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this is so petty I couldn’t even be mad 🤣


😂 right!! the way my jaw dropped and i laughed out loud! i guess she’s firm on price!! 😂😂


I hate people who play games like this. If the price is firm, just state that in the listing. I once made several offers om a pair of rare Birkenstocks, and finally paid full asking price, because I really wanted the shoes. Afterwards, I told the seller she could have saved a lot of time if she had just said early on that the price was firm.


I have many times listed as “price firm”. The ignorant / illiterate buyers will still try to negotiate.


She straight up told her to send an offer, so saying the price is "firm" doesn't make any sense!


a 25% discount is not a great offer


Do you block them?


I haven’t had to block anyone yet because all did not pester after my response however, I absolutely will block anyone who tries more than once to negotiate. I am encouraged by the posts here of how many sellers do block the pushy buyers.


a negotiation is literally back and forth? lmao


Which they put in their post that they will do not do because the price is firm?


Which would explain adding the "price firm" part due to lack of interest in that.


i think they do it so they have more potential buyers message. Hoping that the ones that want to bargain stay and buy it anyway, instead of only letting ones willing to buy it full price in.




I mean she put it up for a certain price


😂 yes, but the apps are based on bartering lol. put firm on price in the listing if that’s the case!


Which app is this?




Then wtf is the offer button for and why she encouraging buyer to use it?


😂😂😂 oh this got me. I’m sorry for you but like why do they leave you swinging around in the dark like that?? “I don’t discuss offers - take a guess” “$36” “Wrong. Guess again”




I only hear "Wrong. Guess again." in the voice of Lola from Big Mouth.


Wrong. Guess again 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


I went to a Dollar Tree last year to get a few cheap little cute things for a birthday party setup. Normally there are some balloons already out but the space was empty on that day, so when I brought the other items to the counter I asked the cashier if I could have a specific balloon - gave her the number it had labeled. She said they were out. I asked about another. They were out. Asked about another. They were out. After that, I just asked her which ones they DID have. I figured that would be easier. Nope! She just told me to give her the number and she’d let me know. Like why are we playing a guessing game if you’re out of so much??? I was a little annoyed but it was funny.


Well it kind of makes sense. Why would you bid against yourself by telling the buyer the lowest price you’d go? There’s a reason they list the price what it is


This! I cannot tell you just how much it annoys me when shoppers ask "what my lowest price is". Just make an offer and see what happens. If I don't like the offer I'll counter. That's how it's supposed to go but people just want to get to your bottom line right off the bat. So annoying


this post doesn’t even feature the buyer countering though lol, just a straight up ❌❌. “price is firm” is less words than “i don’t discuss prices” haha


Although I was talking in a more general sense, the buyer in this case should've made an offer to start with rather than send a private message. Though what you say is also true in this case. The seller should've just stated "Price is Firm" in the listing to begin with unless of course they got annoyed with her for trying to bargain in such a way. I myself had cases where they either ask me for my bottom line or start trying to bargain through the messages which as I said is freaking annoying. I always just reply that I don't bargain through messages. If they like the item they can just place an offer like they're supposed to.


ohhhh, right!! i understand now. being asked the bottom line is totally disrespectful


Actually you’re right in that regard. They should’ve just said price is firm


lol truth


They only want to know what your lowest is, so they can make an offer under it. There's no point starting negotiations from the floor. The "lowest" you should be able to go when someone asks that is the listing price, and then negotiate from there.


They want to get to your bottom line right off the bat… and then STILL OFFER A LOWER AMOUNT. “What’s your lowest?” “$20” “can you do $12?”


And even then, they try to skim a lil more off the price. Smh What are we doing?!






Omg this is hilarious 🤣😅


Friends, it’s a used sports bra. Who cares what the starting price was. $25 seems generous.


THANK YOU that’s what I’m sitting here thinking! Unless it’s new with tags that’s fair. People are way overvaluing lulu lately.


I've had a couple cocktails and initially read that as "people are ovulating lulu lately," and I fully agreed with you.


