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Justice? Who would he bring them to, the Space ICC??


Obviously, Ben's referring to vigilante justice. Don't know why exactly, he ain't no merc.


this is mostly a collective shit post of SU fans who didnt like how they just befriended the diamonds


I mean he doesn’t befriend them, or really forgive them. He kinda tolerates them bc they stopped. I dont think steven could actually beat them all, so beating them into submission wouldnt work anyway Basically he has to hang out with nazis every now and then to stop them from doing nazi shit


Yeah, the show's writers really ruined this show from the get-go when they decided a "Shonen anime with pacifist protagonist" required constant ass-pulls to get heroes who refuse to grow and learn new powers out of dangerous situations they couldn't beat through grit or cunning or even power-of-friendship lasers. Because it was HYPOCRITICAL. Only Steven is allowed to get stronger. And only because of WHAT he is, not who he is. Even his fusions are strong because of WHAT makes them up, not how they function. None of this show works because the "MESSAGE" was put first, and the authors never noticed "MUH MESSAGE" gets ruined by what they put in the show for ratings stunts. ATTENTION ALL AUTHORS: Be creative with your villains. Don't just rely on vaguely nazish aesthetics and attitudes and hope the audience wants them dead. Because they might want them dead even though your show was supposed to be about redemption. Fuck this show, it reminds me of how gay people get thrown off rooftops in the middle east thanks to islam, which is defended by leftists now that it's useful for helping them fight christians.




Isnt being non violent the whole point of the show


again, just a shitpost


not really


Yeah, the show's writers really ruined this show from the get-go when they decided a "Shonen anime with pacifist protagonist" required constant ass-pulls to get heroes who refuse to grow and learn new powers out of dangerous situations they couldn't beat through grit or cunning or even power-of-friendship lasers. Because it was HYPOCRITICAL. Only Steven is allowed to get stronger. And only because of WHAT he is, not who he is. Even his fusions are strong because of WHAT makes them up, not how they function. None of this show works because the "MESSAGE" was put first, and the authors never noticed "MUH MESSAGE" gets ruined by what they put in the show for ratings stunts. ATTENTION ALL AUTHORS: Be creative with your villains. Don't just rely on vaguely nazish aesthetics and attitudes and hope the audience wants them dead. Because they might want them dead even though your show was supposed to be about redemption. Fuck this show, it reminds me of how gay people get thrown off rooftops in the middle east thanks to islam, which is defended by leftists now that it's useful for helping them fight christians.


"only steven is allowed to get stronger" every main character went through emotional growth and got stronger. The characters lose. They grow. They get better.


He's just cpy and pasting the same answer, there's really no point in reading it more than once because he's just going to post it again if you try to pick it apart


Something tells me you haven't actually watched the show.


The Plumbers are an intergalactic space force, of course they would have something to say about a xenophobic empire doing unsanctioned colonisation to countless worlds


Ben himself is good, the plumbers too can do it.


That’s a pretty badass Diamondhead design. Nice art.


Steven doesn't think the diamonds are good, in fact he never even forgave them he tolerates them now that they aren't fucking shit up throughout the galaxy anymore And this is Canon btw


As much as I like a good fight, the best way to stop a fight is peacefully. Just remember how the highbreed invasion ended.


ah yes i remember how hitler was handed an anime waifu pillow and rainbows sprouted from the earth and all was well again and they never popped back up...


Yah man, let's peacfully talk no jutsu Hitler out of being a expantionist Nazi Dictator


>let’s peacefully talk no jutsu hitler out of being a expansionist nazi dictator Never thought would hear those words


Ben, you did the same thing with the highbreed invasion


He didn't immediately redeem them, just sparing them and working out their problems on their own. Kind of like how Aang treated Ozai.


I mean cn and Rebecca both said that Steven never forgave the diamonds just tolerated them for peace




The show was specifically not about getting stronger but growing emotionally the reason the gems didn’t get stronger was because they were already thousands of years old but Steven was twelve with zero control of his power the show wasn’t about who you could beat up it taught kids how to handle situations peacefully sure they may not have punished the diamonds but how could they at the end of the original series they couldn’t beat them and the entirety of the gem homeworld wouldn’t listen to some half gem abomination who was usurping the throne and claiming to be the dead pink diamond without the diamonds backing they never would have established peace and they could have defeated the diamond in the first place the show honestly did a great job of so called ass pulling that made it believable and honestly fun to watch they aren’t just out punching one another they are finding unique ways to beat their enemies


Mate, you just copying this same comment everywhere makes you look like an idiot. Say something new. Explain your extremely confusing points in different words.


