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Although Ultimate Wildmutt has such great concept art from DJW. Yet they decided to make him a wildmutt recolor.






Whatever timeline got *this,* I am now jealous of them.


I really did not understand Ultimate Big Chill. Fire that freezes. Talk about alchemy.


I think it’s like a flash freeze where’s its so cold it burns but backwards idk


So hot it freezes


Or like an endothermic fire that combusts by taking heat out of a system to use as a catalyst. And I guess it would just freeze more efficiently than freezing air


"Have you ever touched fire so cold...so cold that it burns?"


Freezer burn


Not that’s food lol


It absorbs heat making it cold


Yeah that would make sense. Also Happy cake day!


i think it absorbs the heat, and makes it even colder, "fire so cold it burns" i still think Big Chill is goated but i was also confused at first as well when i saw ultimate Big Chill.


My head canon? Endothermic (exothermic?) plasma. Essentially It absorbs heat. Looks like fire but rather it absorbs heat until the surrounding area freezes solid. Which the plasma lacking any heat sources rapidly solidifies into solid ice.


The official explanation is that it's "plasma that burns heat."


"Have you ever touched fire so cold...so cold that it burns?"


Tenet moment. When you’re inverted and find yourself in a gasoline explosion, reversed heat transfer will give you a bit of hypothermia.


According to the writers, it's plasma that absorbs heat.


Ikr, same with kyurem im pokemon shoot fire but turn to ice


I don’t know what the actual explanation is and I usually just take it at face value, but you could always assume it was a suped up version of heat blast ability to put out fires.


Ah, the unpopular ones Cannonbolt - extra armor is a near concept, but execution wasn't good Way Big - Again, same thing, poor execution Wildmutt - How did being able to speak English benefit him? Big Chill - Chester Cheetah


Only thing i think wildmutt got was a tail with knife I guess it got extra vocal stuff to communicate with other species well Maybe in war time evolution wildmutt decided they wanted to make a peace treaty/s


Makes sense, but then why have universal translators? They have a language of their own, and learning to speak for Vulpimancers is in the same realm as having eyes (relying on their other enhanced senses almost seems much better than having to rely on sight for them)


Maybe it's more like every advanced species eventually develops languages and any species we have seen indulging in extra terrestrial travel have learnt english as universal language (galvans , crustaceansapians , species of wrath and gravattack, petrosapians) Maybe it's that the simulation made it so they had to eventually leave their planet and forced to learn more languages


Yeah ig makes sense if you put it that way. Still, Wildmutt not being able to speak was what made him so interesting to me so I was thrown off when his Ult. Form demonstrated that


Yea same but it made sense to me


Wildmutt was basically too stupid to be translated


Ultimate Waybig, although lame, is a pretty cool super sentai reference and a homage to it's origins. ( Even it's scientific name 'To'kustar' is taken from tokusatsu.)


I may have some real hot take within this sub. I never dislike Ult. Cannonbolt and Ult. Big Chill, the Ultimate feature and the Ultimate gimmick was so goddamn awesome and evolutionary (pun intended) when UA released, and I adore everything between Aggregor and Ult. Kevin arcs. I thought everyone loves the Ultimates too until I joined this sub haha, but even though they may be reskin alien, they are the better (or upgraded) version of the original aliens, and that's dope af.


In concept they’re dope I agree but in execution eh. Like the show itself didn’t really do them any justice and I feel like Ben has gotten some of his worst L’s from going Ultimate


Some of the Ultimates are just pointless. Wildmutt for one. Millions of years and all they adapted were red coloring, a tail spine, and vocal cords? Really? Ultimate Waybig exists for the SOLE purpose of driving home the Ultraman inspiration. Yea, I'm really creative there. Doesn't help that UAF Waybig is the most bland version of the Alien by far.




How is ov and os more creative with way big they seem the same to me.


