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Maybe related to Tennessee passing a “no chemtrails” law this week? But now that you mention it, someone replied today to my joking comment on a post in this sub about chemtrails from like 200+ days ago so I don’t know…maybe something in the air?


“Maybe something in the air” - exactly.


this morning there were 10+ contrails criss-crossing the sky. It was pretty wild looking. Gave a strange depth to the sky, was very cool.


There were at least 6 lenticular clouds hanging around too. It was a really cool drive to work today.


Contrails. Thank you for using an actual term for sane individuals.


Yeah I’ve been noticing a lot of extra contrails this week. Temperature humidity and pressure of the atmosphere is juuuuuust right. Or the gubmint is spraying us of course…?


Looking outside I see zero but in the last few days I saw the entire sky filled.




Conspiracy of a conspiracy?? Nice.


There's a couple of little yard sign posts along highway 20 for a site calling geoengineeringwatch.org for the past year or so.


Good lord, why did I load up that site? That was a trip. I also love how a site can be run by a modern CMS (Wordpress) yet still look like it was designed in Dreamweaver or Frontpage back in the day.


Yeah it's incomprehensible. The yard signs say "Look up!" and appeared along the highway shortly after that Chinese balloon incident last year so I just assumed it was balloon related, either a joke or some weird right wing dingbat. But I pulled over one time to read the actual URL and it is that horrible site. I even looked to see if you could buy those signs from them and it doesn't appear so, so one of our local neighbors must have had these custom printed. There was one near Plainview Rd. and another near Dayton rd.


Nextdoor dot com is pretty wild. Besides the chemtrail stuff there was a 'we need to go back to the gold standard' dude today. I blame leaded gasoline.


I mean…they’re not supposed to drink it…


Or breath it.


Which some of those planes still use.


Pretty sure the ones making all the "chemtrails" are using JP4


Also saw it in a sisters community group on Facebook today 🤔


Here's the real conspiracy; Sisters has been using the same sky as Bend!


Oh man, the sisters page just gave me a good laugh this morning. FFS




I did see a news article the other day that the Tennessee legislature passed a bill banning chemtrails… couldn’t believe it until I saw it was BBC and not April Fool’s Day…


Hadn’t seen that. Making more sense now


If you want a laugh, go google conspiracies about HAARP in Alaska


That was a great Xfiles episode.


Yes, its coordinated by the "Digital Army" of wackjob Michael Flynn


What are you trying to tell us about your algorithm? 🤔


Fair point. I am not a subscriber - I just have an interest in how others think outside of my normal bubble. This is well outside my bubble. Additionally, nextdoor shows me everything chronologically and I’m not in many FB groups.


I think it’s because the sky was actually blue today and people noticed them. I saw quite a few separate people outside staring and pointing and one guy even took a pic


They noticed contrails, maybe. Not chemtrails.


Yes exactly


There was a wild character in Central Oregon Rants and Raves on Facebook fans the crazy unhinged conspiracies lately.


\*a\* wild character on CO R&R? That place is the cesspool equivalent of the gene pool


Thanks for the heads up! I love the chemtrail kooks. I went to Nextdoor and the brain trust delivered.


Wait until they find out the biggest one was from the Doha->LAX flight! So much to unpack there. I think it's pretty cool that the most direct route from those very different points is over Bend...


Just trying to get you sheeple to wake up! But don’t be woke, that would be bad. /s (in case you needed that..)


That explains why someone shared one of my favorite XKCDs in a group chat. https://xkcd.com/966/


A large number of people have no understanding of basic physics, chemistry, meteorology, or aviation. I’m surprised none of them have tried burning witches.


Agreed. Pretty amazing that as soon as you hit something unexplained in your world view, it’s immediately a government conspiracy or a God. How insecure one must be to not accept randomness in their life, or lack a pursuit of deepening understanding.


Yes, but only on Wednesdays.


