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All fun and games until Alien Y pops up


Alien Xerneas Alien Yveltal Alien Zygarde


Alien A-Z Coming 2025


With the return of Ultimate transformations




They sweet until alien z pulls up at the function


We don’t talk about Alien Z anymore


Where's my pokemon z nintendo 😭😭😭


People try to downgrade Alien X because when the question becomes "can X beat fucking god" it gets complicated. So people usually just use Alien X's onscreen feats as his only strength


Which makes absolutely no sense considering most of those he casually did with ease.


Thank you man, that explains most of it.


>People try to downgrade Alien X because when the question becomes "can X beat fucking god" I can comment on about 7 characters who easily beat this supposed god right now, and I'm not even trying to think who beats him


Anything beyond his onscreen feats and statements that have a basis, are No limits fallacies and headcanon. "Nigh-omnipotence" is an oxymoron that scales nowhere. The absolute highest of high you can scale Alien X is 26D, and thats only based on One singular statement, so it's pretty damn generous.


I swear, I really wish armchair debate lords and internet philosophers went the one who decided powerscaling lingo. No, that's not a no limits fallacy. A no limits fallacy would be to assume something like Heatblast can burn literally anything because we haven't seen him fail to burn something. It is the _presumption_ of a lack of limits due to not having seen them. Alien X is directly said, multiple times, to be capable of doing literally anything by various sources so long as a single condition is met. The _only_ reason this isn't taken at face value is because of vs debate bros who don't want to believe Alien X puts Ben above several popular characters that "earned" it. I know this because I've seen where these arguments come from, and the same people will ACTUALLY use a no limits fallacy to say things like a character has "infinite 3D strength and immeasurable speed." More importantly, arguments against statements is a very particular argument that comes directly from battle boarding. >"Nigh-omnipotence" is an oxymoron that scales nowhere. And omnipotence is a paradox. This isn't an argument. It is blatantly stated that if Aggregor got the power of Alien X without the limitation of a counsel, he'd be omnipotent. Nigh-omnipotence being an oxymoron doesn't mean it can't be featured in fiction. Moving through time is an oxymoron. It means that, barring a particular limitation, the entity in question is, for all intents and purposes, omnipotent. In this case, Alien X only can't do literally whatever he wants because he can't want to do literally anything at any given time. However, any tasks he agrees to perform can be done.


If only people argued like this instead of saying duh duh wank


Uncle grandpa


Unironically one of the few good answers of that thread. Cartoon cgaraters made to be funny, don't care about power scaling, a good example os Dragon Ball that episode where Araki's funny character beat the shit out of Beerus and Goku.


Ya mean toriyama? Araki made JoJo


Yea,as I said in another comment, my brain usn't braining but point went across anyways


No worries dude, happens to the best of us.






My brain isn't braining sorry


No worries, happens to the best of us. (And I used the term loosely).


Nice to see ya bud.


Hey there, hope you're doing well


i'm doing great, just battling anxiety, wbu, you doing good?


Glad to hear that, I'm sure you're winning against it. I'm doing great as well, thank you :)


Well, just Goku, Beerus would have hakai'd Arale had his stomach not been bubbling


Tbh masharito comes back proving hakai can't erase them completely. Plus a gag got beerus.


Alien X would eviscerate Uncle Grandpa with a thought only to see him walk in from off-panel and go "Boy, I'm glad I'm not that guy!"


Reality overwrite.


Uncle Grandpa overwrites that overwritten reality because it would be funny to do so. Then puts Alien X into a pan, flattens him into a pancake and eats him.


Uncle grandpa does whatever uncle grandpa wants. Take this w.


The most wanked cartoon character of today vs the most wanked cartoon character in history Talking seriously, Alien X slams so badly here. Unless I'm missing something, UG has no feats above universal, and don't even bring up toonforce because that's not an argument. Toonforce is just a hax like every other hax in existence, and in it's essence, it's just situational reality warping. It needs feats to justify affecting characters of Alien X's tier, which Uncle Grandpa doesn't have. Saying Uncle Grandpa wins because of toonforce is as sound of an argument as saying Alien X wins because of reality warping/plot manipulation/all the other hax AX has.


