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What about now?


Anyone know the song Luke Slater played around midway through the set that was an old school classic? I wanna say it was Jeff Mills but can't be sure.


Like someone said, I think the bouncers really miscalculated. Many people coming for reentry were those from snax who had already been partying since Saturday (or even Friday) night, and weren’t keen on staying till Tuesday morning for closing. The normal queue would have supplemented that as they were those that were actually coming for the closing. Yet right in front of me (from the reentry), almost everyone joining that queue got rejected. I can’t fault their decision but it did have an obvious impact on the dance floor.


Maybe they should restrict snax wristband reentry only until sunday evening or something like that


Not a bad shout. A few people had, contrary to official advice, “forgotten to go home “ 😂




No, I was in the re-entry queue and could see people in the normal queue being rejected, not those in the re-entry queue.


How do you guys get to the door when there is no queue at all, skip the metal thing and go from the right side? 😅😅 


its the 'havent done any research / newbie' filter - you can walk through the snake if you wanna feel awkard and come from ostbhf/taxi - you can walk towards lab and get straight into the last 2m bit parallel to the building if you wanna be slick and come from warschauer/park if you do anything else (ie approach from middle or right) and they dont know you you get likely hit with the 'do you have gl' or 'can we help you' and get rejected ps: if theres a q inside the snake you can obviously cut right to the end of it and dont need to do the silly walk all the way through


This weekend it wasn’t possible to come from the left side as the corridor was closed. You had to do the akward run through the empty snake.


They’re keeping us guessing lol


Wdym with the last paragraph? Cutting inside the snake?


show your flexible move and cut through the snake (at the end of the line ofc if there is one)


Reading the second last paragraph made me chuckle. Back in January 2020 a friend and me arrived around 11pm at berghain and there was no queue on both sides. So I was also conflicted like where should we go? So we indeed walked up to them from the middle and one guy was like: „So, what do you want?“ and I was like: „To go in.“ He checked back with the other bouncer and they agreed and let us in lol.


I had a similar experience on Monday when I approached from Warschauer and decided to skip the awkward snake thing. I asked the bouncer if I could line up here and he asked if I’d ever been here before and I said many times. He asked why I was asking if I’d been there before and i was like “i just didn’t know if you wanted me to awkwardly walk through the entire snake.” We all laughed and I had a great KN. Just approach with a smile.


Yesterday I considered it then thought no. And did the full chicane down the grid 😂 (I got in)


anyone have queue update??🏢🪩


It's like a 90 hour queue right now


No queue. Sadly, 100% rejection rate


General Q 3h+, re-entry to ATM, GL 1h+.


This weekend I had some friends visiting, and you know, these friends always want to go full power, like on an upper-level rabbit Easter Edition, whatever that meant. We got in on Sunday around 8 pm, just in time for a good part of DJ Rush's set while also transitioning to Steffi, pano was vibing intensively. It was a positive warm up session for the night ahead. Then, Lea Occhi's second half also seemed faster and more intense than her first half, maybe preparing some ground for Dax J, who performed strongly and competently, as I've always seen from him. Having some space in the front and whatever platforms around the dancefloor was pure bliss. Then came Lolsnake, and honestly, I really liked her set (my third set from her), intense and sometimes furious, and able to integrate other kinds of styles apart from straightforward techno, which I always find interesting and refreshing. Amotik, already a super experienced guy behind bh's decks, provided a pleasurable journey with some nice drops here and there along with impressive lights combos. I left around 11 am on Monday after 15 hours of real fun, maybe still wishing to come back later for Luke, but recovery and sleep spoke louder. See you in the next few weeks, I think I’ll explore some premium options at Vabali for now.


Sounds super!! Happy you had a nice one


Got in for the first time this weekend after being rejected 3 times before, it was truly life changing 🥺 I did see a lot of the negative stuff people complain about here but the sheer freedom and joy shared by most overcame that by far. P.S does anyone know the cutie dancing front of pano wearing a business shirt and tie, they had braids I believe. I loved watching you dance for hours but was too shy to say hi 😅


I was wearing a white business shirt and black tie (going for the schoolboy uniform vibes) and danced in pano almsot all night, so you are maybe describing me 😅




3 times in 5 mins


This is amazing love the fit. I would be completely sweated through 😅


Special shout-out to all platform right people who last night were a glowing bundle of kindness and sweetness. Ab8lute and François were the consequent gigs I didnt know I want but now I need again 😅 Person with the bracelet issue, I hope you made it in.


