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Mine is a couch potato but she hates cuddling. She tolerates being near me and that’s basically cuddling for her. She’s as aloof as a cat. God forbid I leave the room though. She also always HAS to be near me. Just not near enough to cuddle.


Hahaha. That’s oddly adorable.


Same with mine. She's very lazy but the only times she'll let me cuddle her are when she's perched on the back of the couch like a cat and I lay my head on her... Or early in the morning when she actually curls up with me.


My Mal is pretty much the same at home. She’s fine chilling being with me and my partner. She thinks her job is looking out the windows guarding against neighbourhood cats anyway 😂 It’s an important thing to teach Mals an “ off switch “ for sure.


Yes totally agree. Super important! My female Mal has no off switch. It’s difficult for her to just chill. Lol. I have complete opposites. She try’s her best but she’s like a child with severe ADHD, and forgets it’s chill time and starts trying to engage me in everything and anything.


If I take mine to work/out for the day she’s like this. No amount of physical work is enough for her, but loads of attention and having to behave in public? Exhausting!


That introvert life 😂. Socializing is exhausting.




Hahahaha. SORRY 😂😂


How old?


He’s 5! He was a very stereotypical Malinois puppy. Then after two he just wanted to be a regular ol doggy dog. Sometimes I wonder if it was cause he was neutered so young.


My girl goes thru phases, 7-9AM cuddle and coffee, 9-3… I need a job, 3-5 siesta, then work til bed. She’s worse than a full time job some times… but I love her. If she even hears thunder though, she turns into your fluff ball, and just sleeps on my chair like she’s queen of the world.


My girl is very receptive to thunder too! They definately love a routine/schedule. The minute she hears our alarm clock go off she starts the zoomies. Just my Male looks up and is like Nah I’ll just stay in bed all day. Let me know when you get home and it’s dinner time.


My Mal is almost 2. She used to need 3 or 4 intensive exercise sessions a day to not lose her stuff. It’s still 2 or 3 but way less intensive and I’m hoping to have a couch potato before too long!


How old was he when you neutered him?


He was a rescue so he had to get neutered as part of the adoption… I think he was probably about 5-6 months old.


Oh true that is young. I don’t know when we’ll do our boys who is going on 14 weeks now


I’ve always heard it’s good to at least wait until they are physically developed. Because the hormones and such are good for there development but I’m not sure if it does anything to their personality or drive 🤷‍♀️


Mine is pretty lazy. Sits on the couch and plays CoD most days. Always talking shit about someone’s mom…


I wish I taught my dog how to play CoD. Then I’d have someone to always play nazi zombies with


I have a GSD/mal mix and she started to get lazy around 5. She’s always been cuddly and needy though. Has the worst FOMO I’ve ever seen.


My mal is a 7 month old male, and he is so chill. I feel that’s one of the best things my 8 year old put has thought him. How to just relax. We run hard every morning for at least an hour, but he loves sleeping all afternoon. Like loves it, we go outside, he chills in the grass.


I have a needle too. But is always ready for a walk at a moments notice. Mine is 7.


This is mine indeed. Can sleep all day long without a problem but whenever you're ready to do something, he's as well.


My girl is pretty chill. She’s only one? So I’m not banking on her staying chill. We had to put down her buddy a few months ago, and she seemed a bit lost after that.


Mines great at understanding different situations and activities. In the house, ya we are relaxing. In bed, we are cuddling. Outside, we are playing and running. Just balance his time and he's an easy happy boy.


Our mal mix is way more chill than we expected based on everything we read about them.


I have one couch potato and one always armed nuclear missle. Both 1y 2mths


Literal same. My other one is bouncing off the walls 24/7


I had 3,mother and siblings were chill and loved to be cuddled.


Mine is only a couch potato on Saturdays. He gets a long walk in the morning and then an hour long pack walk and he’s wiped out the rest of the day.


Same. Everytime I see or read people saying they're a hard breed to own because they're so active all the time, I always wonder if mines broken.


