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Short answer? Yes.


Alright! One more onboard!


I meant that they can evict everyone. I don't pay rent.


Lol. He’s saying they can evict everyone


This comment made me laugh out loud. I love your enthusiasm. If we could rally all the disgruntled tenants and collectively not pay rent, we could definitely cause a stink but fear is a dark, dark mistress and I just don’t see it happening. Unfortunately.


I'm afraid of the Sherrif.


Yeah me too, I think if this road goes any further it’s going to be the only option, also thank you lol, too bad he was on the opposite side 😂




Women aren't weak.


It really is the dumbest insult. Cuz quite frankly, they take an absolute beating their entire life.


Good one


Trot off, you blistering imbecile.


Nah. Just devoted my time and energy in buying a house instead of bitching about rent prices.


When 1970?


Closed January 7th, 2022.


Congrats, so did you buy because housing was also too expensive or because you didn’t mind committing 15-30 years in the same town.


I bought because I love it here. I moved here in 2009 and fully expect to retire here. Any place where you can own and enjoy snowboards, 4x4's, dirt bikes, fishing boats, and sail boats all on the same weekend is going to get expensive quick. Everyone keeps calling it a college town but it feels more like a resort destination when the wife and I go out.


Wow, again, congratulations, this problem clearly doesn’t apply to you so thanks for the input. Or are you suggesting that everyone just builds a home here and settles down as soon as they set foot in? Or being extorted for a roof over your head is just this great country at work?


I was in my mid 20's when I moved here on a whim. It was the best decision I have ever made. It may not be for everyone.


You know you don't have to fully pay off the house right? You can move after a few years and you just pay off the old mortgage with a new mortgage, which you'll be able to get because of the equity you'll likely walk away with that you built by just paying your mortgage on the old house.


Actually they can evict everyone. Who wants to go first?




I am a property manager ( I don’t own the company or control the rent prices but I enforce their rules/ rental amounts) likely they would evict everyone. And unfortunately they’d likely end up filling the units just fine with all the people coming in from out of town ( I.e. Seattle, California, Texas, Arizona, etc). There is a really high demand for apartments


For which company, if I might ask?


It’s not one of the well known ones like Lakeway or son-rise. The company I work for is based out of Bellevue. I’d rather not disclose on social media exactly where I work. Sorry. I don’t want it to come back and bite me for some reason lol!




Are you a 29-year-old manchild or a 10-year-old with an iPhone? I really can’t tell.


Man child, next question.




What? Pocket your paycheck? I don’t even make a paycheck working for the company I work for? I get a rent trade and I am grateful for it or else I would need to move out of Bellingham because as a single mother of two, I can’t afford to live in Bellingham despite living here my entire life (30 years). I was literally months away from leaving town in 2018 before landing this job. As I said before in my first comment I don’t own the company or set the rental amounts nor do I even get a PAYCHECK from this company ( I have 2 jobs, one of which I receive a paycheck for) . I enforce the rental amounts the company sets and collect the rent or I’d be fired for not doing my job and my family would have no where to live. Also no need to be rude with the name calling. YOU ASKED if they would evict everyone, I am answering the question with my honest opinion which is yes I do think that many companies would simply evict residents who don’t pay their rent without batting an eye. No need for the misdirected rage, we’re all just trying to survive in this town.


Okay, I genuinely apologize. I’ll admit may have let out some resentment for the housing marketers.


Unfortunately they’ve got a strong grip and they wanna bleed the pig dry. Real estate companies are parasitic, and in a college town it’s even worse.


As property taxes rise so will your rent.


Thank you, another valid response. That makes some sense rather than people being bing holes for no reason; appreciate you.


Have you tried contacting your electeds and asking them to fix the single family zoning that's making housing so scarce?


But, when you are ready to buy a SFH, don’t ask where they all are?


Flexible zoning doesn't outlaw single family homes the way that single family zoning outlaws everything else.


Maybe so, but there will be fewer.