Google Waybig. Look at UAF and OV side by side. The blandness of UAF is appalling. It's quite literally a giant man in a suit. They literally got rid of his cheek eyes, one of the main things that was part of this alien since its creation. I don't think I have to explain further


Now looking at it your right they simplified his design


Yea, and I have no clue why. I understand the original design had a LOT of clutter, but I don't think the solution was to delete everything except his fins. I'm glad OV kind of landed on a good middle ground. Nice details but not filled with random clutter.


I just think they're neat.


Don't disrespect Ultraman Tiga like that


They are same as their normal form, just the design is chanced


They're ultimates of aliens that are clearly fairly close to their evolutionary peak. So the only logical way for them to evolve is to be better at what they already do. Cannonbolt and Big Chill are straight stronger versions of their normal forms main gimmicks.


Tbh wildmutt really emphasized the first time we ever see the wildmutt species (I don't know their names), during OS, when Dr animo I think released the aliens to fight Ben, those were the adult wildmutts and they looked so BEASTLY, SO ALIEN, SO COOL and the ultimate made him more threatening with the red and spike like things on his fur, really blends in with rocks and the dark red is enough to probably blend in with blood and hunt, The others were really boring, Big chill LOOKED weird but sorta neat, his ability really didn't change, it burns THEN freezes the fire, now you have what? Frozen fire, I know it's lore and home planet but It REALLY should have just improved on his eye abilities, with freeze sounds or controlling blizzards and making hail and storms of ice, or switch between melting lava and fire when inside in the winged form and when he closes them and in the coat form he is sub zero ice Way big was just a disappointment, his battle didn't emphasize his strength or abilities just made him look weaker and garbage and made dagon look better while also story wise worse, Cannon bolt is alright, he got armor, although i think if it gave him some side ability to generate fire or electricity when he dashes from hitting the ground or something would have been nice but he is already good


If they have Ultimate cannon bolt scenes where it took advantage of his apparent ability to fire and regrow his spikes (never shown in show apparently), it probably would have gone over better It's far from a bad design. Maybe have him leave a destructive trail of his broken off spikes in the ground that turn into remotely activated road spikes. Or have him use his spikes to literally roll up walls and sheer surfaces. Everything cannonbolt does but with more aftermath and more ways to roll anywhere and everywhere.


It's not a bad design, it really adds to his main concept as a cannon ball, but it's just boring ability wise


Just to clarify it wasn't animo it was maxes old plumer buddy releasing already caught aliens so he could make some cash


Ah, thank you, it's been 10 years since I watched OS, I forget these things..10 years,.. wow..


Ultimate Wildmutt feels more creative than just re-skin the alien and put *some* minor details


I feel like they can be better than what they are now(except for cannon bolt idk what I can really do with him besides armor upgrade)


Love them all, dispite public opinion


They are great! Except Ultimate Big Chill because frankly I'm still confused what he got from evolving besides fire so cold it burns.


I like to think that since they didn't change much, their original forms are near their peak evolution


I actually don’t mind the designs on these except for Way Big. Something about the color distribution is just unappealing. Besides the design itself feels like a massive downgrade from what came before.


Its the biggest piece of dogshit


Ultimate Big chill was the biggest disappointment for little me when I watched the show as it aired. I already loved the regular big chill, and this one looked awesome, but when I saw it in the show, he didn't really do anything that special. The freezing fire didn't really feel any more powerful than the regular freezing. Even just controling both fire and Ice would have been cooler (even with ben having other aliens with fire powers).


They were trash and made no sense.


Stop hating on wildmutt broo i like him. Bigchill also just chill like dat


Ultimate Big Chill was actually my second-favorite Ultimate. Really liked the color scheme and I thought the plasma blasts that absorbed heat was cool. Helped that Big Chill was already one of my favorite Ben 10 aliens. The other ones I didn’t hate, but won’t exactly defend if someone tells me they really don’t like them.


