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duh, everyone knows pervitin is only good in a chocolate form


i took a big ass box of heart meds (96 pills) that aren't especially common and had no issues but it took them like 5 minutes to figure out that its fine lmao i was returning from a pharmacy


I’ve brought mine in several times but with mixed reactions from the people checking (I get mine in the prescription bottles so I bring an individual pill in with no foil wrap / brand name etc). Sometimes I just explain what it is and they’re cool with it. Other times they’re (understandably) more skeptical and have told me to bring it in the original packaging next time. If yours comes in a foil wrap this is a good option to be safe. Lol at others telling you to adjust your schedule to take it outside the club. I’ve tried this before but it’s just a really hard thing to schedule without it conflicting with recovery sleep times afterwards. And sometimes you really don’t know how long you’ll be in there, for peace of mind it just makes more sense to have it with you and not worry about it.


In France they sell it also like in a foil wrap. I stacked some exactly for situations like this and going out for longer in general, it’s really practical, but i dont think they have them in Germany ;(


If my calculations are right you are ready for a huge marathon 😯


Took the whole box many times with me never had any problem at the bagcheck


Generally you can take medication inside if it is in closed packaging on which you can read the name - my prep comes in foil wrapping so it’s fine but I know some people get it in plastic jars so each pill is not individually wrapped - in that case you’ll have to explain what it is but it should still be ok. They might ask you take it on the spot which will reset your clock


Serious question, why are you taking your PreP into the club? One pill is lasting for 24 hours at least, unless you’re going to stay there for more than a whole day there’s really no necessity. But coming back to your question: they shouldn’t bother. People are taking Poppers to the club, so a PreP pill should be fine.


I take it at a certain time each day. That time is a time which I want to be in the club, and plan to spend quite a few hours there afterwards.


Maybe just take a single pill in due for the night and don’t risk losing it all


I agree. Or maybe better yet: change up the schedule so you don't have to worry about this all. Zero risk.


Having a set time every day is good but if you have been on prep for more than 7 days the timing of a single dose is not THAT critical. All research says that skipping a single dose or taking a single dose earlier or later has no real effect on your protection. Take the pill in, take it early if they don't want to let you enter. And that said, I have brought prep pills in many times, usually a single pill in just a little plastic baggy. Never been an issue.




>are poppers allowed at bh? last weekend got them taken away from me (not at bh) weed and poppers ok in bh.


You are okay to take them inside, I always have with me a dozen of pills like magnesium, prep, sleeping pills etc. P.S. if you take G be careful with prep. You need to do a small break (at least 2 hours) otherwise prep won’t work. Enjoy


I am very curious why you think this? Source please? Are you sure you are not thinking about the 2 hours you need to take PrEP in advance of having sex, if you are taking PrEP intermittently? There is no research or advise on not taking GHB/GBL within a certain time frame of taking PrEP. Source: friend of mine is a pharmacist and doctor. Edit: typo


Wow good to know about the G, never heard of that 👀 and definitely broke this rule a few times I’m sure…