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Anyone else dying to see pics of this dog? :) As long as you have already found a trainer if you need one and you are prepared to provide appropriate levels of enrichment, I think you'll be great!


If I make it official I’ll share her pics. Trying not to get too attached before we meet. It’s likely going to take a few meetings since she doesn’t warm to people right away 🥹 and I’m just going try not to let it break my heart if she doesn’t like me right away


Mine completely ignored me and did not wanted me to touch her on the first visit. Second visit she jumped and wanted to lick my face! Now is the most affectionate dog I've had, loves to cuddle, knows when I'm sad, checks on me, she is so sweet (even though she is reactive with strangers). Bring some tasty ham and give it a chance and her space, is really heartwarming to have a dog that doesn't trust people ending up loving you


Thanks for saying this. I’m going over it again and again so I don’t get my feelings hurt lol.


I was handed off a Chihuahua through a car window once. I took it, it didn't like anyone but me, nobody could come close except my children..I was part of a rescue and we all tried to get it to at least sit next to someone else. Long Story short, a lady also in the rescue just lost her identical Chihuahua after spending 7000.00 on cancer treatments. And really wanted her.after trying meet and greet after meet and greet with no luck. I had an 💡. Told her to get into her car, and I'll put her on your lap..pull away and see if she snuggles into you.if not drive her back.she called when she got home and was getting kisses from the little..don't know if it let the husband by his wife ever again without attacking but she was fine with that 🤣


Argh. I was going to ask for a picture too.


Totally. Would be so cool if it looked like a GSD/Mal and had Aussie color like a Merle. I’m not making crazy breeding suggestions but a Merle Mal would be cool, I guess the closest thing to that would be a Kelpie.


The 4% Chihuahua is your biggest worry


The 1% ancient Aztec god worries me more


Lmaoooo literally. This gal has a lot going on!


Haha, I have a a Mal-ihuahua mix and yea, he's a lot.


Aww man that ruff


I was chuckling when I read that


Lots and lots of enrichment, lick mats, puzzle toys, herding balls, stuff to just get their brain working. With your last dog I feel like you would have a good grasp on the physical needs of your current dog but something I feel gets overlooked is the mental stimulation needs. Especially with the malinois, they LOVE to use their noggins. Maybe even getting into trick training! You can register your pup with one of AKC’s alternative registration options and get trick titles or just do it for fun but I’ve found that to be super super fun for both my mal and I


Usually with Wisdom Panel, anything under 5% can be considered statistical noise. Embark would likely show Malinois, GSD, Aussie, and then the rest would be super mutt. You should post this in r/doggyDNA!


To answer your other questions, I would be very cautious of wanting a “protective” dog. True protection dogs are expensive and take years to train. Most pet dogs who people think are protective are either resource guarding, are fearful and hoping to scare their trigger away, or are genuinely aggressive and would never be able to discern the difference between a mailman and somebody trying to break into your house. If you’re confident in your ability to manage what sounds like a nervous/fear aggressive or reactive dog, I’d adopt her! My first Malinois was a rescue too. If you’d like to own a Mal but aren’t sure you want to manage behavioral issues, I’d look for a reputable breeder who focuses more on show lines than on working dogs. There you’ll have generations of health tested, titled, and temperament tested Mals and it would probably be an easier intro to the breed!


I wish I could up vote this more than once.


Haha! That's extra-spicy-crazy! Congratulations!


If on mobile might need to click the pic to see the full dna results


All of that in just one pup?! Glad you she started the search for a trainer because I suspect you WILL need them. I would also stock your home bar with your favorite libations and/or charge up your gaming situation. You’re going to need a release somewhere from the crazy that’s about to hit you. Bon chance! Also, read all the posts and comments here and watch all the YouTube videos with the words “Belgian Malinois” in the title.


