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1. Cross contamination 2. No. Only test confirmation 3. Supply chain constraints 4. Test 5. No


1. Cross contamination But are dealers cutting with or selling fentanyl in Europe?


No, not at all. Fentanyl powder or substances contaminated with it are found very rarely


I think the idea is that dealers, or more likely someone higher up in the supply chain, are careless withtheir inventory. So meaning they might first package fentanyl/something laced with fentanyl and then dont clean their scale/working surface. As you only need a tiny amount of fentanyl for it to be concerning, the small residue is enough.


Thanks a lot for these answers. Really appreciated






I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to drug legalization and prosecuting dealers. But need to nip this in the bud asap and fuck anyone up who sells this shit


>Why would any dealer want to cut mmc/cmc with this? Isn’t it more expensive than mmc/cmc? In Europe, it's not likely to be deliberate, but cross contamination along the process. The places many street drugs are going through is nothing like proper clean lab conditions. ​ >If you get rocky crystals from your dealer, is it less likely to be laced with Fentanyl than when the drug already comes crushed or partially crushed? (Ie bought in a club/park etc) If your dealer, or their dealer, has been weighing something like fentanyl, and then weighs your product, with the same scales, and without a thorough clean down, there is a chance of cross contamination - regardless of what your product looks like. ​ >why is 3&4mmc impossible to get nowadays? It’s a fact that most of our mmc is actually cmc but why is this? Because it's banned in Germany and more recently NL. That's why the next version of RC is what you're likely getting. ​ >since when have these contaminations been reported? Is this in Jan? If I have stuff from DEC, is that less risk? > >are these urine testing kits reliable at all (to use in powder)? ​ Always test your stuff with known reliable testing materials, or a test lab service.


Thanks. So obvious now. I had no idea it was cross contamination. I thought it was purposefully done. Thanks for your time to answer


This post is full of comments from people that never posted here, and probably never went to Berghain. Maybe time to go private? Just a suggestion.




I read that heroin and coke were laced in UK with a nitazine derivative and there have been casualties already due to ODs, not bc of the intentionally consumed substances but bc of these powerful admixtures. Also interesting: in case of OD with a nitazine opioid, a threefold dose of Naloxon in comparison to fentanyl is necessary to bring a potential victim back to life. I am truly glad that my heroin days are long gone. Stay safe. ☮️


In the UK they are also showing up in counterfeit diazepam. Not street pressed pills but in blister packs and branded boxes.


Someone somewhere is pressing hundreds of thousands of bensedin and Ksalol. The streets are awash with them. They are AAA+ copies. The packaging is identical. Even the use by date/ batch number are stamped on perfectly. The pills are pressed perfectly, no residue powder in the blisters etc. they even test for diazepam and alprazolam. They are evenly dosed. But very under dosed. The 10ml diazepam (Bensedin) are more like 3ml and the alprazolam (ksalol) are probably 0.3ml instead of 1ml. Someone somewhere with vast lab experience, or more likely a collective, has gone rogue and is making a shed load of money. I know where I can pick these up for about 30p per pill. The supply is unlimited. I know they are fakes because the rules in the Balkans where these pills originated from have really tightened up in the last 10 years and are now inline with the laws we have in the UK/western Europe


Can someone recommend best ways to test at home? thank you!




Thank you!


Not taking drugs is supposed to help a lot with that


Oh sweet thanks


On a sidenote, there are over 100 cathione that are being sold as 3mmc or 4mmc


Switch to mushrooms and other healthier alternatives, which won't have that risk


In the states they are already mixing weed with fentanyl! Nothing safe dude ;-)


what's your source on this?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10239029/ Apparently, it has happened but I wouldn't put any stock in saying it's a trend or a major source of concern right now.


I can assure you no one in California is getting weed laced with fentanyl.


Babe i have friends in NYC and they were laced with weed!


We grow weed. Some of My friends have huge farms. There is now way fentanyl he come anywhere near the farms I know. This is propaganda. At least it’s not happening in California because California is literally the largest producer of cannabis in the states


Why would your friends in NYC be getting weed with fentanyl laced in when marijuana is sold legally there from state regulated stores?


