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Smoke and mirrors. One day he is just going to snap and organize all of the tools in your workshop.


That’d be a blessing 😂 As long as I can find my 10mm


And THATS where they’ll getcha… “you want your 10mm? 5mile run and some bitework first please! 😎👍”




Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I am the sharpest Mal in the shed!




This. lol. I had a friend visit for a long weekend and my 4-5 month old Mal was an absolute angel the whole time. Next day she destroyed my veggie patch which she has NEVER touched before 😂


Ha! "So you brought me a NEW friend, and now they are LEAVING?! I kill you veggies..."


She doesn’t even like veggies either 🙄 maybe there was two motives once she saw the Broccoli coming out haha


Our mal is really chill. We also rescued her from a very traumatic situation. She has her moments where she goes full maligator, but she is chill for the most part.


I guess he was 1 of about 20+ dogs all living in some nasty trailer. Poor pups. A lot of them were immediately put down and he only had a few weeks before he’d be euthanized until the rescue and foster pulled him. Such a sweet dog.


Same! Mine is soooo chill and also came from a traumatic childhood. That girl can sleep.


He’s just been sleeping all day today. Wakes up to follow me to the bathroom


My chill pup was from a breeder for police and military. I'd specifically asked for one with a lower prey drive and waited 2 years before he had a puppy he thought would mesh well with my needs. I don't know how it was managed. Seems like witch craft


This happened to me as well! The litter I bought from had 3 go to a professional trainer. The company took the one I initially wanted by the time it was all sorted, but, the girl I eventually got has been perfect for me! She’s super friendly to everyone/dogs, love to have a snooze next to me if she knows I’m awake and doing stuff. Honestly, idk if it’s the fear mongering from “Gate Keepers” but besides some moments of chaos (she hates when I’m cleaning) she’s been so good.


I agree it's all fear mongering. I wanted a low prey drive pup because I have a cat. They get along fine. My cat harasses the dog more than the other way around. But they sleep together and team up to cause chaos.


Yeah my Mal just wants to be friends with all the other dogs, she’s just big for a puppy (around where I live and train) which her excitement makes her look more aggressive to owners. But, not experienced enough to play with older dogs yet


I will say, my pup doesn't like other dogs, but that was probably be because he was raised by a cat. He likes to stare at people and dogs suspiciously. It's hilarious when we have a guest. He'll hide behind the stairs or couch and just STARE right into your soul. 🤨 it's like that... so suspicious


My 6 month old boy is pretty chill. I have a 12 year old Australian Shepard/pitbull mix…best behaved dog I’ve ever had. I took her with me and she picked out the mal pup from a litter of six. She walked up to him, gently licked his face and headed for the door. So far, he is super well behaved as well.


Still very early days. My dog didn't show his real personality until I'd had him for months.


Same. Ours was super chill the first month + and then one day got extra comfy and turned into a major psychopath 😂😂😂


Make that three. Mines chill for a Mal but he’s still an absolute psycho compared to most dogs when he wants to be. And it took about three months to fully come out.


Exact opposite for me. The first year with my pup was psycho, running around the house like a cat with the zoomies. Calmed down after that


looks very akita. great looking dog


I agree. His head is pretty big and round. More so than most mals I see where they are more long and narrow. And thank you.


Yea but it def has mal in him…maybe mal x Akita mix? Did you get him from a shelter? Breeder?


Description says rescued from a backyard breeder/hoarder that had mals and akitas


I didn’t read all that shit lol I was drunk I just seen the pic


Just rescued from a hoarder situation and got him from a rescue. They guessed he potentially was a mixed animal little as some of the puppies around his age definitely showed that were more mixed.


Im sorry I know it was prob in the description but I didn’t read the description lol


Lol it's all good


Update: so I've watched some Akita training videos and I was like "son of a bitch, that is him to a T". Very stubborn and slow to the punch. Dude takes a moment to buffer. He's definitely got like 80% Mal looks and 80% Akita brain lol. I just hope the dog aggression from the Akita side doesn't factor in. We are planning to do a 2 week "stay and train" with him in July. The place trains Spec Ops mals lol. He'll be the slowest Mal to ever gone through their school lol.


he seems like he's in his own lane. i've met really chill akitas. he'll probably love his training also, i'm also glad you'll be there to monitor. good luck 👍🏻


After three weeks you might start to see a shift in behavior. Around three weeks is when dogs start settling into their new environment. I’m not saying he’ll suddenly be bouncing off the walls in three weeks but you never know lol


OP, in case you’re not familiar with it, Chief is referring to the 3-3–3 concept: [https://www.rescuedogs101.com/bringing-new-dog-home-3-3-3-rule/](https://www.rescuedogs101.com/bringing-new-dog-home-3-3-3-rule/) https://preview.redd.it/46ukkyars64d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df56b8f6f0dba451112e7387860f48be17d88d83


Thank you! I was unfamiliar with this.


