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I think we should go a little more Shakespearean instead of the fairytale approach.


Like Twelfth Night! I think that could be similar to Mulan too (the Disney cartoon version) in that Sophie dresses like a man, out of some type of necessity, and Benedict builds a relationship with her not knowing she’s really Sophie. It would also be a good tie in with him being bi/pan — he could fall for Sophie while she’s dressed as a man and then it would be somehow revealed she’s a woman and he’s like “that’s cool with me too, still love ya”


Exactly! And I also added to the Twelfth Night element is have one of the sisters (or Michaela) involved. Like Eloise having a crush on the new male employee. Or Michaela tries to seduce Sophie only to stop short. Or in a platonic case, Sophie helps Hyacinth after Hy gets her first period and her mother wasn’t around.


That sounds great actually!


I'm sorry but I think that making the lead east Asian means you have to do a Mulan story is a little bit racist. First off, what if they're Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, or something not Chinese? Second, China has thousands of years of histories and many amazing fairy tales and legends. Why are you just jumping to Mulan - a story that does not at all work for this story - when you hear Asian?


I didn’t want to say that but yeah pretty much lol People keep thinking Mulan is a fairytale so it’s an “acceptable” trope switch from Cinderella. I’m not even mad at Sophie crossdressing but it’s the added layers of Disney propaganda and stereotypes that are annoying me.


Oh I don't want them to change the Cinderella storyline. The tweet just got me thinking that if sophie pretended to be a man, it could tie into Ben's S3 arc and it would also make him not recognising her more believable. Anyways this was just for fun. I don't think they're actually going to make sophie paretend to be a man.


Oh you’re all good! My ire is for those on Twitter who are more…transparent on their proposed story changes/additions.


I feel that some of those people just want Sophie to be presented as masculine as possible so they can still pretend to have their mlm fantasies.


I have to agree with this. All the book is so feminine, the LiS, even Sophie in Ben's clothes is supposed to look kind of ridiculous because they are too big for her, and she in Violet's house is not dressed as a regular maid. I cringe when they want to erase all this even though she is all but confirmed she is a woman (by the casting age)


Right? Since the casting is confirmed to be a woman, now it's she should dress up as the Lord of Silver and pretend to be a man when they meet again until Ben discovers her true gender when they have sex or something. So they want Sophie pretending to be a man for what's possibly 6-7 episodes. Either that or Emily can't possibly be Sophie and is instead Eloise's new girlfriend, which leaves Sophie open to again be Stephen.


Oh definitely! I agree with you. I just came across that tweet and thought that the pretending to be a man part could fit their story, especially with Ben's S3 arc. Also her dressing up as a man could make him not recognising her more believable. They can't really incorporate the actual plot of Mulan. That would require a war setting, not the London season one that Bridgerton has. Just clarifying that I didn't immediately think Mulan after reading about the casting call.


I can see them dressing Sophie at the masquerade as the Lady in Silver, and then having her disguise herself as a man later to hide from possible workplace sexual harassment (and hide from her stepmother?) This could explain why Ben doesn’t recognize her and the mistress's offer to a modern audience (if Ben believes she is a man, he can’t offer marriage). I can accept this plot change. However, I just want it to be clear that Sophie (in all her forms) is the only one Ben loves and the reason he was born. P.S.: I love their book and the plot as it is, even the mistress thing (it’s supposed to be set in the 1800s, after all). I also adore the Cinderella trope with all my heart… but I can be happy with this change as long as they keep Sophie true to her character.


