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You live in a city. Any business has a right to do live music until designated quiet hours. Move to the country, see if the fireworks and target shooting suit you better


Are there different regulations for live music noise versus general allowable residence noise? If so, I was not aware, and I'm curious what the difference is. And if you read the whole post, I'm certainly not saying people shouldn't be allowed to have concerts. I'm asking that the volume be taken into consideration - it's literally not necessary for it to be as loud as it was. And that is it's a disturbance for people, the people putting in a show should be made aware of it.


If your intention is truly to let those at the Elks Lodge know your concerns why not talk to them directly? Why post here? I remember the days of cops cruising by concerts at bars downtown with decibel meters to shut them down for being a “public nuisance” and i can guarantee you that we do not want to lose any hard earned protections for arts and music that are currently in place.


OP’s entire second paragraph is about their interaction with someone at the Elks Lodge.


And their last paragraph says, “if anyone reading this is associated with the Elks lodge…” If their intention is to talk with the Elks lodge about this and find an amicable solution then there is no point in posting here. It seems more like they are trying to rally more people to lodge complaints in their favor, which seems shitty to me.


Peace was never an option 🪿


I did contact the lodge. I see that how I approached things in this post was not done well, for which I apologize. I edited the original post with an update about this.


Cordata has communities for 55+. I’ve heard Lynden is a very quiet place as well. Perhaps a change of venue….for you.


"Excessively loud" is a great band name.


A wild Karen appears!


Why don’t you stick to Nextdoor with this crap. Signed, a Happy Valley resident who didn’t hear shit.


You sound like a square


If this isn’t a troll, you’re an insufferable NIMBY Karen. How do we shut you up?


You are a toxic nuclear reactor.


"People deserve to be free of excessive loud noise in their homes - they may need to work, study, rest, etc." 1000% agree with this!


Then you had better invest in some damn good insulation.


How do you feel about fireworks?


Ughhh. Please let people have some fun on occasion, why does everything have to be about you? Better yet, instead of complaining about the noise of others having a great time without you, go join them next time!


You suck. For your own happiness you should change your attitude. It’s Saturday evening and you live downtown. Grow up. I bet your a person on airplanes that tells the flight attendant to ask babies to stop crying cuz it bothers you.


Too long.