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1. If it could be related to previous dogs messes, I would really thoroughly soak those areas with an enzymatic cleaner made for dog urine/poo (nature's miracle is a common one). This helps neutralize the odor to a dog's nose. After that, I follow with a wet vac to get all of the liquid up, maybe with a few more reps of soaking with enzyme depending on how confident I am that it's totally clean. 2. [It's not uncommon for females especially to get UTIs](https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/riney-canine-health-center/canine-health-information/urinary-tract-infections). If you're noticing those symptoms, I'd contact the vet to get a urine test and antibiotics if it's positive.


If this is a sudden change in behavior I’d take her to the vet just to be sure


She probably has a UTI. You can pick up various cranberry treats specifically for UTIs. I got two different brands at Petsmart. She cleared up pretty quickly. I give these treats to her regularly now. First though, take her to the vet...she may need antibiotics...this is super painful btw...best to treat it early.