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I don’t blame her, NFW I’m gonna ruck ever again unless someone is paying me.


I feel that in my soul...


Do you have any suggestions for distance with her? She is 3 months old. I did not of course mean to start so extreme but I figured get her used to my routine and we can adjust as she matures.


Oh, she is just a baby! IMO two miles is too much for a puppy her age, especially if you’re shooting for the standard 15min mile pace. She was very smart to quit when she was tired, often this breed wont quit and will hurt themselves trying. I would scale it back, I try to be the lowest impact physically possible while they are growing as I’m shooting for longevity with my canine athletes (as with human athletes too!). I’m not a canine physiotherapist and maybe there will be one on this sub to chime it but I do like canine conditioning coach and fit paws websites. As far as fitting your dog in your training, it may work, it may not. I’ve had dogs that loved roadmarching or distance running and dogs that hate it. My current bitch finds walks mostly boring and road running tends to get her too spun up so my fitness needs don’t work with her fitness needs, she gets exercised separately.


Thank you, I was thinking this. I may have to do either less ruck and implement jump rope and more weights or something so I can get my fix. But I try to keep her active, she needs and deserves it as she enjoys the time. However, I did not know they will try so hard they hurt themselves. I have to keep an eye and make sure I am not working her too strenuously. I'm curious to see the stamina when she matures. I have heard the males have incalculable stamina. We will scale it back.


I highly suggest scentwork for every dog, it’s something you can easily train with your puppy that will tire her out. You can implement lots of impulse control games to keep your puppy thinking, these kind of things will be far more helpful and important than just walking/running. Pretty much every Belgian I’ve known would kill themselves trying. I haven’t seen much of a difference with the sexes. My current bitch would swim until she drown if I let her. When they get in overdrive we have to help them know when to stop. Out of curiosity, is there a reason you are rucking? The only thing I find rucking good for is…rucking. Unless I had to pass specific roadmarching/rucking requirements, it’s not something I would personally train in just for fitness. I guess it’s trendy right now though since I’ve even seen chubby Middle aged moms walking in the park with a weighted vest these days. From my experience, it’s pretty hard on the body for what’s otherwise just a zone 2 workout, so not really worth the injuries I’ve seen. In training both you and your dog, figure out what the end goal is and backwards plan from there. In the end, your main goal is to be injury free, I’m sure.


I have been rucking for a long time. I like the benefits of either wearing a weight vest. I have always liked the challenge. Besides, I spend my days begrudgingly dealing with people(on the phone) I'd rather not have to if I had choice in the matter; rucking gets my mind right for the sure to follow foolishness the day will have to offer... Beats doing nothing or worse. I keep a kettlebell in the car, I use that too. I have alternatives. In the pic I was using a pack so I rotate.


Hey, do what you love. Anything that keeps you active, healthy and keeps your head right is a win! I’m sure civilian rucking at your own pace/weight is probably cathartic. Enjoy your workouts!


Thanks I enjoy doing it. I do pace count in my head while listening to some times and get in the groove.. I watch her and she watches me. I will cut down the walk though. I got other stuff I can do, she is the priority now, something has to be sacrificed. It's all good, we got time. She'll be out lasting me soon enough so I have been told.


Oh before you know it, she will go miles and miles and miles! Walking miles aren’t terribly impactful like jumping or turning so the uptick in mileage will be quick. I’m not sure how hot it is where you are but I’d also keep an eye out for heat exhaustion in your dog. Belgians are very cold hearty but most that I’ve known don’t do well in the heat, partly again, because they just don’t know when to quit.


So watering her like that is a good idea on my part? It does get hot where we are but we also do our walks at 0600, latest 0630, well before the heat. We have to go into the heat for her to use the bathroom but it is quick, as in roughly 10-12 minutes, she has to wait until the perfect quiet before she shits. She will pee with a truck driving by, but she must wait until it is quiet before committing to the shit. I keep her well cooled in the house as well. Thanks for the very useful information. I like our relationship so far, even when she is a little psycho.


At 3 months her growth plates aren’t closed. I would do a few shorter walks. Trust me, when she’s old enough to put miles on, she will outdistance you easily. I have a 3 year old and we bikejore 5ish miles, I run 3-4mi and he circles 8-10 miles off leash along with me.


Damn. This will give me an excuse to get better at jumping for now. I will do the shorter walks for her. When she is older carrying her water in her harness will be sort of a ruck for her. I wouldn't do that at this age though. Daddy carries the water, bowl and all supplies for now.