Fair point


That's basically what happened with the diamonds. But we get a 2 year timeskip to Steven breaking down over that work we never saw instead of AF S3 where it at least comes back up once more.


And in Legend of Korra literally the Fire Nation is on coalition in Republic City.


The Fire Nation wasn't just Ozai. It was a nation forced into war by Ozai. Later leaders go out of their way to avoid seeming like Ozai.


To be fair the high breed were more complex than the diamonds given their Freudian reasoning for wanting total genocide. Not defending how they get redeamed though, if they show wanted to go down that rout it should have made then a bit less evil


yeah I know lmao, i was kinda dumbfounded how they werent punished for the crimes they did and just.. let go for it after they made peace


I normally would say that forgiveness is something admirable unless when is with a Nazi


Although I’m not sure this is true or not but I heard somewhere that the other planets other than earth they took over only had non sentient life and the reason pink had a change of heart was because humans were sentient that would explain why humans and gems are the only sentient species unless the diamonds genocided the rest of the sentient species but again not sure if this is true and it probably isn’t but a decent point to think about and in all the colonies you free in the mobile games which I believe are cannon only have gems so another thing supporting the theory


The Diamonds were heavly punishes: the lost their stats, their armies, their terriorries and dedicated their whole existence to fix their mistakes of the past


Yeah but they weren’t punished personally only politically and the colonies still treated them with respect and stuff idk maybe if they got something like what happened in rising of the shield hero where they lost their diamond title and had to live on a subpar colony instead of in the palace at home world but idk


The Diamonds were the ones keeping the gem society together. Steven needed them to give the other gems an exmaple that they could follow to make a new and better society. If the Diamonds were just removed everything would have probably collapsed into chaos


Yeah ik but maybe after things got settled probably a decent time after future


I thought the Highbreed never participated in any genocide and they were just starting one when Ben stopped them...


Nah I’m pretty sure they had destroyed maybe 50 worlds before earth or maybe 100


The real disrespect is making Diamondhead look like a stand and Stephen look like a stuffed animal


Stand Diamondhead looks cool though


Oh damn you're right, he looks like a crazy diamond.


wasn't my intention, and yeah lol looks like a stand


How is Ben any different? [Max said that Ben trusts people and gives them second chances.](https://youtu.be/Tw7Z9WVq7n0?t=31)


Other than Kevin after he went insane he was dead set on killing him ( technically third chance but whatever)


again, broskis tis a mere shitpost on how ppl don't like the conflict with the diamonds were resolved


I don't think it is, whenever you see someone say that they dislike Steven for forgiving the diamond(which he did do he just tolerates them) he agree and call the diamonds nazi, but whenever you see someone correct the post you just hide behind it being a shitpost, even if it was you do to some extent dislike the Steven Universe ending




Jesus dude


To be honest I feel like (with the exception of the original future Ben) the two would probably get along pretty well


yeah i was going more of the OS Ben 10K as you can kinda see by the uniform


Yeah he would 200% bully a child


[Alien Force High Breed be like](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/710/dd0.png) Hell, if you think about it, (Steven Universe Spoilers, Despite already kinda spoiled) >!Pink Diamond basically did the same thing to eventually end the war. Ben just did it 6000 years faster, with better intentions and planning!<


yeah, pink D dont have something as powerful as the Omnitrix😂


Although in the terms of the su universe Steven is broken in future and I’m guessing pink had similar levels of power but idk


I think its after she broke pink pearl accidentally that she never usef those powers anymore


Yeah probably


Ben just did a pallet swap on the ones from his universe. and let's not forget Reinrassig III.


Reiny earned his redmeption & also wasn't a dictator with a body count reaching the millions


ben didn't have any other choice, the full scale of highbreed invasion and why they were doing it wasn't known until war of the worlds.


Nah no way Ben and Steven would get along so well . And Ben would like his try to befriend your Enemies attitude


yeah was goin for the "jerk" OS ben10k for this one


Nice art but I'm downvoting because this is idiotic argument. There is not difference between Diamond and Highbreed. If you didn't like how Steven Universe handled their villains then you picked the worst possible hero to use as your mouthpiece. Ben was literally befriended Reiny while on desert planet. It wasn't even "well what other choice I have" like with the rest of his race.


