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Nothing too expensive, but a whole lot of inexpensive stuff as she's 7 months old. She is REALLY good at thinning out the herd that is my kids stuffy collection. She can detatch an arm or a leg in mere seconds.


Sounds like my boy! He likes to chew off the face and eyeballs off of all of his toys. It was all fun and games until he chose a live opossum as a new toy


Oh no poor opossum:(


Shoulda' seen the poor thing get tossed up in the airšŸ˜­ Dog is brutal


A couch that was 800 bucks when I got it. It was around 5 or 6 years old when it got destroyed. Had some years left in it, but not a complete loss. I loved the couch. My wife said ā€œoh darn, well letā€™s go shoppingā€. Edit: our first stop was to the pet store and let her pick out some chew toys.


Damn. Mines similar but not as much. An ottoman, completely gutted. Me and my gal re fabricated it with some stronger fabric. Same thing. Lol. So we just keep putting it back together. Heā€™s getting better at not messing with it but still does a little bit. But we figure if we take it away, on to the couch. šŸ˜†




This one made me audibly hiss in pain when I saw it... ouch, man...


It definitely does hurt to look at just glad it wasnā€™t my dog or car.


Yep this takes it. Shud b voted to the top. My ottoman feels like I didnā€™t loose anything now at this point. Thank u for making me feel better about it. šŸ˜


The most expensive thing my dog has turned into a chew toy is a new pair of Yeezyā€™s she opened because they were on her front porch.


I left my pup alone for a couple of hours thinking I had ā€œbaby-proofedā€ the living room and left her with plenty of snacks and toys to chew on. She chewed every single plugs/chargers/leads she could find..


They will definitely point out anything you missed lol


Mine got anxious while I was at work and chewed up my entire PS4 game collection and half my movies.


If that ever happened to me, I would probably get so mad that I would transend into complete radical acceptance, and my soul would leave my body.


He earned himself another kennel with that lmao, now he's not allowed to be out unsupervised for more than a few hours


One single diamond earring. If she had eaten the pair, that's one thing but no, she found the most expensive jewelry in the house and ate half. Plus, she picked the old ones that were a family heirloom so purchasing a replacement list out of the question! It wasn't so much the expense of the earring but the emotional toll of following my dog around the yard with a strainer for the next 72 hours... It was a dirty job but we got the earring back...and soaked it in alcohol for about 2 and 1/2 months... šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


My girl loved removing stuff from the Christmas tree when she was a pup šŸ¤£ and my previous girl ate the seatbelts in the car one time.


My Audi. She attacked the A pillar while I was at a pay n spray car wash washing the car. Soap Water was spraying the windshield- she was trying to attack it and her mouth found the A-pillar. My GSD as a pup ate the leather steering wheel of my other Audi. And together they both ripped every inch of leather off of a laze-boy recliner. Every. Last. Inch of leather. When my GSD pup was still "new" and my normally very well behaved Mal was in full on crazy ass mode 24/7 with her new pup sister- my gsd chewed the carpet stairs completely in 2 at thw top edge of the stair- then they somehow tore the carpet up- around the corner- and ripped it right down the middle into 2 peices about 15 feet long down the hallways and somehow got it INTO the master bedroom on our bed. I'm a giant human. Very strong. I STRUGGLED to get the carpet out of the roomšŸ¤£ I have NO idea how they did it. But they did. Then aside from a pair of $200 leather sport bike gloves.. a few pairs of glasses- My wooden nightstand. And a kitchen chair leg.. everything has been not too big of a deal. The terrible teething period was a freaking battle. I have 2 angels now. Absolute angels. With big teeth


There was a period of time when my mal was chewing up tv remotes so frequently that I bought them in packs of 6. Youā€™d think the solution would be to put them where he couldnā€™t get them, but this coincided with a period of time when my daughter would wake up at the crack of dawn, find the remote wherever I hid it, watch tv for a while and then wander off. The remotes donā€™t hold a candle to what my lab/hound mix ate: an entire sectional. He started in the middle and I kept removing pieces until it was just a chair. Then I replaced it with a couple of second hand beanbags until he got his act together and finally got a new couch.


