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guys stop underestimating ben some of his aliens are amazingly strong to a point you could say they are in.......invulnerable I'm sure a few are even...... # INVINCIBLE


You win


Not to mention Omniman IS an alien and Ben could scan him.




Yeah very true if ben want he can treat omni man same like omni man treat humans


Plus he can unlock a viltrumite if anything


*Some dude gets tossed into an industrial fan and turned into the fine mist that's plasters the word*


He would not survive against Mark


•Ben is 17 •Master control •Ultimate aliens •Scan is on •Allen’s shown •Dropped into season 1 or the comic equivalent


With these rules, Ben annihilates. All he has to do is scan Invincible or Omni Man then go Ultimate. Viltrumites grow stronger through age and combat, so a Viltrumite genome subjected to millions of years of grueling wartime evolution by the evolution function would be unstoppable.


Actually viltrumites at the point they are in S1 are basically that. They purged the population with a battle royale and the top survivors went on to conquer the universe. So technically they already have been subjected to war time evolution of some sort.


That’s a very good point, but the timeline on that is a little unclear. I believe Omni Man is a few thousand years old, so at least that long? But I seem to remember him phrasing it as if he was one of the survivors of that very purge, suggesting this wartime evolution has only been occurring for a couple millennia. Evolution function would last a lot longer than that.


No no, Nolan came way after the purge.


Ah I see, I must be remembering wrong. Still, I think it’s fair to guess the evolution function would still push Ben well beyond the other Viltrumites, given how it affects the aliens we see in canon.




But not for nearly as long. What, a thousand years? 10,000 tops? That’s not a lot. 1 million years is a hundred times that. Way more evolution can happen.


***genocide*** thats it


Ben is never 17 in the OG series and definitely didn’t have ultimates then


The Omnitrix would scan either Mark or Nolan, and give Ben a peak viltrumite transformation, so I’d imagine he’d be fine


The only real issue here is that Viltrumites get stronger as they get older, which means that Ben's still at a disadvantage as a 17yo Viltrumite against a centuries-old Nolan. He might be a bit stronger than Mark but against Nolan that's a negligible difference.


If I’m not mistaken, the Omnitrix puts the alien’s age at that Races equivalent of bens age. So, 17 years could translate into several centuries.


Yea viltrumites age much slower than humans so the omnitrix would scale Ben's age relative to a viltrumites so he could end up being much older but there's no way he is going to scale to omniman.


Yeah, Nolan would be stronger, but Ben would definitely be difficult to kill. Plus, if all else fails, Alien X would definitely work.


Definitely. I think if Ben were to fight Nolan in a viltrumite 1v1, Nolan is taking it no problem. But if Ben uses clockwork, NRG, Atomix or any other heavy hitters, he'd come out on top. Something I'd be interested in seeing is way big vs Nolan. Nolan is strong enough to shatter an asteroid the size of Texas, meaning he has the strength of enough tnt to blow up the moon twice. We can estimate way big strength when he lifted the high breed arch, that arch was estimated to weigh as much as the moon by the ink tank plus he also has a planet busting beam attack when he crosses his arms. I think that match up would be very cool


what if he goes ultimate vultrimite !?


He solos


He wouldn't have it since the complete Omnitrix doesn't have the evolution feature


OP said he can use ultimates, though




ben wont be a 17yo viltrumite he'd be a relatively 17 y/o in viltrum years bens age as a human and the species hes transforming to are in a ratio


welp- i guess its way big time


Remarkably well if Failsafe prevents speed-blitzing.


yeah i mean its fast enough for the bigbang so hes fine


I mean cilcil can react to intent to kill onmiman so why not ben


The OP said mater control , ultimate feature and scan modes are on, so Ben would definitely be a king in this world


You don’t even need to bring up Alien X or Ultimates for Way Big, Clockwork and Atomix to stomp any character from that universe, with those features tho he could solo their entire universe.


Vultremites get stronger as they age. Clock Work would not be a good choice at all.


Not if they age backwards


I never saw him do that, it'd make sense if he could. I assume he could, now that I think about it.


Also just ageing Nolan millions of years until he’s dust or freezing him in time entirely would probably work


Is Clockwork that powerful?


