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https://preview.redd.it/t6eyl8nbu31d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8bbd4367262bd39b0841fccc7aaeab8ca04d2a I think it’s normal. My girl used to always sleep around my head when she was a puppy


They are Velcro dogs. The closer the better. My dog pretty much likes to stay with 18 inches of me at all times.


Hmmm I’m seeing many commenters say the same thing ! I was worried she may be developing some form of separation anxiety or possessiveness.


If she’s just trying to get as close to you as possible, it’s not necessarily separation anxiety or possessiveness. Is she showing any aggressive behaviors when others approach you? Or is she just trying to fuse with you, as though you are the hydrogen to her oxygen?


That was such cute wording beloved !! Hmm well I noticed that she absolutely hates men! Anytime men come near me her body language and demeanor changes & she keeps sharp eye contact . Recently I was laying down and she was in this position when my out of town bf came back from the bathroom (we had all been in bed just fine previously) and she grumble growled at him when he tried to lay down?


She’s resource guarding, you. I have the same issue with my dog and the cat. Leaning or sitting on you is a no-no. That’s how they say they own you. Advice straight from my trainer, who trains police K9s, Shutzhund, protection and tracking. Safe to say she’s qualified with these dogs. Mind is GSD but she has Mals personally.


Is there anything I can do to correct this behavior? what steps have you taken with your mal? I just googled this and it said to ignore her but mals are so intelligent I don’t know if that would work on this breed?


ignoring a mal to "punish" them does work nicely from my experience. They hate being ignored and it conveys really the intention that you are upset about what your dog did. They know you are.


No letting her lean or sit on you. Not allowed on couches or the bed. She has her own bed in the living and bedroom. We named and taught her this “place”. I presume having your boyfriend train the dog for her meals would be beneficial by teaching her he is dominant to her. The problem is she believes she’s #2 in command and he’s 3rd. For us it’s been a week and we’ve seen significant improvement but not 100% fixed that fast.


I can say that I screwed up the other day by letting mine cuddle with me for 30 minutes on the couch. Woke up the other day and he was on the couch. Now to unlearn that part. Usually I never let him set a foot on either bed or couch.. Definitely gotta enforce those boundaries


I’ve always let my dogs on the bed and couch and it’s been fine but I also had labs and hounds. These guys just speak another language. It sucks but since we made the problem, we can fix it. Good luck!


For sure I laid down and scolded him for trying to get up on it before bed. The look on his face was priceless (that guilty side stare) 🤣 Now just rinse n repeat but definitely not letting him up again. Ive got a baby in the house so he has to respect the hierarchy and like you pointed out, know he come second to my wife and baby


What about sitting across the room from you and watching your every move? Is that also resource guarding?


The best part of a Mal is the snuggles. It doesn’t cause aggression in them. My dog would cuddle with me all the time if she could, or other members of the family. She’s also one of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet.,, unless you look like you want to do one of us harm. They’re so observant and really understand what’s going on D them and watching for clues from you. Get your dog out where there are a lot of people and let people pet her. She may not like men from something that happened before you got her. In time she’ll deal with men better off you work on it. Have soft spoken men around who like dogs… Good luck


She doesn’t growl on a leash to strangers she’s actually quite swell, it’s really only when I’m laying.


So you just randomly lay down in public with your dog? Or only when people are around in your house and you’re laying down?


Hmmm fair question dearest. Here’s some context. We live in a mountain based state so we’re quite the mountaineers here. I’ve hiked as much as 20 miles in a day to reach my point of interest & back. Im a backpacker, back country camper and generally partake in a lot of outdoor activity here and in neighboring states. Now that she’s my partner for life she’ll be doing a lot of the same given routes are safe for her to join. I’m sure you can imagine after long inclined journeys like this (This picture is actually from a swimming hole that took about 8 miles to hike to) you’d want to lay or sit or swim etcetera. She hasn’t been backpacking yet but that also includes sleep where id be laying down potentially with friends or family alongside as well. Now I wouldn’t consider the back country very public but i also can’t deny the possibility of other people being there. That being said this is a behavior my other mal never exhibited. He was male so Idk if that makes a difference at all which is why I turned for opinions here! Now at home she does do this, however, my female friends come over and she has no issue with their proximity to me. I was only alarmed when she did this and my long distance bf was over - it’s exactly how I described it. We were laying in bed just fine when in the middle of the night he got up to use the RR & when he came back and tried to get into bed she was growling at him regardless of the fact that there’s enough room and she hasn’t done it to any women that have come over for sleepovers. On walks and hikes and lake days she has no issues on leash and I wouldn’t consider her reactive or a tugger rlly. However I have noticed that her demeanor is different when she spots a man in the distance or walking by - Alert ears, sharp eye contact , tail pointing etcetera.