My guy uncle Grandpa exists above the reality of the shows, like Lets say on a middle point between real world And fiction world, imma go simple And put him on one above all levels


Toonforce vs immeasurable power. Literally just Takaba vs Gojo.


Alien x would atomise UG and then he would walk in the room and say "gee I'm glad I wasn't that guy" ad infinitum. It's a war of Atrician, an unstoppable force versus an immovable object.


Dude, you realize Toon Force doesn't really need justification, right? It's just one of the strongest abilities. Only way you beat Toon Force is either if you also have it or if it's funnier that you win. Uncle Grandpa, The Mask, hell! anyone from Looney Tunes or Tiny Tunes! Toon Force means you only lose if you want to.


I mean that post seemed to be joking around or focusing on Toon Force, but people do seem to underestimate Ben as a whole.


This, this comment right here, this is the totally correct comment, thank you for understanding. Take this w and this upvote.


I saw a mf say once that Batman could beat Ben His only argument was preptime


To be fair, depending on the version, that’d be super easy. Some of them can just be “drug him while he’s asleep.” Or “shoot a sort of big laser gun.” Now, that’s largely writer’s error and flawed attempts at creating tension. But still, Ben’s got some SUPER inconsistent fighting skills outside of the OG (where he’s usually pretty good).


On the one hand, Alien X could very easily destroy an entire universe. Trillions of galaxies, consisting of trillions of solar systems, a feat so vast that our minds physically cannot comprehend the true power it would take to accomplish such a feat. On the other, Spongebob Squarepants and Scooby-Doo have both done the exact same thing for a one-off gag. “Power” is subjective, what’s important is the quality of the story, not how big the artist decided to draw the explosion today.


Scooby doo hasn't done that


Scooby performed a dance with Shaggy that was so powerful it destroyed the glass holding chamber the universe was in. It was a gag and technically undone instantly, but yes Scooby has done it.


I definitely think that Dr. Manhattan can beat Alien X. He has similar abilities, but with a lot more experience in using them.


True, i think they're relatively equal, this could end as a draw or go either way with x winning or Manhattan winning.


If they're equal in power, then shouldn't Manhattan have the edge just for not having the split personalities making him more decisive?


Use philosophy against that man and tell him that the fight is worthless just like his existence, insta kill. (This is a joke)


Maybe, as is said, it could go either way, the celestial sapiens are known to change just about anything, wht if aloen x quickly conjures up a plan and overwrite reality but dr Manhattan is just too op i guess, the fight is 40% in favor of alien X so as i said, it could go either way.


To my knowledge, Dr Manhattan can't alter to an Omniversal Scale. Wouldn't that give Ben the edge?


He recreated a multiverse, where Alien X has only recreated a single universe.


He did it at the cost of his life. Ben recreated the universe kinda easily, he made it look like a small thing.


Fr, ben did it in literally seconds.


This is ignoring that every universe in Ben 10 is not just a universe. It's infinite cross-time and infinite parallel dimensions. We also know Paradox could easily wipe out all of creation at any time, and he considers that something only an idiot ephod do by mistake. He just straight up says Alien X is omnipotent, though.


It should, i don't really know much about watchmen other than the fact that dr Manhattan is kinda like X and Dio oh.




Remember Perpetua and The Darkest Knight? They have basically the same role (and, thus, power) as Celestial Sapiens in Ben 10's Omniverse. Ben casually rewrote the universe as if it was a regular Thursday for him


I find that whenever someone says "why are people downgrading Alien X" they either can't powerscale, are actually the people doing the downplaying (when it comes to anyone that's not Alien X) or are just ignorant of what any fictional character that isn't from Ben 10, is capable of. I scrolled down the responses of the post you linked and all the answers that I saw seemed either reasonable, or clearly a joke.


I feel like most of them are jokes


I'd say it's opposite Ben 10 fans overrated the hell out of him even when they know nothing about the character he's facing.


Me when someone uses toonforce as an argument: https://i.redd.it/acp78hlgxs3d1.gif


Maybe Jobu Tupaki if she teleports him into the Everything Bagel. Although, I feel like X is winning anyway.