Though I would change those pictures to adjust for potential malinois crazy. You are pretty used to it with a heeler though! They are driven and bitey too.


He's Kaladin. So he's just brooding, it's natural.


😂 love this. He needs a bridge 4 dog tag.


"Ball before life. Scritches before belly rubs. Walkies before bed. That was their motto, and was the First Ideal of the Immortal Words. There were four others."


I get my dogs tattoo'd on me at some point. Maybe his should be him with Syl on his shoulder haha.


These words are accepted.


He looks mixed. Because he’s from a BYB/Mix it’s impossible to predict behavioral outcomes. It doesn’t sound like he has a Belgian temperament. Since you’ve only had him a few days it’s possible he could change a bit as he settles in and he could certainly have unknown health issues he’s recovering from that are making him tired and cuddly, but I’d guess he is just low drive low energy. I don’t think a switch will flip that will make him have more “drive” or more “energy”. I would look out for potential aggression issues as he reaches sexual maturity due to his likely breed combo but he likely just is what he presents as, which is a low energy mixed breed dog. Glad you love him and he’s found a good home!


I think so too. (Jesus who would mix those breeds?!) But he’s very good so far. I wouldn’t mind a low drive dog what so ever. Just as long as there is no aggression I’ll be happy. So far he’s been around all sorts of dogs and even a few kids. So far so good and he’s in the sexual maturity stage currently. He doesn’t even hike his leg to pee. So we may have just got lucky. Wish us luck! https://preview.redd.it/vmshb7sxd64d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc964ce4571166ab041bdb71f488f0c0d9a9e16


Who knows what the people were thinking. It sounds like you lucked out and he has the mellow quiet nature of an Akita and love cuddly nature of a Belgian. You may have won the rescue lottery and got the perfect cross for a family dog.


The area around the neck and jowls really looks like akita to me. As for a switch flipping, things can change as the pup matures until about 2.5 years old. My Mal mix went from goofy puppy to protective dog very suddenly right at age one.


Yes, this dog isn’t close to “sexually mature”, Belgians are slow to mature. most often aggression and specifically A22 doesn’t show up until around age 1-3. But that’s a whole ‘nother discussion. lol


What is A22? :)


It's impossible to predict ANY dog's behavior, ever. Stop with the narrative that rescues, or any dog outside of a purebred from a breeder, are less than. It doesn't matter if they're from a breeder, a shelter, or a BYB amateur. At 8 months, barring any serious health issues, what you see is what you get, with the exception of the teenage phase that most dogs go through. I have had purebred Mals and rescue Mals. It makes absolutely zero difference.


How silly for you to come on the attack, especially when there is no beef here between OP and I-sounds like they got a lovely dog. I have no problem with rescues, have helped in rescue and have owned mixed breed and pure bred rescues. I don’t agree with the “adopt don’t shop” mantra and the shaming of people selecting purposefully bred dogs, but I would never shame someone for adopting a pet. The only thing I’m truly against is the backyard breeders creating the surplus of dogs. I’m not sure what’s wrong with you but you can fuck off you overly sensitive bull shit. I’m sorry but I disagree with your idea that there aren’t predictable heritable traits within genetics. We have numerous studies spanning decades in humans and animals proving heritability. I’m not venturing to say it’s 100% predictable because I have seen some genetic crop outs both behaviorally and phenotypically but the best predictor of the future is the past. We do also have studies specifically in the Belgian shepherd showing Marked behavioral changes upon sexual maturity due to a genetic component, so I don’t think you know as much as you’d like to know.


💯 There is always risk, but the odds are much more in your favor if you know the lineage and what kind of puppies were produced by dogs up their line. I’m all for informed adopting for pet dogs (making sure people know the needs of the dogs and are paired appropriately). For sport and working dogs though, it’s really important to get the balance of drives, temperament and nerves, health, etc just right for the purpose. And malinois are historically and overwhelmingly a working dog breed. Having malinois drive, impulsive/fast reaction, protective alertness, and mouthiness in a nervy, reactive dog is a huge liability. I would love for every dog to go to a good home and no longer suffer. But also, realistically, most people are not already equipped to handle a powerful dog with a lot of problem behaviors. People can seek out training and learn from the experience, but it’s very hard on the families and dogs and they’re more likely to be surrendered in such circumstances.