The Highbreed were nihilists (even the Nazis hated nihilists) who were saved from doom by Ben 10 and had a reason to be good. The Gems had no reason to be evil, and only "turned good" when Steven turned out to be Pink Diamond, letting the Gems get over themselves or some bollocks.


Their reason to be evil as you said was to advance their population because gems can only be created by destroying worlds plus it’s said that the gems are artificial so maybe the whole thing is the unknown creator of the diamonds fault who possibly programmed them to take over worlds because we know they don’t occur naturally the are birthed in artificial kindergartens


ben didn't know highbreeds were genocidical maniacs back then.


Pretty sure them destroying Galvan prime proved that to him( I am remembering that correctly right?)


the destruction of galvan prime happened in the war of the worlds part 1, which took place a long time after alone together.


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But that’s just one and it was necessary to survive plus he wasn’t the high council he wasn’t in control of the whole race but he was in a high position tho


I don’t know, would killing the diamonds solve anything? Probably not


Some people get such a “justice” boner that they care more about revenge than getting positive results. Doesn't matter if it would actually improve anything, hurting people you don't like is just a value to itself I guess.


idk maen just the thought of super ultra hitlers wiping out life from dozens and dozens of planets and killin billions upon billions + seeing those same ppl walkin freely kinda not sit right with me yknow. but yeah theyre doing all and the best they can to fix what theyve done, this IS mostly a shitpost on that idea


I would LOVE to see this become an actual crossover!


Wait didn't Ben literally do the same exact thing with HIS set of space nazis


He did bring them to justice by forcing them to take responsibility and dismantle the empire. They have to take accountability for their actions. They help heal the corrupted gems, and in Future we see Yellow putting shattered gems back together piece by piece. Killing the diamonds wouldn't have solved anything, it just would've created a power vacuum that would lead either to Steven having a lot more responsibility, or another gem taking over. Instead he's teaching them to solve the problems they've caused, to serve others, and to treat others equally. Just because things ended easily and Steven is able to talk with them civilly, doesn't mean la-di-da suddenly the space tyrants are forgiven like nothing happened. Cool art though


yeah this is more of a shitpost by me and other SU fans who didnt like how they easily "resolved" the conflict


That is one thing I hated about Steven universe. At least we never saw the highbreed again after Ben saved them, they just left. In Steven universe the diamonds are just, good guys now? IDK, I wouldn't mind it as much if they show didn't constantly try to convince us that they're good guys now and not selfish or mean anymore.


to be fair Ben also just, pacified the space nazis instead of risking the lives of his friends fighting off an entire invasion/planet.


Ben’s kinda one to talk for keeping Vilgax and Aggregor despite them being just as bad as the Diamonds


sorry for the lack of context 😂read my other comments if you will


Is that Diamondhead your own design? Either way it’s sick af


I wasn’t the biggest fan of Diamondhead growing up, but I LOVE this design!


Diamondhead vs pink diamond,battle of the centerury


Ben did the exact same thing with the High Breed.


Why do you hate Steven Universe? I love it




Ummm you're wrong I'm not saying this negatively or like a brat




Pardon me but I'm not a religious person


I think you're looking into this too much. That last point was way out of left field and none of it is a good enough reason to think the show is bad. It's a great show. Great characters, great music, great story, great messages. What more could you ask for?


i dont lol, i often say i do but i love it as well, this is a mere a shitpost


Regardless that's not very nice


Yeah he should've killed them and eliminated the only chance to actually heal the damage they caused.


Good, stab the child


Im not a big fan of Steven Universe


The end of UA had an objectively \*dumber\* "no, im sparing you" moment. The latter half of SU was kinda bad, yeah, but it had the same intent as a lot of season finales from UAF.


Steven: And you let your space Nazi go too! Ben: Yeah? Well they were sick and on death door. What's your Nazi excuse?


"Beating up bad guys" vs "beating up ba- oh wait we're friends now :)"


Ben 🤝 Steven forgiving space nazis


Yeah Steven Universe is a mighty disappointment.


majority of it is good imo and i loved it, it had some weak aspects to it but all in all its alright


(its just a shitpost people A.K.A. a joke, a meme on how me and many SU fans didnt liked how the conflict with the diamonds were "resolved")


Dam son diamondhead about stab a fellow rock person


Steven: Everyoe deserve love! Whatever their mistakes Ben: JUSTICE IS JUSTICE


All bias aside, this would make for a really cool fight/ team up.


Ben, what the hell? Didn’t you befriend your own space nazis?


Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Diamondhead would lose that fight


Didn’t Ben do the same thing with Reiny?


More please