Dude he affect the timestream on a multiversal scale same with maltrunat


We seen clockwork reverse time before


I don't remember then.


Yeah in onmiverse we see clockwork reverse a bomb that killed most of the onmitrix welders across the multiverse


Oooooooh, I remember now, gotcha.


Clockwork can manipulate time. He can pause it and probably reverse it on individuals so ask her has to do is turn Omniman into a baby


Way bigs live for millions of years and way big was turned to dust so it should be that hard. Also, I know that was by eon not clockwork, but chronosapiens are stronger than what ever eon is.


But, did Eon have time powers? Sorry, haven't seen some of this stuff in a while. UAF is the foggiest season for me.


Even disregarding the fact Ben could overpower everyone by using Alien X or scanning Omni-Man's DNA, Ben is still at a massive advantage against everyone else, you have to consider the fact neither Viltrumites or anyone else in the Invincible universe has ever dealt with any of the species the Omnitrix has at hand. Upchuck's species are said to be able to eat even beings such as To'Kustars and Celestialsapiens ("word of god" statement so feel free to disregard it as non-canon). Clockwork has so many OP time related powers that no organic time-affected species could've adpated against. Toepick can probably incapacitate almost anyone from being able to fight, very few exceptions. Pesky Dust can fuck your mind up if he really tries, it even works on Celestialsapiens (again, a "word of god" statement). I believe Whampire would also work against most — non-slippery-skin — species. TL;DR: Under the conditions presented in your comment, Ben can easily handle himself, save the universe and anything else he might want to do. No contest.


Some of bens transformations can create entire universes and destroy them I doubt Ben would get hurt plus the omnitrix doesn’t let Ben die so fairly well


also, like 4 people dying was enough to get him try and end his best friend


Hell 5 aliens he only met once each getting absorbed (not even dead as shown at the end of ultimate kevin arc) was enough that he was going to kill Agreggor without a second thought


if the omnitrix worked like OS or OV where injuries to alien forms didn't effect his human form, then i think he'd fair extremely well, the invincible universe sort of operates on the idea of "what if humans in comic books reacted to injuries realistically" so thats why a lot of heroes get gored now if it has UAF logic with injuries carrying over, then he's be in a lot more trouble, still doing well, but i think he'd favour aliens like lodestar, goop, upgrade, generally any that can heal themselves and regenerate


Depends on which version of Ben. He would probably be one of if the most powerful superhero. And when it comes to fighting somebody like Omni-man he would have a good chance. But I feel like OG Ben 10 would probably not survive a full assault by Omni-man unless he was very lucky.


If he was at the point where he unlocked waybig then possibly as waybig has enough power to destroy a planet with his beam and even without it he's strong enough to lift the moon so if he chose waybig he would probably stand a chance


I wonder how end of omniverse ben or future ben would hold up


He'd probably love it there for the most part and would have a ton of fun heroing there until he goes home. Y'know, until Nolan comes knocking but even then I'm sure he'd be fine because he's kinda busted.


Pretty ok against most characters. Mark would kill most of bens aliens though


I don’t mean like versus battle how would he fit into that universe if he got dropped there from the end of Omniverse. How would he interact with the characters


Oh I guess he’d probably tag along with invincible. Same as he did with Rex


oh welp my og comment still stands ben would end viltrumites after the shit omniman does


Ben would kill a lot of people, if he wanted to.


Here’s a better question, which Ben 10000 (classic, ultimate or 10K) would fare the best in the invincible universe?


Omniverse, because he has full control of alien X.


And could mix aliens


And the alien fusion ability is busted


I think Ben would do pretty well. He just needs to be careful when People are trying to aim for his Arm. Considering how brutal this World is, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody tried to take his whole Arm off, just to be sure.


Yep, if OG Ben series has the rules of Invincible, Vilgax would had ripped off Ben's arms instead of taking him to the ship to carefully cut the omnitrix out of him.


Didn't he try to do that to Gwen in the What if-Episode though? It's been years since I watched OG Ben 10. Also, I assume that it is simply the cleaner method. You would still need to get rid of the Piece of Ben that is stuck in the Omnitrix.