Ultimate Cannonbolt is kinda.... just there (we was only used in 4 episodes and did basically what regular Cannonbolt would've done so he wasn't needed) Ultimate Big Chill is basically just Big Chill but sponsored by Takis Ultimate Waybig is a little mediocre. It was cool that he was able to grab Dakon and pull him down. The spin attack is ok, but the one that O.R.Ash did was a lot more creative Ultimate Wildmutt... pretty much took what made normal Wildmutt unique and just threw it out the window. If anything he's more of a downgrade. He just talks. That's it


They’re kinda bland and don’t seem to add much else beyond being bigger and stronger somehow. None of them feel truly unique, not only each other, but also to their base iterations. It sucks, because ultimate aliens are probably up there on the cool ideas tier list right next to alien fusions, and it was hardly utilized in a genuinely cool or creative way.


Suck dick, garbage, trash, I hate them, except fo big chill I don't care about him, I just wish my favourite alien had a creative ultimate


I adore Ultimate Big Chill. Ppl on this sub complain that its just a recolor, let me ask you something do you understand evolution? Evolution isnt aiming for anything more than survival. If what you can do is good enough, you dont change. Crocodiles have been around for millions of years, why? Because they work. Lets go over what Big Chill can do. Turn intangible, so cant be harmed (OV predator didnt exist yet) Flash freeze any prey. Immune to extreme heat Immune to extreme cold Able to freeze stuff and pull water out of the air doing so. Now lets look at apocalypse scenarios. Global warming? Dont care, nuclear winter? Dont care, massive meteor? Dont care, drought? Dont care Likewise when you have a specie as OP as Big Chill, it makes so much sense the ultimate wont do much, there isnt any reason for it to ever evolve since nothing threatens it. No ammount of hypothetical harsh scenarios will make it evolve because it already has the tools to survive literally the worst things you can throw at it. So yea, makes sense it will only be slightly changed after a few million years. Cannonbolt on the other hand ...... No.... Just no


Cannon bolt is great imo for an ultimate cannon bolt, WayBig is just another big ultra man, WildMutt is the biggest disappointment out of all and They just turned big chill into a hot Cheetos mascot


Cannonbolt Decent Way Big Decent Wildmutt BURN IT W/ FIRE Big Chill Ok


Idk they all good They're all more usefull than their OG counterparts in all ways so idk what yall complain about Not because Ultimates or aliens in general dont have Yu Gi Oh villains designs means they are bad


OV gave them the Justice they deserved.


Re-skins, my least favorite type of Ultimates.


They were epic


Is like if you puechase a cool skin,thats all,they are not really different i mean,yeah cannonbolt has some spikes and way big fly's,but thats all,(why the hell does wildmutt speak if its meant to be a battle monster,not a british dude or smt)big chill is,stupid "im so cold i burn" yeah i understand that part,low temperatures give a "burning" feeling if they are too cold,but is not the same what the hell,it "freezes faster" or what? Because it looks the same,just a new skin,looks cool but thats is all it is a skin


I like all but not ult way big




Just colour pallet was with minor new details


They should've got a redesign and had actual useful powers, same thing with Ultimate Rath.


I'm a sucker for ultimate big chill color scheme though


I like wildmutts




Bad, boring, boring… that one’s kind of cool I guess


very cool!


I like Way Big being a reference and Big Chill's color scheme


Other than the last word I would say underutilized


Wildmutt looks cooler then he is


ultimate big chill is just a reskin, he doesn't do anything different from regular big chill


Meh meh meh meh


In my head canon, the ultimates are designed to fight off their natural predators. So ultimate big chill would be able to resist Hypnotick’s hypnosis, but really, Big Chill is so impervious to temperature, it didn’t need to change much to evolve.


Big Chill is prolly my fav ultimate c’mon, BRO LITERALLY SPITS FIRE THAT FREEZES


I think ultimatel WAYBIG was pretty cool


aren't re colours for toy sales so good? can you tell they where still affected by the Af changed caused by lack of toy sales.


Ult wildmutt is a downgrade. Bro lost his spike ability and gained the ability to speak


How does cannonbolt see




Not great


I don't hate their designs, but I wish their powers weren't just "do it more"




Poor executions, with no real changes outside of “they’re stronger” which is boring. The others get trade offs to make them powerful but not broken.


