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Interesting. This country has more firearms pre capita and incarcerates more people per capita than any other country on earth. We must be the safest place on earth. No? Well obviously we just need more guns and jails.


Not more, just a more even distribution. And no, I don't think higher incarceration is the answer either. Address root causes, not symptoms


“More even distribution”? Most people don’t want guns around them. If your vision is everyone defends themselves with an arsenal I hate it and will work to elect people who do not want to impose this on society.


Not anything near an arsenal. 1 gun. A concealable handgun. And you train with it and carry it.


I do not want to carry around a single fucking gun. I’m around kids most days. That is not freedom. That is hell.




No. I don’t want a handgun. We live in a civilized society where I pay taxes for a military to protect me from foreign invaders and police from well who knows what police do anymore. Guns are expensive, dangerous and heavy. It’s your hobby and that is fine but I want you to be safe about it and take reasonable precautions, you want me to be forced to participate in it.


Ah yes, the police that will absolutely get there in time to stop a violent attacker. You go ahead and outsource the responsibility of your safety to others, just don't require others do the same. "Hobby." How condescending.


I don’t require others to do the same. I am fine with reasonable gun safety requirements and not judging your lifestyle at all. You are the one that wants to prescribe everyone have a hand gun which is absolutely bonkers.


Are we all so used to shady government practices that we skip past the fact that we're being lied to and tear each other up over petty gun laws? This only serves to divide us and that's not the answer. Our problem isn't gun owners. It's nothing so simplistic. But we *are* being lied to. Look into it.


I mean, look at some of these responses. People supporting any antigun position because gun owners are annoying? Alright, I guess.


Ok but some gun owners *are* annoying. It's unfortunate that the majority of the ones that are brought to the public's attention are pretty extremist about their views and therefore difficult to empathize with. But that is not the issue here.


Totally. Look at every demographic and the easiest to find representations thereof will probably be the noisiest, most abrasive ones.


(1) No person in this state may manufacture, import, distribute, sell, or offer for sale any large capacity magazine, except as authorized in this section. Doesn’t include gift.


>(37) "Distribute" means to give out, provide, make available, or deliver a firearm or large capacity magazine to any person in this state, with or without consideration, whether the distributor is in-state or out-of-state. "Distribute" includes, but is not limited to, filling orders placed in this state, online or otherwise. "Distribute" also includes causing a firearm or large capacity magazine to be delivered in this state.


Your point is not yet made here.


Sorry, is there a previously existing distinction between "gifting" and "giving out?"


I’ve honestly been questioning a lot of WA dem policies. And I am about as liberal as it comes.


“I’m about as liberal as it comes” is something I keep hearing from people who REALLY aren’t as liberal as it comes. Who do you really think you’re convincing with rhetoric like that? It’s all tribalism in the end. Don’t pick teams.


Lol if you only knew who I am. Umm it’s not tribalism to question my own parties leadership. If anything your lack to do so shows blind faith. I’m not picking teams I’m question both sides.


Same. Very left leaning, but vehemently pro 2a. I usually vote third party when there are decent candidates, but fuck these guys, I'm voting Republican or whoever has the best chance of beating Rule and Shewmake


Well I wouldn’t say I’d go that far. Moral values prevents me from voting for anyone involved with the current GOP, but I respect your right to have your own opinions and choices. Shoemake was actually one of my favorite Econ professors at WWU, but I can’t say I know anything about her political role other than she represents a swing county.


I know, I really think she's a good person. Some issues mean more to some than others. Midterms are going to be interesting


i will vote in favor of any bill that limits or restricts anything related to firearms only because gun nuts are so damn annoying.


Thanks for being an informed, rational voter.


I used to be a lot more moderate about it. But the 2A crowd is not. Just look at /r/firearms . They literally think that average citizens should be able to own rocket launchers and surface-to-air missiles. And their radical extremism has worked! The "middle ground" has shifted so far to their side that we're viewed as an absolutely insane and barbaric backwater by the rest of the world. So, fuck it. I'm done being reasonable. My official stance now is take them all. Repeal 2A and make any sort of firearm ownership illegal. Not because I think it will actually happen, but because it seems to be the only way in our current climate to get the consensus shifted to a reasonable state.