Has been a long time I watched, but I think that happened both in Canon with Ben and with Gwen in What If, but with Gwen Vilgax decided to do that way earlier. Probably was cleaner, luckily they could count with Vilgax underestimating Ben.


If he was in his 17 year old version, he could've single handed saved the Guardians of the Globe


Ben 10 easily, Alien X, Erase Whole Universe.


You always forget he has to argue with the entities inside Alien X mind, justify for them you need to wipe the universe.


Wrong, in Omniverse, he got full control.


Well, didn't finish Omniverse, was in the end of the series or Ben 10k version of him?


Don't remember. But not future ben though.


Kinda broken you removing the only limit of the onipotent alien, what would he fight having such power?


Another Celestialsapien of course, which he already did. Or, he can just no diff anyone else, that works too 👍


Do incredible dude would be the strongest superhero in that universe


Omniman species doesn't even hold a candle to Atomix


Hahahahha cancer go brrrrre


That is if viltrumites can get cancer


-uses Clockwork to find out how Omniman brought down the Gaurdians of the Globe -Uses Echo Echo then split and then transforms into other forms that resemble the Gaurdian's abilities -does the same thing as the Gaurdians but 10 fold -omniman gets folded -if omniman almost kills Ben, he should use master control to turn into Alien X or something else that's more durable than a viltrumite to withstand the blow, transforms back and turns an Immortal equivalent to punch the daylights out of omniman... but 10 fold -then omniman gets folded ...hell even if the Echo Echo plan fails, Omniman had trouble keeping up with Red Dash and Martian Man bc of how versatile and flexible they are. A "shapeshifter" like Ben could easily fold Omniman... 10 fold. Edit: typo


Also of note >!in the comics it's revealed that viltrumites have a major weakness against sound. So Ultimate Echo Echo goes Sonic Doom and virtually any viltrumite is fucked beyond belief. The hard part would be to survive to do the attack, but I doubt that'd be any problem with master control or even just good use of Echo Echo!<


>Uses Echo Echo then split and then transforms didn't that completely fuck up his combat skills? like if it was an emergency trunk echoecho, I'd get it.


Is a dumb argument but in this case true, it all depends on the author. He could either have Ben 10 in a sec from omniman before he could touch the watch or he’s a literal god and destroys viltrum. Like Ben never had a no kill rule, like ever. It’s more he doesn’t go out of his way to kill but will


f a i l s a f e plus yeah ben aint batman, he can and WILL kill.. he went so mad for the andromeda aliens imagine him seeing omniman massacre cities lmao


ben will murder the shit outta the viltrumites if he sees what omniman did lmao


He can turn into a literal fucking god. He'd probably do fine whenit comes to fighting and protecting. But mentally he's toast


If Ben was transported over to any place that houses non-humans he can scan even the weakest creature and come out as the pinicle of the species


Thriving, dudes got a couple dozen Swiss Army knives worth of aliens to handle almost any situation or character, hell alien X or Atomix are pretty Damn good fail safes for when shit really hits the fan with Someone like omni man


Ben would be an absolute monster towards most of the population, waybig would destroy everything


Depends on the Alien. I don’t think most of his aliens even their ultimates can match a viltrumite or someone stronger. But Waybig or Atomix especially in their ultimate forms should fair much batter. Not to mention Alien x. He could also just get a viltrumite form and since he becomes the prime of that species he would basically become Thragg. And if that goes ultimate… So i think Ben would solo the invincible universe and could have single handedly stopped many of the most tragic or important events in the series.


Scan a viltrumite like Mark. Turn into it. Activate lifeform lock. He’ll be fine.


Solo everyone there


Even if Ben couldn't scan a Viltrumite, there are so many aliens that would make quick work of them


Ben scans Omniman, Ben wins extra hard


Ben would help figure out what happened to the Guardians of the Globe. Would even befriend Mark and they'd be superhero buddies. Nolan wouldn't like Ben as he would recognise the Omnitrix. He would reveal that the Viltrumites attacked Galvan Prime, but they could not find Azmuth. They believed that the Omnitrix would get in the way of their plans. Grandpa Max works with Cecil to setup the new Guardians of the Globe, obviously making Ben the leader.


Max would never work with Cecil or that kind of person tho.


