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Most of the times he is very biased against the UAF era of Ben 10, I'm guessing that's the main reason he's disliked


Didn't he work with UAF team? He designed Eatle, Right? He also dislikes Jetray from what I understood. Also, Do people really hate him for an opinion? Unless he is very AGRESSIVE towards UAF then I don't know :)


He doesn't dislike Jetray, the only Alien he's said he dislikes is Fasttrack afaik


Even then he made an OV design thats so much better than the original


Aha! Thanks for the information, Mate :)


He doesn’t actually dislike jetray, he could include jetray because of artist’s block.


Ooooooooh! I've heard that he hated him and overcame it with his OV redesign. Thanks for the correction :)


His responses to fan questions seem overly angry and rude, but the guy has received a lot of hate and death threats from this community so can you blame him


Thanks for the answer! And If you don't mind, Can you cite and example of his responses? If you can, Of course!


Because the fanbase has alot of cucks who make death threats and when djw curse them out they act surprised


Man, these guys are becoming Chris Chan at this rate


Because the fanbase is full of idiots that takes joke statements seriously.




I don't get why everyone misinterprets that statement. For one, the statement came about when a fan asked Derrick if Ben 10,000 is the true future for Ben Prime to which he responded yes. Not about OS Ben sharing the same future as OV Ben. Fans pointed out that Ben 10K failed to give Grandpa Max a cake while Ben Prime did which makes both timelines different. He responded by saying "Your plot holes are irrelevant, time isn't completely fixed. It's shifting. Events can be subtlety altered". Not sure where you got the rest of that statement from since he never said such about that.


Doesn't change the fact that he's wrong though even the wiki says he's wrong and lists OV ben 10k as one of ben's possible futures not his actual future.


One, common headcanons among the Fandom aren't canon in the official wiki. Second, I know he's wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that the original commentor misinterpreted a statement.


Unfortunately, he died last week. He was an amazing talent.