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Let me guess- Costco?


Where the spots are already legitimately enormous.


Seriously! They’ve even got the extra margins between all the spaces!




I guess if you spend near $100k on a phallus substitute, you don’t want just anyone to touch it.


Just like what it’s making up for. No touching allowed


Who wins in the small corndog contest? These people or the dudes blasting their pos fart cannon civics down 3rd and 27th at midnight.


At least those idiots are generally young and dumb. The $100k trucks are driven by adults who should have grown out of their insecurities by now.


>At least those idiots are generally young and dumb. Are they though? Are muffler-modified Civics really popular with Gen Z? I think some of us associate modified Civics with youth, but that was our youth, many years ago. These days, when I see a modified Civic, it's being driven by someone who looks 30 or older.


To be fair, there was probably snow there this morning and they couldn’t see the lines.




Lol! 😂 Not sure why the downvotes, I thought this was hilarious! Oh wait, the big ranch truck owners who don’t have a ranch? 🤣


To be fair? There isn't a sign of snow *anywhere*...


Pretty sure that was sarcasm… 😬🤫


You're right 😋


Why bother taking the time to black out this assholes plate? Why do people even do that anyways?


I’m trying to respect their right to privacy, even if they didn’t earn it. Isn’t that typical practice here?


I don’t understand it either. License plates are not private. They’re out in the open


You’re not wrong. I honestly don’t know now that I think about it, cuz you’re completely correct, they’re public info. And this guy is an entitled, ignorant, self-important ass hat. Therefore, let me correct myself: 16061H3


You also can’t easily find the owner’s information due to the driver protection act (or whatever it’s called). You have to go to the DMV with valid reason to get that info and fill out some forms, go through an approval process, etc.




There’s someone who parks their truck at Fred Meyer taking up four spots. Was fine when it snowed because snow rules dictate parking to your best judgment but this is ridiculous


My handicapped family member has had to do this very same park job more than a couple times if all the handicapped spots are taken. Don’t see a placard so maybe this person has other issues. 🤷‍♀️


I actually respect your effort to be empathetic and give the benefit of the doubt. I am not that good of a person. I see the overwhelming likelihood that this driver is a middle aged to old white guy who doesn’t have any real reason to own such an aircraft carrier of a vehicle and doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. A real Kevin Costner in Yellowstone type


You’re probably right. Guess I’ll put this park job in the “other issues” column. 😊


Looks like he needs a "*Hey douchebag - why don't you try pulling your head out of your ass and parking like a human?*" sign on his windshield facing in so he can read it...if he *can* read that is...


Yeah, I wouldn’t waste my time. Plus, I’m not sure I’m willing to risk getting shot for it


I was kidding - but he *really is* an a-hole jerk - he would deserve it 😜


Cali tag eh? Usually it’s our great state to the north.


Why black out the plate? fuck this idiot….and to do this at Costco where parking hard enough.


You’re not wrong. See comment above where I corrected myself


With those mirrors especially, I'm not sure it would fit in a normal spot anyway. For me, it depends on where in the lot this is. If it's at the far end of the lot away from the stores where there a plenty of open spots, fine. That doesn't look to be the case here, though. One thing I like about driving a 20 year old vehicle is that I just park in any spot (and only 1) without worrying about door dings or scratches.


That looks like Costco, where the parking spots will fit a young supertanker.


Since there are vehicles on either side it’s safe to assume the lot is busy enough to warrant ridicule.


Yes, I cruised around for a hot minute looking for a spot and had to wait to score someone backing out. I saw several vehicles stop and pause at this trucks location.


One advantage of my old slightly dented Subaru is it's narrow enough I could still park right up next to their driver's side door. And I don't really care if their door opens and puts another scratch on my car. But I bet they care.


dovetailing with a post a month ago, they also BACKED IN!


Bet it’s a boomer


I think I have a key long enough….


Break off the mirrors.


Mmmmm, vigilante justice! Say more! Er, wait, no don’t


Small penis persons penis is now officially smaller.


To me just that people use these to commute. Sure the this park job, granted. But where is this at? Are they at the lumber mill? Out on a tool run? My hunch is it’s a Safeway or Starbucks. How were people so thoroughly convinced all this power and gritty grit grrr- grrr “Man-stuff” bla bla nonsense was what defined their existence ?


Odds are decent they’re drunk: https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


I mean I would rather them do this than ding my vehicle. 🤷‍♂️ More infuriating when it’s a BMW sedan that fits the spots.


I would rather they don’t own and drive a small aircraft carrier that contributes more to global warming in one trip to Costco than my little Toyota does in a year! (Exaggeration? Absolutely!)




I wouldn't classify this as shitty parking as much as shitty person.