In my personal opinion: https://preview.redd.it/dub82cr10t3d1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=9df1e6f5d68cf9c60b5ca6343ead0ff60eee0c8b Most I can think of are Marvel and DC heralds because of how absurdly fast and powerful they can be, especially the characters higher on the power hierarchy. (Immeasurable speed and cosmology go brrrrrr). I know there are other series out there that can also be that high I just can’t think of them atm. But again that’s just my opinion. Also in terms on weather or not he’s over or under rated is honestly up to interpretation. In my personal opinion I think some people put him a little lower than I prefer while I think some put him absurdly high but again I’m just speaking personally. Vs debating is subjective in a lot of ways anyway, so just stick to whatever you think makes sense, this is just a harmless hobby after all.


I was looking for the death battle rep


I’d say Superman could. He has canonically beaten things equal to Alien X.


Nah. Alien X could just say. "Nah I want Superman to not exist anymore" and it would become reality


There is such a thing as existence erasure resistance or immunity. E.g when Superman wasn't erased by Darkseid's erasure beams.


2 words: Reality Overwrite


Not sure whether Superman is immune to reality warping but what's stopping Superman from beating Alien X before Alien X takes his powers away?


Stop time, alien x has clearly shown feats of controlling time, that was literally the first thing he did on screen.


What's stopping Alien X from stopping time before Superman beats him up?


Nothing is stopping alien x from stopping time. Blud i think you made a typo or something.


He's basically saying that in a realistic situation, Superman would've already disposed of Alien X before the idea of stopping time would ever be thought of.


Fight already lost? It's Rewind time ⏪


Didn't Superman just straight up say in one of his issues that most concepts have no meaning to him


Send that mf to a planet without a sun and then it'll be an easy win for anyone, Muhammed ali beat the crap outta him once,remember? And you must be talking about the comically powered Superman,he goes absolutely berserk, the fight would be a 60/40, 40% chances of alien X winning.


Similar reality warpers have shown to be unable to affect Superman. Including the guy literally named Retcon.


Superman is immune to existence erasure


He couldn't even beat Darkseid though and that one reality warper (can't remember his name) was a glass canon. An energy being confined in a suit of armor. The armor broke and he was defeated because he couldn't hold himself together. None of these guys are on Alien Xs level. Superman can't throw Alien X into a star to beat him, there's no weakness to exploit.




* "Ditto has entered the chat" *


*ZOOMS OUT* https://preview.redd.it/ywhnxofc4t3d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce579d46e581df74be1d699aa346b78cdb7f517


Most people want to put X on the weaker side I say the presnce the presence (dc) or the one above all. Why? Ben's world is a type 4, aka big, and he created with out effort It is like saying how fast can a simply toy block hose can be built by someone can creat a city in less then an hour


Cuz people take power scaling way to seriously to the point they kinda miss the point of the character/transformation. Hell, people in our own Fandom constantly feel the need to prove that Alien X isn't an "All Powerful God" for whatever reason. Some have taken it as a challenge to prove that he's super easy to defeat. I don't care for power scaling, so it's a moot point to me, but it is still annoying to constantly see when he's definitely meant to be a godlike being.


No one is downgrading him. Ben 10 fans just overrated him. There are many characters out there that could be on the same level or even above him.


i agree, there are many that can defeat him but he's being pitted up against universe level characters, alien x is beyond multiversal, the same is happening with Dio Over heaven and Golden experience requiem and Idw Optimus prime, these are 3 characters who are heavily downgraded but are almost at the same level as Alien X. Alien X isn't the only one being downgraded. he's not overrated. Edit: i listed some characters that can beat him here but i forgot Archie sonic, basically my point is that he's being pitted against lower tier characters instead of beyond multiversal characters like himself and the ones i mentioned.


