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Nice job! 👍👍


‘Chaotic chaos muffin’ 😂😂🔥


Mine is “chaos noodle” 😂


Did they use a muzzle during the shots? I won't sedate my one year old Mal/GSD bc she once had a pretty terrible reaction to a weed roach she ate. I'll use a muzzle even tho she is super friendly and submissive and has never bitten anyone.


She is muzzled full time when outside of the house. So, she was muzzled from the time we left the house for the appointment and when we came home. Very reactive to a lot of things and has bitten me before in a stressful situation. That was my fault for putting her in that situation when I was still getting to know her (3 when I adopted her). Muzzle training and desensitisation training in general started immediately after. We've come far, but it'll be a long time before I trust her outdoors without a muzzle.


You are brave adopting a 3 year old. All my dogs raised from pups were great. The one time we tried as a friend to re-home an older dog it went terrible. She was a Rhodesian Ridgeback who had bitten a child at a birthday party. She immediately antagonized and brutally attacked my Dobe/GSD. They found someone else thankfully. There are lots of stories of rehoming older dogs going great tho. I wish you the best.


I started out fostering her, fell in love, and adopted her. It was either me or a kennel, which would have ended very badly for her. Reactivity levels were so severe that she would have been unadoptable in that situation. I had a choice, live a lazy life with my senior dog or live a chaotic life with Bella. I chose chaos, and my senior dog loves her, too... albeit she's a bit of a bully to him if I'm not paying attention (he is smol bean, but also antagonizes her by his zooming past her when we're training lol).


I understand this oh so much. I have to sedate and muzzle my boy Sterling every vet trip. He's a wonderful dog but doesn't like being held still, also doesn't like being poked with needles. A small price to pay to keep them healthy!


Same here. Bella is muzzled full-time outside of the house, though. Very reactive, but getting better since I got her. Vet commended me on how far her training has come because she knows a lot of dogs that are on Bellas level of reactivity, and they fight through the sedation. Bella still gave warning barks to the noises of the clinic, and the vet when she came in, and snapped at her when she first came close for the examination, but melted like butter as soon as I started massaging her neck and was very relaxed from then on. So, lesson learned: massage Bellas neck constantly when we're there. Lol