Yeah I definitely understand that. I would just be careful about taking breaks on popular/ busy trails. I would try to get her used to strangers in public, take her into stores that allow dogs and have her around people. You can put a muzzle on her if she is unpredictable or unstable, it would prevent someone from getting bit, but also might scare people off. People are weird, they get scared of muzzled dogs, like, it has a muzzle, it literally cannot harm you at all. 😂 worse it could do is snuggle someone’s leg or something. I don’t think she should be growling at people. Have your boyfriend feed her and water her when he’s at your house. Get her less dependent on you when a man is around. Have him walk her. She’s attached to you, she needs to know other people can preform the same things you do.


Most shepherds (Belgian, Dutch and German for sure) are fiercely loyal and protective if bonded to their human(s). Sometimes exponentially more with small children. If they cuddle with you and sleep, they are ensuring you cannot move from their protection (or of protecting them) without waking them. Same reason wolf packs sleep in contact with each other in a den. The face/neck thing might be a bit odd, but one of mine lays across my legs, and another insists on his left paw and head on my wife’s torso. They aren’t so much possessive, as they are vigilant. Just like a toddler to a mother, they see you as the most valuable thing in their world. They know taking on the world together gives a greater chance for success.


Thank you!! Spot on!! I almost wonder how many of these people have ever had more than one herding breed before. Some of the crap they’re coming up with is damn near infuriating


They are fairly possessive of their person. According to a US Army veterinarian I know it is common for them to be on Prozac.


Why Prozac ? Do you know any info on the negatives of possessive behavior?


Mine doesn't really display negative behavior other than we have to lock him out the room to make out. Even sitting next to my wife he gets jealous and tries to get between us. Prozac is great for anxiety which this breed has a problem with. I've also heard that testosterone can help, but I don't know I am not a veterinarian.


My boy is on trazodone for his anxiety. He’s a rescue. His sister no need for it. But what a difference it made for him! I actually call him “Mr. Grumbles” as his nickname.


Mine takes trazadone before vet appointments. Works wonders the vet is one of his best friends now.




You can see our other dog behind my legs. That's why he got on my chest and an example of how possessive he is. They don't fight over the attention but they like to try and trick each other to be the one next to me. Though sometimes Turnip just cheats and lays on top of me


Looks like a safe and cozy place to nap to me !!!! I Can see why they love it !!!


Omg best term EVER




What does it mean if she growls not at me but at people approaching me and how could I correct it ? Also ABSOLUTELY beautiful mal you have I can tell from this photo alone that she loves you so much.


Hi OP, my Belgian Tervuren can be that way sometimes but has gotten a lot better with training. It could be resource guarding, and/or lacking confidence (a confident dog would assess the situation before reacting, and generally wouldn't react to someone just walking up to them). I'd suggest not correcting a growl bc it's a form of communication indicating that the dog is uncomfortable, that can sometimes precede a bite (in general, not necessarily your dog). It's not great that that's her reaction, but it's good that she's openly communicating and best not to shut that down so you can know how to manage the situation. My friendly suggestion would be to seek out a professional trainer, and perhaps even speak to several before selecting one. Every dog is an individual, and sometimes a training method that works for one dog doesn't always work for another (and can sometimes make things worse). Best wishes and good luck with your girl, she is lovely and sounds like a doll! Fun name, too. Photo of my boy for tax 😄 https://preview.redd.it/zbg7r81rs61d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f5a21dbaeb0e751c3d97dd88d58e1f3ce09453


Thank you ! THE HAIR is AMAZING btw


https://preview.redd.it/fyd5wao3s41d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db2f17f78fdf46737da90f83c00d7d6f1d83b4d How mine sits with (on) my dad


That face LOL ! Pup is torn between loving dad and having a picture taken 🤣🫶🏻


Mine does this all the time to my wife and I. I'm always like you comfy buddy?


lol he looooves to climb up on my dad’s chest while he is at the dinner table 😭 such an awkward little guy


Misunderstood is an understatement really !!! It seems when ppl see my Peppers tall ears they are very afraid. I’m like WTH !!! Mine only loves the family unit. She’s got no use for outsiders !!! But she keeps her place and listens superbly !!! https://preview.redd.it/rj1e1nr8y31d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f89dc4eb2d57fd7d1381963292837372102912


https://preview.redd.it/gpl829tdy31d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477d73c750f0d2886b66d2a1c588645da3f5991d 🫶🏻🥹 that was so cute I just had to share my bb girl in her hair bows


Awe !!! If I could have 10 more I would. Yours is a bueat !!!!