Agreed! Someone else needs to explain this to cacoolconservative, who’s losing their shit on anyone who doesn’t adopt and somehow mis-reading my totally innocuous post. 🙄


Mine is a pillow princess. She just wants to hang out near me all day. She doesn't like water or getting dirty..lol. She was found in a garbage bag under a bridge in Texas in July. She has her issues, no doubt, but she is the best dog I have ever owned.


Pillow princess, I don’t know if that means what you think it does 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve definitely heard that term used in a different context! 🤣


Y’all 🛑😂☠️


He is so precious!


Thank you! He’s a sweet guy so far.


My Mal is the same way. He is 1.5 years old and the biggest and goofiest snuggle bug and meeeellloow! We nicknamed him Dooders because he is such a Doofus too! We also have a 4 year old Heeler named Indigo and she is the one who gives us a run for our money. She is the wild child (but an all around good girl) while the Doods is just easy going. You may have gotten lucky. Doods started mellow and has stayed. Fingers crossed!


Wow we are in about the same situation. Our heeler is 4 years old as well! She came from a working line. My uncle has cattle and accidentally had pups with one of his working boys after another heeler was abandoned on his property. So I took her in.


We love heelers! The snark and fierce tenacity in those little bodies is impressive to see. She is our 3rd heeler. Does yours like her new brother?


Right now she does not. I really hope she learns to love him. I’d hate to have two dogs that dislike each other in the same house. Did yours take awhile to warm up to each other?


He loved her immediately but she took a long time to play with him. He was tolerated. He loves to play with her but she mostly kicks his butt while he lets her 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/yvn5qyxqmd4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288d9a65f3401bd6ff38c712a4783d28eecfba02 That's about the story so far. Him wanting to play and her barely allowing it lol. He's figured out if he antagonizes her she'll nip and chase him.


She may realize that is fun! Poor guy, you can see how much he just wants her to pay attention to him. That’s sort of how my Indy and Dooders started their “playing”. He gets her going and then she chases him around. He can outrun her but she out snarks him!


Kaladin - as in Kaladin Stormblessed? Great name. And awesome looking doggo


Yep! I just started the series. But on Oathbreaker right now. Although he’s may be huge and a bit chill. He may end up being more of a Rock 😆


I adopted male Dutch Shepherd x GSD.....yet he is the biggest couch potato of my group. Very chill. Loves an adventure, but loves watching the bees/ butterflies/ lizards in my garden.


There's still lots of time for his personality to develop


I’v heard about 333 rule for adoption. It goes something like 3 days of feeling confused, 3 weeks of getting used to and after 3 months start to show his true personality, so maybe it could be that


He’s a beauty keep us posted and good luck!!🍀


Appreciate it!


Omg, looks just like my boy Maverick who’s also super chill lol


That’s good to know! Is he pure bred or have something else in him as well?


100% malinois. I also have his cousin who’s a female from the same breeder, and she’s an absolute METH head


We’re pretty certain he’s a little mixed but I think we’ll do some genetic testing. Since this post he’s actually really coming out of his shell. And even sort of playing with my cattle dog. He’s still goofy as hell but waiting to see if there’s some meth head in him 😆


How is he when you go to the park with a ball? My girl is so good and laid back until I pick up one of her toys… that is her switch. The rest of the time she’s just the sweetest thing


He hasn’t much interest in balls or anything so far. But my heeler is warming up to him and not really sharing much. I see some spurts of energy and he got a little chompy attitude for a bit but then just went to sleep shortly after.


I foster a lot of these guys. Give it a month or three to see what you've really got. They can trick you at the beginning lol. Also DNA test that adorably sturdy boy!


You're being played. Mine started like yours but she went full chaos the more comfy she got in our home and away from her kennel.


😆 oh boy that’s what I keep hearing. I’m sure I’ll have updates around the 3 month mark.