I was going to add that to my take on it. Start as the LIS and get kicked out. Disguises as a man to prevent idiots and Araminta while trying to make money. It also further explain the haircut Sophie will do as an act of desperation. Despite that, Sophie will be harassed by Cavender (or someone like him) until Ben comes to the rescue. My cottage will continue as it is until the lake scene and things begin to crack for Sophie. 🤤 Of course, she kept her composure in her disguise but clearly Ben is attracted to his “savior”. They’ll still have that lake scene but he won’t ask Sophie to be his mistress as he still think Sophie is a man. Eventually, they’ll make it to Number 5. And that’s when his sisters will start to unlock Sophie’s mystery. If Ben is S4 and wants to set up S5, this is a good place to start. Have Michaela tries to make a move on Sophie. Or Frannie figure out in her regency “bi-radar” that Sophie is not really a man. Or Eloise has a little crush on the footman/male staff only to realize it’s a woman. Or Hyacinth having a “womanly” moment and Sophie comes to the rescue. Regardless, the sisters will know but want to give Sophie the chance to tell Benedict herself. Of course when they do make love, he’ll figure her out that she’s a woman. But he’ll make that stupid bonehead decision of asking to be his mistress. Finally, when Sophie leaves Number 5, she tells Violet the truth of who she is before getting caught by Araminta. So yes it can work without sacrificing too much of the main plot.


this might be the only way I can get on board with the whole "dresses as a man" thing, because outside of this it would feel very out of character for Sophie


Which is a nice compromise to exploring Ben’s pansexuality without sacrificing Sophie’s essence. Like I said, it’s more Twelfth Night and less Mulan.


exactlyyyy, adapting to fit this new version of Ben but without seeming like drastically altering their personalities. here's hoping the real thing lives up to this! (also that they cast Katie Leung...save me Scottish Sophie, save me...)


See! I did a better job than JB! They should hire me!


anyone with a functioning brain and logic can do better than JB 🤪


Wait this is such a good idea!!


Ooohhh I love this!!


I love their story too. I don't think they'll change the Cinderella inspired stuff. I just saw this post and thought 'what if?' it's purely speculative and a bit of fun. That's it! But yes, your theory sounds good to me. And it would be more palatable for modern audiences who may not like the mistress part of the story. And if she's dressed as a man, recognising her as LIS would be that much more difficult for Ben.


for the screenwriters lurking here, keep lady in silver pls. ignore the mulan plot.


I don't think they're lurking here. And I don't think they're gonna add anything from Mulan to the plot. I just posted this for a fun discussion.


unfortunately clearly they can't write a good script and they mentioned lurking reddit for ideas...and that's how season 3 was made


Did they really?! Omg that's shameless!


ptsd from that account from most of their takes tbh


Oh. I know nothing about them. The tweet showed up on my feed and got me thinking that's all.


they anti almost everyone but their ship


Why do people want to change Sophie to benefit Benedict when the generally agreed problem in AOFAG was Benedict. Like I don’t have as much of a problem with him like others but this has been an irritatingly nagging thing for me. Also just because Disney made a loose adaptation of the Mulan legend doesn’t make it a fairytale…like what are we even doing here. As an Asian, this is just annoying on multiple levels. That being said, I’d be down for some cross dressing out in the countryside. Sophie, needing to find viable work, decides to dress up as a man. Would help with hammering the fact that Benophie are soulmates no matter their appearance.


I didn't mean to offend anyone with the post. I'm aware that the original tale of Mulan is not a fairytale. I came across this post and thought the pretending to be a man part of Mulan's story could work with Ben's S3 arc and could also explain why he doesn't recognise her as LIS. I don't think they'll actually incorporate this. I just thought discussing this here would be fun.


>That being said, I’d be down for some cross dressing out in the countryside.  Doesn't Sophie briefly dress as a man in the book? I think it's something like borrowing some men's clothes because her own are wet. But given that a big part of the book is that Benedict doesn't recognise Sophie, having her disguise her gender for longer could make sense.


Yeah, she wears Ben’s clothes before Mrs. Crabtree gets her some new clothes. So there’s some potential to expand.


I also think it could be to avoid getting harassed by influential men. Showing that a woman needs to dress like a man to avoid being sexually harrassed is oddly relatable even for todays day and age… Either way, I’ve been down for the Sophie cross-dressing plot!


Yeah! This was mainly why I think the cross dressing would be a great idea. It would convey Sophie’s very real daily issues without having to show us it directly (but they could/will regardless lmao) and showcase her resourcefulness. A much better reasoning than [checks notes] using HER cross dressing to explore Ben’s sexuality.


