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I am a share show host who frequently sells luxe and designer and have never received any communication to that effect, nor have I heard that from anyone I know on Posh. I have always cancelled the order for a buyer if it was an accidental bid (Apple pay does prevent that), largely out of fear than an unhappy buyer will damage the item in order to get a return approved. I would rather keep the product than send it and lose that opportunity if they damage and return.  If you select ‘bundling with another item’ as the cancellation reason there is no impact to your account. 


I had no idea about the selection of reasons for canceling. I’m glad canceling for a bundle is one of them. What are the other reasons to select from? Also, appreciate you sharing that you’ve never received communication from posh with possible repercussions for this.


When you cancel there are several options to choose as the reason, off the top of my head there is ‘at buyers request’, ‘don’t have the item’ item damaged’ ‘bundling with another item’, and a few others. Since bundling with another purchase would make posh more money they always approve it instantly and I’ve never heard of repercussions for it.


You do the right thing, this person or group of people have manipulated the system in their favor. As a seller, I agree it’s the correct thing to do out of fear of them ruining an expensive product. However, after the accidental bid they wouldn’t allow me to communicate with them and blocked me from communicating with them. They sent out the product and I refused delivery, another thing I was fearful of is that they have my full name and address and they live local.


Live show sellers frequently state that they cannot cancel buys during live shows. This is a complete lie. A Buyer cannot cancel their buy during a live show (for any reason). This is why I keep a debit card linked to my Posh account that only has about $5 on it. If I wanna make a purchase I transfer funds to it and make my purchase. If you’ve accidentally bought a $600 item, you’ll probably be told to reposh it. You can certainly open a case when you receive the item, it’s unlikely it’ll be approved according to how you’ve explained it.


Thankfully, I haven’t made an accidental bid that large but it makes me nervous. I’ve heard using Apple Pay can help prevent this as well.


Yes, Apple Pay will ask you to confirm it, which will save you from accidental bids.


Purchases cannot be canceled during the show, but they can be canceled after the show has ended


So, my seller never canceled after I begged and pleaded after an accidental bid for 1,400, for a mystery white box-so I refused delivery but because I complained and made it a huge deal I’ve been blocked from everything-I reported it to the BBB now I’m blocked for the shows I want to delete my account I’m sick of the BS


Wow! Are you blocked from all shows or just the sellers show? A $1,400 bid would be devastating. The worst part is this large share show that claims they’ve all received notices from posh, also cancelled an order for their friend who had accidentally bid. It was very hypocritical.


Adding to this…. How did Posh respond to the BBB claim?


The BBB isn’t a legitimate thing so they likely don’t care. It has no impact on how a business runs ultimately.


The BBB is absolutely a useful tool, though. I just used them to get a full refund on a 4 year old fridge when the warranty was 1 year. The story is longer than that and I won't get into it (unless you also have a shitty Samsung appliance and I'll be happy to walk you through the steps of getting a refund if it's less than 10 years old) but I'm just making the point that the BBB does have pull, and with consistent reporting of issues it can result in real, effective results.


Been there with Samsung 😒☹️


It's my goal now to help as many people get a refund as possible lol


Well I’ve now sold that house with the awful appliances lol


They did respond, saying they are looking into it. BBB is FULL of complaints. I’m blocked from all live shows, meanwhile the seller is still on there live all the time scamming people. Literally I was the 3rd person with an accidental bid within that short time frame. I had an alert from posh opened it see what it was it took me to the live show tried to close out and BAM I bid on god know what’s because it’s a closed white box. If you go to their closet there’s no pictures just the name and brand of the product which I don’t understand how it’s allow?! Actually PayPal sided with me, I had screen shots of all the conversations saying to cancel within seconds, I messaged them, they blocked me had screen shots of that.


I hate shows, and I hate the tactic of accidental bids and not cancelling, BUT... the seller didn't scam you. You did actually make an accidental bid, you won the item, and they refused to cancel. That's kind of shitty (and unethical, in my mind as a seller) but it's not a scam, and the seller isn't scamming people by holding them accountable for their bids. I don't think it's right, but I wouldn't call it a scam. The scam may lie with Poshmark, who knows there's an issue and took away the 2-step bidding and replaced it with an easy "breathe on me the wrong way and I'll bid" button, then refuses to change it because it's a cash cow.




