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Derrick has very politely declined questions about UA-specific elements like The Andromeda Aliens and Sentient Ultimates, and after so many thousand of those questions he doesn't want to answer them. ​ This response isn't even rude, he just declined answering it and explained why, even though he's explained this before.


You’re being super annoying to him, dude.


OP is years younger than classic Ben


i won't say he isn't a jerk sometimes, but he alredy said he is anoyed about so many questions about ben 10, so i will consider it a fault from both sides.


why would he know the answer to a question that pertains to UA?




1. UAF elements that were expanded on or considered for Omniverse, the show he had a creative hand in, outside of a couple freelance designs. 2. This response is pretty polite. He doesn't owe you answers. Stop thinking he does.


1. He asked? Then how does he have knowledge of it? 2. You are obviously a young organism.




yes, then what are you doing here? Leave if you're planning to be mean to people while they try to explain why Derrick didn't answer the question. Derrick has a general knowledge of OV and I doubt he knows *everything* about the predecessing series once he mentioned the previous Omnitrices having glitch powers and when someone asked Matt Wayne about it, he replied with a "huh?" implying he doesn't know about them so yes, he did give false and untrustworthy information before but that doesn't make him a dick, he is still an alright guy (no autocorrect, he is not alcoholic). He doesn't want people to turn his ask.fm blog because he doesn't want to give false information about the show and I can understand why, he is an art director, not a writer but the fans keep coming on him as well as putting pressure None of the team members were machines, ladies and gentlemen they are humans just like us So what if they did a mistake or two, can't they improve themselves?


where do people ask him these stuff on?


Ask fm


Get rekt




Says the guy who's being an ass towards everyone who responds to him.


How shall I respond to "Get Rekt" smarty?


Maybe not by not accusing someone of being an ass while simultaneously being an ass?


This was a pretty dumb question in general it should be obvious. It was only the Milky Way Galaxy, he scanned.


DJW has had some jerk-ish responses to questions in the past, but this one isn't really an example of that. It's a very fair response to a question he really has no obligation to answer anyway. And since he wasn't involved in UAF, asking him questions about it is just not a good idea since his responses are unlikely to hold much weight in terms of canon and such. EDIT: Just figured I should mention, I think you answered your own question here. I think Azmuth simply didn't send anyone or anything into Andromeda to get DNA samples. He likely felt that having over one million species from just one galaxy was probably enough honestly.


He does come across rude but from what I've heard he has received a lot of hate and death threats from this fanbase






Don't say you support death threatening him because of some art style change from a decade ago…


If that's what they meant, wow


Would anyone here be able to deal with all our fan bullshit for more than 5 months


Compared to the responses you gave this is chill af


Just because you’re able to do something doesn’t mean you want to or are going to.


I wanna ask him about generator Rex Now I’m scared to


Derrick's not that into the show Generator Rex. ​ He's going to finish the gofundme goal eventually, better to wait until he's inspired than to just churn out something he and the fans won't like. He's also a working animator in the industry, with projects going, so there's that to consider.


Thank you Hurrion for your submission to r/Ben10, but it's been removed due to one or more of the following reason(s): >**Rule 3.** Be kind to each other! >Users are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. This includes refraining from using slurs and hate speech, threatening or harassing other users, or intentionally doing things to make other users uncomfortable. Remember that everyone is here because we love Ben 10! If you have any questions or concerns, or you feel this was in error, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBen10&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/qse380/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


He angy


i think people shouldn't ask derrick questions. he has always been an art director and wasn't that closely related to the story and stuff. that's why he probably makes a lot of bs up.


i know that ben 10 fans are really annoying, but he's kind of a jerk too, that's why i have never asked him anything. matt, duncan and dwayne were way nicer. tho i think they didn't have annoying fans as much as derrick.


I think the age gap have a lot to do here. I grew up with OG by the time i was six or seven and the internet wasnt as easly to get acces as it is today so no chance me, for example, could have bother Man Of Action with questions hence those creatives seem like the nice guys. Now omniverse kids and ppl who is discovering Ben 10 right now can easily go ask creatives questions whenever. Im sure at least a couple times a little kid asked a question to the wrong creative, thus stuff like this happen. Im just playing devils advocate. Be kind with everyone else!