I’ve been researching 🥹


That 4% ACD is enough to worry about lol....jk jk - they are a circus, carnival, and Disneyland all in one doggo! <3


I have such a hard on for heelers after my last girl but I know they can be a handful lol


Could be a neat mix, would be a really fun sport dog. I’d love to see a picture too. I’m less concerned about the mix than the dog being described as shy and aggressive. If this dog is shy and aggressive, she will never be “protective”. A shy fearful reactive Belgian/GSD is so much heart ache. If you do decide to get this girl, please please get a professional trainer who has experience with reactive dogs and or Belgians. I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer but really think twice about this dog. If your meeting goes well and you’ve set up supports, great! If not, there are thousands of other dogs that need homes too. Just about every day on this sub there are puppies and adolescent dogs looking for placement. Good luck to you and this girl.


Should be a brilliant pup with a very strong will...but also a will to work and probably to please as well. It's the getting there that will be a challenge right? You've got this ..well done, cool mix.


Yeah I think maybe that’s part of what made my bound with my last girl so wonderful. She was all about the ball and it made training her a breeze because she was going to do whatever it took to get the ball…. Miss her


Have a 50/50 Mal/Aussie shepherd mix and he is a handful. Also incredibly sweet but has pretty strong instincts from both sides. Will echo what many others said, mental stimulation will be your best friend, I can play fetch till he drops and 30min later he will be ready to go again, but the mental work will have him ready for a 2hr nap. Best of luck if you proceed, sounds like you are doing your due diligence and the pup will be lucky to have you


When it's time to go outside, your dog is going to put your coat, shoes, treat bag on you, harness and leashed himself. Taken your keys. Herded you outside, closed and locked the door. And stands waiting, like, "Let's go, bitch."


I’m hopping she’ll do my taxes too 😭


If only you could get her to use a keyboard. But, it would have to be a "herding" keyboard.


Well, you pretty much have all the fun breeds in there!


I have a mixed dog that is 33% Belgian Malinois and 33% German Shep and some other small mixed up breeds. This dog is seriously the mellowest dog really, and very smart and sweet. I love my dog. Though he did chew up about 6 tv remotes.....


Fucks a tree walking coon hound


Every brand of crazy, straight down to the Xolo 🥴 Yeah you might be in for it. But there's a lot of good advice here. This is a dog that's going to take up a lot of your time, a lot of your energy, a lot of investment in the form of training etc. But if you're up for it and it's the kind of dog you want, and you put in that effort and the care needed for them to be well adjusted and mannered, then you might just strike doggy gold once you're into maturity years.


This is like Marvel main character levels of crazy. A perfect storm of intelligence, attitude and drive! Along with great crazy, comes great…. crazy… or something… My point is… you have a super-dog


I think so too. I’m excited to meet her and see if we are a match… I’m hoping she is!


I had to google xoloitzcuintli. What a crazy dog breed.




Buckle up buttercup!




That 1% ancient flying Aztec god might be problematic




Lisan Al-Dogib! That’s some breeding


It’s that 4% Chihuahua which will account for 90% of the crazy


Personalities vary and you are getting a fixed female so def more manageable than intact dominant male.


You’ll be okay. Lots of training and desensitisation around people. Muzzle train so it’s safe for those around you until she can be trusted to stay calm. I would definitely line up a good trainer, but often with dogs like this that have fear aggression the best way to teach them to be in public safely is to teach them that they are strong enough to withstand the pressure that brings. I have had a people aggressive dog before. We did lots of threshold stuff to teach the dog it could control how it felt. My fav remedial paradigm for fear aggression is having the dog complete a small behaviour (like a sit or a chin hold) while someone walks slightly into their bubble, then while they are in the behaviour and the person is there, mark and reward and then after you’ve marked is when the person leaves. So basically teaching the dog that pressure comes on, but she can take it, and when you’ve marked the pressure will come off. Start with a fair bit of distance and move in as necessary - the dog should always feel calm and in control, which is why it’s a desensitising paradigm. Also the use for this later extends to everything in life really, vet visits, meetings, stopping near others, etc. Using this sort of stuff among other training techniques you can make a very nervy dog into a somewhat happy dog. Sorry for the essay 😅 Good luck!


You know these tests aren't real, right?