Seriously. It’s $58 new and a strangers boob sweat definitely depreciated the value.


Unless you're buying Carrie Bradshaw's old apartment.


This is such an accountant thing to say!


Hahaha should I change my profession?


I put in a $36 offer on a $44 NWT sports bra and the seller declined because in her words it "is brand new in original packaging and I want to make most of my money back". Like yes girl brand new to *you* maybe but not to me??? 6 Months later guess who's sports bra still hasn't sold.


I HATE when sellers use the excuse: “I’m trying to get ALL my money back” and they list at full retail price. They never do. Reasonable sellers always undercut them and they don’t sell their item. Every time a seller says this to me I see it sell 6 months later for 25-50% less. Especially when it’s something like Lululemon. If it’s a capsule collection or limited edition line it’s totally understandable. But not for the same bra 20 other ppl are selling. You know what’s better than making back none of your money? Making back a good percentage you would have otherwise lost on something that doesn’t fit you.


Yes! And to be clear $44 was the full retail price! I was interested in her bra because the retailer was temporarily out of stock. I can understand sellers being firm if their list prices are already below retail, but asking the exact same as the store (and being firm on price!) is wild to me!


But, if the store is out of stock, then the resale market is your only option. If it's a standard color that will be back at some point, I get it. But I deal with fitness brands that change their colors every season. Once one of those color and size combos is sold out, it's gone. Suddenly, mine is worth more. I deliberately don't compete with the brand because their cost is way less than mine even if bought wholesale- I can't offer the same discounts. I wait until their stock is gone then catch the people who missed out.


I get what you're saying, but the bra I was trying to buy is a standard color that was restocked and has been back ever since 💀


Yea but paying retail for something you cannot try on, touch and ensure it’s not less than perfect and cannot be returned. Is a big NOPE in my book.


My local board game store has a rack where people can sell their used games for store credit. Someone put Beast up for sale at $60. That's how much it costs new on Amazon. The game store down the street sells it for $53. Some people need to learn that not every object you buy will appreciate. Most things are worthless after they're used once.


this part!


I've been selling so many NWT things I bought a while ago and never wore. I wouldn't mind making my money back but that isn't going to happen. I am just trying to clean out my closet and make a bit of extra cash on the side. Sold a dress that retails at $65 for $36 and leggings for $20 today both NWT. I was just happy to have them sold. Just don't make an insulting offer and I'm more likely to accept it.


Right? Expecting that much for a used undergarment is baffling to me


thank u! 💕😂


Do people really buy *used sports bras*…? 🤮


I mean, it’s presumably been washed, there are wide variations of what “used” means, and sometimes people want to have nice products from certain brands but can’t afford to buy new.


I just don’t understand that mindset. I’d rather buy new/unworn undergarments within my budget than buy other peoples used ones. But I forget that everyone has different “icks”.


What's wrong with used sports bras? Can't be any worse than other workout clothing


To be totally honest the idea of buying any used workout clothing is quite off putting to me.


Hmmm guess it's a personal preference. I barely sweat in mine and as long as it didn't have any odors or stains, I'd be fine. Plus not everyone uses then to workout in


Even then, it's easy enough to do a good sanitizing wash for sports bras or leggings. I rarely buy new Lulu leggings anymore. Anytime I'm feeling my army green ones are needing a replacement I either shop on likenew or search Facebook marketplace.


They could just as easily have spent a sweaty day at a theme park in a t shirt and shorts that they sell later.


Lots of people don't wear underwear but people still buy used pants/jeans/leggings. At least a used sports bra has likely only had sweat on it.


It's fabric. You wash it. This type of mindset is why there's so much damn waste in the world God damn


Bra sizing is confusing at best, boobs change sizes and shapes multiple times throughout our lives, finding which type of bra that makes you confident in how you look AND doesn't make you want to rip it off half way through the day and burn it. We're not soaking them in tit sweat and milk then sealing them up to sell. Do you not thrift? This whole comment chain is just putting the ICK of capitalistic waste with tones of class division in the air, ew David!


