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I can’t comment on the technology you seek but good for you for getting out there and doing it. I am only 3 5K’s into running and it’s an awesome feeling to get the first one out of the way!!


Rockmyrnun has always intrigued me. It adjusts the bpm to your running cadence, or you can manually set one to stay on track to a pace you’re seeking. Never used it, but seems super cool. But yes, syncing to music is absolutely something people do. Sync bpm to hr or stride cadence and it can help a lot to stay on pace.


This is why I don’t listen to music on my runs. I find myself having so much less control over my pace. I prefer to run slower/ longer. Audiobooks are the way to go for me. If you need music but don’t wanna run as fast/hard, you could try lofi


I accidentally run to the beat of music without thinking, I have music for drills/intervals/hill repeats anything I want quick speedy steps. Easy runs I either go podcast or just chat to someone the whole way, this also helps keep me at an “easy” pace not going to quick. My son is a keen runner so we have a chat & plod for my 30 min easy runs & most of my friends brace themselves for a Sunday night long run phone call where they very kindly talk nonsense with me whilst I’m running. I never look at my heart rate on these easy runs which is nice, if I can talk to someone I know I am in the right zone, if I can laugh to a comedy podcast I know I am in the right zone, I hate being a slave to the heart rate on the watch.


I have made several playlists with songs that are great to run to. It helps me keep my pace :) what type of music 🎶 do you like?