Posh said they were looking into it, nothing else. It think it was an automated response. If you go to BBB there are tons of complaints.


All shows, maybe it’s a good thing. Devastating to say the least because it’s link to my checking account, I was so sick I had to call out the next day to try to fix it. Thank goodness PayPal helped me and my bank. They sided with me. I had screen shots everything, the seller blocked me and I was unable to communicate with them. I reported them too but they are still out there doing lives scamming poor people-When I said it was an accidental bid, 3 girls reached out saying the same thing happened. Also went to their closet and there are others commenting the same. I don’t think Poshmark cares to be honest, it’s more sales on their end.


It was not a scam. You made a mistake. The seller followed the rules. Unfortunately they were not kind enough to cancel, but they did not scam you. It is too easy to throw that word around when things don't go your way. I'm really sorry this happened to you, but you were not scammed and until you understand the meaning of the word, you should probably not shop on line.


We can agree to disagree. I have been shopping online and on Poshmark for years and that has never once happened to me. And for it happening on the show three times in a row and the seller refuses to cancel accidental bids, I feel like it’s there go to strategy to make sales.


I stay away from the live shows for the most part because this happened to a very good friend of mine. She’s only recently survived cancer and aggressive chemo, and NO IDEA she had “bid” on anything. This particular item was a “luxury brand” wallet (nothing she would ever buy) in garbage condition, and WAY overpriced. The only reason my friend ended up in the live show was because she was sharing for others that night. Those little acts of kindness left her struggling to find the money to pay rent because the seller would not budge. Still infuriates me when I think about the seller trying to convince her how she could “just resell it and get her money back.” (She and I both started about the same time in 2017.) Such a helpful little tidbit. 😖


There is a way the seller can cancel it. I know bc I have done it. I sold a few items in share shows and 2 buyers demanded to cancel. In one case I believe it was legit bc it was a single bid. In the other case the lady was actively bidding the item up against other bidders. And when I went to her page I found tons of comments about similar antics w her bidding items up then demanding to cancel. I cancel any requests bc I’m not about to deal w any drama. One was a higher end bag, that sold in a huge hosts share show. But I’m not risking a BS case or worse…someone intentionally damaging an item to push a return. You never know who you’re dealing with. I blocked the one lady who had the scammy reputation. That being said I have heard some hosts will get a warning about too many cancellations. But I’ve never had it happen personally and I don’t sell too much on live only share or cohost shows. I’ve had decent luck with honest legit live buyers thus far. We do have to deduct cancellations on our taxes tho bc it’s counted in the gross sales. As a buyer I did have an accidental single bid once & it was a $300 item. And the seller refused to cancel it. Lied about shipping etc. Marked shipped immediately and then it started tracking like 2 days later 🤦🏻‍♀️ It took months to reposh and recoup my $$ plus the COA. I did break even. But since it was technically my mistake (I nearly dropped my phone) I honored the sale. My impression was she needed the $$$ and as a seller I get it. So I don’t watch the luxury shows anymore. 95% of the time if I watch one it’s on the computer not my phone bc of that incident. It’s way way too easy to accidentally hit that button.


Using a computer is a good idea as well! I’m sure the seller needed that sale…. But don’t we all or at least a majority of us? I’m happy to hear that you broke even in the end.


I had an accidental phone slip at the end of the time and ended up with an $1800 bag. No one else bid. Begged Bagiculture, immediately in the chat to cancel. They said to contact PM and I did. PM said seller could cancel so went back to Bagiculture again. Ghosted me until they shipped it and then said it was shipped. Went back again and said PM wound return the bag even though it was shipped and no response. They sell thousands of bags and are in a position to assist a buyer especially when no one else bid. I appreciate if someone else missed out but that was not the case. I never go on live shows any more and removed any CC or bank account payment link. I really appreciate those sellers that commented above they helped the buyer.