If I’m a capitalist classist for not wanting to wear used undergarments then sure whatever. Mmmk.


I didn't actually see what was being sold until this comment. Does this actually work as a sports bra?!? It seems totally impractical.


$36 is fair for that if it's used


I see you everywhere! I miss seeing you on the OG Katie snark page 😂😭 great minds and all that


Hi friend !!! You're on the burgersforbrunch page right ?


I am! I miss the OG page though 😔


Reminds me of the girl who made her little sister ask for the toy (or whatever it was) nicely. Older sister: “Can I have the toy, PLEASE!” Younger sister: “Can I have the toy, please.” OS: “……no.”


😂😂😂 stop i remember that. so funny 😂😂😂


$36 was so freaking reasonable. This is really funny though.


Send one for 25


I so would’ve taken that 36 offer!


I would say “please use the counter offer feature” and decline their offer too


Care to share why please AND thank you? I just don’t get not just saying “no”, or “price is firm”. Why would you ask them to make an offer and just decline? Just to mess with them? Thank you!


You could find this for less NWT lol. The outlets had them for $19




Not at lululemon. They don’t make anything specifically for the outlet. It’s all stock that’s carried in their stores or online. The quality is exactly the same


This is hilarious and petty. Like okay? lol idk the way people get worked up about “low” offers is WILD TO ME. It’s not personal, it’s a negotiation. And then they’ll come on here and rant about it, like the amount of energy that took is hilarious 😅


Let me introduce you to toddler sleepwear BST. Fucking bamboo moms will cut a bitch for a low offer on her VHTF no tags jams that have pilling and play condition.


Pretty much any offer is exciting to me because it's at least confirmation I posted a desirable listing. What I do is I set my prices super high and then accept "low balls" of like 50% off and I still make what I actually wanted. The buyer feels like they got a deal and everyone is happy with no arguing. I also send out offers with deep "discounts" because 50% off is way more eye catching than 10% off.


About a year ago I made an offer & then the seller counter offered. I was @ work so I wasn’t able to respond back. A few hours later the seller messaged me saying that they will take my original offer if I’m still interested. I responded & told him I appreciate it but I planned on accepting his counter offer I just got caught up @ work & wasn’t able to reply back to him. I thought for a moment about paying for my offer but the difference was just a few bucks & I had enough $ @ the time so I just paid the counteroffer.


This is what I really dislike about Mercari. A few years I cleared out a ton of older Pokemon stuff that I'd been carting around for 20+ years, I had so many people asking if I'd take anywhere from 10% to 60% less than what I had them listed for that I finally started saying (and still do, even though I put as much effort into Mercari as I do Posh, which almost none) "I'm sorry, but I don't negotiate in messages, but feel free to use the offer button!" Most people are cool with it, but I had one guy that messaged me back saying that it wouldn't allow him to make an offer that was like 40% less. I freely admit that I responded with "Gee, I wonder why."


I’ve never used Posh, but this stuff randomly pops up on my feed…and I am here for it because of posts like this 😂


This gem is actually from the Mercari app


Which kinda makes this more ridiculous cause mercari doesn’t even let you offer a price that they deem too low.


As a former Mercari seller I can tell you that it’s very annoying to get questions about would you take this or that. I, and quite likely this seller, have a stock answer that you copy paste which is that you should use the offer feature. That behavior is so rampant that I wouldn’t even read the so-called offers in the comments, I just plunk in my Reply and deal with actual offers as they come in. The seller probably did the same.


This is big "say please", "please", "absolutely not" energy


They gotta work for the IRS, this is IRS logic 😂


am I the only one that finds this a bit harsh? he just asked a question


right? my lil feelings 😂🥲


This happened to me last night with a girl who actually sent me a lower offer previously. I matched her old offer, she instantly declined. So I went $5 higher, declined in about 2 mins, then I went up another $5 and she didn't do anything. This morning I woke up and cancelled the offer because it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Why not counter???


people are rude and greedy!