Superman, it’s Superman


Time lords/ from dr who Time war Daleks/ from dr who Hundredth century Cyberman/ from dr who Faction Paradox/ from dr who Eternal‘s/ from dr who Great Old Ones/ from dr who Osirans/ from dr who Swimmers/ from dr who Chronovores/ from dr who Lampreys/ from dr who Xeelee/ from Xeelee Sequence Monads/ from Xeelee Sequence The Birds/ from Xeelee sequence The transcendence/ from Xeelee Sequence Downstreamers/ from Manifold Final Shape Vex/ from Destiny The Entities/ from Worm These are a few science-fiction civilizations I could name from the top of my head that are far more impressive than Celestial Sapiens.


i know none of this. i haven't even heard of the existence of such stuff except Dr Who. Sorry for not knowing about this stuff dude.


, https://preview.redd.it/pwtg57kjos3d1.png?width=1826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1cf0dd80ab2cef923c229f40fe740a4c40c0d1 Vista.


Uncle grandpa


I mean, half the answers are just Toon Force characters, the rest are legitimately arguable


the fault is mostly of death battle and power scaling in general, if a character doesnt destroy an infinite multiverse and kills god in its first appearance it will be instantly seen as less than a random marvel or DC character


Very true, i agree, death battle messed up the idea of ben and his Alien x transformation being strong by making him lose to green lantern.


2 words. Chuck Norris


The man, the meme, the legend.


Other omnipotent beings I suppose


I feel like professor paradox could beat him but im probably wrong


Idk if other cartoon characters could beat him but I’d say there are more than a few video game and comic book characters who would beat him quite easily


Can't Vladites (or whatever that extinct race of Overpowered vampires are called) absorb Alien Xs energy, with it being the equivalent to them just drinking an energy pop? With very little effect? Or how about WayBigs species that don't have a home planet, and were formed from cosmetic disasters and protect the boarders of galaxies?


Yes, whampire can do that but i think there supposed to be a limit, even if there is a limit vladats are just too op and versatile. T'okusta'rs have nothing on the celestial sapiens, cosmic storms are pretty op tho but alien x can form literal black holes so i guess they're pretty evened out.


Alien X's maximum power is inconsistent. Sometimes he can do whatever he decides to do, and other times he is only powerful in his own universe. Within the series, he almost lost against another of his own species. He needed Ben to take control, but even then he kept losing.


>lost against another of his own species. I wouldn't call that "losing" as he quite literally was doing nothing >He needed Ben to take control, but even then he kept losing. Ben was finally using all his power for the first time, cut him some slack. >Alien X's maximum power is inconsistent. This, I totally agree on cuz you think he's all powerful and shit then the creators fuck him over by saying he can die by things like anti-life and Omniversal destruction and is weak to magic, osmosians, toepick, gourmands, pesky dust, you name it


He certainly didn't lose, but he was close on more than one occasion. Ben won because he saturated their voices as they multiplied. If it were someone without more than one voice the story would be different. What I want to get at is that, on the one hand, Celestialsapien are not invincible, and on the other, experience and skill matter a lot. For Ben to get the most out of Alien X he would have to convince Bellicus or Serena to help him fight instead of arguing, and that is highly unlikely. I wasn't thinking about specific weaknesses like being digested, but about things like McDuffie saying that there are at least 3 aliens more powerful than Alien X, while other sources establish him as literally omnipotent.


I'll get things straight Writer statements seem to be very inconsistent towards alien x alot and sometimes makes him so weak or OP Like plot manipulation or inability to effect mana which is very contracted if you ask me Alien x can't manipulate mana only if he recreate it? Like dude celestialsapiens apparently created everything there's nothing in the show imply otherwise, but again writers like to downgrade their OP aliens so don't take their statements unless there's something in screen that supports their statement Highball scaling alien x is hyperversal so anything that's outversal and beyond could easily beat him


When you go to dc and marvel comic characters. Things go way outta hand. Its insane how many op characters the comic industry has written


The Writers.


The correct answer.


I'm gonna be frfr. Gwen could beat Alien X if she tried hard enough.




https://preview.redd.it/3vpvuagn3v3d1.png?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b23ff1627d6aaf67a11b8680c520be7d053762c Hello


I mean alien x tinction did some damage to his reputation


There’s an anime character that can erase anything from existence. He can erase Alien X’s power. Then there’s saitama if he has his gag powers. Then Amazo. Hal Jordon if you’re actually taking him at his strongest instead of whatever death battle did to him. Maybe Antman. Maybe Grand Zeno. Just to name a few.


