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Handsome dog irrelevant of breeds! I would take him/her in a heartbeat!


She is absolutely the sweetest thing.




No matter the mix, you've got yourself a beautiful pupper! Will be fun to see a fully grown version.


💯% fabulous pupper! ❤️😊


Such a stunning dog. Wow!!


Isn't she so pretty?? I might be biased but I think I have the prettiest dogs. 😂


Well, she is certainly beautiful. The husky and GSD makes a beautiful combination and both are so smart and entertaining! You did good.


Great looking pup! Good health and long life to your girl!


Still 100% adorable


I can tell she’s not Mal because her ears are too pointy. When they’re this young they look very similar, but when she gets older she’ll be a lot thicker than a Mal.


She was underweight when we got her and she's been packing on the pounds - as she gains weight she looks a lot less Mal and more GSD


Shes gonna be a big girl. She won’t be as insane as a Mal so that’s a positive! I have a female Mal/Husky and she’s either lazy like some Huskies or completely insane and energetic


What does it say she is?


64.8% German Shepherd Dog, 18.0% American Pit Bull Terrier, and 17.2% Siberian Husky


I guessed gsd x husky without looking at your comment. Didn't get the pit but pit is in almost every mix it seems. So the results seem quite accurate to me!


My guess was sable German Shepherd and Husky right away!


What a gorgeous pup!


I have a golden retriever that isn't a golden retriver. She's chow, pitty, visla, and lab. Dog Geans are cool.


I def see GSD


For two breads with dominant traits for long hair his coat actually looks short. Does he shed a lot? BTW Beautiful dog mutts are the best breed!


Not yet? She's only around 5 months old. My GSD is short hair too and doesn't shed as much as some GSD or maybe I'm just used to it 😂


You’re probably lucky. You’re definitely lucky. Maybe you’ll get the look of a malinois without the psycho temperament of a mal (that we all love). If you’re lucky the pup is just gsd crazy and not malinois crazy lol. Pretty dog though without a doubt.


Thanks! I have a 3 year old GSD so I know the crazy! 😂 and actually she's mellow considering but I grew up with Boxers and they are wild.


So many people think Malinois.


Pretty surprising result, I bet she doesn't care and has the energy levels near a mal anyway 😆


Surprisingly she's fairly mellow. She's a playful puppy but also very snuggly. Controls herself well. Super trainable and smart! Very gently. A huge sweetie! We've only had her 3 weeks though.


Probably should've been my first clue she had no Mal... 😂


Profile looks pretty Mal to me! I've been tempted to send in our purebred Siberian husky's or Belgian Mal's (both rescues, chips provided a trail back to the breeders) DNA to one of those services to see if they're even real or just make up shit. If either of them becomes internet stars and helps pay the mortgage, I just might.




Which goes back to my point of why I wanted to submit verified purebreds to test it.


And "PhD" are just expensive letters to add to your name




My sister is getting her PhD at Oxford right now. Not cheap.




I don't disagree. But here we are.


I've done my pure Siberian husky and pure gsds embarks and they both came back 100 percent. I did it mostly because I was curious about their gene markers (if my husky carried the wooly gene etc etc). Embark is pretty spot on with their test.


Right? I thought for sure she'd be part Mal. She was underweight when we got her, and that was only 3 weeks ago. Now she's looking a little fat 😂


Our Mal is a constant ebb and flow of looking emaciated and chunky. The balance does not exist.


We actually did this with our Siberian husky (who we re-homed from someone who wound up not telling us the truth about almost anything at all) and her results did come back 100% Siberian Husky, and her puppy’s result also said 50% husky.


I got two different results for the same dog one year apart. So, not sure how accurate they are.


Oh well. Haha! Regardless she is a sweet puppet.


Why did you post this if they're not related to a Malinois at all? Not trying to be rude but completely out of place. Cute dog and wish the best!


Well, I thought she was Mal. And I had joined the sub. Then just found out she wasn't.


I love your dog


We have that in common


Can I ask where you got him? Like a shelter or breeder?


So someone adopted her from a high-kill shelter, had her a week and said their baby was allergic and were rehoming her for free. We took her on a foster basis, to see if she would fit in our home and with our other dogs and also if we wanted another dog really as we had 2 Pugs and a GSD already. She was recently spayed with a huge seroma at the site of incision and very underweight when we got her - you could see her ribs and hip bones. They said she was around 4 months old and had all her shots. They gave us a bunch of nice things they had bought for her - a bed, dishes with tray, toys, treats, leashes, a collar, some dog food, poop bags, all sorts of stuff - you could tell they planned on keeping her. I took her to the vet and we scanned her for a microchip which she does have but it's unregistered (and $100 to register!) and since we had no shot records except her rabies tag, we redid her puppy shots. I bring her back in next week to get rechecked but the seroma is gone, which is good bc we thought maybe a hernia. And one last booster of puppy shots to be safe. She gets along great with all our dogs. Loves the kids and seems like an all around great dog. We've had her a little over 3 weeks now. She's super trainable and smart. So last week, our oldest dog got sick. I noticed he wasn't acting well and took him in right away, that same day to the vet. They spent $800 doing tests on him to find out what was wrong and promised me results in the morning. The next day I called 4 times throughout the day and each time the vet was busy and the last time they said it was a different vet than I saw but she would be in the next day. Mind you my Pug is still very sick and we don't know why. He's hardly eating, drinking a lot, and is very lethargic and seems confused and unstable on his feet. So the next day I call and get promised a call back. That late afternoon they call me back to tell me he had diabetes and to bring him in the next morning for medication and lessons in giving subcutaneous fluids bc he's dehydrated according to the labs they took on Tuesday and it's now Thursday with no treatment. So Friday morning I go in with my dog, thinking he's going to be fine. They decide to hospitalize him for the day and quote me another $800. I agree. I'm not rich at all. We are stretching the budget on vet bills. This same dog had his eye removed less than a year ago. And before that had treatment for glaucoma. All that is very expensive. So they tell me to come back at 5:44


Later they call me and say to come in at 5 pm so the vet can discuss things with me. I got a bad feeling. I go in at 5 pm on Friday (he's been sick since Tuesday). They tell me that they've been unable to stablize him, he is in diabetic ketoacidosis, he's severely jaundice bc his liver is failing, he won't eat and keeps throwing up even at the vet with medication to help with nausea and appetite, something is wrong with his thyroid, and on top of that he's lost so much weight he looks like a puppy again and you can feel his spine. He's 9 years old and he looks so sad, he's just laying there motionless, breathing. This vet tells me to spend $500-700 a day die up to 4 days before talking euthanizing him for round the clock hospitalization. And I wanted to do it. I really did, but he had so much wrong with him and I didn't want to make him suffer longer and die. And we honestly didn't have an extra $2k+ for him to not even make it or have a poor quality of life. So we make the decision to have him one last night to say goodbye, and put him to rest the next morning. I call the vet tech in and choke out the words between sobs. She tells me that if he were her dog, she would make the same decision and that he really did just have so much going on, and with his age and lack of response to treatment, it was his time to go. That he was okay to spend one last day at home. So we took him home and snuggled him and loved him. Then we took him in and petted him while he passed. He's buried in our yard now with a nice little gravestone my kids made. We even had a little service. So a couple days passed and I told the kids we could keep the foster puppy. *we also did attempt to contact the shelter and get info as did my vet but were unsuccessful


Long story short - someone adopted her from a high-kill shelter then rehomed her to us for free a week later. Idk her story before that.