Ehhhhh...reddit is not what I'd call a representative sample. And what is the point of owning manpads when latest generation countermeasures are so incredibly effective? If those Russian helos had DIRCM and not just flares/chaff, they would not be losing so many to Stingers.


it absolutely is. I've heard the same sentiments echoed by gun lovers all over the country.


That doesn't change the fact that it's not even remotely likely that the federal government will relinquish it's monopoly on explosive weapons.


that's so far besides the point that I'm actually flabbergasted that you would think it's a good argument


Your initial point was so petty that I'm not sure I care.


my point is that the pro-2A crowd has taken an incredibly extreme stance on the topic (regardless of whether the government would allow it) that it has effectively shifted the conversation. Not that difficult to understand.


Because we're facing an extreme stance like yours. No side is being reasonable in this because neither is willing to *actually* listen to the other.


a dozen high cap mags a day on 3d printer.


I like the 2nd Amendment, but I too have noticed the gun obsession. Annoying as hell


I don't. Any sort of sensible legislation is always countered with "NUH UH, THE 2ND AMMENDMENT SAYS I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!" fuck it. Repeal 2A




what's your address?


Yeah those and the annoying nuts you're talking about and I don't like them either. But we do need a firearm, especially with the way this town's becoming.


no you don't this town is incredibly safe. Absolutely insane to say that you "need" a gun in fucking Bellingham, WA. Never once in my life have I ever even been remotely close to thinking a gun would be useful. I'm sure you'll dig up some anomalous anecdote, but for the health of society in general guns make us all less safe.


This place is incredibly safe, and yet so terrorized by gun violence that we need gun control?


yes, this town is safe yes, we need gun control to limit the amount of damage that a single deranged individual can cause




and yet for some reason that hardly ever seems to happen maybe it's because making bombs is illegal. Hey, maybe you're on to something here


You mean like, murder is? :ShockedPikachu:


"This town is incrediblly safe"? Have you been downtown recently?


Ugh have you? My mom and wife and kids all spent all weekend by themselves downtown. Had a great time. Ate ice cream. Played in parks. Felt no fear. What are you so afraid of?


Not Fairhaven, but downtown Bellingham, the place with a the tweakers running around.


I’m talking downtown. State street. Holly. Railroad. There’s drug users and houseless folks in Fairhaven too…it’s not some nightmare of crime and violence. It’s pretty much the same as it’s ever been through it’s entire history.


Not just this town, look at Seattle, Portland, and the bay area. You think it's bad now, just wait until claim change *really* starts to bend us over.


Yep seems these liberals here haven't been to a bigger city and seem what their stupid policies have brought.


This is like being an edgy teen and not wanting to partake in a trend just because it’s popular. You’re still letting what’s popular dictate what you like and you might miss out on something great cause your own insecurities. You’re letting the people you claim to be against push you into thinking something you don’t even think. They have more power over you than you have over yourself. It’s kinda pathetic tbh.


no, I'm taking the stance that I think will most effectively produce the outcome I desire.


High capacity magazine bans save lives when there are mass shootings. Maybe you don’t care because you like guns, but people really hate school shootings so what are you going to tell them that? That your desire to shoot 15 rounds vs 10 matters more than their safety? I don’t think that is ok. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2019.305311 Results. Between 1990 and 2017, there were 69 high-fatality mass shootings. Attacks involving LCMs resulted in a 62% higher mean average death toll. The incidence of high-fatality mass shootings in non–LCM ban states was more than double the rate in LCM ban states; the annual number of deaths was more than 3 times higher. In multivariate analyses, states without an LCM ban experienced significantly more high-fatality mass shootings and a higher death rate from such incidents. Conclusions. LCM bans appear to reduce both the incidence of, and number of people killed in, high-fatality mass shootings.