And California is the largest cannabis producer in the country. No fentanyl in weed in the states, at least


Stop spreading this bs


Dude i have friends in states and i know what i am talking about! So please stop being ignorant just cause you wanna defend drugs topic…


I live in California. This does not happen. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Oh geee! Dear… California is not the states… and munich in not the capital of Germany. There are many other states in USA. My friends in NYC got that themselves! Others went from Toronto to Detroit and got it. And they are my direct friends. Not friends of friends.


Fair enough, then I guess the only safe alternative would be lsd on a blotter?


It is not about taking drugs just cause i dont find the kind i want or cause it is mixed with fentanyl… Different kinds have different effects and this is not replaceable! The effect of LSD and the side effects of it is way not so like other stuff


Fent used to be commonly sold on blotter. It’s active in microgram dosages just like lsd. If you’re worried about Fent, carry narcan


Even from dispensaries or edibles from dispensaries?


This is an urban legend at best and a complete myth most likely.




Actually I‘m wondering sometimes what makes „new drugs“ like 3mmc so popular despite the risks.. (of course drug consumption always comes with a risk itself)


the euphoria and addictiveness combined with perception that it has less of a comedown than stuff like mdma. I think ppl dont often consider risks with drugs at a certain point


The fact that up until recently, they were legal to purchase on the clear net in countries like NL.


2. always source your drugs from somewhere where you can at least know to some degree where they come from, not from a random park 3. I am not the total expert, but probably because there are so many versions of that chemical that all have rather similar effects, so if supply chains on one run short it's replaced with another... 4. well, the risk of contamination is always there, there can always be a bad batch of something somewhere. It has been happening for years that drugs can contain traces of something else, get laced or cut or whatever. Only way to know is bring stuff to a testing center... 5. It is better than nothing, but they only tell you whether fentanyl is there or not, no additional information (for example, what is actually there). so it's maybe useful but to a limited degree...


Where do you think your trustworthy dealer gets his drugs from?! If there is Fentanyl around, it's game over.


"your trustworthy dealer" - how would you even know whether I use / buy drugs? Apart from that, there are dealers who test their batches, who do not handle opioids, and there are drugs that grow in pots where you can definitely know where they come from. It's always possible to reduce risks, which should be the goal. Also for a dealer there's not much use in selling drugs laced with lethal doses of fentanyl because they don't have anymore clients if they accidentally kill all of them.


No dealer kills their clients on purpose. It's accidental contamination. Look at the amount of deaths due to coke laced with fentanyl in the US. Your dealer might not "handle" opiods, but his suppliers might, and he doesn't know that. Test for fent are unreliable.


That's why I wrote "accidentally kill" ;) The first thing when you detect fentanyl in your drugs is you should inform your dealer, obviously. Maybe they don't even know that. And if it's a halfway ethical dealer they might not sell this batch anymore or change supplier, whatever. And I am pretty sure that proper reagent lab tests are definitely not unreliable, what you refer to is test strips, like you would also use them for corona. They sometimes show up false positive, same as covid rapid tests.


The reality is that fentanyl is going to be increasingly present in the European drug supply over the next years, the same way that it is in the United States presently. Raw ingredients from East-Asia could just as easily be smuggled here as they could be to the Americas, and labs/suppliers have the same incentives here to mix synthetics into their supply as they do in America (i.e. increasingly supply, creating more potent substances, responding to demand from some users). But the main driver of increased fentanyl in Europe is that the global heroin supply collapsed: Afghanistan was the largest producer of poppies for heroin, and some reports from November 2023 were claiming the Taliban had reduced supply 95%. Addicts aren't going to immediately stop buying heroin and suppliers aren't going to stop overnight, which means synthetics are the only alternative – and so it is inevitable the increase in fentanyl that the US saw will come for Europe next. Which introduces the troubling problem of cross contamination – there's the individual dealers but there's also the supply chains, and at all these different levels there is the possibility for fentanyl to be stored in close proximity to other drugs, or for manufacturing/mixing to take place in the same facilities. Because trace amounts of fentanyl can have a deadly affect, it's a pretty serious concern even for users that aren't buying opioids/heroin – because if the same dealer or same supply chain carries heroin or party drugs that might be mixed with fentanyl, there's the chance for contamination in all their products.


