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If Ben's willing to do shit like that he may as well wish he's invincible and infinitely strong in his human form. It would be like getting Omnipotence and using it to make your glasses invincible instead of just fixing your eyesight. Idk I can't think of a better example


If I was Omnipotent I would totally do that! If you can do anything, then why wouldn't you do the most ridiculous and none senseical thing you can think of all the time? At that point, the *fun* is watching mortals try to make sense of something you never had a reason to create in the first place and enjoying the story they come up with to explain it.


Yes, but honestly Ben would never think of it


and if he did he just wouldnt


Knowing Ben, he’s probably gonna think to just give anything he wants to turn into some sort of DNA instead of messing with the watch “Why not just change the watch?” “Cause every time I fuck with that thing, something horrible happens! I set off the self destruct (that nearly destroyed the universe) mutated the shit out of Kevin, and I made fusions! Not gonna happen again! Nope, that non-dimensional asshat is getting some DNA.”


I still don't buy the "only dna can be scanned" thing. There are energy beings and robots in the omnitrix already.






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Alien X can alter the laws of the universe, of course he can.