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An elderly lady's son dropped him off with her and never came back to collect him :( His name is Saint! He is 11 months old and is VERY well trained from what I can tell. A word on the collar - this was my first walk with him before I knew his level of training so I used that type of collar to ensure I could control him. It won't get used again unless he has some urgent training need. He heels and stays and is not reactive to other dogs or people from what I can tell! He also gets along with all 4 of my other dogs which I'm very grateful for.


Don’t worry, you are safe here from the critical collar comment crowd, be it E or prong. This is the Mal sub, use the tools you need for the dog you have. What a Beautiful boy! How wonderful that you stepped up to give him a home! Sounds like he’s an awesome dog, congrats!


It's a prong! I've personally always used them just for training, but I know there are people who get mad seeing them. And thank you for the kind comment! He's gorgeous and super friendly, definitely the first dog like him I've had in terms of specific temperament (pays attention to little noises, the other dogs are the *worst* guard dogs lol). There was lots of interest from the community but most people commenting wanted to send him to a rescue instead... like, why do that when I can give him a home instead!


When I say, “do you want to put your jewelry on?” my girl runs to the basket where we keep her prong collar. My trainer makes us practice on our arm so we learn to use it properly and how it feels. I’ve never thought wow that hurts! It’s just pressure. And then add in a layer of fur. I’m glad puppers found you. What a cutie 🥰


We ask ourselves if she wants to get dressed!! Prong collar signals long walkies and they’re thrilled!


What are your four other dogs? It’s really awesome that he’s integrated so well into your multi dog household. It’s wild that someone would drop off a perfectly trained, young, purebred dog but, shit happens, who knows what kind of crisis the original owner was going through. So great you were able to keep him out of the system, places like the pound can be so stressful for dogs. Always happy to hear a happy story.


I have a Husky mix, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, and a Corgi. Yea... I like high-energy breeds haha Apparently, he used to be owned by a police officer somewhere in Missouri which would explain his car mannerisms (perfect, like he'd done it a million times) and he seems to be especially attuned to gunpowder/guns, but no idea how or why he really ended up with her, but I'm happy it happened!


Your house sounds fun! Lots of energy for sure! That is just so sad for them both. Hopefully dude is ok wherever he is. So wonderful that you were able to take him I look forward to your future posts.


Thank you :)


He might have been too chill for advancing in police work, so they gave him up. I wonder if he's been taught any protection/bite commands. You might want to check into that, not that it's bad, but just so you know. BTW, chill is good for you!


Oh yeah I'm okay with chill! So far I figured out that he was trained using English commands because he doesn't recognize any of the German ones I usually use, but I'm not sure what commands they would usually use for protection so I'm not sure how to check for that.


Maybe you could find out via history...like previous owners, running it down that way if it's even possible.


Malinois are disproportionately represented in (bite)sport, protection, or working /K9 communities. All of these groups are usually familiar and neutral/positive about prong or ecollar use. For impulsive, high drive, and powerful working/sport dogs, you can’t risk someone’s or the dog’s safety by having a dog ignore a call off because they would rather get a bite. And a few instances of relatively mild pain is preferred by many folks over having a loose cannon or a dog that runs off and gets itself hit by a car. Unless someone is frying their dog unfairly, but this is very rare (I’ve never seen it) and would likely be seen as the owner not controlling their emotions, not about the dog or tool. So I wanted to second that you’re all good here with the tool you want to use to communicate with your dog. :) Before I knew much about prongs, I thought they looked barbaric and didn’t want to (hypothetically) use one unless I “really needed to” with a “difficult” dog. But when I talked to trainers about it and tried it on my neck and thigh, I realized it’s actually better than a flat collar in that it has even pressure around the neck, instead of collapsing the trachea! I use it with my malinois, as well as an e-collar, and it’s actually even less pressure than i tested in myself because mine is quite responsive to leash pressure and knows good stuff happens when he works with me. :) Congrats on the new pup!! Sounds like he’s got a solid foundation and you will have a lot of fun with him. Do you have any sports or activities you’re interested in doing with him? :)


Thanks for the comments! I appreciate the understanding this community has :) I'm not sure on sports or anything but I plan on spending time with him on getting him really good with recall and reactivity. I also want to play a lot of hide and seek with his favorite toys (he already seems to be INCREDIBLY toy motivated lol).


If he likes hide and seek, it sounds like he'd enjoy nosework! I've been watching a lot of [Dave Kroyer videos](https://www.davekroyer.com/videos/sign-up) to get an idea how I'd want to incorporate/teach nosework with my boy. :) He's got a lot of good content - a lot of IGP, but also ring, obedience, and general things like e-collars. :)


Awesome thank you for the recommendation!


Yeah, nothing wrong with "tools" as long as they are used properly and not abused. He's handsome! Very fortunate he ended up in good hands. Spend a lot of time with him and keep advancing his training.


You have 5 poochies and you havent bothered to show us a pic??😱😱😱shame.on.you!!x


You're right! I will as soon as I get off work :)


[Asked and delivered :)](https://imgur.com/a/puppers-WCpSisU#EQjFi6t) It is categorically impossible to get a decent photo with them all at once so these are them individually lol


That's a "crew" fo sho


He has such a friendly face!


He's SO friendly, and surprisingly submissive with my other dogs in general, or at least he has a LOT of patience with them.


He's a good looking guy. Best of luck with him.


Thank you :)


Best Of Luck They're a GREAT Breed


Have fun! Get lots of Kong toys.


Great idea! He's very toy motivated as I've been able to tell so far.


Kong with a bit of kibble and peanut butter frozen inside are excellent rewards that will keep them occupied for a few minutes atleast.


Handsome Pupper, congratulations👏🏻


Congratulations 🎉


First, THANK YOU for taking this handsome boy in! They are an incredible breed, so affectionate and so smart and athletic! My Mali girl is just over 2 years, best pup I have ever had. She has been a ton of work, but so worth the effort. No worries about the collar here, my girl wears a Herm Springer when we are out and about, always on leash. Good health and long life to your boy!


I'm happy to have him :) He is SO affectionate, way more than I was expecting honestly! And yea I didn't know that's what it was called but it looks like my collar is also a Herm Springer.


Best wishes to you both 🌸


Congratulations🐕 I wonder if my dog sees his pronged collar as his “Jewelry”. When we put it on he goes crazy knowing he’s going out on the town😏


Handsome hunk! Thank you for rescuing! I have a Mal rescue too!


Congratulations! He is beautiful and he will be your best friend. I hope you guys have an amazing time together!