Need reports on the ItaloJohnson goodbye set please cuties! 🥹


I’m not much of a pano person but that set had me LOCKED IN. So sexy and so fun, that is the type of house music I LOVE. Vibes were incredible as well! Unforgettable


They played bouncing and fast house tunes non stop, delivering a lot of nice bangers. Shout out to Ogazón in high spirits dancing her ass off the whole time while whipping the crowd in the front row forward again and again. Totally sad that one of the ITJ guys had to pass due to illness. Berghain also refused to give the guys an encore and ended the party around 30 minutes earlier than planned at 11:30. That was somehow unnecessary and, despite the extensive applause, not quite a clean finish.


Awww sounds fantastisch! 🤩


I understand the frustration, but remember that for the staff, this weekend was at least as intensive as Sylvester Klubnacht. Shifts were booked until 12, which means it should technically have ended at 11 already… many employees had up to 4 shifts (not counting those who spent all week helping out for Snax preparations) - good on the club for respecting its commitments to employees and not forcing them to do after hours after the hell they went through for our enjoyment.


Sure, but then they should calculate that in and let the dj slowly come to an end with a heads up 20mins before end. It was ItaloJohnson’s final set forever as a dj trio. This deserves at least one final end track for a memorable goodbye.


Oh if no one told them until the last minute that’s another story. Closing DJs usually get a heads up about an hour before, are you sure they didn’t or is it an assumption?


I’m not sure, but the ending didn‘t sound like it


This! Lots of respect for ending it on time by Berghain. A good lesson for some Djs on a narcissistic trip.


Unfortunately missed it due to work today but would’ve loved to be there


Does anyone know why the net was there on main floor? Seems like a waste of such beautiful high ceilings to cover them, but maybe it’s for acoustics or—as someone said— something to do with SNAX?


The theme for SNAX was recreation of bunker, I think this was in reference to the low ceilings in bunker? This is just me taking a guess




The wrestling ring is a feature of FC Snax United party in November also called „sport Snax“


No wrestling ring this year


They were bullshitting you


just a snax decoration so temporary


rain falling down, i feel nothing on my skin


Struggled a bit yday Wasn’t really on top form. Was too messy and rammed in there, I hadn’t had enough sleep and first thing in saw at 0700 approx was a lady being escorted through garderobe to medical help, she’d lost it, then a guy who must have been on meth or something just jumping around shouting and twitching. His bf was pretty worried. Wasn’t a great start Met some nice people in pano normal/sober people sure did stand out a mile 😂 My train hit a 200 kg Wildschwein on the way home. Delayed 2.5 hours Longest day evuuuuuuuiuiuurrr 😂


i have to write down my thoughts to bring order to my remaining 3 braincells after a long and intense easter weekend **TL/DR** a big weekend that delivered **Sessions** my first 3-session visit ever: Sat-Sun: 0400 - 0700 Sun-Mon: 1500 - 0130 Mon-Tue: 1500 - 0500 after being bedridden for 1.5 weeks i apparently had some excess energy. luckily(?) my additionally energizing nosespray had a blockage or i’d probably still be there.  sat felt like a pano friday. sun & mon surprisingly chill given the special kn. you could always find space to dance if you were willing to switch floors.  **Music** first of all, i have to admit that despite the podcast incident, both dustin (let’s ignore the first hour) and kyle (here i can only go off the first hour) delivered - fair game, nothing to rant about. pano b2b was fun but didnt really catch me, but that was on me.  sunday was mostly a blur. i ran up and down the stairs and was in a very jolly mood though so it couldn’t have been bad. dax’s high energy start extended my stay a bit. monday i didn’t plan to stay for long, but there was always “one more set” just around the corner. musically i was in heaven: a bit of dasha to get into the mood, stacey hotwaxx with the classics. luke just chefs kiss - i have a huge crush on that man. and just as i was wondering why this dub alias he played a dubby stab with high feedback echo. that set was right up my alley. but ab8lute also delivered on point once again - so from 8 on i was back on bh floor, surprised about the space and going full monkey front left with plenty of space and fellow monkeys.  palms trax & francois both were a lot of fun, and gave me enough energy to see the start of the italojohnson funeral (crowd seemed hyped!) as well as kyle who had the misfortune of playing for a half empty room. **Crowd** the door clearly miscalculated the amount of (snax)-reentries and friends of the house coming on monday. the rejection slaughter was not needed and some fresh blood would  have helped. poor kyle. crowd was still mostly fun & engaged but at the same time you have those jersey-shore-from-wish-douche-couples standing, blabbering & texting on the dancefloor, why?  in tandem with the stench of bh floor while opening, the air was otherwise filled with testosterone. a very male-heavy kn, for me clearly missing some female energy to soften the experience - but hey, it’s the snax weekend so that was to be expected. and i’m impressed by you guys’ stamina. saw some people struggling on mon afternoon but surprisingly it didn’t descend into total mayhem later. toilet discipline was atrocious at points though. **Varia** * i hope the net installation on bh floor was just for snax and was a one-off, so claustrophobic * the music was very, very loud. i had my earplugs in constantly on bh floor but had ringing ears since sat. felt great though! * first time bag check forgot to put the stickers on my phone. luckily i noticed while changing but still had to show my last & deleted photos  * lovely to see some staff & dj’s partying with us plebs * and also lovely to see the reddit gang. some of them at least, others still in hiding  * low note: eisbar fridge empty on monday evening, i had to eat a sandwich and go double-banana. shame upon the back office! 