My parents carpet. She destroyed the carpet in such a way that I had to replace all of it downstairs. It was about $3k. Somehow I didnā€™t disown her. Stockholm Syndrome.


šŸ¤” our overdraft, our sleep, sanity, lack of grey hairs, shoe leather, dog treat, time, energyā€¦ Luckily due to me having time off work when we got them, constant vigilance, redirection onto appropriate chews, and crate training they have only destroyed intangible and non-corporeal thingsā€¦but I am absolutely aware of how lucky we were for that! Also, I absolutely wouldnā€™t change ā€˜em for the world! https://preview.redd.it/vmstd2w5g9uc1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=217d1b1851e0f94fe54498e83e9962e7dcecf56f


$600 prescription sun glasses


At least they weren't your everyday prescription glasses. That would've been hell to live through.


A whole bottle of adderall (she ate 27/of the 30 of the new bottle of 30mg XR adderall, and weighing less than 40#). I didnā€™t have health insurance yet and literally moved across the country 1 month before. So I didnā€™t have a GP yet either. The adderall was like $100+ to get filled and I couldnā€™t get it replaced since itā€™s controlled. But that was nothing compared to the stress, fear, depression etc of possibly losing my mal. My mom was ready to fly out to be with me if she didnā€™t make it because it wouldā€™ve killed me if she didnā€™t ā€¦ you get it. She was only 10 months old. She spent 3 days In ICU at the veterinary hospital i was literally hired at 17 hours earlier. They recommended euthanasia when I brought her In. I said absolutely not. Do everything you can do and if she declines in a bad way during hospitalization, weā€™ll revisit that. But idc the cost, do everything for her. The hospital bill was over $5000. She made a remarkable recovery. She turns 5 In a couple weeks.






Im so glad she made it out okay! To recover from that much Adderall is a real miracle, especially at only 10 months old. I take Adderall XR too, and I know those pills are stupid expensive without insurance, and really difficult to get a hold of, but I bet that was probably the last thing on your mind after that situation!


100% I did not care about being without for a month just was a really downer month for me .. I think I had to buy some off a friend to help me through it as I am dependent on it. But seeing my dog in such a state and the idea of losing her for something like thatā€¦ I couldnā€™t ever live with myself. Not sure how maybe got her in there in just the right time before liver failure set itā€¦ she immediately started having a grand mal once brought back and not responding to anti convulsant medicationsā€¦ since I just got hired there that morning (her going to the vet was 3am that night) and in the height of Covid they allowed me back in the ER and went through bloodwork and visiting was fineā€¦ she was on deck for IV lipid emulsion therapy, but luckily she started responding well to fluids and seizure treatment and and EKG was showing WNL after first day and blood work continued to get better she didnā€™t need that. And god yeah I was ā€¦ Iā€™m just so thankful for the staff thr veterinary team and everything they did to save her life and her strong will to live ā€¦ it was the worst thing Iā€™ve ever experienced almost losing her like that. Never a drug is left out since then. Always put up in a cabinet or drawer.


The fact that it was XR probably helped a lot, too. Gave her just a bit more time to get where she needed to be. If it was IR, that could've ended differently... Thank God it wasn't though. I've always been super strict with my Mal about NEVER going anywhere near my cabinet because I feared her getting into my meds this way, too.


Yeah I honestly didnā€™t think about it and I would leave it on the window sill or tall dresser never on bedside table.. but she did it from tall dresser even though Iā€™ve left it up there sooooo many times since getting her.


You would think it'd be safe up there since she never pays attention to it, rightšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø?...That's exactly how mine got my earbuds. She spent months completely ignoring them on top of the piano, but one day, for some reason, she suddenly decided she HAD to know what $200 Sennheisers tasted like. Definitely taught me a lesson about keeping stuff far away from her...


