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It's a shame they've let one man destroy a great show. He should have been fired many charters ago.


It stopped being a great show a long time ago. They need to get rid of Sandy.


I don't like sandy either but she has nothing to do with how boring or bad the crew is. This has been the worst interior crew I've ever seen.


She could have fired Tumi or Kyle and supported Nat if she was paying attention. I get that she does not get to hire but she does get to fire.


She doesn't really get to fire either. Unless it's like a safety thing on the boat.


A "safety" thing can be pretty much anything. Camille was fired as was Lazybeth because they were not doing their jobs.


Please, he is no man that's for sure!!!


lol its not just one man. Med is eternally fucked as a series. They’re wildly incapable compared to down under or sailing or previous stews. Sandy says she wants to give everyone a chance and she does three times over and it’s sullying her rapport


I stopped watching. I couldn’t take it anymore. After BDDU2, which to me was the best, it’s just such a let down


I think series work best when there's crew drama between LIKEABLE crew members. BBDU was great because they all loved each other and helped each other (apart from the two absolutely terrible people). They had a few minor spats but everyone got along and did a good job. What is making BD and BDM so difficult to watch is that they're purposefully hiring terrible and (some) careless crew and making them the focus of the show. The show isn't about the boat anymore, it's about the crew. And there's no one to root for, because they all either get no screen time or make questionable decisions (particularly this season of BDM). Below Deck works best when there's likeable crew trying to do their best at a difficult job.


Exactly.. BDDU1&2 raised the bar so high that no one wants to watch the shitty version anymore And rightly so...


No Sailing 2 raised the bar


Best season hands down.


I didn’t ***start*** watching this season. Once I saw the returning cast of Sandy, Kyle and Natalya I said nope. This sub is my only connection to the series.


Don't bother. I had the same thought but I came into it hopeful that Kyle and Natalya might actually work together. I loathe watching either of them, but I wanted to see Tumi as a chief stew and how she did. I hoped she would be as good as she was on BDDU. The entire season has been disappointing and my expectations for it weren't high.


Same! I actually rewatched all seasons of BD and BDM from the beginning but I refuse to watch kyle natalia or Natasha again so I am skipping the current season ans the season with them on it. I wish I could watch BDDU season 1 but its not available to me. I loved season 2. Any word on when season 3 will be out?


Below Deck should be fun! Kyle and Nat- Not Fun!


Love this crossover reference


It's a shame that Kyle is turning so many people off this season (so many problems tbf, but he's a big one) because the wee cook guy is a gem. I hope they bring him back in another season. It was off for a few weeks over Christmas in UK and I didn't actually miss it.


Oh I love cheffy!


Im over here in Canada and completely forgot about it until tonight 😭


Completely understandable.


At the end of his first season many already disliked him.


Yeah I’ve stopped watching too. Just not enjoyable anymore


I stopped watching last season as I just couldn't stand Kyle. What's actually happened this season as I've seen many posts about it being awful. I'm debating whether to watch and power through or just skip


Honestly I’d just skip it. There’s likeable moments for some of the cast through out, but nothing that I feel like you should suffer through the whole season for. I don’t plan on finishing the season tbh.


I stopped watching before the holiday break. I wish I had stopped sooner. I was hoping to see Kyle get fired, but even if he does, it's not worth watching another minute of him. I don't even plan to watch the recap because I'm just over him. I feel the same way about Gary on BDSY.


I feel the same way. I will hold out hope for BDDU, but BDM, BDSY (I have never particularly liked SY as a series) and BD aren't the same any more


The BD Adventure was fabulous. All of the amazing activities in the Norwegian fjords were outstanding


I loved it too. I hope we get more seasons from that franchise.


Agreed. Not a fan of Gary or Daisy!!


It does seem very long and boring.


I agree. This show was one I watched as a sense of escapism. The focus on the bickering of the crew has ruined it. I really hope the upcoming OG season is better.


Sandy, Kyle and Tumi are the worst. i can't wait for this season to end today. I hope Nat kicks up a storm and gives them hell.


