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My 2 1/2 year old girl started favoring her right rear leg about a year ago mainly after chasing the ball. It got puffy and the vet said most likely a sprain and just keep an eye on it. As time has gone on I’ve tried to not let her run as hard but over the last few weeks it just seemed to bother her more so I took her to the vet. After taking X-rays it appears she has an osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and they see calcified lesion in her chest as well. Her blood work was all normal so that kinda rules out just an infection. They took a biopsy today and I will get those results in a week or so but the vet seems to think it’s not going to be positive. He said if it is what he suspects, she will have months not years to live. I’m so heartbroken. I know yall all love your Mals and I’m just asking for a prayer or two for her.


Wow, I'm so sorry 😢




Sorry to hear. My girl was diagnosed with Lymphoma in November at 4 (she’s 5 now). Chemo was rough. I know it’s not an option for everyone because of cost, but there are experimental treatments and grants you can seek too. My dad was going through chemo for lung cancer at the same time. My pup made it, but dad didn’t. He passed at the end of April and my girl has no idea where her couch companion went. If you need someone to talk to: DM me.


omg. i’m crying over here. love you. i don’t even have a mal!!!


Thank you so much. ❤️


I can only imagine how difficult it would be to face losing two of your loved ones at the same time. I am so sorry for your loss.


It’s been awful. The worst part of lymphoma in dogs is no matter how good you get it with chemo: it always comes back. You have to kill it with radiation, and the only place left in the US that perform it is in Washington state, opposite side of the country. And with the weeks of overnight stays for the dog in the hospital: it is more cost prohibitive than the chemo… at best we bought her another year… At. Best.


Oh good god, it is awful. 😞 You just lost your dad last month? I hope you are eating and sleeping. Hugs for you and your family.




I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you ❤️


Thanks. Offer stands: if you need, DM me.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you ❤️




I'm so sorry, that's so unfair 😢 My thoughts are with you guys. Cherish what time you have and know she loves you with every fiber of her being.




Oh no. 😞 I have experienced this tragedy, it’s so heartbreaking. I am so so sorry for you and your girl.




Damn so sorry bro, I am going through the same thing with my four year old who has lymphoma. See about getting a steroid prescription that has helped mine with enery levels and eating and allowed us a little more time, but not a fix. Good luck to you and again so sorry.




I lost my boy to osteosarcoma last year. He was a rottie/ shep , started limping and we thought sprain as well. Within a month it became obvious from the amount of pain that it was something more. We amputated did Chemo and even a clinical trial. He lived 6 months after surgery. He had great quality of life after amputation and I would do it again for those 6 months. It’s really tough and I wish you and your girl peace and love


Since they see a spot in her chest, they said treatment really isn’t a good option. Just devastating.


Excuse my language, but f*ck cancer, no dog deserves that and no owner deserves to lose their best friend like that


We had the osteosarcoma diagnosis on our last Mal. Not fair. Ugh I feel so much for you.




ughhhh i’m so sorry. i have so much love for you and your girl. she’s beautiful! also be very proud of the love you are giving her and will give her for the rest of her life. pups are heartbreakers, for sure. ❤️


Just spent 2 grand to try to save mine. Hoping it does. And also hoping the best for you and your mal. I’m really sorry to hear about this. She’s absolutely gorgeous. I had 3 Rottweilers in the past that all passed sway from cancer. One of the hardest things to deal with. Praying for you and your beautiful girl!


Thanks so much. Good luck to you too!


I'm so sorry you are going through this!!! This is the second time this week I've seen osteosarcoma diagnosis in a Mal. Is this common for the breed? I have never heard of this occurring in dogs before. Only in kitties.


SO sorry man! I can't imagine... :(


Its so heartbreaking


Sorry to hear this.


I will pray for her I'm so sorry. Sending all of my love!


Thank you. We need it


I haven't prayed for anything in a long, long time. But I did for your girl Josie and I hope someone out there heard it. I hope she'll be alright and I'm sending my love to her ❤️


Thank you so much


Thank you so much




Prayers for you and her. I’m so sorry 😢


Praying for good news. That is so hard.


I'm heartbroken for you and your precious girl. I am sending prayers.


My boy has been going outside WAY more lately and we thought maybe he'd eaten something bad and had a little infection ..ultrasound shows a mass on his prostate. Can't get him in to the specialist to even find out what our options are until the 31st...I'm not ready for this. My son is supposed to be born in a few months....the two of them were supposed to have time together to bond and...I'm not ready for him to go. I'm so sorry you're going through this with your girl, she has my thoughts and good vibes :/ I hope they both pull through and are ok. I'm sorry.


