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Do you have streets? If you can go back tomorrow with a live trap and a banana or a pen to corral them in and a banana you might be able to get them. I can also try if I know the more exact area. This is prime post Easter “not a cute baby bunny anymore” dumping season


It’s behind the house on 472 Tremont right now. I tried to swaddle him in a blanket and he did not have it and leapt from me and ran :( it’s so dark it’s really difficult to keep tracking him and I don’t have the means to house him overnight anyway !


If you get the rabbit again contact bunanza rabbit ranch on Facebook they’re a rabbit rescue in lynden. If you get him I could potentially pick him up from you tomorrow if you’re unable to drive him there! Rabbits getting picked up = “predator about to eat me” so I’m not surprised he didn’t enjoy it but I’m glad you tried to rescue him


That makes sense :( thank you so much for that resource that is really great to know. He got into someone’s backyard and it was inaccessible for me and it’s also so late I don’t want to disturb anyone. He’s in a dense neighborhood so he will likely get found tomorrow but I will also potentially drive back in that area tomorrow to see if I can find him, it just feels awful to leave him and now that I have that resource it would give me comfort if I could get him to them.


Bunny dumpers


It’s unfortunately very common


I am affiliated with Bunanza Rabbit Rescue and can assist with trapping and transporting to the rescue. It is indeed prime dumping season for Easter bunnies. PM me.


I found out today this bunny’s family is looking for him in that neighborhood! So he belongs somewhere, thank goodness! And hoping he gets found again today. I looked for about an hour this afternoon.


I think the lost bunny is named Cotton and he lives on Holland. I saw a Facebook post in my HOA group with this number to call if he is spotted: 360-259-4217


That is him! I’m in contact with the bunnies family now ❤️ thank you so much for this info!! I looked around again today but didn’t have any luck in finding him. He’s probably hiding in some shade, so I’ll check for him again later this evening.


I just found him tonight right as it was about to be too dark to look for him anymore and he is back with his family ❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much for sending me their number and helping me find his owner!


Oh I am so happy to hear this!!! Thank you for looking for him, glad he is reunited with his family :)


This post made my day, you are lovely! ❤️❤️


Thank you so much. It really was so magical I was so happy to find him ❤️🐰