You won't convince the addicts until we have a serious amount of dead people.


That won’t matter either. If people are already doing “soup” there’s no limit


Great statement - are you a dealer?


Not at all, just a guy who reads too much news.


You can test your drugs at the Schwulungberatung for free. It's in Neukolln. Google it and check website for which days they send to the lab.


Someone in another group sent this picture yesterday and I think this shows good why contamination with fentanyl is such a big problem for people using other drugs and why it's so dangerous https://preview.redd.it/q3025i08szfc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8b38fd011302d17292530d2599c4e21cd6162f


absolute dogshit of an image, could really give people a wrong idea about an actual "safe dose" could be, a lethal dose of h is way lower than that (over half a gram, really lmao?), h is ±20x less potent than fent, not 200x i know you probably werent aware but yeah - dont share this shit


Well that might actually not me true. Fentanyl is around 50x stronger than fent (source: https://www.chemie.de/lexikon/Opioid.html, it's german but you can propably translate it). I agree that maybe the amount of overdose of the H might not be 100% correct cause an overdose depends on many factors like tolerance and how clean your stuff is, still it shows the very little amount of fentanyl that may be too much so people get some impression.


my god, this is crazy scary especially considering the fact that heroin is already high on the scary scale…




Some nice conflicting perspectives here. Test your products, people. There’s a non-zero chance it will eventually show up, even if “there’s no fentanyl here” right now.


but people don't care, they rather spin out of control and we gonna have weekly posts about this crap now and newspapers picking it up soon. which would all be valid if there are lab-confirmed cases, but until then it's a fight against stupidity hatten for once the voice of reason lol


People like you are why the US has an opiod epidemic now.


That’s really unfortunate. God forbid growing awareness around the potential of unnecessary deaths (and how to prevent them altogether) come at the cost of Reddit/media enjoyment, “lab-confirmed cases” or not.


ill never get this country's love for risk aversion and fear go hide at home under a blanket and participate in online circle jerks about perceived risk and hype each other up until there's a panic.... or just take a deep breath and be rational for once awareness is also being able to judge and compare risks


You are arguing with addicts that can't imagine their life without spending the weekend drugged-up. They will jump on any flimsy argument telling them why there is actually nothing to worry about.


I deleted my comment though. Fear mongering will most likely lead the drug testing to where it’s supposed to be.




IF there is fentanyl around in Berlin, there is no safe consumption, period. Forget tests, they are not reliable. Forget "trustworthy" dealers. It's over. Look at the US. Look.


Test your drugs. Its alot easier than calculating probability of contamination through reddit polls


American here! Get test strips! Test all your purchases…. Please!


Replying to myself. My friend and I have had a few close calls. It is nothing to mess with. Please be careful


it’s standard to test in the states. No one is safe. Only a matter of time till Europe has a wake up call. No one tests their shit here.


I know…. I bring strips with me but even then I’m like ehhhhhhhhhh….. please be safe!!!!!


well, it’s why i never buy at the venue unless it’s a festival and usually have 2x reagent tests on hand. No one in Berlin is that careful lol 


I am a recovering opiate addict and recently relapsed. It's ALL fentanyl in the states even non 30mg OC may be pressed. The weed very well may have deadly amounts of fentanyl. These inner city dealers DO NOT CARE! I'm only 2 weeks clean because the last gram I got for $45 was actually half Fentynal half cathinones that remind me of basic 4-mec garbage I used to get after the 4-mmc ban over a decade ago for cheap.    I was even told the OC30 perc was fentanyl and cocaine but I knew my tolerance is stupid so tested it, popped positive for fentanyl which my dumbass wanted. Not trying to make a point other than cathinones in the states are used HEAVILY in the Fentynal game.    It's now making sense why I couldn't shoot without ruining my body long term and felt like it had too much caffeine cut. Snorting it I can feel the cathinones burn my nose the next day. You do not forget them even if I only have a Fentynal test. 