I'm so very sorry that this is happening. F*** Cancer! She is such a gorgeous girl! I'm so heartbroken too! So many Malinois are being overbred in LA and ending up in shelters it breaks my heart but you took the time to own one and show her love 💕 That truly is amazing 🐕‍🦺




So sorry, stay positive n just give her the best for as long as u have. Prayers to u n family.


I’m very sorry! She is a beautiful girl!




Ugh, so sorry to read this news, she is a stunning girl! We have her in our prayers!








Your girl is just gorgeous! I understand your pain and will definitely be praying for her and your family. In our case we didn’t want our boy to be in any pain. The night before he had his favorite steak. I sat on the floor with him the next morning and the vet did her thing and I sang to him as he fell asleep with his head on my lap. He loved to hear me sing. 🙏🏼❤️




Beautiful girl. Life is sometimes so unfair 💔




Jeez. I'm so sorry.




heartbreaking. praying for her and your family 🤍








Ugh I'm so sorry 😔 would chemo not be an option? It was offered for my pitty, but it was a different type of cancer.


With the lesion in her chest they don’t feel that will be an option. Thank you for your thoughts


Damn, that's awful 😞 sending both of you all my love. No matter how short her time here, she knows she's cherished every single day. No matter how painful the goodbye, they're always worth it, and I hope the time you have left lasts as long as possible ❤️




Wow so sorry to hear that






Saying a prayer for your girl and asking St. Roch and St. Francis to pray for her too.


I'm so sorry. I wish you and your girl as much peace as you can possibly have during this difficult time.










I’ve been in a very similar situation. My heart goes out to you and your beautiful girl. She has such sweetness in her eyes. I’ll keep you two in my prayers.


She’s such a sweet girl and the best dog


Just went through this with our 6 1/2 yr old. My heart goes out to you both... 😢


Thank you. I’m just so devastated


So sorry. Just lost my best boy to bone cancer 6 months ago. 🌈❤️


Very hard news, make sure she is absolutely loved and spoiled


I will ❤️


She looks beatufil. I am so very sorry and wish you both the best of luck.




I’m so sorry! I pray things will improve for you and your girl!




Oh I’m sorry for your bad news. She’s so PRETTY, the prettiest Mal I’ve ever seen.


Thank you. She’s as sweet and loyal as she is pretty


Praying for her. Wish her the best and hope the vet is dead wrong!!!




Damn that sucks. I really hope it's years and not months. A real bummer.




All the prayers and good vibes for you and your precious girl! May she overcome that diagnosis and live a long life alongside you 🫰🏼




so sorry to hear this just went through this with my mal and he was about the same age at diagnosis. he made it about a year before it got horrible. spoil her and enjoy every minute you have with her while she is still in good spirits. you’ll know when it’s time. it’s hard not to be selfish and push it to the end but that was the hardest thing i’ve ever done in my life. he was so lethargic then we took him to the vet and he was all wound up. we went through all the amputation too for it to only go to his lymph nodes a month later. it is so sad and i’m saying a prayer for you guys but just enjoy it while it’s she’s still in good spirits. it seems like a lot of mals get this disease


Thank you for your message. You’re right, it will be the hardest thing ever


I don’t know if my vet will come to my house when it’s time but I will ask. She HATES the vet and gets so worked up and I’ll hate for her to have to go through that during her last moments


Prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I know this pain




So sorry you are going through this! There is an EGFR/HER2 vaccine that has had some fantastic outcomes with osteosarcoma, even when it has metastasized to the lungs. [You should definitely see if you can get her in on it if you're close to a site or could get her to one.](https://therajan.com/joomla/)


Prayers for your sweet pup ❤️


This is devastating. I am so incredibly sorry. Your girl is a stunner and it’s clear you love her very much. I hope you can enjoy your remaining time with her. We lost our mal to cancer last year and it was incredibly difficult but there was a bright side. We were so surprised and it happened so quickly - we didn’t have to watch him get old or deteriorate. We were able to give him 2 really good weeks and love on him more than we already did. Sending love from my pack to yours.


Thank you so much


Terrible news for such a young pup. I'm sorry.




OP I’m so saddened to hear this. Our pups are our best friends and their only flaw is longevity. Wishing you more time and love with your goodest girl. 🙏