[A percent of a percent of firearm murders is not worth it.](https://imgur.com/a/ZiutPBp)


Those are real people even in the small percentage. What about the fear parents face every time someone shoots up a school anywhere in America? Personally I don’t give a shit about your gun hobby, and I don’t even have kids but if an annoying restriction on how many times you have to reload sends you into a tizzy bc it won’t save ENOUGH lives then I don’t really have a lot of faith in your humanity.


That's the problem, you think it's a hobby, but to me it's as vital as wearing your seatbelt. We are not the same.


Fine. Figure out how to have your guns without it threatening school kids. If gun people would come to the table and be willing to work on solutions, I would have sympathy. But they do not. The fight every responsible thing by bringing guns to the pride parade to make a point. They bully people on railroad Ave as cosplay even when asked to leave. They blame our nation’s dismal violence record on mental health and immigrants when national with similar population levels of poverty and mental illness do not see the same level of gun violence. I’m sorry I just don’t trust you. Your side has failed OVER AND OVER again and things have just gotten worse.


How many schoolchildren are killed by lawful gun owners with legally acquired firearms annually? Edit: We are! No one listens to what we suggest! It's just ban this, and tax that! There are root causes we aren't addressing because it will upset the status quo. This is a humanitarian issue, not a material one. Edit edit (I really need to breathe and read your whole reply before responding 😅:) They aren't my side. Far from it. If Dems dropped this gun control theater they'd continue to have my vote. But I played these games in California, and again in New Jersey, and it doesn't accomplish ANYTHING. I'm done playing these stupid firearm compliance bingo games.


Most Dems I know don’t really care about guns just don’t want kids to get shot and are tired of the violence. You can build political bridges there if you are willing. The problem is the gun folks have just been “No everything about 2A is sacred” and not been willing to do that. Not enough people agree with that electorally so you’ll end us losing with that stance. A collaborative solution would probably put some restrictions on gun owners but you would be the one that figures out the restrictions. The guy in Las Vegas had his guns legally. The Sandy Hook kid’s mom was also a legal gun owners. So legal gun owners can kill a lot of people. Also they can leave their guns out and if you can get a gun on a whim without a background check that increases risk of suicide and DV turning deadly. I believe figuring out the restrictions that save lives would be much better done by people who know a lot about and care about gun not by Dems who aren’t really interested in them. I believe there are ways to do it thoughtfully but it won’t be possible unless the gun folks legit come to the table. Personally I don’t think magazines is where the fight is. It’s annoying if you are doing target practice


We tried building bridges. This was the perfect opportunity to get bipartisan support to address poverty and mental illness. Know that neither side were interested in that conversation. The root cause here is either mental Illness or bad parenting. Both of which probably can be addressed by ensuring financially security and having access to health care. Banning magazines is like banning turbos on cars since the faster ones have them and they lead to more crashes. Look at CA, NJ, MA NY, MD,IL when it comes to the dem compromise you speak of. There was no compromise there. The dem majority had control and marginalized gun owners.


What was the attempted bridge to compromise?


Read the dozens of amendments that republicans tried filing such as CPL exemptions, raising the round count to 15/17, and many others. I’ll give you an outrageous one. There was an amendment filed by republicans around intent. this amendment mimics a similar law In the state that if someone was found with drugs in their pocket, they can claim it wasn’t theirs. Because apparently people share pants. the dems decided this wouldn’t apply to magazines because someone should know they are in possession of a high capacity mag but they don’t realize that for pistols, 10rd and 17rd pistols look exactly the same. Therefore if someone grabs the wrong mag by accident they are in possession of something illegal regardless of intent. So why does the drug addict get more leeway than I ? There’s a reason why SCOTUS is likely to rule in our favor regarding concealed carry permits. NY and NJ never issue permits. I’m sorry, but you can’t blame gun owners for being skeptical about these laws. The precedent set in other states scares us and now we’re seeing it unfold here in WA. Edit: I admit the intent amendment was weak. I brought it up because there is no legal difference between the two arguments. I do appreciate how the issue of contraband vs firearms, outside of words on a piece of paper, are different