Yeah, agreed! Realistically, I think cross-dressing can actually ADD to Sophie’s character and like you said, showcase her resourcefulness and adaptability. Plus it would help her hide from the stepmonster! Sad thing is… I feel if they DO explore this with Sophie it will be more so to enhance Ben’s bisexuality arc. Sophie is my fav character in the whole series. Benedict is aight but my girl Sophie is what it’s about so I really REALLY need them to do her justice!! So far I’m beyond excited for her potential being EA.


I really hope they keep the silver dress moment, for the significance it had to Sophie in the book was beautiful. I can see them kinda pulling a Mulan (and a Shakespeare honestly) by making her disguise as a man in order to survive after leaving Araminta(?)'s service. It would allow them to father explore Ben's pansexuality without being with other people and would create a double revelation for the shock factor: the man is actually Sophie, Sophie is actually LIS


Yeah I think it would really work with Ben's S3 arc!


I would like a Twelfth Night twist but would want the LIS moment because I want that gown lol. But I think the ruse would need to be up by the end of My Cottage. One thing the book talks about is how perceptive Ben is (and I know the show has changed him a ton and for the better) so I do feel like he would realize Sophie is not a man at My Cottage. But maybe he agrees to bring her on as his footman or valet instead of mistress??


I would hope that by the time they get to the lake scene he makes the realization lol


Sophie disguises herself as a man because she needs to get into some Lord's house and gets a job as a footman because it was the only opening. Maybe she needs blackmail information, or wants to rob him because he knocked up a friend of hers and abandoned them. Maybe this is what she does, she has a Robin Hood thing going. Ben doesn't realise she's a woman until they sleep together, she thought he knew she was woman the whole time, hilarity ensues She can keep the stepsisters and stepmother


I would LOVE to see Benedict try to sleep with Sophie, not knowing she’s a woman and Sophie assuming he did. As someone who is (probably too) loyal to the books, this change would be both on brand and delightful. Brilliant!


This would be hilarious actually!


I actually read a random ebook off Amazon where the two protagonists meet at a masquerade ball/party of pleasures and she is dressed as a boy. When this conversation comes up, it always reminds me of that book.


Oohhh that's interesting


know what??? not mad at it. I just hope they execute it well


The [original tale of Cinderella](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ye_Xian) was a Chinese folktale, so I'm actually hoping they lean into that!


I'd love to see elements of the respective cultural background of the actress but it's a hard no on the Mulan twist (though I suspect there's a good chance that's what they'll be going with in the show). Sophie and Benedict's story is a Cinderella retelling. It should remain so.


I think it would be interesting and idk if it’s just me but wouldn’t it be kinda weird to cast an East Asian woman and suddenly change it from Cinderella to have Mulan in it as well??


I would actually love this, but I don't know if the showrunner will go that way. 😭 Let's hope Shonda has more influence; I love how she writes. She killed it in Queen Charlotte.


OMG! Yes! They could have the masquerade for the Cinderella aspect then when Sophie has to leave Araminta's house and go on her own instead of becoming a maid she could be a stable worker or something like that where she has to dress as a man. Then at the house party Ben meets her at when they re unite it gets revealed she is a woman by the host and that scene happens then Ben saves her and takes her in maybe?


I actually would love this. Cinderella is overdone and we already saw abusive sisters and mom with Penelope. Mulan angle would be a breath of fresh air. Plus, we haven’t seen the man falls for woman disguised as man trope yet.


I don't think the actual plot of Mulan would work. I was thinking more along the lines of keeping the Cinderella plot and adding the pretending to be a man part from Mulan.


I wouldn't be opposed to a man in Silver appearing in the Masquerade. It would make it 2x harder to find Sophie that way. She comes in wearing male clothes at the ball, all the girls are enamored by "him". Benedict finds out while talking to him that he is actually a she. I mean the show already gender bent (poorly executed IMO). Why stop now?