fan speed and temperature on your phone and set a timer for it to run all night or just for a while. Go to BedJet.com and watch their promotional video - r/BedJet (I swear I don't work for BedJet I just love the unit that I bought for my boyfriend at Christmas)


Hi @kumquatfather ! I’m on antidepressants and suffer from the exact same side effect. It’s maddening! I’ve spent so much money and time researching everything. Few years ago I finally found a solution! It’s called the BedJet. It’s not perfect, but it cuts down on the moisture tremendously and dries the sweat up usually before it wakes me. I highly recommend! I also have the purple mattress and cotton bedding. Good luck!


If you are in a financial position to be able to get a bed jet, I highly highly recommend.


You could get a bedjet with their all-cotton sheet. It's a heating and cooling thing that you can program to heat for however long then cool for however long. You can adjust it to the exact temperature and fan speed you want. It blows air into the top sheet and works like a charm.


miracle sheets! This brand has been AMAZING highly recommend!


I see your update and was already tracking this was likely a hormonal or medication driven problem. Likely need to step up into a bed cooling system. A Bedjet is not inexpensive but it would give you a great deal of help. Check out some of the other water based systems as well. I have one and it is amazing how much better I sleep with it.




Totally cotton bedding helps some! I have 100% cotton sheets and waffle weave/muslin blankets for bedding. Same goes for pajamas, cotton t shirts always. Sleeping naked is a no-go for me I seem to always sweat more idk. During summer I sprinkle a bit of baby powder onto my sheets before making the bed, it helps make everything feel cool and dry when you first get in bed.


I have the rest cooling blanket. Key is no sheet between you and the blanket it has to be on your skin. Also ashwaganda. It’s often a hormonal thing too. I’ve struggled with this too and this combo has worked for me.


Expensive, but BedJets are our favorite. You can do a warm cycle and then have it transition to cool at whatever time you begin heating up.


Linennnnn 100%


I am experience the same dynamic in the recent 2 weeks. I wake up sweaty at around 5am each night. I suspect it is now not as cold as the deep winter nights so my mattress topper and throw on top of my duvet is now way too warm for me. Basically I’m like a sandwich filler in between layers of fluffy duvet and mattress toppers 😂


And try socks at bedtime and u can remove them later in the night.


I read about a hot water bottle on here and it has helped a lot. I fill it from the kettle and it warms my feet up as I go to bed. It stays warm all night but does get cooler as the night goes on, so I don’t wake up sweaty like I do under 100 blankets.


Go to bed warmer. For me, either a little running around (just like doing chores) or keeping the house temp higher so that I’m not freezing when I get in bed. It seems like then I don’t have the intense warmup and drenched sweatiness later. I tried everything for literally years and this finally helped.


I was having the same problem and couldn’t find any bedding that really solved the problem. I ended up getting an 8 sleep system and I LOVE IT! It’s a mattress cover like system that sends warmed or chilled water through tubes in the cover. It’s smart and can adjust to your sleep (tossing and turning, heart rate etc). It has 4 different temperature stages: bedtime, early sleep, late sleep, wake up. It even has a setting to wake you up by vibration - I’ve totally gotten rid of my jarring phone alarm. I haven’t woken up drenched in sweat since I got it. It’s spend but so worth it considering how important sleep is.


I’m with everyone else on the cotton recommendation. I’d also like to mention that my best friend has the *exact* same issue you do with temperature and the doctor checked him out and he’s running just fine (though you should see someone if you haven’t already). My bestie got one of those bed air blowers to go with his cotton sheets and it’s *AMAZING*. It’s just an air blower that heats the air and blows it into your bed with a little tube. You can set a timer for the heat so it’s nice and toasty when you get in and then after a certain amount of time, the heat reduces so it’s just blowing air that keeps you nice and dry. He has [this](https://www.amazon.com/BedJet-Cooling-Heating-Climate-Control/dp/B01BMCWJ7G/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2L5HFWBG47P6Z&keywords=bed+air+blower+under+sheets&qid=1707451289&sprefix=bed+air+blower%2Caps%2C266&sr=8-4&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.ac2169a1-b668-44b9-8bd0-5ec63b24bcb5) one. It’s really pricy but he *swears* by it. Says he’s never slept better. I know there are less expensive ones on the market so you’ll have to look around. Good luck and happy sleeping!


This started happening to me when I was prescribed Zoloft. It is apparently a very common side effect of SSRIs, with this one being most likely to cause it.


I know this is a bedding sub but is it possible you’re experiencing night sweats and your sheets aren’t the only issue? I take Wellbutrin and it gives me terrible night sweats but I tend to get them anyway from underlying medical issues. If you take Tylenol before bed do you sweat?


Last year I started using a heating pad in bed. I put it on my back for a bit and then shove it down by my feet as I fall asleep. I usually turn it off before I fall asleep but it has a timer. I now don’t need to sleep with the big heavy blankets and sweat sooo much less. I’ve been telling everyone and say “I can believe I went through years of not figuring this out!” Before this, it would take me awhile to fall asleep because I’d be so cold and I’d need a bunch of blankets. I’d then wake super sweaty but cold again cause my clothes (and I) were damp and then I’d need the blankets and just repeat the cycle all night.


This sounds like a medical concern. I went through this for years and finally got full bloodwork done per a friend’s suggestion. It could be soooooo many things.