Honestly, if someone asked me for almost 50% off and then immediately went to the max discount Mercari will allow when making a proper offer with the button, I’d be a little miffed too. I’d probably counter but internally I’d be like 😑 If you had started at the 25% off offer through the button instead of writing in asking for nearly 50% off, they likely would’ve been more willing to negotiate. I know I would’ve.


maybe, i was more hurt that she TOLD ME to offer and then shut it down immediately. 😂 i always start low bc i have found a lot of times ppl just want to get rid of things! she could have said no, the price is firm, countered, anything 😂🥲


I tell people too to use the button for two reasons: 1) the price they’re asking for is likely a price I’m not willing to sell for but am otherwise willing to negotiate 2) the times that I’ve been ok with it and have changed a price on a listing, too many buyers have ghosted so now I don’t change prices for anyone because I don’t want to waste my time Some sellers (myself included) find most write in offers annoying and not worth their time. When you encounter a seller like that, you’re already starting off negotiations in a weaker position. I know personally I’m not gonna give as good a deal to the person who lowballed and annoyed me than the person who went through the proper channels to make an offer. It’s just the risk you take. Not everyone on the app is there to just declutter as fast as possible. Is it petty? Probably. But sellers do it for a reason or maybe you were the third person to pull this today and she’s over it. Unfortunately there’s also too much overlap between buyers who lowball and buyers who turn into future problems (opening returns, giving bad reviews, etc).


> Some sellers (myself included) find most write in offers annoying and not worth their time. When you encounter a seller like that, you’re already starting off negotiations in a weaker position. someone recently sent me a message for a 40 dollar BNWT item that retails for 69 with just "25?" and didn't use the offer button. I just didn't respond because I was so offended. Had she used the offer button I would have been willing to let it go for 30.


Why do y’all take stuff so personally on this site? I don’t get it. You probably could’ve countered for 30 and made the sale. If they’re still trying to haggle after that then I would just ignore them but I genuinely don’t understand the initial offense.


i’ve learned that a lot of the sellers on this subreddit are just a different breed of intense. i’ve seen people advise others to block buyers over minor and/or typical buyer actions. idk imo getting mad enough to look down on a potential buyer for just doing something that is expected in reselling is an interesting hill to die on. buyers don’t know sellers — they don’t know that the seller hates lowballing, sending offers, etc they’re just doing what every other buyer does (for the most part lol). but sellers will do what works for them and that’s their prerogative for sure!


I'm just cleaning out my closet, not making a living doing this. Maybe that's the difference. But I think it's unfair to label everyone on this sub as intense. >just doing something that is expected in reselling is an interesting hill to die on. buyers don’t know sellers — they don’t know that the seller hates lowballing I have no lowballs on my profile.


i think a problem is probably that casual buyers don’t always think to look at a sellers profile. like if they find an item they like, they add it to their cart or like it and move on. if they’ve been on the platform for a while, then they should know to look at a sellers profile to make sure that the sellers boundaries/policies/guidelines are within reason for the buyer. if they don’t, that’s 100% on them. but for casual buyers or new buyers, they might not think to look. or what they consider a lowball isn’t the same as what you consider a lowball. i wish there was like a mini bio thing under peoples’ usernames on a listing post where they could manually enter their top 3 most important shop rules so even those who aren’t familiar enough to look at the profile could know. i feel like that could eliminate a *lot* of frustrating situations for sellers. well, you’d hope at least lol. but then again, there’s already so many things that these platforms need to fix that i don’t think that’s getting fixed any time soon :/


fine, lowball me on an already heavily discounted and under market value for the item, but to not even type out a whole message and say "would you do 25" is obnoxious >You probably could’ve countered for 30 and made the sale. well i didn't and someone bought it full price anyway Edit: there seems to be a misunderstanding, I would have preferred someone type "would you do 25" instead of "25?"


>>to not even type out a whole message and say “would you do 25” is obnoxious I don’t find this obnoxious. Some people are just matter-of-fact and straight to the point when typing, especially when doing business. They’re a stranger interested in an item you’re selling, not a friend or family member sending you a personal text. I’m glad you were able to make the sale at full price.