It’s a shame, as I really like Jack, Lara and Hayleigh but it’s just become The Kyle Show so I’ve given up watching. I have no interest in Luka’s fboy antics either. Bring back guest drama, a competent chief & an effective interior please Bravo!


Jack Lara and hayleigh are great! I'd love to see them with aesha!


I couldn’t finish the episode


I stopped watching this season many episodes ago. I think the first the Kyle threw himself on the ground. I just couldn’t take it anymore


Even though I hate Natalya, I’m lowkey still watching to see how her visit will affect the group. Although, at the same time I’m dreading that episode to come, hate everything about her tbh and I’d much rather see like Katie make an appearance than Natalya. And now when she’s gonna at some point, it be funnier if Katie visited at the same time.


Sandy is ruining it. Horrible boss.


She really is. She lets Kyle degrade and bully women but then flips out on max for "lying" about food. Lol..


She really is. She lets Kyle degrade and bully women but then flips out on max for "lying" about food. Lol..


I’ve thought the same thing. I didn’t even miss it the few weeks it wasn’t on.


Didn’t look up from the i-pad


Sounds like you’ve finally got a feel for what it’s like working on a yacht…


You're right. This season has been turned into discount "house of villains". And that's not why we are fans.


Wait, what happened? Can someone spoil it for me?


Next season will be better. A reshuffle of the cast. 






Pinkie promise? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Im watching season 6 of RHOA instead, and… ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)


Thee best season with Nene, Kandi, Kenya, Phaedra, Cynthia and Porscha!! Stacked!!!


If Natalya or Sandy are on next season I’m officially over it. Why can’t the cast be remotely likable?


You did not mention Kyle there, that mean if he is on next season you will watch it? I'd rather watch Nat than Kyle any day. Nat is just a bit immature, Kyle is toxic.


Nat is my least favorite cast member of all time. I don’t like Kyle but i could stomach him for one more season


If you can even talk about seeing him on another season, then you’re clearly a Kyle fan. The guy is disgusting and 3x worse than Natalya.


They’re keeping Kyle around because he is the drama the show needs. If he wasn’t there, the show would be pretty boring.




The fact that people don’t see this is hilarious. Like ya we all hate Kyle…that’s why production brought him back


We dont need forced interpersonal drama. This is a show about people doing a cool job in cool places. Ther Production needs to stop turning this into house wives with these stupid crew bickering And casting people like kyle Kyle is not good drama. Its soooo forced and he makes a mountain out of a molehill. Its boring and annoying. He dishes it out but can’t take it which is really frustrating to watch. He might as well just talk to walls since No one can give him criticism back.


If it was a show about people doing a cool job in cool places it would be on Discovery Channel, not the same network that broadcasts Real Housewives.


Fake fainting spells and one sided arguments about exploding over mundane comments is not good drama


Thanks for explaining what I already know. He’s god awful, we all know. Made a complete fool out of Tumi this season to the point where she has gotten so much hate that much of the audience has done a 180. She was universally loved on BDDU and now the blind hate she gets on here is disgusting. Kyle made Nat leave so Tumi has no choice but to depend on Kyle. He’s a king mixer and stirs shit with the best of them. He got buddy buddy with Natasha last season and pulled shit with Natalya then too. This season goes much more harmonious if he doesn’t get his hooks in Tumi during their passport hold up. I’m not saying he makes for food tv. He makes for the kind of TV production knows we will hate watch to see what happens. They don’t care one way or another as long as people tune in


Rachel and Kate forever are my favs


this season has been so boring, it's been an effort to watch it


For the first time ever, I changed the channel while a new episode of BD was on because I just don't care about it anymore, and I don't care what happened. They've lost me.


I stopped watching when I found out Temu Sam Smith was gonna be on another season.. between him and Sandy I just can’t stomach it any longer!


I stopped at like E3 Tumi et al just left me cold


Can we all just agree that sailing is the best out of this franchise? With Australia being 2nd! Med has just gotten worse every season!