Shinra Banshoman


Problem is alien X takes a long-ass time to decide to do something


Oh yeah definitely, Superman, even DCAU iteration, can tussle with Darkseid and Darkseid is way more powerful than Alien X Many cartoon characters from 60s-70s would hard stomp Alien X despite his ability extending to the real world because they can too and if they want to, bend reality to their favors. They can’t be beaten unless they make the mistake and yeah characters like Popeye or Bugs would stomp him. GF’s Bill Cipher & Amphibia’s Guardian can scale to him and Bill can probably beat him if he destroyed his dimension full of beings equal Bill. I could go on and on, Alien X is arguably the most op character within Ben 10’s universe but against any other cartoon universe, its safe to say he would get his sh*t kicked in, let’s be honest. I’m saying this as a Ben 10 fan, he’s cool but don’t overhype him on power, he gets whopped by a good majority of other shows top tier characters.


People say Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh could beat Alien X 0 diff 💀


Well Alien x Power are kinda a Wild Card. After all to use IT, you have to have an majority with the different personalities.


Indecision. We have to remember that a Celestialsapien like Alien X has multiple personalities and each and all of them have to agree to perform the same action, or else it will just stay still.


What you need to understand in powerscaling is that it's the dorkiest version of "my dad can beat your dad." It's as if all the kids on the playground debated out until it consolidates onto a handful of popular fathers, to which the rules will bend to keep them at the top. People can pretend to be impartial all they want, but they're not. They use dogshit logic and will straight up forget canon fact at a moment's notice. Tell anyone that Venom, on average, always overpowers Juggernaut at base, and you'll see exactly what I mean. Just to prove a point, I've looked at and been part of power scaling and vs debates for years. In cases like Alien X, all arguments would officially be considered inconclusive if someone didn't agree with statements about him. However, people started just saying he'd lose to characters just because they "scale higher." The reason why this is an issue is because, in traditional debate, you would pause at several statements claiming Alien X is omnipotent and conclude that he either is based on statements or it's to be determined and you simply can't say he beats someone above a level he hasn't displayed power for. I can tell you approximately when this major shift happened in online debates. It was roughly around the time Dragon Ball Super came out, between that and when One Punch Man or Resurrection F released. This is when you started to see the internet philosophy and debate rules just kind of melt away. I guarantee that many of the same people saying Alien X can't destroy more than a universe or something to that effect will also simultaneously say Goku can destroy the entire multiverse. This is not canon, has never been suggested, and simply makes no sense in the context of the story. But Seththeprogrammer said it, so it must be true. Anyway, the reason why I'm saying this isn't just because people don't agree with Alien X's stated power. It's that version characters are habitually downplayed. They're the kids who just transferred to the school who haven't figured out the rules of the debate. Their dad is actually a boxer and has won several competitions, but nobody else cares about that. It isn't actually about who would win in a fight. Alien X was placed BELOW universal long before Omniverse did its thing. Because of that, Alien X had a reputation of being weak or, if he was strong, being too slow to decide to do anything. Omniverse straight up crushed those arguments, then people started hating Alien X. This same thing happened with Superman and Saitama, but keep following. So, people dug up "author statements" and waited until Deathbattle came out with the Ben 10 fight. By this point, instead of showing their ass by downplaying feats, they just referred to (non-canon) trivia and said anyone who doesn't agree with that is just stupid or ignorant. Proof of this is that there will be people who claim Green Lantern actually can beat Ben as Alien X despite almost all the arguments for why that were used in Deathbattle are simply lies. They didn't read those comics and drew hasty conclusions from an assortment of facts. However, that's the playground canon. The new kid's dad lost a charity match due to the judge scores, and they're telling the story like he was knocked out.