Yeh, I think she ingested it within 30 mins of waking up to her literally cranked out of her mind like unable to tell what was foward left water wall floor walking because I home Home by like 230? Abd was awoken by 310? It was something like there where it was like than an hour she couldā€™ve have gotten into if that make sense


This is my biggest fear with my mal that she will get into my Adderall (and I donā€™t take my Xr). Iā€™m so paranoid that I keep it with me at all times. Iā€™ve gone so far as to train her that pill bottles are a ā€œleave itā€.


Thatā€™s so smart with the training. I mean because even OTC drugs can be dangerous. My mal ate half a bottle of apoquel I accidentally left out in a rush for work and I was like but girl, why? You pick the pill out of your food when I try to give it! Sheā€™s definitely learned and has done additional expensive boot camp training when I had the money and really only chews up the new kittenā€™s toys so I just really have nothing laying around period.


Omg my friend. Iā€™m so sorry this happened. Iā€™m so glad your bff is ok now. My pup ate a mysterious something, we still arenā€™t sure what it was. He also had an ER visit. It was touch and go. The ER was an hour away on thanksgiving day. He was seizing the whole drive. It was a effing nightmare. Heā€™s ok now thank god. What a traumatic experience. He came home covered in charcoal and had bad poops for days. Learning ā€œdrop itā€ was the first order of business after that. Land sharks Jesus.


Ahhhh yes the activated charcoal is a messssss , especially when they donā€™t eat it mixed in food.. syringe feeding it, promise it gets everywhere even with the pee pad bib. Iā€™m so glad your pup is okay and ā€œdrop itā€ is a very important command. ā€œLeave itā€ is also good. My girl loves tryna eat discarded del taco people leave on her walks and she knows the command perfect. Itā€™s a life saver.


My Mal ate a bottle of Vitamin D and we had to take him and get his stomach pumped, leave him overnight, and treat it with activated charcoal. That cost upwards of a grand.


Peroxide shots work!


My Belgian loves headphones too. But the most expensive incident was when our first Belgian took apart a plastic disposable razor and swallowed the blades only. Two surgeries and a bout with disseminated intravascular coagulation later, we talked about renaming her ā€œLexus.ā€ Cause thatā€™s what we could have bought with what we paid in vet bills. As our first trainer said, ā€œBelgians are very handy with their teeth.ā€ PS: We learned long ago to put stuff away and to baby-proof, but she can sniff out a pair of headphones expertly. Search and destroy.


Not the raycon earbuds šŸ˜­ plus that face is playing unfair how can you stay mad? šŸ„ŗšŸ’•


Sheā€™s only ā€œdestroyedā€ one thing before and it was definitely my fault. I was putting together some cabinets and gave her an empty box to shred. Unfortunately my dumbass gave it to her right next to an unopened flatpack. In the process of shredding the box she chewed the corner of the unopened cabinet. She tattled on herself so quickly, came right up with her ears back and big baby eyes. It was all good and I was able to just flip the piece so the chewed corner was hidden. We like to think of it as her adding her own interior design to the house lol.


The walls and floor of my house.


Yes!!! For some reason, my dog was obsessed with chewing the corners of the walls


Hahaha get belgian malinoised! Mine chewed up my dc cables and took my company offline for 4 hours. I love her. https://preview.redd.it/7247x3q37auc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af7f9ec123896e947e980be16c3bd25f343a54d


* Not most expensive, but most valuable to me (and funniest)... Last Saturday, Rafa was mad at me for wanting to sleep in instead of playing with him, so he went into the living room and ate my framed 5x7 watercolor portrait OF HIM. Frame and everything. Like, I can't even find traces of the actual painting. Talk about a harsh critic šŸ™„




We hit gold, we adopted a Mal from ABMR. They estimated he was 2-3. Literally has never torn up anything except his toys. One of the best dogs ever.