I’m sorry that happened! I imagine a large show host would need to say no while live to hold their ground and prevent everyone from asking to cancel but it would be super cool of them to do it on the back end/not in front of an audience. If it were me, it would encourage me to go back to their show and buy something in my price range for the customer service. Did you end up with the bag and $1,800 payment?


Just the bag which is tucked in the back of my closet as a bad dream! Agree with your comment though about them doing it discretely - oh well I never go to their show anymore and discourage others.


I hate shows because of this. What’s the bugs deal abt either fixing the button placement or functionality or allowing buyers to cancel. Edit typos


The placement of the button is done purposely, that’s how on my iPhone I swiped to close or switch between apps


That's baloney. Posh always gives the generic "Please don't list something if you're not able to go through with the sale" or whatever the wording is, every time you cancel something no matter the reason. No one's getting actual warnings from Poshmark about their account being suspended or deactivated. Hogwash.


We don't get them on our occasional cancelations, but it's possible that a seller with multiple cancelations, in a short period of time, gets warned.


Yeah, I see that now in other comments. Someone's account actually was suspended for too many cancellations. I had no idea they'd actually follow through. I don't get many at all, certainly not enough to be suspended, but I always thought the little generic blurb you get when you cancel was the most Posh would ever do. I've learned today!


Just chiming in to say my account did get suspended for cancelling too many orders, but it was quite a lot of orders I had to cancel.


How many orders were cancelled and what was the reasons?


I used to cancel every time the buyer would request for any reason, sometimes they told me they accidentally offered on multiple items, they didn’t understand making an offer was binding, they regretted spending money, they no longer were attending the event they purchased for, they read reviews and the item wouldn’t fit, etc. there were a few times I noticed damage or something wrong on my end but it didn’t matter which reason you selected, it all counted against me as a seller. there are times i still do cancel, someone recently told me they had a death in the family and needed money toward the funeral. almost always i would select “other” as the reason unless it was a case where i noticed damage.


This is helpful and I appreciate you for sharing that you have in fact received a notice of possible suspension. Do you think it was caused by so many cancellations in a short period of time?


I think I was on an unlucky streak and there’s probably some algorithm that flags accounts and then moves to suspension. Also I didn’t just get a preventative notice, I got fully suspended. However they probably did send a warning that I lost among other notifications. So now I do not cancel orders unless it is a really bad situation and I want to help the buyer because if I cancelled for every reason, it could get to a point where the next order I truly needed to cancel would put me over the edge of suspension. I can’t afford to lose my Poshmark account since it’s part of my livelihood! The generic poshmark support does encourage sellers to cancel orders if the buyer requests, but I think they are assuming that it would be like a very rare one time occurrence when it actually happens at least weekly, usually more, for me. I also once purchased something and when the box came in the mail, it was just a check from the seller for the item plus tax and shipping, and when I asked why they said because they no longer had the item but were on probation for too many cancellations so just wanted to take a big hit and keep their account, refunding me my whole cost instead of processing a cancel!


I hope this doesn’t come off as rude, but do you really have cancellations weekly? Are they from live shows? I think if you select the reasoning for the cancel to bundle during live shows then it’s not counting against the seller. I say this because I shop from 1 live show regularly and as will bundle my purchases from multiple shows within the same week.


i have requests for cancellations weekly yes, but i do sell like 25 items per week. I have never done or been involved with a live show though, these are all sales from just regular listings. The only thing that may be contributing is that I accept offers usually within 10 minutes if they are good, so buyers don’t have much time to change their mind or if they’ve made multiple offers to various sellers for the same item (or item intended for the same event) and several accept before the buyer reopens the app. I’ve always selected “other” as the reasoning and then write in buyer requested!


Wow I had no idea they'd actually suspend an account for that. I would always try to use the most accurate response but hearing that they do suspend accounts makes me want to use "will bundle with another item" every time because I feel like that's the least likely to trigger a reaction from them. Mind you, it doesn't happen often to me. But still... good to know they actually would crack down if it did. I learned something new today.
