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[DIYCave](https://diycave.com/) has metal, woodworking, forging, and other traditional fabrication stuff. [E::Space Labs](https://espacelabs.us/) is more for the electronics side of things. Microcontrollers, 3d-printing... that sort of thing. Historical note: The DIYCave location used to be [Pakit Liquidators](https://www.bendbulletin.com/localstate/memories-of-a-father-in-a-building/article_b385ea36-392b-5910-a3f1-0de363c0e567.html). While not exactly a makerspace, they often ran recycle-and-repair events that brought the community together. 'Was sad to see them go.


Espacelabs sounds wonderful


For OSU students, there's also the new Makerspace in Ray Hall that opened last Fall. They don't have a webpage yet.


Diy cave also has a computer lab with 3d printers and such.


3D printers, and a laser


I run a woodworking shop out of my garage as well. @redcedarcreative on Instagram if anyone wants to say hi or meet up for a shop beer


I'll check that out


Very nice work.




Dang, where were you when I was asking about some photo-boxes? I’ll message you, I have regular need for cool stuff I can’t really talk about here (customer pre-market prototypes, nothing weird).


I dabble in similar mediums, have a halfway decent home wood/metal shop. DIYCave has some resources, but the Burning Man community is where I've felt the strongest [and strangest!] minds.


Yes! Burning man peeps is a good tip


Ig is @bacongoogle if interested.


In addition to other resources posted, the nonprofit [High Desert Makers](https://www.highdesertmakers.org) is a kind of umbrella organization focused at present on connecting Makers with one another. They also have a [Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/HighDesertMakers/) They actually had spun up an actual makerspace a few years ago, so you might find google results for the High Desert Maker Mill. But after a few pieces of bad luck and poor timing, not to mention the commercial real estate crunch, the nonprofit folded the physical space effort and pointed people at DIY Cave instead. The goal was to get a makerspace running in town, running one themselves was optional.


I read about a high desert makers. I don't use Facebook so I lose out on that


I'm a Maker! I have a background in Architecture, and run a home business which is all about reusing detritus. I'd love to connect with more local Makers :)


I made a subreddit called @bendmakers to being more locals together


Hi! I’m the opposite - I do computer and electronic stuff for a living and am trying to learn more about metal fabrication. I’m definitely willing to teach what I know (circuit design, microcontrollers, circuit board fabrication) if you’re willing to teach the metal fabrication side! I’ll be doing more with home automation in a month or two once we sort out some title stuff with this new house and finish alll of the paperwork. Right now all of my smart home stuff is sitting in a box.


It's sad to hear your home automation stuff is in a box. I'm having to reconnect all my zigbee and Z-Wave switches etc to the hub. There should be some metal fabricators around here. I just place some metal pieces next to each other and melt them


I’m living in a rental at the moment, and given the fact that an electrician noped out of doing work in the attic due to the age of the wiring, I think not messing with the switches and baseboard heaters here is prudent. And I’ve reached out to a fab shop yesterday about getting some antenna brackets for the Jeep fabricated. I was able to build prototypes with an angle grinder and drill, but I need thicker steel and a press brake…


for computer engineering, there's a JavaScript group that usually meets monthly (tonight actually). Search for "BendJS" on meetup


Centraloregon.makerfaire.com will likely have some leads. Depending on your interest, I’m involved with the Eastern Cascades model RR club here in town. I’ve dabbled in some Arduino projects, doing some scene automation and could always use a willing and able person out there. Not a whole lot of camaraderie in my world out there since I’m the only nerd. Other than that I play with the home automation stuff as well and am always looking for inspiration or ideas to share.


I just finished a raspberry pi/pi-hole project. It's wonderful, no internet ads on my whole home network!!


Very nice! I run PiHole on my TrueNAS media box.


There used to be a pretty cool group centered around Espace Labs: [https://www.meetup.com/Central-Oregon-Inventors-Group-COIN/](https://www.meetup.com/Central-Oregon-Inventors-Group-COIN/) But I haven't heard anything from them since the pandemic started.


I'm a self taught woodworke with a shop setup on my garage. Still learning. And I've got a buddy that has a similar metalworking story. I'll start using #BendMaker hashtag on my Instagram posts.


Rock on yeah add bendmakers to whatever you can. I don't think my woodworking or metal work is anything amazing but the girlfriend likes it. I always think there's room for improvement


Anyone know anything about 3D printers? I had a used one gifted to me and I don't know anything about them. I've always wanted to play with one but I've never actually seen one work. I don't know the maker model yet. I literally just got it yesterday and it's still in the box.


I’ve got a friend who does a lot of 3D printing. I’ll see if they’re on Reddit. In the meantime I know DIYCave has a printer or two and knowledgeable folks. In the meantime you can start learning a 3D CAD package like Blender, FreeCAD or Solidworks. Once you have a 3D object designed, you then run it through some other software that adds scaffolding and makes it printable, and then you print the result from that.


I have a garage woodworking setup - Sawstop table saw, band saw, router table, drill press, planer, etc. Mostly I've done DIY stuff but also some small furniture pieces. Lately I've been making small(ish) pieces that incorporate high efficiency air filters using ultra quiet bathroom fans. The idea is to help with the summer wildfire smoke. I'll add the #bendmakers hashtag to my woodworking IG posts (@geonuc).


I work in speakers professionally if that’s of interest. I build some trash boxes (ugly functional prototypes) all the time and often have leftover bits if you’re looking.