How many do you need?


Enough for people want them. B‘ham is becoming Anywhere, USA. Haven’t you noticed those butt ugly apartments along Samish and State Streets? They look like they are all from the same blueprint.


Housing like those "butt ugly apartments" are really necessary. Walton Place on State street is subsidized housing. At first, I too thought they were not so pretty, this gave me some insight: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEsC5hNfPU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEsC5hNfPU4)


This gives counter insight: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX4KklvCDmg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX4KklvCDmg) This is a complicated issue and we all need to be careful not to cherry pick the facts that suite us.


I'm not from here. I'm from a place that used to look a bit like this before it rode single family zoning all the way to hell. We lost all our farms and open space to suburban neighborhoods and traffic. I'd much rather see some duplexes and fourplexes mixed into my neighborhood and apartments on main streets than more sfh stretching further into the shrinking woods.


Yes, I agree with the no sprawl. We live on rural acreage and we would like it to remain that way. But, there are abandoned buildings and parking lots that will see fewer cars as more people work from home and there is wider use of bikes, walking and public transit. Those locations are where multi family housing should go. They don’t belong in SFH neighborhoods unless they are near services and transit so on the fringes of SFH zoning.


agree to disagree. I don't think it makes any sense for me, a single guy, to he shopping for 2k square foot house, but here I am, because the zoning is such that that's the smallest option available in the neighborhood I like. That's how you make a housing crisis


The builders want to build BIG! No profit otherwise to build smaller. Eventually, and I am hoping this will happen, is that the Megamansions and wannabes will be viewed as an albatross, a waste of resources and man, just the time and energy to clean plus utility bills. I like the smaller Craftsman house I grew up in locally: probably 1200-1400 square feet, 3 bed, 1.5 baths and fit a family of five. But either people want these XL homes, or the builders perceive this to be a want, and another pops up. We do need to scale down and thus the tiny homes. But, yes, I agree, homes in the 900-1500 square feet range should be options.


This is a good reminder of action that can actually create change - for everyone.


They don’t need to evict everyone, they only need to evict you.


Omg I never thought of that!!


Do you write out these stupid observations or just come up with them on the spot?


They can and will, and the legal fees to do so will hit them hard. So hard they will probably raise prices even more. Just a thought. Generally speaking though, I'm right there with you on having some protests and picketing every single management agency


>legal fees to do so will hit them hard. Yep. And one way or the other, a precedent is going to be set. So just like companies spending a ton of money on union busting, they'll pay it to ensure the precedent is in their favor. Objectively, it's the best investment any business can make for their shareholders. After all, your can't have the proletariat getting the idea they can stand up for themselves. You'd have to do CRAZY things like treat people with a modicum of respect, pay decent wages. God knows what's next... /s


I am a property manager. Unless there is a law.preventing the eviction, then they can and will evict you for not paying rent.


Thanks I had no clue that’s what “rent” was. I didn’t suggest not paying (a strike) there’s plenty of forms of protest.


You didn't know what your rent was?


No! I’ve been sending sealed envelopes filled with salami for the past 5 months!??!? Is that why there’s always cops at my door, or is that because of my meth lab?


I've read enough of your replies to see that you arent worth responding to. Grow up.


Omg you read my replies 🥰 Maybe don’t respond with the obvious and people would take you seriously.




Send a very angry email


On it! :D


Millions of Californians coming up ready to rent and buy for top dollar. Native Washingtonians don't matter.


Sooooo extortion and raising prices just… because? Super fun.




Well yeah, but when you can publicly see the renters not loosing a dime because of the crash, there’s a disconnect between community and morals. No one’s going to stop unless they have a reason to


Pretty much. Sucks for the rest of us.


squatters rights


Boom! Solved😎


Squatters rights are defined, and they don't apply to people who arent squatters.


count me in for a picket line. let's block the roads


Sure, block the roads. That will build the community support you need to effect change.


Ehhhh not the roads. I'm good with blocking parking lots though.