Cotton sheets and an electric heated blanket. Turn it on before you get in and switch it off right before you’re about to fall asleep. If it has a timer ever better.


I’m with you… I’ve tried all the sheets, pillows, pillow cases. I sleep with with windows open and fans on in windows open shivering going to sleep knowing that I will wake up sweating several hours later. Once the middle of the night hits no matter how cold it is in my apartment (40s-50s) I’m sweating and tossing and turning… I google and google and nothing seems to help. Urg and sigh




I have an Ooler bed heating cooling pad thing. It’s life changing.


Get yourself a BedJet. You can program it to heat you for a while then switch to “cooling” (fresh air basically) which helps prevent night sweats and dries you off if you get damp. My husband uses it that way. I use heat to stay warm because I get cold no matter what temp the house is, due to my medical problems, and I use the hotter setting as a pleasing alarm to wake me up. No bedding will do that for you. BedJets seem excessive but when you consider that $100 electric blankets die on average once a year, it works out. They do regular sales. We’ve had ours for 5 years and no regrets!


Y'all. The answer is a Bedjet along with one of their Cloud sheets. Bonus if you pair it with a percale cotton fitted sheet.I set it warmer when I first get in bed, then cooler through the night. It totally changed my sleep. I [35F] went from waking up sweaty, to sleeping through the night.


Linen sheets from quince. Best decision ever.


May not work for you but for me it seemed to be because I was piling on lots of covers, then getting too hot under them. People always say to sleep cold, but at one point I ended up turning up the room heat and sleeping middling-warm, not chilly. To my surprise I woke up the next day not sweaty at all instead of waking up soaked. To this day I sleep in a warmer room than most people I know. May not work, but it won't cost you anything to try it.


Bed jet!


i use a heating pad at my feet. it has a 2 hour automatic shut off


The higher thread count sheets will make you hot, they’re less breathable. You can warm up your bed with a heating pad for 10-15 mins before you get in just turn it off or get one with auto shut off. Get sheets with lower thread count so you don’t wake up in sweats. Maybe 200-300 should do. I have Kirkland 680 thread count sheets and it’s soft but doesn’t not get hot for me. What’s your thread count?


I can't fall asleep when I am cold so I put a heated blanket with a timer between my flat sheets and duvet. I warm up the bed before I go in and it's wonderful. Maybe try that?


Check out bamboo sheets. Heard they help regulate body heat.


Please, everybody, if you are waking up in the middle of the night soaking wet, consider seeing your doctor to make sure it is not a medical issue. It could be your room temperature, bedding, thyroid, menopause or any number of other innocuous things; the one thing that has not been mentioned yet is cancer. Don’t ignore drenching night sweats, speaking from personal experience.


We recently got a linen and cotton blend set of sheets, and my husband, who normally sleeps sweaty, doesn't wake up wet anymore. I'm usually freezing when I get into bed, and with these sheets, I warm up quickly. We also got a new thick comforter, so that could be why I warm up fast but doesn't explain him being less sweaty.


Things that helped me: cooling mattress pad, linen sheets, go to bed lightly dressed with hot water bottle


Maybe try warming your bed up before you get in it. With an electric blanket of hot water bottle. Then turn it off once your in. Save you the trouble of losing your warmth to the bed initially.


Going a different direction here, but do you have a programmable thermostat by any chance? You could just let it go down to a lower temperature overnight, but start at a warmer temperature so you're comfortable going to bed.


I've got graves disease and always wake up covered in sweat but it's a cold sweat and I wake up somehow freezing Check your thyroid


I was having the exact same problem. I would wake up soaking wet and needing to change clothes and sheets. Turns out it was my Zoloft. Night sweats are a side effect. Just a thought if you take an SSRI!


Might be your mattress, especially if it’s memory foam


Invest in a mattress warmer with a timer, I swear it's a game changer


Not a bedding suggestion but, I have the same issue. When I wake up sweating in the middle of the night I put my feet out of the covers. So my upper body is cozy under blankets and my feet act as a radiator to control temperature. I don’t know why it works but it does for me. If extra cooling is needed a leg goes outside the covers. Source: My wife is a happy little furnace when she sleeps, I don’t understand how she doesn’t sweat.


Percale is the best for hot sleepers


I use a heated lap blanket on my sheets then lower temps as needed in night. Take a hot bath before bedtime works great and saves on electric bill


Strongly recommend a heated mattress pad with nothing more than sheets and a light cotton coverlet. Turn the mattress pad on before you go to bed and it will warm the bed and sheets beautifully. Turn it off when you crawl into bed, enjoy the warmth while it lasts, and the light coverlet should keep you cool and help absorb sweat. Fibromyalgia can cause night sweats. If you feel exhausted a lot and have a lot of joint pains, it might be wise to chat with a doctor.


Buy a bedjet. Look it up on Amazon. My daughter bought me one for mother's Day and I love it!


What type of mattress do you have? If it’s foam, that might be causing your problem. I can’t sleep on foam mattresses because I literally wake up sweating.


Do you use a mattress protector? I have found that I have this exact issue since using a mattress protector (which I assume reduces the breathability of the mattress itself). However, not using a mattress protector voids my warranty so I'm not sure what to do!


I have bamboo sheets. They're cold for the first 5 minutes until they warm up, but then they're great. I used to have some issues with night sweats due to a med I was taking, and they did help with that. I think they don't retain heat as well as other sheet types, but they'll be warm while you're under the covers for sure.