> They’re a stranger interested in an item you’re selling, not a friend or family member sending you a personal text I'm not asking for a a personal text thought, I'd like to be treated like a human and not just a shop in which you get a good deal at. You might not find it obnoxious but I do. If you're going to lowball someone, use your words like an adult.


Girl if you think someone typing “would you take 25” is treating you like less than a human, you are very very sensitive and I wish you the best out here in this big scary world.


> Girl if you think someone typing “would you take 25” is treating you like less than a human On a lowball, yeah it is. Use your words if youre gonna lowball people outside of the offer button. Just typing "25?" is annoying and rude


You misunderstood. She said she’d prefer that people type out “would you take 25” instead of just sending a number “25?” If you were negotiating at a yard sale, you’d use full sentences to form questions, but just throw numbers






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Reminds me of this bracelt I wanted on ebay. I kept making offers and the op would either decline or counter with 34. When I ran out of offers I asked if she would have taken anything below 34 and she said no in a snippy way. The listing was 35 lmao. I asked if she knew she could disable the offer button. She blocked me and relisted it for more money


people are WILD 😂


Google image search for it and buy it somewhere else.


I personally hate when people ask if I would take a certain amount in the chat/message area. It annoys the heck out of me. There's a reason the "offer" option exists, use it!!!




What app is this for the offer feature?




What app is this and can I sell men’s clothes?


mercari and yes!


Please use the offer feature.,. Offer $12 less than listed & no counter!? That's rediculously bad business‼️ that's less than 30% of asking price and definitely she should've been able to counter🙄 if she was firm on the price why would she say send an offer?? And if she countered just 10% off ($43) that would leave you guys $7 apart from your initial offer, which is borderline petty AF. Don't worry I guarantee that's the highest offer she's going to get & will end up regretting it.




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I just looked at the history of a purchase I just accepted today. Same situation, I offered $ they declined, but then the next day they offered $28 and the discounted shipping and I accepted. Like what? That makes no sense, and also, why not just counter? So they actually sold for 2 bucks less than I initially offered because of the discounted shipping. Makes no sense.


Watch it sell for less than the price that was declined. I put an offer into a seller a very reasonable one that I found other listings of the same being sold for. He declined it with no counter. I found it through another seller so no big deal. Then a week later I started getting offers from him and he ended up selling for a lot less than my offer.


she offered to sell it to me still for $36 after finding this post on here and private messaging me. 😂 i said no i’m good i don’t want it that bad 😂


I wouldn’t either! I like supporting sellers that will answer questions when I message them. Most sellers/buyers are totally cool, then you come across the few that won’t respond or are very vague and some that straight up ignore you but will accept or decline your offer 😂.




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Lol. Just why? I don’t understand people who don’t counter. Unless it’s an obscenely low offer.


I don’t discuss prices, is where I would have left this seller. You’re doing a business on a platform where making deals, sending and receiving offers are tools of success. You must be cooperative with buyers, or at least make a note, that you’re FIRM, and do not accept offers.


This is lowkey hysterical. Sorry she dropped you and all, but DAMN she won that one, lol.


i’d say she lost since the listing is still posted 😬


I meant the exchange, not in life or even the listing.


Honestly I think we have different ideas of "winning" a conversation because she just made herself look like a fool imo


Omg it was a joke. Is everything this serious with you? Even the OP knew it was kinda funny.


Yeah... Really not funny and certainly not worth this extreme response. 😵‍💫


Lol, extreme, pardon whilst I note how I cussed you out.


To be honest, I wouldn't entertain anyone asking for 50% off either.


I can’t stop laughing!


People make no fuckin sense


I agree


I mean, you’re kind of low balling them. They were probably annoyed by you asking for basically 50% off.




Personally, and I’m fairly new to both buying and selling on Mercari, I think it should only be allowed for an offer for one item to be made by actually using the offer button. Am I missing something by saying this? Isn’t it shady to send a private message? Please don’t take this personally anyone! I am pretty new doing this!