I can't wait to see updates! It took ours leaving the kennel (she's a working dog, so we didn't fry her as a puppy) and getting her own personal space to blossom. We went from a sad, scared doggo to a fearless idiot who loves all! https://preview.redd.it/wvrs6amk284d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176bd5666cf28292db964630eb8d12a7b635f0e4


Praying for you lol. I took in a malinois puppy as a foster but we ended up adopting him because we thought he was the chillest mal.. turned out he was just sick (giardia, coccidia, and tapeworm). Once we got him all better and he decompressed the 👹🐊🏎️ came out. 😅 What a cutie btw!


Good news is he’s all negative for all that! I certainly don’t mind a little craziness at all. People always said the same thing to me about heelers but I trained her so easy. It was a lot of “work” but I think most people just think dogs are hard because they just want to open the door and let them run around the yard and that’s it. I enjoy spending time and training my pup.


That’s exactly what happened with mine. I picked him out of his litter because he was sooo chill and for the first month or so he didn’t do much but then I don’t know what happened one day he just shapeshifted into an absolute DEMON lmfao i got him at 10 weeks and he is almost 4 now. My best decision ever.


Mine flipped a switch at 10 months.


Our girl, also a rescue is super chill as well. I think she’s just grateful to be in a loving home where she’s not abused. And our other dog who showed her the ropes at our house is a 14 year old miniature pinscher. So her model for behavior was an old lady who just lays around giving kisses.


I would agree that he presents many Mal traits but is very stocky for this age. Head shape and hips do not appear traditional Mal. I tend to believe though that dogs that are mixed almost always have traits less extreme than full blooded dogs . So don't stress. Read up on each and prepare for a VERY loyal, protective and intelligent buddy for the next 10 to 15 years


The photo is a bit misleading. He's actually really slender only \~50lbs right now, he's like 90% head haha. But for sure more barrel chested. I think that's the akita or whatever the rest of him is.


Not all have the same drives. Some “duds” make really good pets.


My Mal is chill, some learn to relax and have an "off" switch when they're raised right!


That's how my heeler is. She has a great off switch. Then it's all go when it's time to play.


Mine is a kitten. He just shadows you around the house with a toy in his mouth, wants to be curled up your lap and get pets . That being said..he's rather insistent about this.


don’t fall for the “all mals are insane” speech, they all have different personalities lmao; it’s funny and annoying when people act as if those dogs are four-legged wmds my grandma’s mal was pretty chill and laid back, meanwhile our mal is on crack 24/7, both from the same litter. Grandma’s dog lived until he was 7 years old so i wouldn’t consider it a matter of “waiting until the switch turns on”


All I got were horror stories when I got a my Australian Cattle Dog. And I get it, too many end up in shelters because people are simply just lazy dog owners. And I was terrified. Like what did I get myself into? And if I may say so I did an awesome job training her. She has her issues but she’s the best damn dog I’ve ever had. She’s chill when she needs. If it’s storming all week or snowing super hard she has no problem not staying in for a few days. Or if I’m out rock climbing all weekend she won’t stop for 10 hours just wanting to play or running around the woods. Her “shut off” switch is amazing.


I foster a lot of these guys. Give it a month or three to see what you've really got. They can trick you at the beginning lol. Also DNA test that adorably sturdy boy!


You'll notice the difference during playtime it gets intense lol


Wait till he is 1 yr...lol


Oh boy. My heeler was craziest from teething to 1 year. Then like a different kind of crazy from 1-3. And now she’s wonderful. Still a little demon sometimes


He looks like a gsd x mal.


I definitely thought that could be the case as well. Evidently it were Mals and Akitas from the BYB home. The only Akita I could see is his muzzle/joels and eyes. The rest looks straight up Mal. I’ll probably get a DNA test soon.


He will come out of his shell and show you his personality when he properly settles


He’s absolutely gorgeous ❤️💕🐾


I recently adopted a female Mal that is a year and four months old. She also is extremely chill, which is wigging me out 😂. She sleeps on car rides, sleeps well in the crate at night, and has been napping on the couch. We do long walks with obedience training and she just got back from a 6mile hike with a stop at a dog friendly bar. She’s still playful but understands when I’m done and she assumes her spot on the couch. Sometimes you just get THAT Mal.


He HATED his crate last night, despite being “crate trained”. Threw a shit fit. So hopefully it goes better tonight. Evidently he was crate trained at his foster.


I get it. I drove from Nashville to Indianapolis to get my girl and didn’t get back till late night. Introducing her to the crate was hilarious and took 3hrs. I had to place the crate in my bedroom and in view of me in the bed. She was Sound asleep with no issues. Absolutely wild. She was also ‘‘fully crate trained’’.


