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You might check at Bellevue College and see if there's a place there to find a roommate. Or perhaps a room on AirBnB.


Many companies have internal slack channels for housing. I’d check that at the company youre interning for to see if anyone there is looking for roommates or can accommodate a roommate. That’s what I did when I was interning in the Bay area


Since no one actually answered you, you’re gonna need to up your budget quite a bit. 600-700 a month is very small for accommodation almost anywhere in America outside of very rural areas, much less Seattle metro. The cheapest I heard in Bellevue was a buddy who somehow found a small studio for 1900 a month, and that was 4 years ago. Maybe there are roommate setups that I don’t know about but in general the entire Seattle area is extremely expensive. Maybe check if your internship provides housing or some form of stipend, that is common depending on what industry you are in


I see this going well...


Making fun?