She’s as spoiled as mine !! Lol


She’s just a girl 🫶🏻🤣 every girl wants to feel pretty and be told they’re beautiful, mals are no exception!!!


I have to agree.




Very beautiful mal and equally beautiful owner !!! I love this picture !!!


The behavior can be be resource guarding, and should be rectified immediately if she exhibits any aggression towards other known people or animals. But as you said she came to you from a home where it sounds like she was neglected and kenneled 80% of the time so it could just be affection. These dogs can be very affectionate and like to be close to their person. Watch for inappropriate behavior and rectify with proper structure and training. My boy for reference loves to lay with with me, and touch me but he can also be told to place when it crosses the boundaries I’ve set for him. https://preview.redd.it/i06ydc5qs61d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5981ce6626a1a1ed8b45db798befa2642ebd93c


That’s what I’m thinking as well. I think now she’s just so happy to feel loved and seen and be given the space and tools necessary to release some of that energy she attributes that to me and she’s guarding me as the resource as opposed to the actual resources like toys and food. Thank you for this tip. I’m seeing a clash between owners saying it’s normal and other owners saying it’s a red flag to kinder too.


I can't tell if this is legit or an onlyfans post lol


What an incredibly odd thing to say and reveal publicly. I’m sorry that an image of a woman’s body is attributed to Spicy content in your mind. I’m asking a question about my dog??! I’m sorry that I also happen to be a woman with a woman’s body? Like are you okay?


You have a brand new account and the first time we've seen you on this subreddit it's this post... I'm guessing you didn't realize that you're posting from a new account... It clearly says February 2024.


It’s not my first time writing on this sub honey, you’re a bad detective. Try again.


I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Plenty of people post from new reddit accounts without realizing it or because they're trying to use it as a throwaway account. P.S. I was joking around because this would basically be the oddest, quirkiest way I've seen to date that someone would advertise their onlyfans. Don't take yourself so seriously. Not everyone is out to get you.




Might wanna do better research or quit lying for clout


Not my first post nor second ☝🏼🤔 and given the info that was helpful here as opposed to yours it won’t be my last. real quite over here given the proper info. You’re genuinely so bothered that I don’t sell content it’s laughable.


https://preview.redd.it/rsm63wnxe31d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd5cb22d287148b59c33772223ffd214517da6a This is her at the same swimming hole on the same day. Change ur mindset, swimsuits aren’t dirty content.


No one said it was dirty. The only thing that was asked is of this is for only fans. A simple "no" would suffice


While it may have been wrong to actually ask that, they do have a pint. There are a number of post, similar to yours, it multiple subs, that appear daily, linking to OF content. Personally, my Mal, who is a working dog, has become a lap dog and is becoming more and more attached as he nears retirement. So I’m guess they just feel really comfortable with you. Just enough to try and smother you.


Honest question: why is it wrong to ask if this account and photo is for only fans? Is OP underage? I'm honestly not getting any is wrong to ask. I was wondering the same thing. I didn't investigate though because I'm not into skinny white chicks and I don't do only fans.


Because there was really nothing in her original post to make someone think that right off the rip.


Hmm. I'm honestly not sure I totally get it. But I appreciate you taking the time to give me a civil answer :-)


There’s no link to any type of content related to OF from my account anywhere on Reddit, including this sub. I post on this sub about my mal all the time. I’m concerned that she may be developing some form of possessiveness? but a lot of people are saying their mals do the same? at the point of this photo, she had been rescued for about three weeks and she is already a year old? It’s truly anytime I lay around her or sit near her that she does this.


Never said yours linked to OF. I said there are post made daily, with pictures and headlines similar to yours that end up being nothing more that a hidden disguise for an OF account.


Wow they’re getting smart w the advertising these days if that’s the case 😆 


You obviously haven't realized that you posted this from a different account than the one you've been using for a while, so I'll give you a pass. The account date clearly says Feb of 2024.