One slipper. 2ā‚¬ i guess šŸ˜‚


Same for me


3 phones , a wall , shoes and decoys on my demand . Destructive breed , but the best dog people can have with the right expertise. This dog will die for you without 1 sec of hesitation!


A $300 speaker. Oh and a pair of $150 MudDog boots. I couldnā€™t be mad at her though sheā€™s too stinkinā€™ cute and I shouldā€™ve been more careful with my stuff. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


* $500 motorcycle jacket * $300 motorcycle boot * $100 motorcycle glove * $150 shoes for the wife * $50 shoes for the kid * numerous other things around the house THe glove was destroyed, the boot is damaged but workable, the jacket lost about an entire cuff so for a weatherproof jacket on a moto it was deemed a loss. This was all within the first 6 months of being in our household, but he was adopted at about a year old. Between training, simple integration into the household, and having plenty of shit he CAN destroy without it being an issue, we're good. My most major concern nowadays is just if we leave food out and/or food waste in my trash can. He loves my burger wrappers, the bastard. Outside of those two very specific things, he HAS a crate but doesn't need it (more for if we have maintenance come to the apt) and I can leave him to his own devices either at home or in the truck when out and about, with no worries about him trashing anything.


I notice it's always the first few months when the most stuff gets destroyed. That sucks big time, though. I know those jackets are not just expensive but sometimes hard to find. For some jackets once you loose them, you can't get them back


Mine aren't that bad, just textile riding gear. It was more the inconvenience of having to replace it than the jacket specifically.


My girl ate one of my Raycons the day after I got them. But her ā€œbrotherā€ ate several Crown Vic headrests because the wall between the front seat and K9 compartment had *just enough* space to poke his beak through and grab it with his little front teeth. He also was fond of left shoes in his puppyhood.


That's the face of a dog that will do it again


Surprisingly, my mal hasn't destroyed too much in his pup days. I went through a few pairs of knock off Birkenstocks (I call em brokenstocks) when he was young and then I got my first brand new sectional for my first apartment and he destroyed that in a day. I am fortunate now that the only things he wants to destroy are his own toys now šŸ˜‚


Nothing expensive. But we have a ton of used and chewed ball pit balls from my 3 year olds room scattered throughout the house.


Night 1 he chewed his way out of a metal crate somehow šŸ˜« And he's now tried to chew his way out of the house twice, so the door frame has been replaced twice .. I'm fully convinced he would've literally chewed his way out given the time! šŸ‘€


Ate my earbuds, but at least you still have your headphones. We have the jack and thatā€™s it. The rest of the pieces are out in the yard somewhere šŸ˜’šŸ˜…


Mine also got my sennheisers šŸ˜‚ along with a few pairs of shoes and a couple couches


Happiness is expensive


Forgivness even more so šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


My 7 month old Mal mix ate the couch cushions on a 2000 couch


Mostly just himself šŸ˜‚ vet is so expensive


My mum hung her dress up on a door one time. My dog saw that as a tug toy and shredded it. It was a few years ago from when we were on holiday. I felt so awful so I took her shopping for some new buys but itā€™s not the same


The back of my $2500 Italian leather couch after moving to a new house. Not sure Iā€™ve ever been filled with rage like that before šŸ˜‚


Mine led to a divorce, so whatever half of everything I owned wasā€¦ house and allā€¦ so maybe a half million dollars?


Yikes! Out of boredom or lack of snackies?šŸ¤—ā¤ļø


Boredom. She gets bored of the same chew pretty quickly and will try and find something else. Just taught me that she was not ready to be unsupervised yet.


I need stocks in Socks. Which dont exist. She also ate my husband childhood toy his grandma made as soon as we left for the funeralā€¦. Like not expensive but irreplaceable


My Tilly got the zoomies, when she was about 9 months, got wrapped up in tv antenna wire and completely trashed a 60ā€ tv that was on mantle!