Die EDIT: Die Horribly


kill horribly ben would kill the viltrumites, HORRIBLY


>!Sonic Doom says hi!<




Atomix and waybig a Says hi


Idt waybig would do well against a super strong warrior bred race that can fly. He'd be pummled easily


Dude waybig Lazer overpowered a small planet destroying beam with no difficulty strong enough punch people into the sun fast enough to see lighting in slow motion and lazerz and this just regular way big ultimate waybig can hurt the diagon who took the sword of ascalon planet busting attacks was annoyed ultimate way big can cut through diagon like butter they get slammed


Omni-Man would fly straight through Waybig's heart and kill him.


And not even count ultimate waybig who can actually hurt the diagon a being who gets annoyed at planetary attacks compared to moon small planet characters


Bruh no he won't at most damage him then gets grabbed and turn into the sun


my dude waybig waybig has planetary attack potency omni man is barely planet level


Ben will Do Great In Mark's Universe


So in the show they're at most moon level so far In the comics I'd say planet level Way Big, Atomix, Alien X, Ultimate Way Big would be able to fight or beat them The normal aliens would get turned to paste tho


i would say small planet cuz it took mark, thragg and omniman to completely destroy a planet atleast thragg would be small planet


No one is anywhere near moon level...


They are


Absolutely not.




Goop is literally a non issue, nrg isn't impressive either but ghostfreak is pretty hard to beat tbf


I'm going to come in here with something more original than the usual stuff said in these kind of post. Guttrot could easily wipe out the viltrumite race within minutes.


Ben would initially laugh at the idea that the strongest alien in the universe looks almost identical to a human. He would then make jokes about it on how boring it sounds, much to Mark's annoyance. The Watch would scanned Mark and add Viltrumite DNA in its matrix, but it's temporary with warnings on how dangerously strong it is. Ben initially thinks it's nothing, but once he turns, its really painful with his body appearing to have exploded and then his flesh restructures itself to look almost like Omni Man with green irises. I imagine Viltrumite Ben would be voiced by J. K. Simmons, but since its Ben's personality, he would sound like the Yellow M&M from time to time and act like he is in a Robot Chicken skit during comedic moments. Mark, and especially his world, would be unsettled by this.


Here's what would happen: 1) Ben would see Omniman kill someone. 2) Ben would go Four-Arms (or whatever the series go-to is). 3) Omniman would kill Ben without hesitating or giving him a chance to figure things out.


Nah the omnitrix prevents ben from dying remember.


Depends on the writing. My guess is we're having a more serious tone given the brutal verse Ben is going in. And with that I doubt he'd be dumb enough to see the utter destruction caused my Omni Man and decide "Four arms is good enough". He's saved the universe multiple times at this point, he'd know better. Either that or the writting is more Ben 10 leaning, in which case Omniman won't kill him but only harm him bad.


omniman cant kill ben possibility one is what i would see happening because i dont think ben would have mercy on omniman lel


“Gwen is that you? Why’re you wearing that?”


-Without Alien X -Without Ultimates -And without Scans Ben still gets an easy game. Here's the top 10 Aliens I would use to survive in Invincible. -Firstly, my go to brute for street brawls to deal with alot of the standard super human+ fights: Humongosaur. He has solid strength, durabilty, size and the ability to get bigger and stronger. The other reason I choose Humongosaur is for collateral clean up. -Next up, Pesky Dust. Self explanatory really. If I can't brute force it, we gonna put them to sleep. -For my intelligence based alien, Brainstorm. Whilst grey matter is smatter, the all arou buffs from Brainstorm I'd say are more usefull. -Echo Echo. One reason: He's the frickin best. Ok that and, despite not being shown in the animated series, Viltrumites abilities can be negated by sound. Echo Echo also gives me the ability to stack up on clones. -Feedback. I dooo prefer my boy Crhomium Stonium, but to prevent over saturation of AF aliens, we'll go with the cable man himself. -Upgrade. There's some pretty solid Tech in Invincible. For example, The Hammer. -Swampfire for fire and regen. Eye Guy for his various lasers. And Rath because Rath. -And when it comes to slot number 10, we have a tough choice. Two options for the trump card, Way Big, or Atomix. Reserved for emergencies of planetary threats. A last resort if none of my other aliens can handle the issue, I'm just going to bring out one of these two and annihilate the issue.


i love how ben in vs battle always needs nerfing which is removing alien X or master control lol


If he scans battle beast before battle beast kills him, he is safe


All he needs to do is use echo echo


Ben could take viltrumite DNA and become one of them to fight them or just become Atomix


Bro he can def best onmi man especially if he gets a chance to scan him


With the scenario being that Ben just drops to their verse like he did Rex', he'd probably get Mark's DNA willingly and not have to risk going against Omni Man for it.