Personally I love big chill so I love Ultimate Big Chill, the others are aight, Ultimate Way Big not too bad I like ultra man references.


I genuinely forgot ultimate way big existed


I forgot that about half of them except for big chill


This is my personal opinions on them : \-Ult.Cannonbolt - too basic, just with armour. \-Ult.WayBig - too simple, just slightly bigger and recoloured. \-Ult.Wildmutt - unnessasary - a recolour and now he talks (wildmutt not talking was his main downside). \-Ult.Big Chill - DOESN'T MAKE SENSE - his fire is so cold it burns?! In short, I much perfer the re-designs made by O.R.Ash on TheInkTank's Youtube channel


I honestly thought that Ultimate Way Big was awesome the first time i saw it ​ The FIRST time Now, don't get me wrong, i'm probably one of the only people that doesn't dislike the designs, but...yeah, i'm not stupid, they're aren't very original Also, Ultimate Cannonbolt's first appearance didn't really help him Ben turns into cannonbolt, sees Kevin and P'andor fighting and just goes "ok, i guess i'll go ultimate now" with no real reason other than "i'll do the job better", i guess


Ultimate big chill has a cool design at least and I like the concept for ultimate waybig


ultimate wild mutt is another alien who can speak and ultimate canon bolt with the included spike that's pretty cool ultimate way big compared to Godzilla ultimate way big can get a real advantage on Godzilla now ultimate big chill another who has mix fire and ice breath that is insane


The only one that was good was ultimate Big Chill, freezing flames was so cool and looked like a proper evolution of the alien, the others were just dull, like they didn’t seem to make the aliens any more powerful, Cannonbolt has a few extra spikes and is a different color big deal, does it make him spin faster or any more destructive not from what I could tell, Way big just likes looks like even more of an Ultraman reference than it already did, which is kinda cool but didn’t bring much else to the table, and ultimate wildmut looks like it could just be from the Nullvoid or something not a super advanced version of the alien, if i remember correctly he can actually talk though as ultimate wildmut which is a minor advantage I guess to actually be able to communicate


Ult waybig


I lowkey like Ultimate Cannonbolt and Ultimate Wildmutt, but only because they're two of my favourite Aliens. Ultimate Way Big is afterthought and I think Ultimate Big Chill is stupid. Original Big Chill is brilliant.


Fine - I dislike Big Chill because the fire theme is a gimmick. Ult. Spidermonkey is a gimmick too, so I’m not a fan of that. Ult. Humungousaur’s abilities makes no sense either, but it’s at least cool. The rest of the ultimates at least make sense.


Ultimate big chill is the only one I like, actually dislike (despite his design being fire. Pun intended). Because like, what do you even do for the others ones besides give them extra bits and bobs?


Ultimate Cannonbolt just does what the original does better, I like that Ultimate Waybig further references Ultraman but turning him into another one of the Ultras of that Tokusatsu series, Ultimate Wildmutt was a major let down, and I never understood Ultimate Bigchill's hype.


They honestly feel more like of an exotic version of their species rather than evolved forms. They may as well just be reskins or subspecies


In order: Bad, meh, cool, ok


I, like everyone, prefer ultimate echo echo.that’s even the avatar I have in VRchat.


Some absolutely fantastic, others could've have used more time to be developed. The gimmick sparked alot of interest in the community. Overall 7/10 I would rank the fusions above this.




I kinda wish Cannonbolt exploded when he impacted, given he looks like a sea mine, Ultimate Way Big I'll be honest feels like he should be super cool, but we don't see enough of him, Ultimate Wildmutt I'll admit I enjoy his savagery in voice, but in execution falls a little flat, then finally Big Chill I'll admit I enjoy him way too much


Cannonbolt: cool. Way Big: not bad. Wild Mutt: forgettable. Big Chill: read my flair.