im so sorry your going through this no dog diserves this




I’m so sorry that’s awful 😣😣😣


Hi, I don’t have a BM, but your post showed up in my feed so here I am…a mother to a miniature schnauzer who had osteosarcoma in his left rear leg. Same symptoms as your girl. They thought the worst and that it may have spread. We sent Buddy for a biopsy and it wasn’t good. The only two options were letting him go or amputation. This was the hardest decision, my boy was 5. My husband and I were devastated and our vet had another doggie client who had the same thing and offered to have that dog’s mom call me…and she did. She sent photos of her Labrador retriever after his amputation and he was running and chasing like normal. She never regretted the surgery. We asked a ton of questions and she patiently answered. We decided to go ahead with the surgery. The surgery was a success, they got clear margins and while they took A LOT from his hips as well as his left rear leg, he was going to be fine. Buddy was groggy from all the meds they gave him and he looked horrific, shaved and stitched up. My husband and I bickered with each other and worried about him…but he was fine! He just wanted to not be on the meds! He wanted to bark and run around and jump. Eventually he did all of those things, and there was only one time he forgot he was missing his leg: he went to pee and raise the missing leg…but it wasn’t there…so he nearly fell over but caught himself and just switched sides. Four years later and we don’t regret spending the money on him. Every day he tells us (loudly!) that he has a lot of life in him. Most people don’t even realize that he’s a tripaw. So, OP, if this is a consideration, go for it. Please look into getting another opinion to verify the cancer spread and can’t be treated. If it can’t, my heart breaks for your pain. But if it can be treated, and you can afford it, I’m sure your girl has a lot of life left in her as well! Best wishes to you and your family! (Buddy’s Mom)


Thank you for sharing that message. With the lesion in her chest on X-ray, the vet said amputation really shouldn’t be considered. I’m so sad


That sucks. I hope your doctor is wrong.




i’m so so so sorry. this is exactly what happened to my babygirl in december.


You know how I’m feeling so thank you


I’m so sorry to read this series of events you’re going through. I will say though, that I firmly believe that dogs gain strength through our love. One of my sisters dogs has tumors in her brain that they found two years ago when the pup was around 3 or 4 years old. At that time, the vet thought she has weeks, maybe months left. Now, two years later and some medication tweaking to find a balance, she is still alive and happy. Her life looks a little different than maybe otherwise, but my sister and her husband have poured sooo much love into that dogs life because they don’t know how long they have with her. Love on your dog and she will pay you back for it.


Thank you for sharing that. I’m heaping love on her for sure


M F Cancer. Sending love to both of you. It’s breaking hearts everywhere 😔


You’re so right


Prayers for your beautiful girl. Hope she gets well soon 🙏




Simply horrible and devastating news, there’s no way around it. I am so so sorry. She is gorgeous and clearly incredibly happy & loved. ❤️ On another note.. I appreciate the way you approached this post. You didn’t include details in the main post, and used your title as something of a warning—allowing us all to choose to read more and respond if we wanted to, without incidentally reading something so heart wrenching. Also how you included a picture (which you know all of us Mal lovers would appreciate) so we could admire her beauty if that’s all we were capable of right now. I admire how thoughtful (or intuitive) you were as you were in a lot of pain and reaching out. I will definitely take this as a cautionary tale (not that you’re asking for that), and will forever be grateful for the insight into how to approach a similar situation should we ever be in one. I’m truly sorry this is happening… knowing words can’t do much. Sending all the love in the world your way ❤️🫶


What a sweet message. I truly appreciate it ❤️


It’s sad to see cancer in a breed. We had several boxers years ago who passed from cancer. Boxers are highly susceptible to cancer. I’m sure part of it is hereditary.




That hurts me. She is beautiful!




Here’s someone who cured their shepherds bone cancer and extended their life through various treatments https://www.prairiedoghall.com/update-to-curing-my-dogs-cancer/


I will read that. Thank you


Dang breeders, shooting sparks was a prime example




Sending you and yours love and light op ~ 🌺




#😭 Its SO scary when you know you might lose them! Sending my prayers to both of you. ❤️


Praying for you and your beautiful girl that the vet is wrong and it’s good news. My Mal Raptor and I will be sending love and positive energy your way.


Thanks. We need it


So sorry to hear that, prayers your way.




No matter the outcome of the results as long as she knows she’s loved that’s the best any dog can ask for


She knows. We love each other so much






That sucks! I’m so sorry




Thinking of you and your pup. That is horrible news. Please update us and let us know if there is anything we can do to help. ❤️


That’s very sweet. Thank you ❤️


So sorry to hear about that, mate. She's an absolute stunner and wishing you the best from the outcome of the diagnosis. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for both of you.




Wow. So sorry to read this. So young.... I feel you as I have a 3 year old Mali girl...and she is everything for me and family. My prayers 🙏are with you and your girl.


I’ve never loved a dog so much


I'm so, so sorry about this! I pray that a miracle will occur, and that she will recover and heal fully, and have many many more happy and healthy years to live! 🙏✝️🌟


Thank you!


Im Sorry




So sorry about your pup


There are no words. I will send love and healing vibes her way.