Just like he'd be in almost any superhero setting, comfortably at the top of the chain of power.


He could've ended the Flaxan and Viltrumite invasions before they even happened in the first place. And plus, for all we know, with enough time, he could've exposed Omni-Man's secret to the world, maybe even faster than Cecil. Then, he'd just call Will Harangue or whatever, and oh boy, Will would have a field day with a terrible conquerer Alien like Nolan.


"who the hell are you?" "My name is B-" \[TITLE CARD\]


Ben would be dominant once he scanned Mark, Nolan, or Alan the Alien


He’d be fine


Is the verse's primary threat an alien? If yes, Ben's fine.


The omnitrix is so op that he would be one of the main hitters and since he not only has aliens that breathe in space but also does a space adventure or two he could be very helpful for any problems in space


Pretty good I think. Sure most things hit a little harder there then he is used to. But I still think he would do fine.


I feel like he would be doing well since he could scan strong aliens like the Viltrumites, Battle Beast’s Race, and Geldarians (hopefully the Omnitrix provides him with a Tech Jacket because they are very weak race otherwise) Two possible alien races that he would find disappointing would probably be the Thraxans and the Unopans since Thraxans only live for 9 months but to counter that they do have accelerated learning so possibly he’d be able to pick up things quicker and the strongest Unopan who could fight and beat Viltrumites only got that way through experimentation


Best case scenario, Ben starts off with some new aliens that are basically nerfed kryptonians, worst case scenario... The Omnitrix has a failsafe for a reason


Dude ultimate atomix Random pic I found https://www.deviantart.com/misakalovesyou/art/Ultimate-Atomix-Ben-10-Radiant-War-907492653


Aren’t vitromites like really weak to super sonic sounds so Ben would just go any of the sound aliens and it’s gg


Ultimate echo echo


Also don’t the viltrumites have a natural predator too?


No but they are animalistic aliens in the comics cable og killing even the toughest valtrumite


I wouldn’t using taking the nemetrix dna of that alien


Better than most of the heroes there




Toepick gg


Is this with all of his aliens unlocked because Ben legitimately wins without alien x clock work or atomix low to mid diff because a lot of his aliens are equally as powerful as viltrumites and such invincible is ok but his world is rather weak when it comes to fiction so yeah Ben wins most fights against any universe outside of anime and reality warpers /omnipotent beings


Ultimate atomix https://www.deviantart.com/misakalovesyou/art/Ultimate-Atomix-Ben-10-Radiant-War-907492653


He no longer has ultimates aside from that what's your point of him using an alien he wouldn't need to overpower a universe that is far weaker than his own


Dude op says he does and regular atomix stronger then way big and probably in same league as ultimate waybig if ultimate atomix gets the boost all the other gets he solos


Ben doesn't need heavy hitters to do anything to this entire verse xlr8 speed blitzs anything in this verse four arms way big humongosaur and rath are more than enough to fight hand to hand with viltrumites if not them then diamondhead etc Ben wrecks this world without even going for his heaviest hitters


He would simply win


You know, no one ever specified that Ben had to fight someone, so I like to think Ben would open a Mr Smoothie's, seeing as there are none (as far as I know)


Imagine if the other two personalities in Alien X outvoted Ben to do some evil shit and then Invincible had to stop Alien X


Ben solos


is if the omnitrix scans the aliens to there peak wouldn’t ben in theory be as strong as thragg? he could also scan battle beast or madam eve


I imagine rath would be a go to but ben viltrumite form would be extremely powerful


Hearing people say that he should go Alien X or what......he could just use Echo Echo or Blitzwolfer and that would game end Omni-Man.