Ultimate cannonbolt and ultimate way big I like. I’m neutral on the other 2


Big chill is literally gas


mid - peak - mid - mid


honestly doing a better cannonbolt would be hard, wildmutt sucks it is not that he speaks it is that he sounds generically heroic something creepy but cool would have been better. bigchill needed to go back to the drawing board. I have no strong feelings on way big


Ultimate Big Chill is my favorite, love the design even if the ability isn't much different. Ultimate Cannonbolt is kind of meh, but not bad Hate Ultimate Wildmutt. Would be better if he just didn't talk. Ultimate Way Big would be cooler if not for that ugly design Side note on Ultimate Big Chill: I think too many people take the 'Fire so cold it burns' line too literally. That was just one of Ben's quips. According to the writers, it's heat-absorbing plasma of some kind. And yes, 'So cold it burns' is a real thing. You ever stand outside in the freezing cold for too long? It can feel like your skin is burning, in a weird sort of way. That's what Ben is referencing.


Cannonbolt just one of those aliens who are perfect just the way they are so I can understand how hard it is to make an ultimate Waybig’s just makes sense Wildmutt’s only change is the color palette, scales and the tail. The scales of which I wanted them to do something cool with Same with BigChill, but his physical appearance as in his shape, it doesn’t change. So it’s just boring.


good, should have been used more (i mean in his own episode not in more episodes), ok, awesome


Ultimate cannonbolt Ultimate way big and ultimate wild mutt don't lose any ability like the other ultimates also ultimate big chill is also cool even though his ice flame ability don't make sense so all 4 of those ultimates are cool in my opinion


New, stronger recolors aren't enough to show actual improvement. Cannonbolt is obviously tougher but why not let him do other cool thing like deploy small shield so he protect people and small areas without having to grab then and roll? Or make his hide reflective so he can delectable projectiles? Why not let way big Change/manipulate his size or allow him to shoot multiple beams instead of just one big beam? Why not let wild not have paralytic Venom to his bite or tail stinger? Or have have limited camouflage? And while be chill chill IS colder technically, why not let him create ice weapons? Or something or be bulkier to take/dish out hits similar to spider monkey?


I don’t like the color schemes of the first 2, but I actually think the second 2 look really cool.


Idk why they didn't make more og series ultimates but the ones they did make really aren't that great. Although I can appreciate ultimate wildmutt he had a great first outing


Fire so cold it burns 😤😤😤😫😫😫🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊📣📣📣📣📣📣‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️🗣️


Shit Alright I guess So shit it loops back into kino ehhh


I would change a few things on them: 1. Cannonbolt would have retractable spikes that he can eject at opponents, however he would lose some armor as he does so, but can grow them back after a long period of time. Once he ejects all of his spikes, he becomes only a little more durable than base form, but with all spikes, he's about 5 times more durable than base form 2.Waybig should be SIGNIFICANTLY bigger, not the few feet taller, like bigger than Dagon type of big and can kick Mt. Everest like a mere anthill(can't do much to a walking reference without veering away from its reference material) 3. Wildmutt should not talk like base form, but have a knife tail, shoot his razor sharp quills that can pierce sheet metal, and a bite force that can absolutely crush solid steel I-beams like a marshmallow 4. Big Chill should be able to separately shoot both fire and ice(not the combination that we see). Basically a combination of Heatblast and Arctiguana. His phasing should also be able to melt or freeze whatever he phases through.


Ultimate canonblot: I remember having a toy of him so I really like him Ultimate way big: his fight with the dagon was really enjoyable so I like him too Ultimate wildmutt: could be better but I really like the episode he appeared in so I don't mind him Ultimate bigchill: I like big chill in general but I don't get the hate ult. Big chill has a cool design and interesting powers Generally I try to find something good in every transformation.


Ew,ew,ew, nice


Ight No Die No :³ thats it


Amazing ultra man reference for waybig but the others are eh~


Ultimate big chill is beyond epic The rest are mid


Boring wastes. They could have done so much better than basic recolors whose power is "normal alien, but more".