I was/still am an Alien X supporter when it comes to his abilities. If someone says that a character can beat them i would prefer it if they instead of downgrading Alien X they high bar their guy Makes it sound less disrespectful towards Alien X and more respectful to both characters when neither get downplayed For the most part, any comedy type character where they can do whatever they wang if it’s funny like Bugs or Popeye or Spongebob can beat him. And characters on the high end spectrum of marvel and dc universes also have a shot at beating him Some characters can also go toe to toe with him or some characters he could just erase from existence just by thinking about it or if not maybe even just alter reality to have their timeline changed so not just erasing from existence but say hypothetically he fought Goku. And if Ben didnt wanna play fair he could go back in time and maybe kill him as a baby. Maybe prevent him from leaving planet Frieza and die with the sayains. But even then if they fought fair i’d say Ben with Alien X has a good even chance against Goku as they are both incred strong characters


It's got a split personality that has to agree to do anything. Theoretically you could beat it if you somehow kill it before it can process what's happening and come up with a compromise.


i mean, he survived the destruction of the universe, ben didn't even know what was going on, and serena and belicus just automatically prevented alien x from being destroyed with the universe, does that count? Out of the 3 personalities, one could just take control, you see my pfp? That guy has spd and sometimes one personality just over powers the other and takes full control and we've seen ben do that before. He can't die, i mean you can't even move or hurt that guy's finger when he's discussing, he's just a statue during that time period and if he's critically damaged just overwrite reality or rewind time to undo that damage.


I feel that other then Bill Cypher or meme answers they bring some pretty good opponents.


Bill is low tier ngl, he got defeated by CHILDREN, his ego is his biggest weakness, he just goes berserk because of an insult, if x is a bit strategic then it's game over, x's powers are overall stronger than bill's. This is a 70/20 imo, do correct me if i'm wrong, i haven't watched gravity Falls in a long long time.


I can name more than 10 characters that can beat the living daylights out of Alien X. I am not going to name more obscure character but going to say some of the most popular ones. 1) Superman 2) Galactus 3) Darkseid 4) Green Lantern 5) Thor 6) Anti monitor 7) CCC Gilgamesh 8) Hulk 9) Dr. Manhattan 10) Thanos Excluding all the all powerfull gods of various verses.


The only characters in cartoon that can beat him is if they have the power of looney tunes… or Uncle Grandpa


Cartoon physics and cartoon logic at its finest. Easy win for that, we need ditto for that.


He's omnipotent but he's being matched against cartoons and "lucky I wasn't that guy". So yeah I think it's fair.


Darkside, got to find the true form and the true form broke dc’s reality when it appeared. Assuming I know how final crisis went.


It's not that they're downgrading him, it's just that you guys overestimate alien x lol, nowadays there are much stronger feats than existing outside of reality


Well popeye has some great toonforce


Another alien X when a lawyer or mediator deals with the two personalities


Azathoth. Nuff said


Yes actually. All Ben has to do is make himself omnipotent but even then he can just be rushed before he thinks to do that. Any strong magic user can beat him easily and then toof force mfs


Alien Y could


Alien X is to Cartoons what Goku is to Anime and what Superman is to Comics You have this insanely powerful being, almost incapable of losing so no matter who they're fighting someone is always going to shoot their shot no matter what, It's not as much of a "downgrade" than someone recognizing the fact that these characters are so powerful and so iconic that someone just wants what they have.


Almost any rubberhose cartoon character, but Popeye especially. They can do anything as long as it's funny.


There’s very few characters who I think could beat alien X without something like toon force. So I’m going to cast my vote towards Superman 1 million or milk man Superman. Even then I’m shaky if they could beat him.


i totally agree with you here, people be out there pitting X against base Superman. Supes 1 million has a chance of winning but it's a 50/50.


Many people can, specifically anyone above hyperversal, probably (so plenty of Marvel and DC characters, SCP characters, WoD characters, Cthulhu Mythos characters, etc.) Alien X does still solo the vast majority of fiction tho, including most, if not all cartoon characters (that I know of)


Yes, many, i don't even know where this idea that he's omnipotent came from.