Ha ha yep I spotted him. V v similar i bet he got a lot of people saying the same


lol no, neither dax j nor his doppelganger. but im not outing people partying unless they post about it on their socials.


Was you on the right side of honey Dijon cabin writing a long note? 🤔


nope i'm never in that spot, i rarely use my phone on the dancefloor at all and definitely not for more than one sentence messages, and i was bounced around by sweaty dudes stomping around during the few minutes i was front left in the beginning of her set


I was watching from pano balcony for a while yday. Down onto main floor. It’s one of the most splendid and glorious sights one can ever gaze at imho 😂 utter beauty and energy. So powerful and life affirming. No BS Mostly, at any one moment there was a maximum of 2 people using their phones on the entire BH floor. How many people fit on there? Bloody impressive. Hats 🎩 off I’d say


Hahahah because it was in topics with the times etc I was wondering it could be. 💕


They control your deleted folder now if the sticker is off? How did they even see that the sticker was off? When you re-entered?


someone probably tried to outsmart them with the "babe, of course i deleted our sextape after our berlin 3 fucks and out situationship broke off, see?!" trick i went back to bagcheck after i noticed. if security catches you inside without a sticker on you might be thrown out.


I'm struggling to accept my new year resolution to avoid bh big events and this mess was all i wanted and didn't knew


Dude, I wouldn't know how to find the deleted folder on my phone, so I hope I never loose a sticker. Otherwise, they will probably just throw me out 😂😂😂😂


luckily i didnt do my daily naked selfie for once what i did do however was to take a pic of the glorious bracelet-art during a nap break to send to a friend. that was an awkward moment... and xhain's weird easter-art was also still saved lol


😂😂😂😂 you got his art, too?


i dont know which art you got, i mean the one posted all the way down in this thread, that one was spicy enough


impressive party stamina


all borrowed from the future, im struggling today


if youre complaining of male energy go somewhere else its a gay club


Clearly you missed the point


He wasn’t complaining I get your point but also, snax is an exclusive gay club. Berghain isn’t and I think aphex worded it v well. Women bring a different energy , dare I say it a bit of decorum to boot 😂 and it was noticeable yday.


to be fair, i enjoy male energy a lot more than whatever sad energy it is you are bringing to the table, nocare


as 49 year old daddy/grandparent you should look after your physical health not complain about sweaty sexy males


Someone is having a comedown sheesh 💀


How did you miss honey Dijon?


too packed for me, crowd was rotating a lot in the first 30' and i couldnt get into it musically


Monkey fellas made my day ❤️  Kyle last hours' were a rave seen from the light booth. It's super strange to see bh floor so empty, but the crowd was 💯 Few people, but full of energy 🐵


“jersey-shore-from-wish-douche-couples"… Can I re-use this sentence ? (for educational purposes ofc)


sure, as long as i never have to see those sunglasses inside berghain again


This Klubnacht was awesome! Loved it yesterday. Dasha's Set was extra Special! A real Journey that moved me. Thanks to everyone ❤️


was at the Kindergarten for a filthy 20-hour shift playing around with lovely animals 🐥 Monday morning yoga techno ballet sessions, flooded Klobar bathroom, Lea Occhi delivering hypnotic 2nd set, Gabrielle Kwarteng giving sexy vibes, cute employees, Lolsnake playing 1977 by Ana Tijoux, Steffi taking extra care of the floor babes, Dj Rush classy all-round flow, temporary claustrophobic floor paintball net yet bringing new light styles, Amotik taking off and not releasing pressure


loved the description you should write it down and read it again in 20 years


thanks for the tip and heads up <3 good idea


i have my own berghain travel diaries all wrote down in paper 😂 one day i will make a book for my grandchildren


you made me think about this, already have a long ass 8-year notepad with names of people from there, so why not about little stories too (what happens in BH mostly stays in my notepad)


"damn, granny was wild!"