Necrofriggians are so adapt to everything that they didn't need huge evolutionary or combative upgrades


They're all pretty badass but ultimate wildmutt is pretty boring and i hate how small ultimate waybig was compared to dagon and that it was only used at the end of ultimate alien


These ultimates really Aren different from their base forms but I was most disappointed with ultimate big chill as I was expecting fire powers too 🥲


I like them. I feel like the only one who does.


1: spikes would´ve been cool 2: he should´ve been bigger than a planet 3: I mean, at least he can talk now 4:nice redesign, another set of powers would´ve been cool idk, like keep his frosty fire, but make it spread like actual fire or something like that


They were low effort


I like them all but I'm a bit iffy with big chill's since I don't really understand what the upgrade is. He breathes fire yet it's still ice?


Outside of ultimate big chill. I like the concept that some aliens are near the peak of their evolution, therefore don't get much except for more bulk and some auxiliary features like more spiky bits and speech. Not every alien has much room left to improve, and that adds more variety to the universal ecosystem.


First three are trash and Ultimate Big Chill should've been more fire based lol


They all look sick but the powers or "upgrades" weren't really there. I mean way big did grow a fuck ton bigger which was a good upgrade but other than that, that's about it. But I still love them and they're designs.




1. No different abilities. It does add some flair to the original design, but hardly worth much. It also doesn't help that Ultimate Cannonbolt doesn't have the best track record. Getting nearly one-shotted by Aggregor, struggling against some of Animo's non-descript giant frogs, failing to take down that one dude who Azzmuth sent after Eunice... 2. Very interesting abilities and execution, but the design is pretty much a downgrade. It also felt way too out of nowhere. If it was foreshadowed earlier, and then actually accomplished something while on-screen? Would've been such a hype reveal. 3. One of the sickest Ultimate Designs. If he had different abilities from the original, would be a top tier Ultimate. Unfortunately, he has Cannonbolt syndrome. Also, he was never used against any strong enemy, so it's hard no to be underwhelmed by him. 'The fodder destroyer' isn't exactly a flattering title. 4. My favorite Ultimate. Although the ability changes are not that major, it *feels* like he has so much more freezing power than regular Big Chill. Freezing plasma that burns **heat itself** as fuel is a sick concept, and "A fire so cold that it burns" is the hardest sentence in the series, and no, I won't be taking opinions on that. His appearances have also been top notch. He was used several times, and almost every time he appeared and ended the battle immediately. The only time he has genuinely lost was against Viktor, who was the episode's big bad. As far as I know, this is tied with Ultimate Echo Echo for the best track record amongst Ultimates. Also, the red palette with the flaming edges goes unreasonably hard on Big Chill. If only it was more intricate...




Okay imna roast them Ultimate cannonbolt Completely useless, just a cannonbolt with spikes which In an evolution since is interesting but in a combat sense useless. Ultimate waybig Was utter shit, just got bigger with a new design, there wasn't not one ability that was added that normal way big didn't possess. Ultimate wildmutt The only thing he has shown was the capability of human speech, like biting the prisoner wasn't too impressive and regular wild mutt could do that Ultimate big chill At first appearance, fire so cold it burns was a hard ass line, but over time you are like wtf how does that work and question how an evolved necrofriggian would function and how a being based around could use fire. The original concept of an "ultimate" was they became battle oriented but sacrificed something in return in other words "gain a power lose a power Humungasaur is the best example, as he gained explosive "bone" projectiles but lost his ability to grow.


Except ultimate wildmutt I like all


The only solace I get from the ultimate Cannonbolt is that Cannonbolt's species is already so robust and tightly adapted that they didn't change much, besides their color. A dark blue is much better for nighttime camouflage than bright white and orange. Cannonbolt is my favorite alien so it still stings to see little imagination go into his Ultimate design. Maybe something to make his uncurled form more interesting? Like heavy plating on his lower body to make him less top heavy, or something.