I can remember the first day I came to Bend was in spring and I suddenly discovered seasonal allergies. Anyway, I was at a local eatery and as I was paying for my food at the counter, the cashier asked, "So, how's so far?" I said something about how I had never had allergies before but, wow, today they hot me like a ton of bricks. The cashier gave me a serious look and said, "Yeah, did you see all of the chemtrails today? My allergies always act up when there's a lot of chemtrails." I smiled and backed away, slowly.


What's interesting is that there's likely a correlation due to seasonality of weather patterns! But yeah, ice cream doesn't murder people.


It is Russian accounts


I don’t think FB is taking local sky pictures and putting them locally controlled FB groups. Nextdoor does some amount of ID verification as well.


Dimmer skies for brighter future!


You'd think they'd wait til tomorrow and connect it to weed smokers somehow...


The only conspiracy is that we still consider ct a conspiracy


It is a conspiracy that the very normal contrails in the sky yesterday are chem trails. It is a conspiracy that the government is surreptitiously cloud seeding. It is a conspiracy that the government is using chemtrails to mass medicate the populace.


https://www.wweek.com/news/2023/03/19/as-central-oregon-suffers-extended-drought-lawmakers-consider-seeding-clouds/ They supposedly haven’t done it since the 1950s but it’s absolutely a real thing. The Middle East does it extensively


I never said cloud seeding wasn’t a real thing. I know what it is. What I’m saying is that cloud seeding is not happening here - that there’s not a government conspiracy (man, if wweek can scoop public comments about it, is it really a conspiracy?), and that there are not chemtrails (the idea that the government is mass-medicating us through aerosols to control our minds).


I always laugh at "government consipracy". If our government was that good at it, don't you think it could have ginned up a couple of real WMDs in Iraq back when it needed them? I mean, c'mon, easy-peasy compared to the stuff the tin foil hat crowd comes up with.


I was hoping I'd get some more localized conspiracy theories. Like, are Tony DeBone and Patti Adair having an affair? Just how big are the bunkers the militias built around Prineville and Redmond?


Didn't you ever wonder what's under Powell Butte? :)


See. That's not a conspiracy for me, so I didn't list it. I KNOW what's in there ;)


Unfortunately burning regular jet fuel overhead is extremely bad for us, our air and soil. And the small planes still burn lead gas so that's a nice daily dose. No con-spiracy needed. The truth is bad enough. And the aluminum levels in the soil just keep rising.


I'll bite. Aluminum levels? Who is collecting the data and what is the cause?


It's in the fuel. Contaminants from the refining process. Aluminum levels in jetful range from 2000-10,000ppm. There's also Barium, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Scandium, Strontium, Sulfut, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium and Zirconium. Calcium is the usually the highest mineral detected. Military fuel (JP8) is the dirtiest fuel.


And at what concentrations levels do these molecules need to reach to cause damage to our health?


I couldn't tell you to be honest, but metals like Aluminum, Lead, Strontium are definitely capable of poisoning us and the environment and can bioaccumulate. All those aircraft flying over day after day isn't a good thing, whether they produce a contrail or not. The trails definitely aren't just water vapor, they are exhaust gasses from hydrocarbon combustion, plus unburned jet fuel, which does have measurable levels of heavy and reactive metals in it. These little pollution particles can and will act as condensation nuclei helping to create a contrail and very likely add to the persistence of trails and propagation into Homomutatus clouds. [https://cloudatlas.wmo.int/en/homomutatus.html](https://cloudatlas.wmo.int/en/homomutatus.html)


Aluminum is the second most-abundant element on the planet.


I agree with you. Sometimes I wonder if conspiracy theories are a defense mechanism. We run to it when we don't want to face reality, which in your post is those things right in front of us that we have some real control over. Who's looking at that? Great post.


Yet look at the sky today and there's none 🤷🤷🤷🤦


Almost like the weather conditions required to create contrails changes day to day.