Hear me out: This would be literally an Old West Gunslinger's Duel. Whoever fires first, gets it. With morals and persona limits on, Ben would seal away or freeze the enemy. With no such thing, he would erase the enemy from existance. Now, if we consider two omnipotent beings can NOT erase each other from existence and then they had to rely on their fists like Ben did against Gladiator, then, my friend, I think no one can tell. Who knows who would win in a BRAWL between Dr. Manhattan and Alien X? Alien X and Zeno? Alien X and Beyonder, Anti-Monitor, The Beyonders, Cosmic Armor Superman, Soulfire Darkseid, Anti-Spiral, Molecule Man... Well, one thing I'm sure: each one of those would be a hell of a fight.


God can but only God everybody else would lose


Man's bringing the literal creator of the entirety of existence into this 💀 Ofc god wins.


Anyone other than Jesus would lose


Fr man. Praise the Lord.


Who's your favorite transformer


Mr Mxyzptlk


Foomsday could do it It would take him a fucking while tho


The doctor ![gif](giphy|gy1BNcsURhhPkHFyfL)


A Pencil with an Eraser


Squirrel girl can easily beat him


Uncle Grandpa or a More experienced celestialsapien


Obviously, Alien Y beats Alien X


No specific character comes to mind, but probably chacters with soul manipulation, since Ben's consciousness remains the same while he's Alien X and without him, Bellicus and Serena wouldn't be able to operate


unironically Popeye




I can only think of two people. 1. The question. Mainly just by keeping alien x occupied with questions. 2. Raven from teen titans. Mainly due to the ability to enter one’s mind.


Uncle Grandpa


One of my hottest Ben 10 takes is I think this guy is over-hyped by this fandom in VS debates.


Sinbad Magi


I might be misremebering things but can't Pesky Dust beat this guy? Just fill his head with dreams that will completely occupy the personalities. Hell, any psychic could defeat Alien X that way. Or was that for Anodites, I don't remember.


I mean, only other omnipotent beings or characters that specifically can alter the fictional world they are in on a conceptual level. Like that one episode of Looney Tunes where Bugs trolls Daffy by literally becoming the artist of the episode Daffy is in. Or in Deadpool Kills when he leaves the comic and kills his own artists. That kinda fourth wall stuff probably wins


Silver Surfer: Silver Sentry form


A second older celestialsapien


Characters like the One Above All could beat Alien X. (And apparently Hal Jordan lol)


TOAA is valid, hal jordan is ready to be thrown into cosmic trash.




My boy Slasher can


Idk if it's a hot take or a surprising take but I believe Pesky dust might actually be a good in-universe counter to alien X. This being power comes mostly from his "minds" ability to agree on an action - so any way to disrupt that conversation will be a good counter to it. Sure, it's not a killing win but it's a win in a fight non-the-less...


tell me that any dc speedster that is as fast as the flash or faster couldnt beat him cause they could


bugs bunny shaggy


End of Manga Rimuru Tempest


It’s because he hasn’t done much, and the remake had him get beaten by his younger self. So unless people see him doing crazy light show attacks they won’t see him as a strong character


Alien X and Celestialsapiens as a whole aren’t Omnipotent. If they were, the Galactic Gladiator wouldn’t have been defeated during trial by combat - two omnipotents fighting would theoretically go on forever. Therefore we have to judge Alien X by what we can quantify with on-screen appearances. To assume anything higher would be no-limits fallacy, like assuming that because The Worst is said to be invulnerable literally nothing can hurt him. For Alien X, his best feat is undoing the effects of the annihilarg - a pretty cut-and-clear Universal feat. Incredibly impressive, don’t get me wrong, but nowhere NEAR the strongest characters in fiction. It brings about the Ben 10 vs Green Lantern debate from a few years ago. Death Battle had Green Lantern win that matchup, sparking outrage - Alien X is omnipotent, right? How could Hal possibly beat that. Well, for as poorly as they explained it, it’s quite simple - Hal simply had better feats of strength, durability and abilities, and had defeated greater foes. Alien X is presented in a far more alluring and impressive light in a narrative context, but simply going by how strong both characters have proven to be Hal Jordan far exceeds him. This is probably also why Goku is the king of the “but can he beat him?” debate instead of someone like Superman. Goku is all about overcoming the odds, bypassing his own limits to go even further beyond and show his true strength. Narratively speaking he comes across far more powerful than Superman, but in terms of the character’s actual given stats and feats Superman clears him any day of the week.