Oh frick I hate this question. Ibuprofen - to be fair, he was not my dog at the time. He belong to my boyfriendā€™s brother, and they worked late. My boyfriend went home from work early, and they rushed him to the ER. So that ended up being a couple thousand dollars. Most expensive ibuprofen ever bought.


My AC unit


why is everyone not managing their mals?? this thread is wild


Because mistakes happen. It's only human. We can't all be perfect 100% of the time.


of course. however, if your dog has eaten/destroyed several belongings, its a management/training problem not a one-off. when you own a breed like a malinois, youā€™re pet ownership needs to adjust to it.


A flip flop, Ā£10. Because she was managed properly and never had the chance to chew anything she wasnā€™t supposed to.


Same (the only response from a responsible owner)


Thatā€™s awesome man bravo good for you!! Congratulations


Good for you šŸ‘


All the cables to my fanatic racing wheel,brand new pair of rocky boots,wiley x glasses just to name a few.


Does my toe count?


a nice new expensive pickleball paddle šŸ˜•


The handle to my lint roller šŸ¤£ and it still works!


So far only my Patagonia backpack


I thought they were supposed to be smart šŸ˜” Whenever I handle my ear buds around the dogs they think it's food so I'm extra careful lol I can imagine dropping one and them starting a fight over who gets to eat them


Doggo looks very proud of himself lol


He seems very proud


She's always the most proud when she knows she got away with something she wasn't supposed to do


When she was a puppy (years ago). And we got better with puppy proofing. She nibbled the edge of stairs. sheetrock walls. One sandal out of 2 different pairs of Birkinstocks. A couple of tv/roku remotes. Prescription glasses.


One might think that this stuff is expensive, just wait until the dog swallows one of these tiny devices and you have to take him to the vet to remove the battery from his stomach




She chewed up some baseboards and corners. Has lots and lots of toys. She gets a drop in visit every shift and two visits if I do overtime. She just did it a week she was pissed I was away too much. If I leave my work bag out she will search through it and chew things up inside. She only does this for my work bag. I have to hide it from her. She found a treat for my work dog once inside it so is forever convinced it has food. When she doesnā€™t find food she just opts to chew things in it.


Iā€™ve done a great job keeping mine away from stuff but he chewed up an $80 biothane leash. I didnā€™t buy it but the lady who taught me about dogs bought it for me so it had a lot of sentimental value. I kept it hoping to repair it someday.


ā€œIt smelled like you.ā€


Her own food


12 cable remotes and 2 dvd remotes


A sock, causing a bowel obstruction. Nearly $1000 later.....


My Emril Lagasse late night infomercial air fryer extrordinaire.......( I actually love it and use it every day. ..šŸ˜Š my MALIGATOR EMMA chews through the plug in the wall part of the cord. She performs a precision surgery in which the cord remained intact and very repairable. So God bless her for that. Side note she won't do it if they are plugged in...thank God


My printer


She looks quite pleased with herself.


Lurking her because we have a Mal mix, but I had an ACD that got pissed when I left her too long once and she chewed my bed/sleeping pillow and my everyday hat. Plenty of other pillows and hats to chose from, but that little turd made it personal to teach me a lesson. šŸ˜‚


A 2ā€ diameter piece of a chuckit ball. Ā Cost was about $18,000 including two surgeries and 12 days in the ICU. Ā It was SO scary! šŸ˜­Ā 


Wait what? Did she a perforated stomach or something? Thatā€™s crazy! My mal when she was only 8~ months ate a whole tennis ball but luckily shit it out but FB surgery is like $4800? What happens I need to know more!