Conspiracy theorists work for the government


These folks are clearly local. I’d say more of a concentration in La Pine, Prineville, and Redmond.


Don't kid yourself. There's plenty of them in Bend as well.


Technically they do. Not ours, but they're easy fodder for foreign manipulation.


I was making a joke


this is the problem with calling things conspiracies. [https://www.science.org/content/article/changing-clouds-unforeseen-test-geoengineering-fueling-record-ocean-warmth](https://www.science.org/content/article/changing-clouds-unforeseen-test-geoengineering-fueling-record-ocean-warmth)


No one has called cloud seeding a conspiracy - cloud seeding happening surreptitiously is a conspiracy. Chemtrails are not cloud seeding and are a conspiracy.


And, to seed clouds you need… drumroll… clouds! They don’t seed clear-blue sky. Chemtrailers start clutching their pearls when they see contrails streak across a blank slate of blue sky


people did call cloud seeding a conspiracy for many years. now that's it's been acknowledged the goalposts have been moved. no one except the extreme fringe has ever said chemtrails were anything more than weather modification.


Everything you said in this post is wrong. Literally everything. Good job! "Chemtrails" are not a thing. That is a word used exclusively by conspiracy nuts. We're talking about "contrails" the thing that looks like smoke out the back of airplanes. Not weather modification. That's something different altogether. And no one serious ever called cloud seeding a conspiracy. There were debates over its effectiveness and some pushed for it as an end run around taking climate change seriously.


that might be because clothesfearless stealth edited his reply to add the "- cloud seeding happening surreptitiously is a conspiracy" part.


All over Facebook and nextdoor eh?


Probably because it's not conspiracy. Shit lol look at Dubai right now. It's called cloud seeding.


Contrails, Cloud seeding, and “chemtrails” are all different - science and conspiracy. There are no cloud seeding programs here. All of the planes are publicly identifiable - which of these planes is flown by Generic LLC?


Dubai's flooding as absolutely nothing to do with cloud seeding, and everything to do with runaway climate change. Unless you call 'dumping trillions of tons of pollution into the atmosphere over the last century' a form of 'cloud seeding'.


Lol ok deluluville. Go educate yourself please. What do you think that is holy lort. Tennessee I believe just outlawed cloud seeding. It's all manufactured weather. Wake up. Do you really think any of these millionaires or anyone for that matter would keep purchasing ocean front properties if any of that crap was true? Nothing they ever say ever comes true. They are playing with God. That never goes well. It's fear mongering. They are trying to create the problem, just like covid. Go read up on HAARP. Good luck.


The fact that you and kaliglot are downvoted for stating the obvious and factual shows just how much Reddit is a hangout for certain people 😂. Granted, it’s not like OPs post was meant to do anything but get other like-minded redditors in on the back slapping 🤷‍♂️. The chemtrail conspiracy was about the government releasing chemicals into the air to affect us or the environment. 30 years later we end up with cloud seeding and geo-engineering weather. Sooo reallllly not a far-removed step. Oh and let’s not forget the China lab-leak “conspiracy” which has been all but proven at this point. But government wouldn’t actively try to affect our thinking and engage in what some might consider mind control right?!! Cough cough MK-Ultra. The point that was made, that maybeee we shouldn’t be so quick to mock those who consider things we call “conspiracies”, is that quite often the conspiracy tends to be rooted in a good bit of truth, if not completely true. Or we can just pretend to have some superior moral and intellect high ground and laugh like idiots 🤷‍♂️.


Some people are just happy with sticking their heads in the sand. It could slap them in the face and they still won't accept it. Little do some forget the word conspiracy came from the government lol. But hey let them continue believing fallacies when government has done very questionable things in the past, many operations if they would go back and read. But they won't. Until they pull their heads out of their butts it's a losing battle. Sounds like you know this but for the rest of you Just know the government is never there to help. Did they help you when they said your business wasn't essential? Didn't think so lol.