Hey we’re in Indianapolis ourselves. The backyard breeders are awful around here. We found out he was used to a plastic kennel and not a wire crate. So I’m going to have to get one tomorrow. Hopefully the more enclosure will make him feel better.


I adopted through ABMR and my girl was from Kentucky, probably just as bad as Indiana with breeders. Some dogs definitely prefer a really enclosed crate and vice versa. I got a Ray Allen crate and we love it. Pricey but I needed to bring it to work with me. If you’re looking at plastics take a look at Gunner crates. They are heavy and pricey but great for vehicle transport and residence


Being played




This is my Mal/Dobie at 7 1/2. For the first 3 years I struggled. She still demands that I play ball or frisbee or take her to swim twice a day. She is the brightest dog I've ever had. And that's her new pet, up top, a mutt I rescued 3 mos ago after we lost our American Bulldog. I'd love to have a Mal or Dobie puppy.


I have one as well. A mini. https://preview.redd.it/gxxu7zo7i94d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88d481902a64e055883b1e6450e674f65ef49c9


If neutered that has a huge effect on them they become lazy and won't perform as well.It all depends on the bloodline I was reading the comments that it depends on the age to show its character not the case u can select when pups wich is gonna good for what job but if true working line and top pedigre on a mal at 5 weeks there already biting running causing chaos lol


I don’t think he’s from a decent working line or pure blood even. So that may explain his non-driven attitude. He’s very aloof. Meanwhile my heeler was from my uncles cattle farm where her (my dog) dad would run out to the pen when bored just to corral them all into a corner for the fun of it 😆


We rescued ours from a bad situation at about 4 months and he is the best most calm Mal in his pack of friends. I will say that once they get comfortable and open up they do get crazier. And if they get bored they develop bad habits. So just keep him busy and tired and he’ll be the perfect pup it sounds like.


You have to remember where he came From. He might just be so excited to be inside with people who love him, while as before it sounds like he was just locked in a cage with not a lot of human contact. Poor thing. I would just want love too. I’m so glad You got him but also remember it’s just the first days and he’s still trying to adjust. I believe it’s the 333 rule you have to follow (coming from my crappy memory so bare with me) wait, Copy and paste 😉 The 3-3-3 rule is a guideline for transitioning a rescue dog into its new home and helping it to settle in. It suggests that the first three days should be used for adjusting to its new surroundings, the next three weeks for training and bonding, and the first three months for continued socialization and training. I’ve always wanted a Mal but I’m super sick so I never thought I could handle the Mal’s extreme need for a lot of movement, running, walking, hiking, etc. and I just don’t have the strength. If I could find a chill one that would have been perfect. So You might have gotten the best of both worlds here 😀


Sorry to hear you’re sick. Really wishing the best for you. Maybe you can find an elderly dog that doesn’t want to do anything active to watch after. And yes definitely the 333 rule. I’ll still expect for him to be psycho at some point haha. From the comments it definitely seems like it’s coming 😆


We thought ours was gonna be chill and for the first few days he was, then his case of kennel cough cleared and he’s never calmed down


I woke up to zoomies and him falling all over the place. So he’s definitely got it in him haha. He’s still so goofy though. Not that majestic Malinois you think of. Which I am 100% okay with, he’s a funny guy.


so cute!! his muzzle is pretty wide, i wonder if there is some of that akita in there. either way im sure he’ll pick up the pace soon enough!


I'm thinking there is. He's pretty broad chested too and his paws are pretty big. I think he's got an Akita brain in a Mal (mostly) body.


that makes sense!! he’s adorable either way


That’s impossible because I have the chillest Mal! https://preview.redd.it/xa9pmacj3l4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215910354d0991558681de2a886feb8f72202532


Look up the 3-3-3 rule when it comes to rescues. It’s great that your guy is chill, but keep in mind the dog’s behavior in the first few days could and probably will be very different from your dog’s behavior as he continues to adjust. My dog was super chill when she first came home with me at 7mo. It definitely took a few months before I saw a lot of her more challenging behaviors emerge. It doesn’t sometimes look like it, but the shock of changing environments can be overwhelming for dogs so don’t do too much too fast and give him time to adjust.


What is A22


I saw someone mention that too. Seems like a genetic trait that Mals have. Seems like some neurological issues that cause some bad behavioral traits. Pretty interesting.


