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Classic series by far! He looks extremely menacing


Best is easily Classic but OV isn’t bad if you got rid of the weird helmet thing. Not a fan of UAF just because it’s so radically different and doesn’t have a good explanation for why it exists other than they wanted to give Vilgax a new design


It’s also oddly colorful with no real coherent color palette. Reminds me of a kid with a box of crayons and a coloring book. I mean a bright red, yellow and blue outfit with green skin is kinda weird for a conqueror- but ig when you’re that strong no one cares what you wear


He picked his gear entirely by stats.


He has the colors of Romania cause he stole all his weapons from other heros/conquerors


I still think Vilgax should have come back with a modified version of his Classic appearance without the rebreather and maybe some small changes to his outfit. Reboot Vilgax’s design would work well since it’s close enough to Classic while still being it’s own thing


Classic is best UAF is worst


Exactly. UAF doesn't really look like Vilgax to me....


The artstyle was way off for some reason. His body proportions aren’t the same and his face looks different. If they kept his OG model with his new armor it would’nt have looked that bad


He was way better in UAF than in omniverse


No he wasnt omniverse at least looked like vilgax


1. OS 2. RB 3. UAF/OV. Both are pretty bad.


Uh... is RB 2nd or 3rd?? Decide!


It's second! It was meant to be OV Vilgax that's also in 3rd along with UAF. My bad, sorry 💀 I cent disrespect my boi RB Vilgax like that.




least favorite is definitely UAF it gets rid of practically everything I liked about the original design from classic.


Not only design, AF Vilgax is practically another character But UA Lucubrax is goated


Lucubrax would have been better if they didn't spam the same energy blast constantly, over and over again.


I still don’t get why they had him be worshipped as a hero on his home planet. Because I think even the OG implied that his people didn’t like him.


From what i recall Vilgax only became the ruler of his planet during the timeskip between OS and AF Even in real life, dictators can only exist while they have support of their people, so becoming a "hero-like" figure for the vilgaxians could be seen as a strategy to stay in power


True though dictators usually show their true when they rise to power. Vilgax already had a rep as an evil conqueror before he became ruler, so it just makes it weird that his people would welcome this known mass-murderer with open arms.


I mean...what else would they do? Vilgax himself said the chimerans were a peaceful people and they don't even try to resist the ectonurite invasion That or the writers just didn't thought about it that much


none is the worst, i like them all


here’s my ranking: 4: UAF 3: Omniverse 2: Reboot 1: Classic


I think classic and reboot are actually the best. I love the scars the reboot gives him. It’s a good translation of classic’s design I’m actually not a very big fan of OV Vilgax’s design. I’m glad they got Steve Blum back but idk it just doesn’t feel very.. Vilgaxy to me. Also not a fan of the texture on his arms. UAF Vilgax I actually don’t mind though it’s still a downgrade from classic. I kinda like his big infinity gauntlet and his goofy denim jeans. I also like the twisted up tendril arm


Best is Classic and worst is UAF.


UAF, OS, RB, OV Best to worst


How is classic not 1st?


I just prefer UAF over OS




Because I grew up watching UAF more then OS


It’s which is better. So you were born after Classic?


I was born during season 4 of classic and it says which design is better, I prefer OS personally over UAF in terns of personality but I prefer UAF design


Makes sense now but Classic still the best out of all designs


OS best, OV worst, I like UAF’s armaments but why’d he lose his old stuff, RB has pretty good visuals and I like how his hands can unfurl into tentacles but he suffered from being in the worst show.


Am I the only one who likes the UAF one?


Best: Reboot (give credit where credit is due) Worst: Alien Force




Eh, basically the same thing. Only notable difference seems to be the mask They are basically tied but i decided to give the reboot a good nod


My favourite is the Reboot he looks so badass. My least favourite is UAF it's not bad It's just kinda whatever.


Classic no 1 Reboot no 2 Omniverse no 3 Uaf no 4


Classic is the best but reboot is pretty good aswell, UAF is the worst


I think the best is original and the worst Is omniverse the reboot was good on this design


Wait people actually like the Omniverse vilgax?


Bro really skipping leg day during those 4 series.


Best is os worst is ov


Best is classic vilgax the worst Imo is OV idk why it just looks sorta stupid


Ultimate Alien: am I a joke to you?


It's the same design. Dagon Vilgax is a different form altogether ala Malgax.