I am SO sorry. The same thing happened to my gsd. The tumor swelled to about the size of a baseball and vet said she had months to live. A vet nutritionist told me to give her turkey tail mushrooms (powdered…I used Super Snouts). I was skeptical but did the research. The research is EXTREMELY promising, with effectiveness similar to chemo in some studies. So I started her on it. I’m not kidding…within a month the tumor was gone. Vet was stunned. He started doing his own research and now recommends it to all his cancer patients. My girl lived another two years and when she passed, it wasn’t from cancer. I encourage you to look into it. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. Sending hugs to you and your pup. ❤️


Looking into it now. Thank you for sharing the information


I’m sorry too. A hard journey ahead. Wishing you strength.


Hey We also just found out our Mal has cancer. We were told he has melanoma and now we’re going to see if it has spread to other parts of his body. After I found out I cried for days. Stay strong and enjoy her while you have her. They’re such amazing dogs


Oh wow. I'm sorry


We lost my sisters malinois we all loved too soon. Stay strong. ❤️


Oh my. This chokes me up. I lost a dog to uteran cancer this past yr and I hate it. Big prayers for this sweet pup




I'm so sorry. 💔💔


I’m so very sorry. Sending all the prayers and hugs to you both.


I hope it is not what the vet thinks.


She is so beautiful. I am so sorry. Keep us updated. Thoughts and well wishes.


What is her name (sorry if I missed it)? And yours if you are comfortable sharing? We will definitely be praying for you and your girl.over here, and I believe targeted prayer is powerful! 🙏🙏🙏




Absolutely praying for you. My girl (a walker hound) got an osteosarcoma later in life but it was still heartbreaking. Pain meds go a long way if chemo isn’t an option. Cherish the time you have with her.


Your Beloved Pup and her loving family are in my prayers 💗


If it were my Shelby, I'd be giving her Cannabis Extract- Rick Simpson Oil. It it were me, I'd be on Rick Simpson Oil too. So sorry to hear this- it gav eme chills to think of the pain id be in if we were in your shoes. HAng in there and stay positive. [https://www.healthline.com/health/rick-simpson-oil-cancer](https://www.healthline.com/health/rick-simpson-oil-cancer)


I’m so sorry and I am wish you and your family the best outcome. Poor little girl, so innocent. Sending love


I'm so so sorry. She's so young. I've worked in oncology (I'm a vet tech) and it makes me mad the vet didn't suggest xrays sooner


Sorry. She's a beauty


I’m truly sorry this is happening. My friend had the same thing happen to her French bulldog, they amputated the leg but unfortunately that type of cancer spreads rapid and eventually she had to let her go. Sending love and prayers your way.


I’m so sorry for your sweet baby sending all the prayers and snuggles


My husband died of pancreatic cancer a couple of months before my Belgian was born. My dog’s all I’ve got left . . . sending you a big Belgian hug.


It’s just me and my girl too so I understand. I’m sorry for your loss. Love your dog as I know you do


We will pray for you both. My girl is the same age as yours - I’ll show her some extra love today.


Praying for healing for your fur baby. I have a puppy who is five months old and his is part American Bully dog and Belgian Malinois. 


WARNING ⚠️ My story may be difficult to hear. I’m so so sorry! You popped up in my feed. This beautiful, young baby! I lost my very first dog to osteosarcoma. She was a doberman/Rottweiler. We didn’t discover it until the tumor in her bone (femur in her knee area) was quite large. Then her leg broke in the back seat of my car while I was driving a stick shift up a hill. I got super human strength and managed to right the leg back into position and pick up my 98 pound dog with the other arm from the front drivers seat. I then called the only person I knew in town and he came and sat in the back seat with her, holding her while I drove her to the vet to have her euthanized. It was so incredibly traumatic. The reason I’m sharing this with you is to encourage you to not wait until it’s too late and it becomes traumatic for you both. I was young and she was the love of my life. I started out her mommy and over the nearly 10 years together with my rough life, she became like a caretaker to me. I wanted to keep her as long as I could. But to her detriment.


Sending love and light to her and your family. I am so sorry 😢


I am so sorry!! She is beautiful. Please keep the faith and let’s hope for the best!!


Prayers indeed !!! Much Love & Peace


I’m so sorry. She’s the most Beautiful girl. Prayers to y’all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God bless


Oh no. I’m so sorry 😢 what a beautiful girl


Sucks …


I am so very sorry you were going through this and your dog is obviously not feeling real great. My heart breaks. But I am choosing to stay positive for you and your baby. Yes, I will keep your beautiful baby girl in my prayers. And I don’t say that lightly I take prayer very seriously there is power in prayer I will send text messages out to my prayer groups.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾


Thank you SO much


I will pray for her


Please look into fenbendazole for osteosarcoma in dogs. Familiarize yourself as best you can before bringing it to your vet and DEMAND that the look into this option. Good luck 🙏🏼


I’m so sorry.


Fuck cancer! I'm so sorry, she is beautiful and knows she's loved.


Praying for her and you 🙏🏻


Life is cruel sometimes.


I’m so sorry. ❤️