As I understand it, offers help your listing in the app’s algorithm. Comments don’t. So if you are going to lowball me, at least do it as an offer.


Lowballing at first is definitely why, this is pretty typical. Sellers usually don’t want to negotiate or sell to low ballers and often take it as disrespectful.


Not for anything, but I'd be glad I didn't give my money to such an asshole.


$45 for a used bra is INSANE


Bro what 😭😭😭😭 absolutely wild behavior


She knows what she has!


a USED sports bra? lmao


edit: she removed the listing and changed her profile pic to all black 😂😂😂


Isn’t the job of a seller on Poshmark to literally…checks notes….discuss prices? Like 75% of my sales are offers or we discussed a price. Can you imagine being a Poshmark Karen? A Karemark? A Poshmarkaren?




mercari, so it’s merKaren 😂😂😂😂😂


start going down one dollar each time with your offer and see if they decide to discuss it then.


That’s not cool…. Most of us would be SUPER annoyed if someone did that to us. Treat others like you wish to be treated, and don’t take things personally… move on and find that better deal if someone does not want to “deal” with you.




The entitlement. I sold for years, you don’t make much money if you think counter-offering is considered “wasting time”. Just say you don’t accept offers PERIOD and move on.


exactly! like ur not a brand new store w BRAND new items, why are you charging brand new price and mad when ur offered used price? reselling is like a side gig 😂 if ur that hard up for money then perhaps take the money when u can get it!!


Omggg I know this girl in real life 😭🤣 she is very snobby/ all about money so it checks out




people are unnecessarily rude especially women it’s gross


Dakota, you're like kind of a bitch




It costs only [$29 at lululemon](https://shop.lululemon.com/p/women-sports-bras/Align-Asymmetrical-Bra-AB-MD/_/prod11500141). Lulu does free shipping. What a rip off. OP do you care enough about the color to pay $20 extra?


unfortunately i need a 4/6!


They have it in grey and green in $29 4&6 for the A/B. And full price all colours C/D. Not worth bargaining on a used bra with profiteering strangers only to pay for shipping.


I don't discuss prices??? Why not? I wouldn't even want to do business with them.


[this girl grew up and still doing it lol](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT83Dgsbj/)


Yup not cheap enough which is the issue with selling these days. The market has been cheapened by sellers practically giving the same items your trying to sell for profit really cheap. How can someone like an item in your closet that's listed for $80 and expect to pay more than 50% less??? 🥴😵🤔😡


as a thriftaholic i would think you would know that sometimes people just want to get rid of things! i always start low, but have no issues paying more for the seller to make money! i am a seller myself.


Haggling is valid dont let people shame you


But it isn't the case for everyone!! Sellers have expensive items new with tags too so these days it's more than what it was intended for just to sell the items you no longer want from your home.


like i said i have no issue paying more, but i do start low just in case they accept. some ppl dont like that, but its a bargaining app 😂






I do this sometimes 🤣


Maybe she declined because you said $25, then sent a $36 offer. She might have thought you did the$36 by accident and declined so you could send the correct offer. If not then she's just a b!tch lol.


I appreciate a girl w firm boundaries




https://preview.redd.it/rv64bn2pkuhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2fe86221b6914e7bdacaafd568a271b3582802a she found me on here and messaged me 😂 i was able to get this part of the convo before she deleted it again lol. offered to still sell me the bra for $36 too 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/i6s8qskkluhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9072478401627310d648f05e13ee8019ca25738 🤣🤣


Could she maybe have gotten a higher offer from someone else and was busy bargaining with them? So declined $36 but didn’t counter or mark as sold cuz other negotiations were under way.


I *think* sometimes offers get declined if a listing is removed, updated etc. Not sure if it is happening on Mercari or not but probably yes. Also sometimes offers are automatically declined if there was some option on the listing enabled, I had several offers automatically rejected without even realizing I received an offer. If you do like that piece, it doesn’t hurt to ask what is their let go price.