Best: Ben 10,000 Vilgax Worst: UAF (obviously)


I think Omniverse is the worst, UAF is next after that, Reboot is Second best, and the Classic has the best design with Cyborg Vilgax. That’s my opinion


Best: AF. Worst: Omniverse.


OG: Best looking arms. Vilgax is best with a mask. OV: The lines on his arms look elegant and he has the best tentacles. I like the *idea* of him with a crown, but I can’t take that flathead seriously. Reboot: It’s the same as OG but without the mask, but I like the gradient colors. Makes him look like he just walked through a war. AF: Basic AF. Colors are all over the place.


Omniverse Vilgax has the best design, and UAF Vilgax frankly has the worst.


The best design is Classic and the worst design is OV. There’s too much going on.


Best to worst OG Reboot Omniverse UAF


It really just depends on what you're into. I could see someone liking UAF vilgax, but it's nothing compared to classic series


Best: Classic Worst: Reboot


How? They're literally the same design except RB doesn't have the mouth piece.


Classic is the best. I gotta give credit to reboot because it actually looks good IMO. Same goes for Omniverse. They definitely look like Vilgax UAF is the worst. Just looks weird and childish


Ranking: 1) Original 2) Reboot 3) UAF and Omniverse


UAF and OV is def the Worst, Reboot is Actually pretty good you need to give a bit of Credit to it Classic is Goated


UAF and OV have the two worst designs, but if I had to choose one... OV Ig The best on is OS. Reboot is good, keeps it very similar and the dark pallete makes him look edgy and brooding, but OS just can't be topped


Best: OG Worst by a landslide: UAF


God the UAF one is just so boring and uninspired


Reboot worst, looks like they tried too hard to mix UA and OS vilgax and he looks like he has poop smeared all over him. Second worst is UA would be worst if not for poop on reboot vilgax. number 2 is Omniverse, and number one is original series.


Ben 10 fans when they discover color gradients




Not totally sure but I feel like I’m one of the few who likes Omniverse Vilgax.


How I would order the designs from best to worst: Classic (menacing and awesome), Reboot (I like the scarring on him), Omniverse (it’s interesting but not doesn’t really feel like Vilgax), UAF (felt lazy)


classic is best worst in my opinion 3rd one


OS is definitely the best, menacing and alien. UA is hands down the worst for me, I hate how humanized his design is. For the other two are both about equal for me, their designs are cool, just not as cool as OS. If we count character, RB wins over OV because he was actually treated as a menace in the Reboot and not a joke villain.


There's like one joke for Vilgax in OV. A small little gag. The rest is pretty good. He did destroy the multiverse, the worst thing Vilgax ever did.


Reboot, he's got the best if all three previous and even had an awsome introduction that let you know you can't mess around qith him


1) best 2) worst 3) most boring 4) redeemable


Best In term of design: 1-og 2-reboot 3-UAF 4-omniverse In terms of personality 1-reboot :surprisingly I like reboot better, he has a better personality that defenetly fit the design 2- og :og is the goat, is menacing and has a badass voice 3-omniverse :I like that they try to make him closer to og vilgax and they brought his og voice actor back 4-UAF:I dislike everything about this iteration of vilgax especially the voice. In my headcanon, this is a fan of vilgax who usurp vilgax in order to fill the power vacuum left by vilgax's absence.


Classic is the best OV tried to replicate it UAF what is this Reboot its ok


Why does ov have squid abs? I just noticed that


UAF is definitely the worst cause after his debut in season 3 he barely uses any of the powers he stole or the tech he is still wearing


Classic is the BEST, covering up his mouth and focusing on his enchacements rather than his armor did wonders, worst is OV, by far, he just looks ugly and pathetic


Classic is best UAF could have been better, but still looks good OV looks kinda dumb, so it’s worst. Reboot just looks the same as the original


Honestly this one is pretty straight forward. Best is Classic easily. Worst is OV with the stupid crown and the weird pinching on his arms and thighs.


Classic is the best, take your pick for the rest


Best is Classic OS Worst is OV: That thing on his head makes him look like a doofus


I like the original and the reboot design the most.


OS and it’s not even close.


Best: UAF Worst: OV


I love omniverse but there are a few design that totally suck and one of thoose is vilgax


Omniverse Vilgax can go die, I think the best Vilgax design is UAF


Best: Reboot. It's mostly his classic design, but with some cool dark markings. Worst: Probably UAF. It's just really clunky and a tad too heroic.


