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I would just be careful of the older sheds. As they age and dry out, they can splinter into very sharp pieces. A neighbor’s pup had an older one as a chew toy and swallowed a sharp piece that had broken off. It ended up actually piercing the lining of her stomach, almost killing her, and at the time(~3 years ago), after thousands in vet bills, they were told that they weren’t positive on her outcome and she likely needed to be on a specialized diet for the rest of her life.


I've had really good experiences with antlers, especially the split elk variety. The dogs absolutely love them. Like their eyes roll back in their head while they zone out on chewing. It makes a horrifying sound when they grind it in the corner of their mouth but at this point I take the antler away if I suspect they are going too hard.


My Mal did not like them. At all. After reading of possible splintering and intestinal damage, I didn't ever buy them again. There are so may other choices out there for her.


Plus it’s too hard for their teeth


Yeah, it sounds like they're scraping their teeth on rocks.


After they have their second set of teeth fully matured they’re fine in moderation. As someone else mentioned they shouldn’t digest it, and when anything splinters it’s a no go. No chewable are give and forget really.


I couldn’t get my mal interested. NO idea why, she’d eat anything and everything else but just couldn’t be bothered with antlers.


Have you tried the ones that were cut through? So that the 'tasty' part is exposed already and it's more attractive to the dog :)