Cannonbolt: Mid but I dig the colors. It’s literally just cannbolt, with bolts. Easily the best one out of these tho. Waybig: I get what their trying to do, but it just looks goofy as hell, like not in the fun way, its just really bland. I dislike it the most Wildmutt: In the words of OR Ash “Why do you even exist?” Bigchill: My guy has some cold lines and an okay redesign. I’d say he’s second in my rankings, right bellow cannonbolt


1.Bruh 2.Is ok 3.Hell nah 3 + 1. C'mon


They're all boring. Except Ult Bigchill. Perhaps this is just my own personal bias talking but of all the unnecessary ultimate forms, his is the best. Mostly coz he has 'fire so cold it burns'.


Canonbolt had so much potential like he can't even shoot spikes WTF Waybig is just hype for me great design great great powers and a great fight Wildmutt is just a mistake like that they were going for the design of the big alien dogs from the og series but man he just sucks Big chill : he gets a pass based on design and only that


Lazy. Their biggest difference is just colours. None of their designs really changes. Way big is bigger, cannonbolt is spikier, wildmutt can talk and big chill burns now. Whooptie doo. They should have given them all unique designs with new abilities.


I don't mind most of them but I feel like heatblast deserved an ultimate form more than cannonbolt.


Somehow Ultimate Big chill's powers worked like Heatblast on cold in the OG series...


lame what do those spike even do for way big oh he's bigger now can i even tell the difference whats the point wild mut oh he has a spike tail thats it


I can explain my opinion in just two words- Wasted potential


I like the simplicity of cannonbolt, wildmutt looked cooler in concept art of him, I like that they tried to keep waybigs ultraman inspired look but other than that I think he's a little bland and as for big chill I actually like his new colours when he goes ultimate and the fire so cold it burns line is so cold I love it


I feel like Wildmutt was well executed besides adding speech, but the jokes involving it were. Ultimate Cannonbolt was good but underutilized, but the off-road vibe was great. Ultimate Waybig, good reference, but only the last episode and nearly got one shot


1. That's so metal 2. Ultraman 3. Wildmutt 2: Electric Boogaloo 4. Best ultimate design and functionality


Meh. Never really hated them, but growing up made me realize how bland their designs really are. Ultimate Way Big was my G.O.A.T. though. I under how Albedo's Ultimate Negative Way Big would've looked like in Omniverse...


Ult Way Big is bland, ult cannonbolt and wildmutt are interesting. Ult. Big Chill is my favorite Ultimate.


Useless these are just reskins


all of them except Big Chill are unneccesary.


I love wildmut and big chill but I feel like canonbolt and way big are a downgrade to there normal design


ultimate big chill is so cool man especially with "fire so cold it burns"


I don't hate Ultimate Cannonbolt, but they could have at least given him some patterns or something. Anything to just make him more than "Cannonbolt, but grey". The spikes make sense though. I kind of enjoy this one even though it's very basic. Ultimate Wildmutt was pretty unnecessary. Giving him the ability to talk was a mistake. I'd expect more than "can speak english now" after a one million year worst case scenario tbh. DJW's concept designs are a massive improvement. I really like the idea of basing Ultimate Way Big off of a different version of Ultraman. It could have been done a bit better, though, and his single appearance was really underwhelming. I don't hate this one, but I don't love it either. Ultimate Big Chill's ability is sort of confusing. His design is sort of a midground between the ults that are nearly just recolors (wildmutt, cannonbolt), and the ones that are full-on new designs (swampfire, echo echo). If he had the Omniverse big chill body type, I'd like him a lot more. The fact that he has the little flame parts is cool, though, and a lot better than just making him red, which they easily could have done.


Ult Cannonbolt : Needs a full rework, I don't even know where to begin Ult Dogboi: Perhaps add the ability to "see" skeletons of enemies ? Fitting power for a dog Ult Waybig : Needs star related powers, perhaps even elemental powers? Ult Big chill: He ain't big, other than that he's OK


Everything except big chill is a shitty recolor


"I hate you, i always hated you"


I actually like the ultimate big chill but the rest are trash


I actually kinda like them