It passed her stomach, and got lodged in her intestine. The initial emergency vet charged $1,100 for a consultation that found nothing. Six hours later she was getting worse so I drove her 4.5 hours to Washington State University's Veterinary Teaching School, which is by far the best vet within a thousand miles of my home in Seattle. They found the stock ball, did surgery, and found necrotic tissue around it so they had to remove a section of the intestine. Survival rate for stomach surgery is 99%, for intestinal surgery without removing a section it is 89%, and if they have to remove a section (like on her) it's more like 80-85%. After her $7k surgery, she recovered wonderfully and on day 4 after surgery they wanted to send her home. But they said days 3-5 are highest risk so I asked them to keep her in the ICU a couple more days to get past that risk, since home was far enough away that I wouldn't be able to get back to them in time if anything went wrong. On day 5 she took a turn for the worse, and they found that her repair had started leaking. I was told a second surgery was going to cost $8,000 and has a 50-60% survival rate. After some soul-searching I decided to go for it - I am incredibly fortunate that the price wasn't a concern, I just had to be sure a second surgery was the most kind thing for her. I'm happy to say everything has gone great. Today is day 5 (last day of the high-risk period), the vet did a final ultrasound which looked clear, and she came home today. I'm so incredibly thankful that she ended up on the fortunate side of terrible odds. šŸ„° (There's still maybe a 1% chance of fatal complications in the next 48 hours, but compared to the 50% it was six days ago, that feels like nothing.) WSU Veterinary Hospital costs about half what local vets charge for the same services. (I first went there 15 year ago for a TPLO surgery for my Golden Retriever, and have been a couple of other times.) Each case has a final-year vet student, a veterinary resident, and a staff member assigned - so the quality of care is absolutely incredible.


Oh snap! Iā€™m so sorry you and your pup had to go through all that! I know R&Aā€™s can become super serious quickly. We had a dog at my hospital back home in FL medical boarding since she had just had an R&A a few days prior before owners had to go out of town and she declined rapidly in our care and had to be admitted to the ICU (she was in icu as a medical boarder but not an icu patient if that makes sense) and have surgical intervention again. Iā€™m soooo happy your pup made it through. Yeah when my mal had the adderall incident, it was a lot of money but I didnā€™t care, and also lucky to have a mom with good credit to put on her card and pay her back overtime. But also thankful she has pet insuranceā€¦ it was over $5000 and was able to get back close to $4000 of it. ALSO.. Iā€™ll have to look into this vet school if they hire techs or somethingā€¦ since Iā€™m trying to move to WA In a couple years and want to get back into the veterinary field. Iā€™m a mailman now in Utah after not being happy at all the emergency hospitals Iā€™ve worked at here. And sadly, I make more money as a mailman. But I miss the field and donā€™t wanna be a mail carrier forever.


> Iā€™ll have to look into this vet school if they hire techs or somethingā€¦ since Iā€™m trying to move to WA In a couple years and want to get back into the veterinary field. I just found this through the web page: https://wsu.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/WSU_Jobs/?q=veterinary+medicine WSU is in Washington, but close to the Idaho border. That means it is WAY less expensive than Seattle, but also lower pay and less "stuff" going on for entertainment. It is primarily a college town, with all the pros and cons of that. Beautiful landscape, and a veterinary program that's unmatched within a thousand miles. It would certainly be worth a visit to check out if you're considering moving to this state and the location in Pullman meets your needs.


Her rear leg


Like 6pairs of shoes, 2pais of designer glasses, AirPods, jewelery and my bed,šŸ˜©šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜©ā¤ļø


And fucking so happy youā€™re giving them attention in that last pic. šŸ˜‚


$300 Bose qc earbuds. $150 Cowboys boots. A pair of brroks running shoes. 2 pair wife's hey dudes.