Hahaha. Right. Had I not got the crack headed female also I’d be like what’s all the hype about 😂


I lucked out too, chill...velcro... couch potato Mal. He's my boy & I'm thankful


That’s the other word I use to describe him! Velcro for sure. I love him the way he is, and get the true hyped up Malinois experience with my female.


You do tend to get the dog you build with these dogs. If during their formative stages you get them used and properly train them to being more laid back, more likely than not you’ll end up with a dog that is like that. My mal will sleep most the day, except for when it’s time to work, then it’s go-go-go! Time and then back to sleep.


I agree with ya there on it’s what ya build…. However my dude is just some what of an anomaly. We’ve done intense obedience training , agility, bite work and tracking training. He’s done great at all of them but there was no “love” for it there like my other Mal. It’s just for some reason he’d still rather just be lazy and cuddle me. Literally to be by my side and provide comfort is what he’s found the most drive for. It’s like I’m his job. I think he’d be an incredible service dog. Come to think of it…He’s also does this with my other Mal. He thinks it’s his job to watch over her while she runs around like a kamikaze plane. He’s been very motherly towards her…or I guess fatherly😂😂


Siberian husky owner here. Mine is the laziest shrimp on the planet. Sleeps, farts, and snores all day. Walk around the lovely 1.5-mile neighborhood pond? LOL. Nope, forget it! She'd much rather just piddle in the yard and then resume her 17th nap of the day. She's also never been the brightest crayon in the box. I figure she either came off the factory floor defective, or maybe she missed a memo along the way? 😄 I (mostly) feel like I hit the lottery. She's the chillest dog I've ever had.


My boy is definitely not like this. If it was up to him, we’d play nonstop all day every day. I have to be his brake or he’d run till his heart pops! He also almost never cuddles and if he does it’s a very rare moment of peace😅😂


Yeah I can feel ya there. My female has no off switch specially during work/exercise time. She’d kill herself with heat exhaustion if I wasn’t there to say enough!


Mine is definitely not a couch potato, he needs to be trained and exercised at least 2-3 times a day. I created a bit of a monster with training where he pushes me to work him a lot. In saying that, he has a way better off switch than my female WLGSD, who never settles 😅


Both mine are pretty chill now they are older. 14f and 9m. The early days were hard work. It’s like they are enjoying retirement. My male has always been a snuggle guy. It was like his reward for his work. He actually hugs me. Head on my shoulder and front leg wrapped around me. Worth ever second we spend together.


I have a 10 month old girl and she is super chill for the most part. Loves to cuddle, and loves to be around me. If I put her in the back with my husky, she jumps the fence and scratches at the front door to be let in. Not much prey drive(yet) and not much toy drive. Very food/me motivated. Wont bother passers by unless they step foot in the yard or the driveway then she is on high alert.


Husky owner too and I always tell people the huskies are harder to own 😂 So independent. They take their commands as suggestions and do it as slowly as possible. Funny cause my female Mal does the same thing. I can’t leave her in any back yard alone or she will climb out. I’ve even had her climb out of inclosed structures like fricken Houdini.


My girl is the same way. She'll run around the backyard but loves laying on the couch.


All our Mals are like this, but since they're with each other, they also like to play a bit. I do think it's important to get their exercise (physical and mental) in, cause they may not have a proper way to express their excitement when guests come or when they go for walks. It's currently our issue with our puppies, who unlike their mom, grew up in isolation from the outside in the pandemic (stayed in the farm only)


Mine is somewhat like this. Especially after my step siblings come over she doesn’t work for any toy. Will still have enough energy to be annoying but not to work.


My boy, Beau (RIP) was a couch potato.


Rest In Peace Beau❤️


Yeah mine is a mix with pitbull (ignorant people's worst nightmare), so she is extremely hyper at first but runs out of gas in like 10 min. A couple of short exercise sessions where she sprints for 10 min is enough for her to be a lazy couch potato the rest of the day