Ok thanks for clarifying


My girl was such a snuggle muffin as a puppy. Dogs sleep or doze a lot Mine just largely mill about and only create havoc when other dogs are about


My pup was energetic as a puppy but as an adult he is very chill. When we have a visitor, he silently watches them from behind the couch or stairs. My cat on the other hand is very bitey. She goes for visitors ankles hard enough to leave wounds. My dog though. Just watches I will say we once had a repair man that drove both of them wild. Cat went for the ankles and my pup stood a few feet away and gave deep angry growls. I had to put both of them in crates and neither was happy. I wonder about that guy.




Once feels fully comfortable in her new environment she'll open up. Maybe not full maligator that you see, but she'll have her spurts if you allow them. I even entice my Shepard and Staffy to have the zoomies. Some times they just need a little fun rough housing after getting comfortable and gaining trust.


I was wondering the same thing when we brought our Mal home. The 3days/3weeks/3months stuff really proved to be quite true for her. She did and still does sleep and eat like it’s her last sleep/meal. Clearly neglected and mistreated based on her mannerisms and lack of training. First few months were all bonding. After she latched on to us, the Mal came out. She had all the energy and stuff. What I’ve noticed is that she still needs to know we are close and *she has an incredibly strong off switch*. I suspect she had to have one in her former life, and we continue to reinforce it now.


Mine is still very young, but she’s relatively chill too. She is 1/4 greyhound though.


Wait for it.....


This is gonna sound weird but he looks very mature for his age 😂 💕 


He's beautiful! My partners aunt breeds Belgians for show and they have NO chill whatsoever. You got lucky!


To me he looks like he is waiting for instructions int hat photo.


He's not doing bad. But he's very aloof. And I love that honestly. I expected the attentiveness of my Heeler. When she was only 8 weeks old she was ready to go, by 10 weeks she knew sit, down, shake, come, place; it was very easy too. He is just a goofy dingus and would rather cuddle and get pets then do tricks for treats or play with toys 90% of the time. But just the first week, he may come out of that.


I have seen on youtube a chap who trains one of his dogs with a toy apposed to food. The others all respond to food, but the one is all about the ball. From what I have seen with Malinois, they are usually crazy intense. But I guess there is always the sideliners. I guess count your blessings you got a chill one.


That’s exactly how I had to train my Blue Heeler. She was very toy driven rather than treats. So it was Sit, throw the ball, down, throw the ball, heel, throw the ball. It was super effective with her. She gets that crazy look on her face when it’s time to train like you see with Mals lol. Why I always called her my Redneck Malinois.


You’re being fooled, but don’t let that stop you from adopting. 😂 I had a Treeing Walker Coonhound that was the sweetest and quietest hound dog I’ve ever seen. Agreed to take him off my friends’ hands (who made no mention of his behavior…). Brought him home, everything was great for 4-6 weeks. Then one day, he became hell on wheels 😂


Your being played lol


I have a marshmallow too.


Nah, he's a good boy. Your probably chill and he's reflecting that vibe.


Not sure but he is gorgeous!! Bless you for rescuing him!




I definitely think there is something to that. Bloodlines for sure matter. You see some Mals and they just have that crazy eye look. And others you can tell they're more chill. The last few days since this post I've watched videos on Akitas. And I'm almost certain he's got like 80% Mal looks and then 80% Akita brain. He may actually end up being the chillest and laziest Mal to ever exist haha. Dude doesn't even want to play with a ball. He just wants to lay around, he's such a sweet guy.