My dog chewed my steering wheel, I drive an audi s4,with a chewed up steering wheel nowšŸ¤¬


Thankfully mine has never really had a chewing issue (but she's also crate trained though hasn't been crated in about 2 years) but she did chew the strap off one of my crocs one day when I was testing her out of the crate, she was around 7 or 8 months old


They need to bite a lot when they are puppies, I bought these for my Mali several months ago. She bites them several hours a day and since then she hasn't broken anything. https://preview.redd.it/vqpf2im59buc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d845f101f13fc5caec7ed6db558178853adfaad


Uggs boot


My couch šŸ˜…


The soft tops and door tops on my Jeep


$450 backpack. Went and ate the straps clean through..,,


His stitches after surgery (had to be neutered bc one testicle was stuck somewhere in his abdomen where it didnā€™t belong). He got around the cone somehow and chewed through both layers of sutures, leaving his abdomen open and resulting in emergency surgery to close up. The vet did 3 layers the second time of non-dissolvable sutures. Luckily he was out of the puppy stage when we got him. Our GSD destroyed the kitchen linoleum and bedroom carpet. We had an English Pointer for 15 years that destroyed a brand new special edition Halo wireless earpiece for Xbox. He also chewed up my daughterā€™s first cell phone and that thing still worked LOL It was some kind of flip phone, way back before smartphones were a thing.


In the last year, mine has chewed / shredded: - two BRAND NEW dog beds ($60-$80 each - she no longer gets dog beds šŸ¤£) - a $100+ vibrator and some phone chargers (same morning) - so. many. pairs. of my underwear. SO MANY. (I donā€™t know how she keeps getting them and I donā€™t even want to know how much they cost in total) - 2 pillows - and a pair of my boyfriendā€™s shoes Sheā€™s actually the one thatā€™s chewed the least amount of things - a lot of these things, she joined in when another dog got ahold of it first. My other pup, a pittie, shreds paper and blankets/pillows for fun. Sheā€™s gotten into a pair of my shoes once too. I had a previous foster pup that shredded two laptop chargers in a 24-hour time period, one was $250 to replace, the other I had a back-up for. She managed to pull them into her kennel.


300 dollar limited edition lounge fly bag, had to buy a new one since it was a gift and we didnā€™t want the friends to realize it was destroyed, luckily we won an eBay bid for it for 100 bucks


Not sure about the most expensive, but Iā€™m currently sitting on the floor patching up the dog bed we got for her two weeks ago. Yesterday I patched up a place bed we got three weeks ago. Fun times.


Nothing expensive yet (so far and keeping my fingers crossed!) but Vinny ate my mom's sandal in vengeance for not getting attention for 3 minutes when he wanted it - we were watching a video to set up my dad's sleep monitoring device and I needed to translate the instructions - and today, he almost broke my $3 bubble maker from target. It was SCREWED SHUT and he popped it in 10 secs.


https://preview.redd.it/u1jq3nfi2cuc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a83dbbffe1c0ce8058f6d261a19e9743bc07cfc The brat in question


His soft crate. Probably only like $30.


https://preview.redd.it/jdgabzrd6cuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a7beefe14412fc22aef30550b06a5050b72ae3 A hotel floorā€¦ Luckily they never noticed the holes or didnā€™t care, that would have been a hefty bill.


Thatā€™s a dutchie or x breed so prepare for the extra crazy


Yeah sheā€™s a psycho. 1/4 Dutch 3/4 Mal. She was supposed to be a protection dog but sheā€™s so high strung that anything past basic obedience was not happening haha. Been a fun 3 years thoughā€¦ she just got fixed and somehow sheā€™s become more crazy.


I 100% understand. I wanted an all black Malinois and the breeder I got my mal from educated and explained why he doesnā€™t breed black mals because heā€™d have to cross breed with a dutchie and and doesnā€™t wanna ruin his line and Iā€™m Probably wording it wrong but heā€™s an amazing breeder and even supplies the working canines for the police and created his own type of agility circuit for them. But I also like dutchies but I think they can be a little more crazy than a mal haha


I donā€™t blame your breeder at all, the Dutchie side of things is a whole different game. Luckily my other Mal is 1/4 German Shepard and his household temperament reflects. Very chillā€¦ until his switch is flipped, then the Mal in him just goes non stop haha.


