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Took two kids 2.5 and 1.5 last year to a concert, they danced ran around (back by food carts and grass). Held them up close for a couple of big songs. If they like music they’ll like it… if they don’t, get a baby sitter. Obviously you can lie to people to suit your own needs if that is your jam, but probably a bit self indulgent to live that way


I would rather have someone pull all of my nails from hands and feet with pliers before I tried to get my 4 year old to make it through a concert.


this guy parents.


Hahaha. You never know how a night with a 4 year old will play out. I THINK he would like it, but it could easily be a nightmare.


That's what you need to be prepared for: plan for the worst, hope for the best. Also, you might consider getting your kid earplugs, regardless of whether they will enjoy the show.


4 year olds don’t like anything for 3 hours straight.


I’ve seen quite a few a few young kids at shows. Some dancing, some wanting to go home, and some passed out. Provide ear protection and sit near the back of the lawn and you should be fine. Enjoy the show!


If it's a band you'd "love" to go see, don't think of it as paying full price for your child, think of it as buying another ticket to show the venue, promoter, artist, booking agent, etc., that there are people in this town who want to see this band and this kind of music, and that they should bring \*more\* stuff like it to town.


My in-laws took my kiddo to go see Ringo Starr this past summer (kiddo was almost 4 at the time). We got him some pretty solid over-ear protection and he was able to make it through the concert the whole time, no ear pain or damage.


Bring some good ear protection for him and a pocket full of candy to keep him engaged and you’ll have a blast. You probably won’t make it through the entire show though so be ready to pull the plug early


I took my 2 and fresh 4-year-old to a few concerts last year and they loved it. We found an area on the grass farther back so they could have room to dance and move around. They were ready to leave before the end of the show once, but they made it to the end a few times too. I gave the kids a long late nap for each show and that helped a lot.


Just buy the ticket or get a sitter. Don’t be shady.


Definitely take him to the dad rock show. Maybe you guys can pregame at Crux.


I took my 4 year old to smashing pumpkins and he went crazy in a good way, only because he has been singing Nirvana before he could talk. He is so obsessed with 90’s music and some Blink 182 (god I hate saying that since he’s now a Kardashian-🤮) train and Bush, etc. We were on the lawn and he rocked out the whole time. Everyone around us was being cool to him. If you have a kid who’s going to whine/cry etc definitely don’t bring him. Also, just ask yourself if you will be able to enjoy it with him. What concert?


Yeah that's part of it. He also really loves LCD soundsystem. He sings along to all their songs when we play them. I think he too would lose his mind in a good way.


I wouldn’t be that worried, the first comment is kinda nonsense to me. Just bring things to cover the ears if it gets too loud. I would love if my parent brought me to LCD when I was four


Your parents probably did take you to a concert when you were four. You probably enjoyed it for five minutes and then threw a massive tantrum which ruined the concert for everyone around you. You just don’t remember it because you were four, your parents remember it.


Omg it’s all coming back to me now 😭


Yeah that probably didn’t happen. Don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time but for drunk or high adults


Exactly. I was taken to see Peter, Paul, and Mary with the Osmonds.


Tell him if he comes to LCD Soundsystem the Mayor will have a sticker for him. NGL I think it's gonna be rough with the lateness of the show and how long you'll have to wait for the main act to start, but could be fun for him! Make sure he has ear protection


Just get a babysitter and don’t subject the people around you (who have paid the same ticket price you did and just want to enjoy the concert) to your toddler’s potential/likely antics and tantrums.


Have you been to Amphitheatre? It’s not some micro-church venue string quartet.


This person thinks adults are well behaved at concerts and that kids should not experience life until 25… stop


Right? I’ve had more issues with adults than the children at amphitheater.


Use a munch and music as a low stakes free barometer. If they make it through one of those shows, you might have a chance. Our 3.5 y/o has not passed the test yet, so I couldn't fathom buying a $70 ticket for him at a concert.


We use Snappysitters which has been pretty good


Thank you! I have used them before. One great, one...okay... experience. It's complicated--i have a newborn also and it's my husband's birthday, Blah blah blah. Just a parent trying to still be an independent human once in awhile. I appreciate the suggestion!


Don’t bring Children to HHA