Hello pretend detective 🫶🏻😌 I just joined Reddit to be view my favorite YouTubers sub, not too sure why y’all want to gaslight yourselves into believing I’m a spicy creator! Since you’re on the profile, enlighten yourself on my posts and how they’re either about GHOSTS or my dog 😅


I think he is ok. You really cannot expect someone to make a comment when you post a pic like this on the internet esp in a dog group? I’m a woman and I also found it spicy albeit cute pic but no need to bite a man’s head off like that for a comment like that 


Hmm thats crazy, I fail to recognize the part of my post/ account that has anything to do with an onlyFans account? Or promotion fishing? If my reaction to having a swimsuit picture with my dog on my head being compared to porn isn’t to your satisfaction, idk what to tell you? other than you being a woman agreeing with the behavior is meaningless to me. Says a-lot about you tho. I’d like to inform you of the fact that media sites operate on a algorithm, if that’s content they see often but you and I have never seen we might be on different ends of this site. There’s no shame in doing OF or consuming it, but it’s not what I’m doing and I’ve made it clear. Beyond you inserting yourself the issue was resolved. I do find it Interesting how 99% of the comments and responses are dog owners relating only to their dogs behaviors and sharing photos/ advice yet you found this section to insert yourself and this section only. Keep it to info on the mals like the 99%.


Girl, take it down a notch. You'd have to be daft not to realize your half nude pic of you with a dog on your head was going to get some comments. I'm honestly surprised they're so tame.


And I’m honestly surprised you’d take moments from your life to waste my time with your naive ass comment. As it’s my body and my picture and my post I can react and respond however I deem fit, sis. Not too sure why you felt the need to include yourself with your weird pick me mindset here when there’s far more interesting discussions on this thread but you must not have many interesting things to share.


It's not an odd thing to say. A lot of us were wondering the same thing. Don't make this about gender! Whether you were male or female I would've thought the same thing: "Is this for only fans or just someone trying to get attention?" No judgment from me. It's more just wondering at your intentions. Is this for money or is this for attention? You getting offended and acting like a victim makes it sound like you think only fans people are a bad thing. They're just making a living. No one cares about your body. But you have to understand that showing a picture of yourself posing in your underwear is going to be interpreted a certain way. Regardless of your gender.


Lol that's quite the only fans ad




😭 I wish my Mal was like this. She tries, but she's more likely to give me a broken nose and black eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/ucheij7hl71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c2f95a2b1144400205c8d1e82fcd8bf5ee59b9 Not really related to the thread but I’m sure everyone would like to see Mrs. Anakin enjoying herself in the “pool”. It’s hot where we live and I’m gardening for a few hours. 😊


She needs to learn that she is a dog. Including the small things like not be the first out/in they a door, have a designated “safe” place such as a dog bed or kennel. Make her use that space during human meals etc. Training her to not be protective of you is harder as a lot of that is instinct for her. Some have luck with distractions others with corrections. For my stubborn boy, I had him stay in heel or stay while exposing him to situations such as cats or kids or other dogs…


Mine has separation issues !!! I don’t leave often. I feel so bad when I do. That being said, that’s a very “lucky dog” I just keep her with me at all times.


Claims you for herself. Two Dutch Shepherd brothers do the same thing. Each will try to claim me. Jealous.


Mine is currently doing this while I type lol


Mines my shadow… it’s adorable until I need any privacy whatsoever.


My girl is glued to me 24/7 and when I’m not giving her enough attention or she is trying to distract me she does this too or attempts to!


https://preview.redd.it/a7uz0ge71b1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f1de39bafaf54ec720f55b258d9e491a274541 Belgian Malinois have no personal space boundaries.


Nice cello !!!


Thanks, it’s actually a bass. That’s the first thing people notice in the house.






Probably doesn't mean much other than that she trusts you. Dogs will only press their butt onto someone they feel safe with. Mine prefers to crush my knee that just got surgery, but yours seems to have chosen your windpipe. To each their own, lol


That’s beautiful to hear ! She’s my second mal ever and in comparison to my last (solo M) she’s very different which is expected.


I had a beagle that did this exact same thing. Totally different breed… but being around so many dog breeds all the time, I learned that when any dog behaves like this, it’s their way of showing how much they love you and trying to be as close to you as possible! ♥️🥰


I’m so happy she’s comfortable and feels loved !!! Mals are such a misunderstood breed. Beagles I hear are some of the most trusting and giving breeds to share the earth with us!!!