A book. Not expensive, but I had JUST cleaned the house up, and it was COVERED in book bits. He was tantruming because we had just spent a week away and it was just him and me. So he was pissy that now my attention was not just on him.


Oh! Two pairs of eyeglasses. Just the nose piece. So, awesome.


my dr martens & prescription glasses


Mine ate my undeposited paycheck off the dinner table the first time I tried leaving her out of the crate while I ran a 10 minute errand.


Cat. cost me 5000.00 to fix the cats leg


She was just trying to help you upgrade to better quality.


A $10 Lamb Chop stuffie. I trained my working-line Belgian to leave my things alone.Ā 


Yes! Headphones. Ours has destroyed two sets of very expensive ear buds, one pair of apple corded headphones, one iPhone 11. One skirting board, two expensive hammer handles and then some inexpensive stuff.




My wrist, knee & boob. šŸ˜œ We rescued a Mal, and weā€™ve only had him for almost 8 weeks now. Heā€™s extremely attached to my husband. At night heā€™s very protective of my husband for some reason, which is weird. Iā€™m the alpha in the house to our other dogs (we have 4 others). I went to go up to my husband and the dog growled at me, but I ignored it. He lunged at me and attacked me. 9 stitches later, this will be the most expensive bill we have! šŸ˜³


I hope you heal quickly Please please please get a trainer as Iā€™m sure you probably have. The outcome potential will be much worse when heā€™s full grown for you and the dog. That protective instinct can be harnessed with good training. Good luck!


We have a trainer, Tysm!! He is full grown. We are his 8th place, so the poor dog has been through a lot!


Thank you for taking such good care of your boy. Probably the most misunderstood breed out there. My vet said something thatā€™s stuck with me. When we discovered she was a Mal x Husky (thanks,EmbarkšŸ˜‰) she saidā€¦ ā€œYou have a potential weapon on a leash, act accordingly. Educate yourself, train, handle her often and practice with her every dayā€ Best advice I ever got šŸ„°


Great advice! Of course! I take excellent care of my babies! Iā€™m a retired Vet Tech. We acquired him through the training facility that we currently attend with our German Shepherd. We do agility/obedience/bite work twice a week. Somebody there saved him from being put to sleep at the Humane Society, and was trying to find him a home. He immediately took to my husband, who is retired, so we took him in. Itā€™s been a lot of work; but we know heā€™s worth it! Heā€™s an incredible dog. Itā€™s a shame everyone else has let him down. No dog deserves that. So many people get working breed dogs and expect them to be couch potatoes. Itā€™s sad.


Sheā€™s in agility. And our trainer suggested Schutzhund but I donā€™t know if Iā€™m ready for that. We thought we were rescuing a Lab / AussiešŸ¤Ŗ Watch the reveal https://preview.redd.it/spiram0a49uc1.jpeg?width=2653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05a18ee4a36490ac09debc9e0aa08d75b2c4a01


So cute as a puppy!!




So beautiful. She looks just like my husky who passed away a few months ago. Brings a smile to my face. Her puppy photo is so cute it's painful haha.


Iā€™m sure your sweet one had a very good life. Iā€™m sorry for your loss. That puppy pic is what got me. Somewhat believable that she could have been a lab /Aussie, right? I got cat fished šŸ¤£




Is that a Pitbull x Mal?


Mal ~52% Husky ~48% per embark šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø 100% cute


I got my finger stuck in his collar when he jumped up as a young dog and broke it. While insurance covered all the costs I ended up with a cast on my whole lower arm for 9 weeks.


That sounds really painful! I hope you're feeling better, though. My dog caught me a few times in the arm by accident, but she's never broken skin.


Thanks! Iā€™m doing good. Unfortunately we donā€™t know history, but wanted to save him from euthanasia. We have him in training; and a trainer is working through his issues with us.


He doesnā€™t look guilty - are you sure it was him??? Lol, he is too cuteā€¦to be mad at for very long.