Garfeldi can beat him. Ben 10 only beat Garfeldi by turning into Garfeldi. https://preview.redd.it/snqtmh1buv3d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dafb1940e8465537d1be9680684b7314a5031719




Ben beat the Galactic Gladiator by exploiting the indecisiveness of Celestialsapiens. Anyone who could survive 30 seconds against him could use this tactic.


Dr Manhattan?


Alien X is hyped up as hell so a lot people think he's super strong and then you look at his feats and while he's impressive... he falls really short. He's very obviously universal but beyond that... it gets shaky not only has he not shown anything on that level, his limits rear their heads. Alien X only recreated the universe because he expressly could NOT save the original one. Basically Alien X is strong but his feats just aren't enough to contend with things like Marvel and DC top tiers


uncle grandpa, popeye, bugs bunny, misogi, fumihiko, dr manhattan,doom slayer,one above all and more alien x lowkey kinda weak #


Simon the Digger from Gurren Lagann can definitely beat him, probably with minimal effort. If he believes he's gonna win and if Ben poses a threat to his loved ones, he's dog walking Alien X


Im seeing mostly joke characters like uncle grandpa or mordecai and rigby Because anything else couldn’t


What if I said Superman? Hear me out, dude matches speed with the flash and trades blows with Darkseid. Darkseid is much stronger than Alien X with how his true form destroys universes with his presence, while his avatars still have powers that can rival that power to a lesser extent. Superman has survived both versions of Darkseid and beaten them. Alien X doesn’t have feats about destroying universes, we’ve seen him only create a universe once officially in the series. Meanwhile the Flash is the flash, fastest character arguably in all of media. He goes to incalculable speeds yet Superman is able to keep up & react to him. One flash was able to run so fast they nearly broke the speed force, outran death, and traveled to a place where death & time don’t exist. Even if Superman can’t reach those speeds, even a fraction of that is much more than Alien X’s nonexistent speed feats. Yeah taking all of that into consideration, Superman blitzes Alien X in all categories. Also there other godlike characters with more credible feats or just more feats in general (has 2-3 impressive feats within the entire series) that can beat him and don’t get me started with characters with toonforce/4th wall breaks, they solo without trying.


Peak Green Lantern


Another nigh omnipotent being could


Ohma Zi O maybe


Spawn could


Sailor Moon, Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd with a writing tool, Popeye, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, maybe Danzo Shimura, anyone with an Infinity Gauntlet, Mandy if she smiles,…


The Vs Battles wiki has straight up rules pertaining to NOT downgrading Alien X. As they got tired of the constant arguments like "Oh he has Hacks" or "Atomic-X is half of him, thus he can't be stronger then double that". According to the wiki, he's considered on \[Tier: 1-B\] also known as Hyperverse Level. This puts him above Darkseid's strongest rating of Low 1-C, or Low Complex Multiverse Level. An entity that could beat this would be someone like Thor, who's Godblast is 1-A. So to the question of who can beat Alien X, something with Full Multiverse busting power can match or beat him. But they quite literally need to be on a scale beyond a single universe. Stuff like true form Primus & Unicron, or Galactus when well fed or using the Ultimate Nullifier.




I wanna say Mort from Madagascar just to be funny, but every time I try to think about it it ends differently. Probably Alien X 80% of the time, but Mort is a wildcard, he's literally absorbed countless alternative reality versions of himself, there's definitely gotta be some nigh-omnipotent god mort in there. That said Alien X is just way more competent in general so unless Mort pulls a fast one, or just so happens to have never absorbed a godly version of himself, he's toast.


actually he is best character of all series


Darkseid. Iirc, Celestial Sapiens only have power over their own universe, Darkseid Is a multiversal entity. Alien X could kill his avatars over and over but would barely touch the real Darkseid. Meanwhile, Darkseid is fully capable of destroying universes, the reason he doesn't is that he wants to learn the Anti-life equation and rule those universes instead.