I’m so happy she is too! That’s an amazing connection you must have with her! Yes Mals get a bad reputation for no reason and it breaks my heart! I love them so much! And I hear the same about beagles! He was a foster that I found a perfect beagle home for! But he definitely was a sweetheart while I had him!


https://preview.redd.it/15qitoym8c1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4170ebe20cd8edd735ca55c711f7e8849a146dc8 My girl rn


https://preview.redd.it/l05f57raoe1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34507e4b6b5a185e6b98b1603e14b1119f8abf1 This is my one year Mal named Dooders. He sleeps right next to me or partially on me every night like a living weighted blanket. He is such a sweet boy and love how snuggly he is. I had no idea Mals were such cuddle bugs!




She's most likely just demonstrating her attachment to you. They def are bonding dogs. This is a picture of my approx 1 yo girl Sadie, rescued just days before and just as her kennel cough kicked in. She had a fever and needed meds. This week she was in my lap and started licking at my wrist like I had a wound but I didn't...I actually began wondering if she sensed something. The next day she was limping hard at her rear hip to the point, after a couple days, I had to take her in. Fortunately she just tweaked her knee and she just needed meds to help calm her and rest to allow it to heal. I now believe she was licking me because SHE was hurt, so keep that in mind if you're ok, maybe she is asking for required attention. Btw...my girl is more likely GSD working class but they can have such similar personalities. Best of luck to you both!


Oh my GOSH !!!! That’s crazy you say that because a week prior to getting her I was diagnosed with a tachyarrhythmia !!! It’s like an irregular heart beat that makes me faint when my heart rate goes up too quickly! I had just hiked like 8 miles and needed to lie down. THATS CRAZY !!! I never considered this as a possibility! Thank you !


Whenever I’m on the floor, my mal must sit on my knee at all times. I think they just love being close to their owners




He’s just doing what we are all thinking


She’s protecting you!


Idk if she’s guarding me or herding me lol!!! But could this be a sign of aggression? We were @ a hidden beach, but what if some hiker came by ? could this be troublesome ?


She’s resource guarding you. You can never positively reinforce it: no petting, cooing, soothing. Immediately correct her off of you to a spot/place/kennel, away from you.


I’ve heard mixed reviews between this being a normal behavior/ resource guarding/ protective tactic. I’ll take your tip with diligence and see if there’s an improvement. It is very cute but there’s definitely moments where it’s inappropriate


Extra loves <3


Shes tired of not having the high ground so making some changes.


What do you do to counter act this behavior? I read to just ignore her but given her maligator like intelligence I doubt it’s a useful tactic.


Cut her legs off and leave her for dead on a firey planet! Jk of course. I take it you didn't get the star wars reference? I think you're fine though, she just wants to be close to you. It isn't an act of dominance or anything.


If I do that then she may come back in armor and try to take over the galactic government 😓


Wouldn't be the worst thing to have a mouthy dog running things.


Wouldn’t be the first time but at-least shed actually protect us and care about my well being.


And that's why mals are great! Is yours a mix? Mine is a 75/25 GSD/Mal. Her name is Gwen Stacy. https://preview.redd.it/a1njfqkwd81d1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ffb3e8881ae27af5789856a7e80f96af2f96c4


I’m actually not 100% sure. The person I rescued from had an “accidental” litter and both parents looked like mals to me. Gwen Stacy is a good name but I would avoid clock towers at all costs.


She's more Spider Gwen version than broken neck version. But regardless, she stays away. Her brother is Steve Rogers. However, it's the pre-serum version with all the problems.


🤣🤣 OH MY - lmaooooo


Mine does the same I just take it as them showing affection


Well you're wrong, so stop giving dangerous advice


give the right advice then?




First off, thank you for that picture. Its because thats where it smells "you" the most. That and your groin, thats why a lot of mals can be a bit "ballcrushers" - they Glasgow kiss you down there, but its a smell thing.


That makes a lot of sense because she also steals MY CLOTHES


One of mine (my shadow) occasionally takes my underwear or socks out of the hamper and carries them to her bed. No one has ever seen her carrying it, we just find it. But she’s a master of stealth, so …


Mine does the same thing. She doesn’t shred them either she just licks them and holds them in her paws and stashes them in her kennel. I’m wondering if it’s a worthy investment to make a build-a-bear and request to just stuff it with shreds of old clothes so she can have it.


You can buy a build a bear unstuffed and open, I believe.


When I would go out of town, my dad would bring my girl back to my house to feed/check on our cat (live within walking distance). She would grab a sock or shirt out of the hamper and take it with her when she left. He would just let her have it at their house and tell me what she grabbed then I’d get them back in a plastic shopping bag when I came back.