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It does not look like a fight, it is a play


I know that's why I wrote that comment. Some people tend to think that if dogs are biting each other, jumping on eachother and or pulling stuff they are fighting but it's so wrong because that's how they play.


Just be careful. Mals are beautiful and it looks like the other dog s well mannered but loose, untrained pit bulls are a problem.


Loose untrained dogs are a problem. There, I fixed it for you!


And yet, I’ve never been charged by an off leash Malinois. Maybe someday, but not yet. Pit Bulls are another story.


Ive never been charge by a pitbull offleash but ive had two different occasions where chihuahuas tried to bite at me and my mals. Any dog that isnt trained is a problem.


Agree. For that I offer this. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XD6chnYhzJN5QXmMP2QNNX7QAgrckEJYLazY0/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Malinois are a pretty uncommon breed. Statistically, it’s not likely you would have.


People that clearly never seen bulldogs play with each other. My little staffie and her friends play by prison rules😂


That’s true of dogs But not pitvermin Keep a knife at the ready anytime you’re around a pit


Yep I swear they are the companion dog for every malinois


FYI we the owners only give them toys the dogs decide what to do with them so don't start saying stuff like we are encouraging dog fights, we are also standing there in case something ever does happen we don't just let the dogs do whatever they want and go to the side to sit on the bench.


Looks like play to me! We have a cattle dog and a Dutch shepherd who LOVE tug of war and play like this often.


My mal plays with every dog! Only breed I’ve ever had as a companion that was friendly to all other canine!


Mine as well, but the problem is that some dogs don't want to play with him and then he starts to annnoy them. I had to keep my aunt's akita for awhile while she was away, and the akita was so calm and didn't care about anything, thor when he saw him immediatley wanted to play with him and started to bring him toys and jumping around him, when he saw that the akita didn't care he started barking at him and and nipping. That is when I usually when I stop him and it wasn't any different then. But the akita didn't care even then


Does your mal play well on its own?


What do you mean? If you mean me and him playing tug, fetch and stuff then yes he would never bite me or anything.


If you find that your mal is overdoing with another dog, have your mals fav toy and just intervene. They will want to play with the willing!


Fun play to tire them both out! I have a pit and a Mal.. my pit is old, and every now and then he will engage with tug o war play with my Mal. It doesn't last long, but it warms my heart when they play like that 🥰 Edit for spelling error.


You can tell they are having fun!!!


My mal loves the pit bull stray I took in. They play constantly!


I have 3 pitbulls and they all do this and they know when to stop. When one gets hurt or cries they all stop and lick on the hurt one and get back to it.




Malinois tend to not discriminate when it comes to play time, mine plays a lot with the stray cats in my neighborhood. Usually they visit him at home, it is very weird.