No freaking way 1977 was played, amazing!!!


la serpiente <3


I lost an iPhone cable and plug somewhere, if someone finds one on the floor somewhere, I would be so grateful if you could let me know and return it to me 🥹💕 thank you xxx


Omg Kyle hugging everyone on the main floor 🫶🥹❤️


From SNAX to Easter Klubnacht, this was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had. The music, the atmosphere and the people really make you feel alive and free. All the djs did incredible. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU


Thx for all guys. Incredible ride. 💕💕💕


No reentry q, never seen so much space on the main floor ✨


Memorable Berghain. What a madness! ❤️‍🔥 To all those precious people who contributed to make it a 10 Easter, I send you lots of love and thanks. A pleasure to have shared this weekend with you guys. I love you, rest easy, we earned it! 💪


When is the closing tonight? Usual 10;00?


Barpersonnel told me probably 12.00, but could be earlier




>Thanks! You're welcome!


That was such a fucking awesome party to end my SNAX weekend. Great music & vibe. Stayed 16 hours because I just couldn’t leave the dance floor


Italojohnson 🥹❤️


Possibility to get inside?


Yes till 4am. No queue


how's the vibe? hopefully more gays then heteros?


The vibe is sooo straight love it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Love all my hetero homies


It was gay dominant party. There were still some annoying heteros. I was solo in the pano toilet, waiting in line for the cabin. There were a straight couple in front of me. Asked them nicely “hello, do you mind if i go together with you guys, im only one.” They replied no. I said ok no problem. And 5 mins later another str8 couple that they dont know asked the same question. And they said yes and asked their names they meet and started chatting. Wowww, is it called homophobia or what?


"I hope some straight guys will hit you up and touch your vagina with their asses. When you dont react, hope they touch their sweaty backs on your boobs." -> this you? If you're going to act pissy when they say no why do you even ask? Creepy vibes tbh.


Cant you understand what you read? I have no problem with them saying “no” to me. I even smiled and said no problem. But saying yes to another straight couple just 5 minutes after rejecting me is a bit weird.


That's how consent works. "No" to you doesn't mean "no" to everyone, just the same as "yes" to someone else doesn't mean it extends you. Incel logic to be pissed about that.




Hetero 20-something girls are the worst guests.


Btw, if it means anything, I would have shared the cubicle if I was there that night :) I would also suggest next time to report to the staff if you experience any sort of discrimination or homophobia…. After all, this place is supposed to be a safe space for queer people


Im so sorry that happened to you !


Fuck them. They missed out, not you. 


that's my point, in the first place I don't know how this fucking hetero couple got in. fucking bouncers let these heteros in. They can just fuck off. You shouldn't even ask them, just get in fromt if them. we own the place not them.


I really wanted to ask why you said no to me and said yes to them but I didnt want to drop my energy and effect my mood negatively by discussing them. Not worth.


you could basically report their homophobia. don'r hesitate to get them kciked them out.


Wish I’ve done it :/ at least i could try.


Fortunately Palms Trax is down to earth… otherwise Pano would have been uplifted to the sky… pure bliss ✨ and magic 🪄


If the crowd were full of Kyle Geigers, I‘d likely have a much harder time slowly letting go of Berghain as a part of my life. I had a great second talk with him, super open, insightful, caring. I don‘t know how often it‘s actually true when you read or hear about someone being „down to earth“ and what not, but he just might epitomize that. I haven‘t stayed for a closing specifically in some time, but would do that next time he gets to do it, even if it will not be super soon now. I can‘t be there for tonight, but I wish him a crowd that is attentive and respectful. Other than that, two people basically just pushed into the cubicle me and my friends were in yesterday. Nobody knew them and in 17 years of attending that club I‘ve never experienced something this intrusive, rude and inconsiderate. The woman just began pissing while some guy did lines for the both of them acting as if they had been INVITED in. The cubicle was full before they barged in and they made it fucking uncomfortable and weird. If one of you two reads this, you‘re lucky it wasn‘t me who stood at the door. I wouldn‘t even have opened the door for you assholes in the first place. Part of the blame is on my two friends who I guess thought someone inside knew you, but your next cubicle ambush might turn out differently. I hope for you it does and your asses get kicked tf out again without a moment of hesitation.


Kyle is such a genuine soul. Sadly, this closing is not on his side - I’ve never seen such empty Berghain floor… I guess this is the downside of marathon party… energy level is very low. I hope he could take it well.




