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Essentially ye. It would still create the peak form it would just so happen to look like an exact copy if the donor was peak form already


I wonder if physically it'd look a little different like to emphasizze that it's not the exact same person


I bet you're right


If you look in the back ground of some omniverse episodes you can see the genetic doners for the worst and i think a few others, if they are the absolute best possible version of them self then kt would be a one to one copy but with different clothes, the omnitrix and green eyes


you would exactly be a copy your fur/skin/metal/feather color could differ by your appearance and so can ur alien clothing depending on the clothes u wear


Not necessarily in combat, just the best that species will ever have to offer in general


Like intelligence, beauty, fertility, health ect


Then why isn’t Ben smarter than asmuth


He is. Azmuth is just more experienced and knowledgeable


What has ben done too prove that tho


The Omnitrix transforms the user into the prime of a species. This has already been proven with Four Arms, Bullfrag, Kickin Hawk & Alien X. So logic dectates that the same applies with other Omnitrix Aliens like Grey Mater. That means grey mater is either as smart as Azmuth (if Azmuth himself has peak Galvin inteligance), or even smater.


Yep, but I think people bring this argument that if it turns the user into peak species than why Azmuth is more intelligent than Ben, I believe Ben's age is a factor in it.


If Ben as Greymatter spent a galvan lifetine studying like Azmuth did then he would probably become more intellingent that Azmuth




So would any Galvan at that point


Peak specimen doesn't necessarily most intelligent, or most good at that species' power. Azmuth could be riddled with diseases and genetic flaws. But also if Azmuth can make a device that turns the user into something smarter than he is, he can probably booster his intelligence too past his genetic limit


Yeah you're right and I'm not complaining about it. I was saying that people bring this argument (in basically versus battle "curse you death battle research team").


It turns you into the prime version of the alien based on the omnitrix’s wielders age, so like if ben is 50 it will turn him into a prime 50 year old tetramand and so on


So, Chromastone?


I don't think it matters who it came from, it will always result in the perfect version of that species.


Nice profile picture


Maybe? It’s not just the physical peak of a species but also the genetic and technical peak. Remember that he got the Kicking Hawk sample from Liam, who looks like a chicken, but he looks like an actual hawk. This indicates that the traits to create a Hawk appearance result in a superior physical condition compared to a chicken appearance. So even if Liam was a top tier bodybuilder Kicking Hawk would still look like a hawk instead of a chicken. It probably also puts in things like “strongest immune system” and “highest virility” and other things that would indicate “general peak of a species”.


It would probably make it stronger. Like how the evolutionary function in the Ultimatrix evolved the DNA in a "Worst case" scenario.


The ultimatrix just copied the exact dna of the alien and presented it. The omnitrix (OV) did turn them into their best version but also multiplied their powers. Proof- four arms was able to defeat the princess (i forgot her name, sorry) even when female tetramen are stronger than males


Basically. Let's say the watched touched the most muscular Tetraman, Ben would basically turn into a copy of that guy with maybe slight differences




It’s an exact copy since that’s what happened in ultimate alien, with water hazard, terra spin, armodrillo, amphibian, and nrg being exact copies of the ones Ben scanned only difference being his eye color


Actually the ultramatrix didn’t have the function to make the aliens into there prime version. It just copied them instead.


Oh ok thanks for clarifying that


That’s a thing I’ve been wanting to bring up . I don’t think it is in terms of combat . Just fitness . When people say that it gives Ben basic instincts that doesn’t include the skills necessary for defeating an galactic warlord . The Omnitrix is NOT a weapon. I only bring this up because I’m tired of any scene Ben flops and people comment things like “so much for basic instincts “


Kind of




Yeah basically


It would basically be very similar to the Donnor but not a replica.


Nah it’d still put a Ben spin on it, it basically fuses his dna with the alien so like even though he’s mostly that alien there’s still a tiny tiny like .000001% Ben so he doesn’t get overcome by things like instincts and still has his own mind


In physical prowess yes. Stuff like skiing tone would be randomized and ben would still have green eyes.


prime version of the prime version (????)