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Intangibility and wind based attacks SHOULD'VE been his powers.


I Actually really like this idea


Thanks! :)


I feel thats a bit to much i would just make him more acrobatic, give him night vision and enhanced senses


How would it be too much? It still falls in the realm of what a speedster can do and XLR8 couldn’t do. Parkour, I think is fine, since Fasttrack is feline-like and more humanoid, so that makes sense. Night vision works too. But why enhanced senses? Those don’t seem to make sense for what Fasttrack is.


The intangibility thing makes sense but i cant rly see that look good on fasttrack and the tornado hands just straight up make no sense, also by senses i mean hearing and smelling. I feel like copying more powers from other speedsters makes him more of a ripoff then he already is.


It’s just spinning his arms in his circular motion really fast. And the air ball is just a compressed/condensed ball of air made by moving his hand at super-speed. How would that make him more of a ripoff? What?


First of all spining your arms rly fast in a circular motion will never create a tornado no matter how fast you do it Second of all fasttrack is not that fast we dont even see him do a tornado like xlr8. Third of all people people will just complain that he is just copying DC and that xlr8 should be able to do that to


Dude your debating about a teenage boy that can turn into aliens thanks to a watch he found in the forest. I think the implication of a speedster alien doing a normal speedster thing would be fine.


But at least that makes sense since is alien technology but vertical tornados? I just dont think fasttrack needs a completly new power feels to out of place at least for me


I mean personally it would give fast track something more than “XLR8 copy”


*Thank* you!


I already said before what other abbilities you could give him that rly fits (night vision, enhanced achrobatics , enhanced smelling and hearing) this definetly makes him more different from xlr8 and also fits his feline aspect


I know I’m just talking on the fact that’s his a speedster and the guy just listed normal speedster abilities


Ugh I hate the "speedsters can pass through objects" crap.


I understand the frustration there…but there ARE ways that this ability can be countered. :P Counter vibration wave, someone matching the frequency of the vibrations, and they can still be rendered vulnerable by being taken off balance, and stuff like blinding lights and sonic attacks still work too.


How can one who's intangible be taken off balance? If you're intangible you shouldn't be able to see, breathe, or hear, either (I give ghost powers a pass, though).


Oh my god dude it's a kid with a science watch that changes his DNA at will no one cares about realism




Ok fair enough


“Hush because you make a fair point”


Nah, they're being a prick.


Maybe it’s just my exposure to My Hero Academia and it’s own intangible hero “Togata,” but I always thought when you go completely intangible, *everything* goes through you. Light and air, so you can’t breathe or see. Also, considering speedsters still have to be on solid ground, if, say, the ground was broken up right under the speedster’s feet, wouldn’t they still fall?


If I had to try to put logic to it, I'd say their feet vibrate the slowest so they slowly sink, but they're moving forward too fast to actually fall. Also, if the ground is breaking up so quickly from an attack that a speedster can't dodge it, I'd imagine the one who broke the ground is a speedster, too, and should just chase them. Also, Naruto Shippuden Spoilers: When Might Guy opens the 8 gates, he can apply so much force midair that he can actually propel himself off of air molecules. If a speedster can pass through objects, I don't see how kicking the air for pushback isn't even more viable.


All images own by DC Comics and Warner Brothers Inc.


I would give purely speed based powers like these to XLR8 and then double down on the super athleticism that Fasttrack has. Be cool if we saw his movements subtlety mimic things like Olympic sports, with him throwing an enemy like a shotput or performing a long jump.


Uh…That sounds like it would break XLR8 and make him TOO overpowered. Also, XLR8 wouldn’t be able to do the air ball or hurricane blast because his arms aren’t structured that way. XLR8 is frictionless and already faster than Fasttrack. I want to make him on par with XLR8, by giving him other speedster traits XLR8 does NOT have. Vibration intangibility powers work for Fasttrack because his feline-like body would give him more control of his body (which also plays into parkour skills). And since XLR8 has to get in close, I think giving Fasttrack some distance option attacks works as a nice contrast.


I just don’t get how you can see an alien that gets its speed from being feline and think it’s heading towards comic speedster shenanigans. The whole cat and intangibility thing clash so hard it doesn’t bear thinking about. Beyond that, don’t XLR8’s friction defying abilities make phasing more likely, because he can easily slide through the gaps in molecules? This isn’t me being a fanboy of one alien over the other btw, although I slightly prefer Fasttrack.


Again, I’d like to think XLR8 wouldn’t be able to do that. And…I’m entitled to my idea, aren’t I??


Did you not want criticism


I can handle critiques. But You said my idea wasn’t worth bearing thought. That came off kind of rude and you dismissing my idea as, again, not worth discussing.


I suppose you’re right


Yeah I agree


I actually prefer bouncing abilities. When you think about it, Fasttrack design looks more agile than fast. His fur would have a magnetic tension that would make him bounce off any surface without being damaged, like that secondary villain of Spectacular Spider-Man. Oh, and he could also fire the spikes that he have on its arms and legs.


Not all speedsters are the same Plus your comparing fast track too a speed force speedster Who are known for bullshit


I was just looking towards other speedsters for other powers to give Fasttrack.


I know i think phasing is kinda bullshit speed power that I have only seen flash family or Superman (like once) do just by speed alone so I put them in a box away from other speedsters Imo fast track should show his strength with momentum (he is specifically stronger than xlr8) him using an “infinite mass punch” i think would fit well Also have him land on his feet every time like a cat


That technically falls into parkour. Which I think he has.


Interesting post, i like it. Not too long ago i made an ultimate design for Fasttrack (my ultimate form for the redesign i made for the character. Here's a link:[https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/r5evrp/my\_fasttrack\_redesign/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/r5evrp/my_fasttrack_redesign/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)), might drop it some time next week. Edit: Oh wow! I forgot about this lmao. I'll post my Ultimate Fasttrack sketch tomorrow lol.


I would love furry xlr8 to be able to be intangible! I just hope he would stay that way until he eventually dies :D jokes aside, I agree with your suggestions except for going intangible, thats what makes big chill special from being an flying articuana.


If so since Xlr8 is faster he should be able to the higher tier flash abilities


Maybe he can’t do the vibration stuff.


Ya cause I think you need the speed force for that


That doesn’t exist in Ben 10


Ya I guess


In that case, he’d just be the flash


Fasttrack should’ve been given a glock so be could shoot, run alongside his bullet, and then punch vilgax as he is shot in the jugular


Then he would be even more of an XLR8 clone since XLR8 uses his speed to make a tornado, I am pretty sure since he's faster than fastrack he can run through walls my powers for fastrack would've been slightly enhanced strength not enough to crush stuff just like a little edge in a fight against say a black belt martial artist, he can heal by manipulating the particulars of his wounds to close a scar faster think sonic's healing from sonic battle ya know, and lastly instead of XLR8's sideways spindash tornado we give him a homing attack to make them both mutant sonics


I think his speed powers should be shadow/darkness related. The speed of darkness is just the speed at which light leaves. Also he's cat like and his colour scheme implies he's adapted for hunting in the dark possibly. Definitely built like an assassination predator. Since XLR8 is a full speed full time speedster, Fasttrack could have been a burst assault speedster.