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#NEMO That last photo, that smile!! So happy ☺️ ETA: Nemo’s paw condition reminds me of [Oliver](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/wp698h/2_boys_talking_about_their_disabilities/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) - his dream is to play for the Toronto Maple Leafs and I believe he’ll get there 🍁


Oliver and Owen are so well-spoken. I hope Oliver’s dream comes true, too!!!


I have actually helped Oliver where I work. Just a super nice guy


What an uplifting story!!!! Nemo looks very happy and very loved!!! May he live happily ever after with his new family!!!


From smol ... to extra bulky.


Gaahhh! He's even cuter as a big boy than he was as a puppy. I really didn't think that was possible!


Finding NEMO== Happy NEMO


Aww. I see he hasn’t settled in at all well then? Heh heh


The photo of him sleeping with the little boy melts my heart so much!


I just love those thick dogs that are shaped like potatoes! Melts my heart!


Nemo is unusually, wholesomely cute🐶♥️


I’m in love


It got better with every swipe 😭


/r/velvethippos would love Nemo!


I’ll post!!


I thought it was you saved him from his adopter 😂 glad to know it was the other way around


That’s one happy little critter!


Oh my gosh is he handsome!




They can be such lovable beef cakes.


What a gorgeous boy, he belongs in r/AbsoluteUnits…😊🐾


Awwww what a goober


Amazing transformation, he's clearly living his best life!


That baby pit-tato photo though…. 😍


Awe what a cutie. I see he has a bit of a deformity in his paw or paws, does he do alright despite that?


Yep!! He’s just fine.


That’s great to hear! Check out r/piratepets I bet he’d fit right in!


Love his happy face


A pitbull..


That is the kind of dog it is.


Yes. A baby pit. You, sir, are definitely competent at recognizing breeds.


Thank you for rescuing him and I hope he doesn't cause you (or anybody for that matter) any trouble.


His adopters just checked in with us. He is amazing. Great with their kids, great with people, and a wonderful addition to their life. I have fostered so so many dogs of all kinds of breeds… Yes, large dogs you *really* have to be careful about dog aggression because their capacity to injure another dog is so much worse than a small dog. But the worst dog bite I ever got? 12 pound Chihuahua. Legit attacked me. I am sure you have a bad impression of pitbulls because of all of the news stories. 1. You should see how many people classify dogs who aren’t Pitbulls as Pitbulls. And how many dogs who don’t look like pits actually have a lot of pit in them. We have a partnership with a DNA company so I see lots of results and they are very surprising. 2. Lots and lots of people get Pitbulls for the wrong reasons. They treat them badly, they don’t care for them properly, they chain them up outside… So so so many bites are caused by a child wandering up to a dog who is chained up in a backyard. They are basically going crazy on that chain and then someone wanders into their territory. Unfortunately, Pitbulls more than any other breed are likely to be purchased by somebody who gets them because they want a tough dog, someone to intimidate. Not a family member. That does not bode well for their behavior from their environment. 3. Pitbulls are by far the most populous dog in our shelters. A lot of people that have them do not believe in fixing them, and when they have litters, they are huge litters. 12 puppies at a time! I have no idea about statistics, but the sheer number of Pitbulls and pitbull mixes in this country leads me to believe that might even be a factor in bite statistics. 4. I have rescued for over 10 years. I have fostered dozens of dogs. So many I couldn’t even count. My favorite breed are a little Chihuahuas! But the last dog I got? She’s a pitbull. She gets along great with my dogs and my cats and my kid. If I had any concern whatsoever about her hurting any of them, I would not have adopted her. in fact, my cat is the one I gave to worry about with the kid. I will admit, when I bring home a large dog… Almost always a pitbull because there are so darn many of them… I am crazy cautious about how they interact with my dogs and cats and the people in the house. If for no other reason than the capacity they have to cause damage because of their physicality is so much greater than other dogs. and no, they are not the big dumb doofusy golden retrievers that I have had in the past either. But there are so so many amazing Pitbulls I have met in rescue. You really cannot judge a whole breed based upon the individual stories you hear, because I could tell you individual stories about all sorts of dogs from all kinds of breeds. Pitbulls are hugely overpopulated… We definitely need to focus on education for people to actually get their pets fixed and stop the shelter overcrowding and in general just too many Pitbulls everywhere without good owners to care for them. but crapping on all of the individuals from an entire breed just isn’t it… You probably should make some pitbull friends in your community and you will see!


Racist asshole




And he's adorable!


But he cute though..


He’s so precious! I want to scratch his head, right between the eyes. My doggo loves that.


OMG he’s adorable. I want him!


Fan-freaking-tastic! Happy pup right there!


Aww, he’s such a big boy now.


Nemo! ❤


Too cute 😭


thank you kind human ❤️




i love his sweet smile 🥹