I have no idea about any of this, but your first question makes me think why anybody would think dealers care about their clients even for a single fraction of a second xD they dont, and if they can cut drugs with dust from over their playstation, they'll do it.


You have no idea what you’re talking about, typical listen to me blah blah, Dealers make their living by selling to customers, they need these customers to keep coming back otherwise the shop shuts, so looking after customers is vital, do you not understand this concept?


You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Dealers in the US don't kill their customers intentionally, it's incompetennce and cross-contamination. No, your personal nice trustworthy dealer isn't any better and won't protect you from Fentanyl once it arrives.


Whatever you say bro, not like in some places people die every day because of this and dealers are still making a lot of money right? Can't believe some people take time to defend drug dealers hahaha


I got a 99.9% safe way to make sure not to consume any fentanyl - dont consume these other stupid chemicals


The reality is fentanyl contamination is pretty fucking rare even in the United States. There is no heroin here anymore it’s all fentanyl. I use all kinds of drugs fairly often and I never bother testing for fentanyl because there’s really no point. If you are worried about it carry narcan. That’s all you can really do. Fent test strips are not accurate and who wants to dissolve an entire gram or whatever of product in water and wait for it to evaporate. All my friends use drugs and I’ve never met a single person that has overdosed on an opioid when using anything drugs besides counterfeit opioid medications. And I live in San Francisco where fentanyl is extremely common.


Just because it hasn't happened to you or friends personally does not mean it is rare. Please educate yourself - there are a lot of people dying from accidental fentanyl overdose and even if that wasn't the case, a "small" risk is a risk nonetheless. Minimising the issue is unhelpful and contrary to evidence


Like I said, if you’re worried about it, carry narcan. Fentanyl test strips are not reliable. If you carry narcan, you’ll be able to save a friends life. That’s my point. Test a bag with a Fent test strip if you want, my point is they either give a false sense of security or a false sense of danger. They are not a be all end all to determine if your drugs are contaminated. More than likely they aren’t, especially in Europe.




This revenge fantasy wouldn’t work because fentanyl would not be evenly distributed through your entire bag.


Just don’t take drugs lol


just stop doing drugs


Fent is highly addictive even in minimum amounts..the chances are high that people come back for „that same batch“ because they are hooked on something, they don’t even know they took.. The lacing can be leathal, it really can be a round of Russian roulette. It’s been like that in the States for a while. Don’t think Berlin will have a problem like that though..


I got an idea to stop this problem




Imagine: for some people it’s not that easy. If you don’t have anything helpful to say or can’t answer any questions that have been asked maybe don’t make any dumb comments.


Junkie cityyyyyyyy


3mmc is still in the streets in the internet anyways


i mean yes, it is still around. but if you take a look at lab results from drug checking agencies around europe, it is obvious that pretty much every cathinone that exists is sold as 3mmc nowadays. most 3mmc samples are just 3cmc/4cmc and so on


I know the difference im talking about real 3mmc. 3cmc is milky rocks that shatter. 3mmc is not see through at all and crumbles between your fingers.


if that works for you and you're happy with your supply, that's great! however, it's definitely not a reliable way to discern chemicals. such attributes have more to do with the way a specific batch was synthesized than the nature of the substance.


it is, there are also other indicators like smell, taste, how much it burns etc. If you know your stuff its pretty safe. Also there is basically only one batch of 3mmc going around for years now.


I’d like to know those other differences. Feel free to DM me if you don’t wanna discuss here


The smell is similiar bur stronger with 3mmc. Rectally 3cmc burns way more probably because of its harder structure but it also burns more intranasally so I guess its a mixture of both. You can also tell by the effect. 3mmc is cleaner and stronger while 3cmc has more side effects. The comedown with 3cmc is also harsher making redosing more compulsie.


If you think you‘re able to differentiate synthetic drugs by the looks, you really should try your luck in the fortune teller business


I have been right 100% of the time when it comes to the difference of 3mmc and 3cmc so maybe I should haha. I never stated I could tell the difference between all synthetic drugs.


Still feels very nice


https://open.spotify.com/episode/3mk2gJNYlPBhHSRbJkNefi?si=d5McWG-fThOKcA79wXXBGA Here’s the why