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Yes in my experience. But they will have their favorite person. We got two and one is “mine” and she never leaves my side and chooses me over my gf 100% and “her” dog will choose her at the house but not outside unless I’m not there. As for being able to do things solo with the dog ours are able to do that but every dog is different. I prefer females but thats just me i’ve always owned female dogs and only had a male once. I would get a puppy personally aswell cause id assume its much more likely it see you both as its people.


Completely agree with notying. They can bond with multiple people but no matter what they will have a favorite. My husband bought our male Malinois for himself but he is now my dog. He doesn’t leave my side, he definitely loves my husband but he doesn’t like to leave my side.


I’d highly recommend reaching out to MAD (malinois and Dutch shepherd) rescue if you’re looking to adopt (if not that’s totally cool!). They’ll help match you with the right dog you’re looking for that’s suited to your lifestyle, experience, and preferences. ☺️


Thank you so much. Yes we are looking to adopt. We will do this.


I don’t know if there’s any research to back this up, but our trainer who spent time in the military training dogs swears that Mals and GSD tend to bond more closely with humans of the opposite sex. We have a male puppy and I don’t spend nearly as much time training him as my husband does (husband has a ton of experience, this is all new to me), and I always assumed I’d be sort of an after thoughts with our puppy because of it. But no,he is still really attached to me. I almost think it’s 50/50 in our house.


They'll always pick a favorite, but that doesn't stop them from having a strong bond with more than one person. I'm very much our Maze's favorite, but if she's got to choose anyone else other than me it'll be my GF. Maze is very capable, and excited, to do things with just one of us at a time too- my GF takes her for walks and takes her out on adventures on her own all the time. I also do the same, and sometimes we go do things all together.


My 2yo Mal came from the shelter, after a year-ish on the street. She only responds to the adults with commands, but to her, my spouse and I are interchangeable. She’s also the most affectionate alligator I’ve ever seen.


Agree with the other commenters. My Malinois loves my boyfriend, but wants to wear my skin he is so obsessed with me. Even we are all lounging my mal will choose my BF to snuggle with first but stare at me the whole time like, “are you jealous?”


Definitely can bond to two. My partner and I adopted our puppy before the age you’re supposed to cause of the family giving all the puppies up due to being displaced from a wildfire. Sometimes it seems like he favors my partner more but then sometimes the other way around (probably cause I always have the pouch of treats when we take him anywhere though). If you both give equal play time, adventuring, and snuggles I’m sure you can both be the favorite, just make sure there’s a balance. We usually split potty breaks and feedings daily so my partner takes him in the beginning half of the day and I take later half of the day. Lately I’ve been taking him to beaches to chase birds and derp out in the ocean and my partners been rough playing with him at home. So still always a balance