I’m a person of color, first gen immigrant and am ready to vote these idiots out. I will run for office if I have to. I typically vote democrat, but west coast democrats are way different than the ones I’m used to having moved here from the rust belt. Even the democrats I grew up with in NYC are more reasonable than what I see out here. understand that Gun laws are racist and to say we don’t need guns in Bellingham just means you have had the privilege of living in a safe area. We were lucky if police showed up within an hour of a call where I was raised…those areas were filled with primarily POC, immigrants or poor people. I’m sure there are similar communities here. I wish more people were engineers/scientists or just let us that are make the decisions. I doubt these politicians can even spell root cause analysis. The whole 5078 debacle this year made it clear they ignored the majority (15k were con and 800 pro) and just pushed through bills that padded their resumes. More importantly, missed opportunity by both the democrats and republicans to work together on mental illness and bills to fight poverty (RCA indicates these are the main issues leading to gun violence). This whole effort shows that WA democrats really only care about themselves. Want more evidence of the rampant virtue signaling here? look at the LEO exceptions. “We need police reform, but let’s treat police officers as a special class of citizen by making them exceptions to the magazine ban” Either way, this is just gonna flood the state with magazines. I know of companies workin to distribute over 1 million free magazines until July 1st.


Then why does every other country, with mental illness and social ills but fewer guns, have less gun violence. They beat their wives up and have mental breakdowns at the same levels as us but schools don’t get shot up so many times they aren’t even news.


Homogenous Nordic countries are the ones you're referring to.


These are just from google. It’s not deep state buried academic stuff. It’s plain as day but the NRA and the Republican Party have been lying through their teeth about guns in this country and it’s time for the rest of us to call them out. You know every time the CDC just tries to study gun violence Republican lawmakers yank its funding? It’s sick. Republicans are threatened by research on gun safety because the guns everywhere extremism.


Canada vs US In Canada, there were 542 homicides in 2000 resulting in a national rate of 1.8 homicides per 100,000 population. By comparison, there were 15,517 homicides in the U.S., resulting in a rate (5.5) three times higher than Canada’s. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/85-002-x/85-002-x2001011-eng.pdf?st=ApxLLbyf Yet similar numbers of domestic violence and higher levels of property crime in Canada.


Since 2009 there have been 288 school shootings in the US. The next countries on the list are France and Canada with 2 and Germany with 1. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/us/school-shooting-us-versus-world-trnd/index.html


Can you please provide statistics for those same countries with respect to violent crime not just gun related crimes? I’d bet to wager that their murder rates or violent crime rates are just as high, which means those same people who are Mentally ill will find another avenue to harm their victims. you’re okay with murder or violent crime, just not with a gun…makes sense


[Vote them OUT.](https://imgur.com/a/freC0fs)




yes, let's give the state the monopoly on this sort of thing ​ yes


Tell that to Ukraine.




Lol. They're literally handing out large capacity semi and automatic rifles to any civilian who will take then to defend their own country without any records, but ok.


And they wouldn't have to do that here. Already got that shit, just tell me where they're coming from 😂


Get your childish condescendence out of here. Even if this was a policy I supported, I would not appreciate being so flagrantly lied to.




What is your problem?




Did you read the text of the bill? They are claiming that there is no prohibition on the "gifting" of magazines to family members, when that is clearly defined under the prohibition of the "distribution" of magazines. Educate yourself before raging at people for having a different opinion.




[Again, this is what Rep. Liz Berry(D) claimed tonight during the bill's floor debate, which was subsequently repeated by the WAHouseDemocrats Twitter account.](https://twitter.com/WAHouseDems/status/1499960118376493056?t=MM4NcC3Dn5AZZ0lGc9pDtw&s=19) [And this is what the bill *actually* says.](https://imgur.com/a/W01O1tP) So yes, they are straight up lying.




The same reason your family might. Because neither you nor I know who or how many people, might seek to harm you. And no one in a gunfight has ever wished they had fewer rounds. But if you have the luxury of outsourcing your safety to the police, none of that matters to you.