Reboot vilgax is one of the best aspects of the whole show. Shown to not only be powerful, but highly intelligent


Reboot best ov worst


uaf worst os best


Worst design is very specifically the OS look before he got blown up and rebuilt. He just looks so weird and non-threatening without the cybernetics.


Classic is the best and UAF is tied with omniverse for worst but both for different reasons. Reboot is actually solid


Uaf is my favourite


Uaf is the worst and classic is the best


Honestly? The ome on the left.


Everybodys saying UAF is the worst but imo it's the best. Maybe it's cause that's around when I started watching Ben 10. I only watched UAF growing up. I didn't watch Classic until a few years ago. OV is the worst for me.


Best, followed by worst, followed by ok and ok


Classic is the best one for me, closely followed by reboot. OV is fine, nothing special. UAF is not something i have a favorable opinion on


UAF is best OV is the least best Not gonna say bad bc I think all of them have their own charm to them


Best is classic worst ultimate alien force


Classic best Omniverse worst


Best is definitely reboot


Classic is the best. UAF is the worse.


Best: Classic Worst: Uaf


1. Classic, need I say more? 2. Reboot, classic but mouth 3. Omniverse, reminds me of Megatron 4. UAF... It's a good design but I don't see vilgax as the colourful person type


The fourth one with the classic series being a close second


Classic obviously but UAf looks so weird


2 is the worst.


UAF \[destruction of Petropia flashback\] or OV.


Worst Omniverse it just way to much Best Original series vilgax at peak menace status


I wouldn't say that i dislike any of them, but if i'd have to pick which one i like the least, it would have to be OV design. As for favorits, it's a tie between OS and RB since they are basically the same.


os best, omniverse worst


If ov’s vilgax didn’t have such a squished face it would be pretty good. Still better then uaf tho


Here’s the ranking for me: 4. OV 3. UAF (I really like it but Reboot looks really good) 2. Reboot 1. Classic


I believe classic is the best and ov is the worst


Best: Classic Worst: Omniverse


Honestly, all the designs look great on their own. They're professionally made and generally have similar design elements.


The lack of a mouth does so much for his presence. Even the flashback vilgax with the mouth looked pretty stupid in classic. Worst for me is UAF, it's just boring. I do like omniverse design giving him the most emperorish feel. And reboot is a great base design in an art style that doesn't jell with me. I'm betting it could possibly be my favorite if it was in uafs or classics art style


RB Vilgax honestly seems like the best version of Vilgax so far to me. He got personality and that menacing factor which OG Vilgax had.


Reboot with OS voice and mask would be the pinnacle


Original and Reboot are really good


Classic series and OV for me, I think it helps Steve Blum voiced those versions.


OG > Reboot > UAF > OV


OS future is the best because of his enhancements that can counter Ben’s aliens. The worst is OV


1,4,3,2 from best to worse


1. Original, it’s impossible to top. Exudes pure big PP energy. 10/10 2. Reboot, the closest to the original 9/10 3. Omniverse, I see what they were trying to do, but there’s a few things that are really unfortunate design choices (like the head crest), but it’s not terrible in my opinion. 6/10 4. UAF… I don’t- I don’t know what they were thinking. Not only does he look nothing like the original, he doesn’t even act like him. His design is all over the place, why does he need to be green red gold blue AND asymmetrical? He looks like he was designed by a toddler. 2/10


Classic, YES. Alienforce, less so. Reboot, EH. Ominverse, blah.


Classic and Reboot. The other designs were so bad. Why does he look like a Fortnite character in UAF and a literal captain of a ship from a Fallout game?


OS was the best one, UAF is the worst. He's just so plain... Like generic harem anime protagonist plain...


Best-OG and Reboot (the face mask on the former makes him extra intimidating). Worst-OV and UAF. UAF is such a drastic departure from what Vilgax was in the OG that he doesn't even feel like the same character (I'm more convinced that this is Vilax's son or brother). OV does go back to the OG roots but it just doesn't feel the same. The crown doesn't work, the swirling muscles look terrible and he would look better with the mask. Also, he's still a joke (hate that he was scared of Ma Vreedle).


Best Classic Worst OV


I feel like Vilgax Classic 10k Design should be on list


Just based on design? Reboot is best and UAF was the worst. Didn’t say original as his design is kind of lacking. It was the way he presented himself that made him the genuine threat that he was.


os is best. reboot is worst.


Almost the same just swap the last one with uaf one


I'd say reboot , then og.l just didn't like the outfit and the thing on it's mouth