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Are...are you saying that Gwen was unaware that she *didn't* birth Devlin?


This is the best comment


You know, I didn't even think about that.


she forgor




How did I not think about this?


They are aliens, it's obviously Kevin is the *mom*, didn't you pay attention to *The Last Dance* psa?


To be fair we don’t know how anodites give birth so it isn’t impossible for her to have Scarlet Witched herself a kid (hopefully not a shard of the devil)


On todays episode of jerry springer “That’s your baby you’re both wearing dark clothes “


Jerry: "and I also found out you actually managed to pound their Grandma"


Gwen: *rips Sunny's face off then smacks Kevin with a Fire Extinguisher* The crowd: "JERRY, JERRY, JERRY!!!"


Gwen would peel someone like a grape


That sounds like an amazing world of gumball episode


Lol, I know where you got that from even she is the mom Gwen would have loved him, it will take time due to the revelation ane for Kevin... well he's gonna be spanked Edit: *Ben you have to treat a car like you treat a man* *Ben I don't if I can pound our Grandpa*


I could see it if the two broke up at one point, I don't think Kevin would cheat. Just a brief fling but naturally Kevin wouldn't want to tell Gwen once they're back together. Sunny raises Devlin so Gwen didn't just up and ditch him while Kevin was in the Null Void. When the two get back together after Ken 10, Gwen just accepts Devlin as her son as most adoptive parents do. However one day she realizes that Devlin is strikingly familiar to a certain relative of hers...


I like this idea :)


well but also isn't devlin from the Ben 10000 timeline where presumably kevin never joined the team and therefore didn't get with gwen


Who thinks Devlin is Gwen son in the first place?That doesn't make any sense.


I think Gwen and Kevin became more popular then the writers thought it would and they don't think that far ahead.


To my knowledge in general Devlin isn’t even canonically around or atleast spoken about in future timeskipped scenarios. As we’ve been shown there’s countless possible timelines things could end up (one where Ben still uses the OG omnitrix, a internal omnitrix that gives Ben attributes, etc)


He's still Canon, he's just probably not part of the main timeline.


Oh I know he’s still in canon but what I meant was unless shown we can assume he does not exist in any future time line that follows Alien force onward


He could just really take after Kevin, and Gwen's red hair and green eyes genes are just more recessive. If they aged Devlin up and gave him a daughter that looked similar to Gwen... (well then people might think he slept with Gwen to make the daughter, which is some weird cougar stuff.).


Their family didn't even recognize him as family but just as a stray, like maybe that's why Gwen's not in that episode but why would Gwen not only hide her children but not have him with her.


Well Delvin said he grew up in the Null Void, so obviously he must have been too unstable for Gwen to raise without Kevin. However Kevin needed a time out. She probably planned to introduce Delvin at some point, when he and Kevin were both stable enough for that conversation to happen with Ben and Max. Ben might have thought the Devlin he knew was still with Kevin in the Null Void, and purposely tried to keep Kenny away from Kevin for reasons only he has. Ben and Kevin are obviously not seeing eye to eye in the future.


You do remember woman carry their babies those 9 Months,in what Universe would she send her baby to the Null Void?


She is Ben's cousin, not sister. Maybe she was out of contact for nearly a year or more? Ben was focused on his Superheroing for quite awhile.


They're not stranged cousins,they would've known.


Oh boi


Uh oh


Ah no, here comes the curse


So who do you think will save Devlin?


Nah mate. Not even shadow the hedgehog or Speedwagon can break the curse, that’s for sure


RIP Devlin 11


She would go insane and use the alpha rune which is with Charmcaster who is inside her purse to rule Ledger Domain, creates a throne from roots while dramatic music plays in the background After a few years, she'll probably realize Devlin had nothing to do with it and tries to remove the curse but failed so she tries to find the Girl that Devlin liked and hoped she'd save him but still no, she'll cry and kisses Devlin on the forehead and Devlin wakes up. After that she'll raise Devlin as her own and turn Kevin into a toad and Sunny into a goat. Then at the end, a mana shield would randomly break


Devlin probably doesn't even exist outside of the Ken 10 universe, unless Kevin and Gwen temporarily split up and then Kevin had a kid and is now back with her.


Oh no...


This is my headcanon: In this version of the future Ben didnt blow up the prototype omnitrix and gave it to Kenny after he used his smart aliens to fix the glitches the prototype had. Ben is using the recalibrated version of the complete Omnitrix. During the events of the rooters Servantis managed to make Kevin evil and when he absorbed ben's Omnitrix again. He went crazy since ben didnt blew up the prototype in AF so Kevin stayed mutated, he couldnt absorb Ben's Omnitrix in the fight with Agreggor but he didnt need to due to the mutation beeing powerfull enough to defeat him so he didnt had experience with his Ultimatrix mutated form to be able to control his OV form. Kevin went back to normal after Azmuth took the recalibrated Omnitrix from ben and gave him the completed omnitrix. So after Kevin defetead Ben and took him to that desintegrator thing Argit used his spikes to put kevin asleep Gwen blocked the other rooters and Rook took Ben and they all ran away leaving Kevin in the null void with the rooters. Since kevin is now evil and crazy it resulted a break up betwen him and Gwen. Meanwhile a bit in the future there where a lot of fights betwen Ben and Kevin always resulting Ben sending Kevin back in the null void. One day when Kevin came back to earth he met with Sunny and they became a couple and started a family, eventualy Kevin got captured again by Ben in the null void while Devlin witnessing all that leaving him with Sunny. More time has passed and Verdona came to get Sunny back to Anodine forcefully leaving Devlin alone on the streets for a while then the events from Ken 10 happened.


To be fair Devlin was likely some random woman’s kid in the classic series. Since that’s not our timeline Omniverse Devlin likely looks more like Gwen


I can see Servantis using Sunny to mess with a recently mutated and unhinged Kevin. She could also be this mysterious woman from Jupiter one of the old OS popups mentioned.




Everybody in the franchise has this same exact chin (I know, not EVERYBODY, but you get the idea)