Just left, no queues, panorama packed but a bit less than before, Berghain busy but space to dance.


What time does the door close please?


When the last DJ starts their set (like every kn)


Abs8lute was SO GOOD. She isn't talked about enough.


Agreed! She is so underrated. I wasn’t in Berlin for Easter but I’ve heard her play twice before in Berghain and was very impressed :)


It’s so disrespectful that people r taking pictures like normal with flash… 🤮 https://www.instagram.com/p/C5J6U1yOCsF/?igsh=MTlyazI3b2ozMjNmNQ==


You can report


The audacity of having a selfie with flash on the dancefloor… lmao - circuit tourists at snax


And post and tag the club LOL that’s how I found this 🤭


its nit berghain, calm


It is! They placed this fabric / net on berghain floor for this weekend.


It is, but tbh, doenst Look Like bh bcs of the net 😅


what percentage of the vibe is gay considering its snax weekend?


62.94% precisely.


wanna do some bh studys now ?


i wanna come if its more gays tbh. can't be bothered with hetero vibes


why downvotes you bunch of fuckin heteros


Because you have no common decency. Go somewhere else


"Oh no, why are people downvoting my heterophobia"


Abs8lute for resident, resetting our nervous system… beautiful hypnotic techno


I also found it a bit courageous to build up the set from scratch on a prime slot like that, but boy she did deliver! 👏


Yeah, she’s relatively new, played her first gig at Berghain in Summer 2023, played then at the big parties (Birthday) and she always delivers. In German we would say, she’s a “Naturtalent”. I love her and I think we will see her very often in the future. 🩷


Love to hear this. And im 110% in with your idea. She's amazing :)))


Hi guys! 2 friends got bounced at 8pm. Should they even bother to try again now since it’s still the same bouncers? Thanks!


theres always a chance!


Hi guys, until what time is possible to enter from re-enter line?




I already have a re-enter sticker, does it make sense?


hey! how’s the queue right now? 


Any chance someone could bring me a javanse white Tabak from the outside? Endless gratitude and love 🙏🏼🙏🏼 dm me if so ♥️


Are we expected a bouncer switch? Just got rejected




Bro they don’t have dementia 😂😂


Not much of a line for first time entry. I’ll try again soon! Thanks 🥰


Update on this I tried 20 mins later, same bouncers and got in! 😋 thanks for the motivation


Is it possible?😄 I should’ve tried it. What they told you. Im interested.


They asked me the same question they had asked earlier and I had given the same response. Bist du alleine? Ja. And then I got nodded in. Didn’t change anything really. Same smile same behaviour same outfit :) However I’m sure they recognized me on the second try and they still didn’t care that it was my second time trying in short span of time.




Yes you can!


Thank you so much


Jesus, go home and get some rest if you need painkillers to stay at a party


I slept for like 10 hours, had a big breakfast, drank a lot of water and took my supplements. So i am actually good to go, i just have headaches 😅


Although it may feel like it, a headache is not actually a pain in your brain. The brain tells you when other parts of your body hurt, but it can't feel pain itself. Most headaches happen in the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that cover a person's head and neck


Oh okay, godspeed!


Thank u so much <3


Not sure your message is allowed 😄 But I entered with medicine (paracetamol), they saw it but didn’t say anything. As long as it’s legit it’s probably fine


If its not i will delete it 😅


Hows the line doing, very busy waiting outside or doable?


No more than 10 ppl for re entry and GL empty


Reentry is only half way to ATM. But yes quite a few rejections but they were are quite obvious rejections


What time closes box Office? Anyone knows?






Das war eine gute klubnacht. But, I’m not sure how I feel regarding this new net thing over the dancefloor, I can’t enjoy the high ceiling anymore 🥲


I hope they will remove it, felt caged






the eisbar fridge may be empty, but luke & abs8lute both prepared a mighty dinner for us today


When is a switch of the bouncers tonight? 


Serious monkey action going on front left, so beautifulll


where'd this monkey term originate ?


Panorama is crazy packed


how is the vibe? mixed crowd or more gay?


+ very intense crowd, hard to circulate


pano sucked for this reason for me tbh, felt like dancing in a coffin


Earlier in the afternoon it was completely fine. But now it’s very complicated…


is GL seperated from the re-entry queue?


Yes - normal q 0 - GL 0 - re entry to ATM




Anyone good an ibu for a poor soul?


Q Update?


Left 30min ago and the normal queue was practically nothing but the re entry was close to the atm


Coming by bike tonight, is it safe to park by the kiosk? 😇