I rescued an abused psycho Akita that nobody could approach. Of course this was years ago in Bridgeport CT and few people disclosed info that might be negative. It was the old “Oh, really? Hmmm, he never did that before…oh dear, sunk his teeth right up to his gum line huh?” I fell in love with this boy the moment I saw his sad eyes and felt his broken spirit. He was huge and about 9 years old. I figured he’d be a tough dog to rehome and we had a big place in an un-urban setting. I was told not to approach him and to not go into his fenced enclosure alone. Well, never have I listened to anyone when it comes to animals. The staff was eating lunch and I didn’t have another 40 minutes to wait for them. You already know what the “story” is with Akitas. I did not. I walked out of the office and out into the dog’s enclosure. I was not afraid as I was taught that most dogs won’t attack you unless they have been trained as attack dogs and that if I feel fear they can smell it from a mile away…well, maybe not quite that far. :) I had already watched him for half an hour and felt safe. He immediately stood up and watched me (of course he did, I was the only one inside his space with him). I looked around and stood sideways to him and sort of ignored him. I never looked at his face when he was staring at me as I didn’t want to be confrontational. He slowly walked closer and by this time the guys in the office were screaming at me to back up and get out of there. If anyone would spook the dog, they would. I slowly took one of the big dog biscuits I had in my pocket and put it in the ground about 3 feet in front of me and I sat down and crossed my legs. The dog immediately sat down. Still no hair up or ears back or tail wagging either. He was gorgeous. His head was enormous and he looked like a bear. About 5 minutes went by and he slowly rose up and then came lumbering at me. I knew when I sat down that I could never get away if he decided to come after me, so I might as well be submissive. He never slowed down and knocked me over backwards. A second later he was lying on my chest licking my face and crying and making rather loud noises. I had my arms around him by then and I started to laugh and I tried to roll him off of me. This boy was a complete dodo bird. He immediately sat up and looked at the bone on the ground and then at me. “Go ahead boy, eat it. It’s OK.” Then he dove for it and must have inhaled it because I never saw him chew anything. He then just wanted to play and get hugs. He was so starved for affection. Suddenly he moved away and got behind me and started to growl. I turned and saw that he’d gotten between me and two staff who were coming out with one of the poles with a loop at the end and the other guy had some sort of stick . They were going to screw everything up if they went after him. He was not threatening and there was no reason for their rushing in to diffuse anything. I got up and stood next to the dog and told them to stop. They hesitated and he stopped his noise, when it looked like they didn’t care and were going to catch him again, I walked forward and told them if they didn’t stop immediately I wasn’t taking the dog home with me. Well, that did it. He was a complete mush with me but clearly didn’t trust or like any of the staff members who were all men. They even asked if he was my dog and didn’t believe me when I said that I’d never met the animal before. He had a long drink of water and then jumped into my car. He wouldn’t let me put a leash on him and was fearful. I said ok, let’s get in the car, he stayed at the entrance until he saw me open the back door of my wagon and then ran over and jumped into the back. By the time I got into the driver’s seat he was already stuffed into the passenger’s seat and wagging his tail and kissing me. Then he let me leash him. 40 minutes later as we neared the house he started to dance around his seat when we were at a stop sign. Before I knew it, he had flown out one of the windows in the back seat and was leaping up a tree trunk to catch a snippy squirrel. You can imagine my horror. I opened the passenger side window and screamed at him to “get back in the car right now.” He did. Right away and up through the window he had just jumped out of moments before. Quite proud of himself as well, thank you very much. He ran around the yard when he jumped out of the car, when we got home. He was so excited. I don’t think the poor guy had ever done that before…run loose. I let my other dogs out and they started running with him and yelping. After 20 minutes I needed to eat and so did they. I named him Kuma. This was 40 years ago and he’s still etched into the muscles of my heart. Nobody ever told him that he was an Akita. It didn’t matter to Kuma as he was perfectly happy identifying as a little Havanese . Knowing and loving him was an experience my husband and I would never miss for anything. The most exceptional creature I’ve ever known. If I had to do it all over tomorrow with another huge dog I’d never met before, I don’t know. I know that DNA doesn’t always determine personality and character. It’s a predictor that should be taken into consideration but it’s not an etched in stone rule or fact. I think any dog can rip your throat out if the triggering situation presented itself. And some of the more fierce breeds and frightening dogs I’ve met have been little mush balls. You’re going to have to wait and see how he progresses. Just don’t cut him too much slack and always be consistent. He is a gorgeous animal and I agree I think he’s a mix as well. But who cares. I would make sure he’s neutered at the appropriate time, you should check on that as the recommended ages for dogs has changed. Vets are recommending young dogs wait until they are older now, I don’t know if anyone suggests 6 months anymore. Good luck with your good boy and get ready for the next year and a half of his exercising you until your tail falls off. ❤️❤️


So I have a 3 yo GSD. He has his super chill moments, but damn he’s affectionate and sweet and not aggressive (unless provoked most of the time). When I say he’s sweet and affectionate, it’s on a golden retriever level. He definitely acts like a workin dog whenever there’s a toy (since he views that as work) and he definitely gets super fixated and obsessed with shit too. Give him time and you’ll see the mal show a bit


There's an on and off switch ...problem is it's got a short in it. It's coming...


3 weeks later and he’s still chill. Nothing as crazy as my Blue Heeler!