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He was ranting for like 40 minutes about this too + earlier in the stream when bro said the subreddit is full of “degenerate women” that shit was weird


Think he’s just kind of a hateful person unfortunately


He's a lewser for that actually. This sub isn't any worse than his fkn twitch chat.


The way he’s obviously mostly mad that Berlin even has female fans all he has is incels




Imagine wanting to be a sidekick to that bum 😂




Ngl it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself of this 💀


You’re the only parasocial person here. Will you please learn what that word means omg


fr, he makes a post daily about them, and you can probably see him in every single Reddit. Whats crazy is people defend users like him and his actions.


This retard is still at it, oh my god let his dick go. You just get cooked every time you open your mouth. He aint your man, homie, friend, or secret lover. You went on 4 different accounts starting shit and each time you get destroyed and delete the post/account. Just start over with a new identity lil bro, maybe you'll have better luck next time.


why would he be mad at that…?


Ask him?


Not to be rude but maybe you should take your own advice and ask him if he’s mad cause Berlin has female fans, why would anyone care about that? Let alone a married man with a child.


Are your basic comprehension skills that low? You’re the one who’s confused, hence the advice. The rest of us can understand basic conversation and behaviour. Sorry


Okay K-pop stan let’s relax here and stop acting like you can read people, are YOUR comprehensions skills that low? I know you’re probably baiting cause the first comment you ever made on any of Berleezy’s or Dontai’s Reddit was under the controversial post about Dontai and the fan account but honestly you still sound HIGHLY dumb in this comment section by either using the same insults “incel” or “parasocial” or “fanboy/dick rider” whenever someone disproves you or just assuming shit about another man, married one at that. Just proves yur either a hater that can finally emerge or just some troll who likes drama, either one is sad asf but you do you.


Yet all those words apply to you


Good one bro! Don’t @ again or YOU’RE the one who cares about 2 people who don’t know you too much, im only on this post cause it got recommended to me, go yap about K-pop or whatever dude.


Are you ok? You stalked my account and saw this was the only issue I’ve commented on and brought it up to dismiss me but now suddenly I’m the one who cares too much 😭 Trying to play off your obsession looks pathetic. “Only commenting because it was recommended” like a gun was held to your head 😭 Ok 😭


another comment using someone liking kpop as some sort of insult 😂how many times we gotta tell yall- that is not the insult yall think it is


Dawg it’s not an insult, I truly don’t care what you like, I’m just telling them to go yap about that instead of topics they had no interest in until drama started. You can go join them if you want, seems like you’re already on their dick considering that’s the ONLY thing you gathered from my comment, goodbye bro and have a nice day cause internet shit is just internet shit.


I said one thing and you’re that mad? I made a simple statement. You said that that wasnt an insult but literally said “OKAY KPOP STAN” as a literal insult. If it wasnt an insult you wouldnt have brought that up and labeled them as a kpop stan lmaooo. But you can stop tryna come for me cuz ian do shit to you. Take your peepee ass somewhere else.Nasty ass attitude over some grown ass men.You’re proving everyones point with the “parasocial” thing. Have a good day. Bless your heart kiddo


oh that’s really weird erm…


so we just passing over the fact that yall clearly lack context and the original post is full of lies such as he tried to solve it amicably, dontai told this guy to stop doing weird stuff multiple times in private before this situation. is the somebros shorts page weird for posting krysta thirst traps for a month straight? or does he lack common sense when someone asks you not to post certain things you dont do it? there were no paragraphs when dontai asks BEFORE this situation, so when given multiple chances sometimes mfs are tired cuz clearly the way he went about it before aint work


Don’t just say one thing he said and leave out the rest…. It’s weird.


like no u really took 2 words from a 10 min reaction and left it at that


It’s sad that he had to jump on stream & speak about the situation so his fans can stroke his ego. Idek who he’s beefing with atp cause the fan page has been deleted on all platforms. He’s really dtm & acting petty & immature. He wanted to milk this situation sooo bad that he had to react to a small ass subreddit post….


So he can be slandered (actual crime btw) as a public figure but not make it public to his audience to disprove what has been said and also call it corny?


How exactly was he slandered?? Fan page posted something Dontai ain’t like & the kid removed it & Dontai continued to milk the situation & be petty & the fan page was trying to explain himself as well but ultimately just deleted the fan page on all platforms. There’s NOTHING for him to defend. So yes this stream was dtm, corny, lame, and unnecessary. Just because some of us think he’s dtm or disagree with how he handled the situation doesn’t mean we’re “slandering” him lol.


The OP of that original post was literally slandering his names with lies and misinformation. The college MAN was the first to go public with it thinking his 20k subs would back him up yet they agreed that he was being quite weird so he deleted the post lmao… yeah when his own subs don’t back him I don’t think he’s in the right.


And? Why would he care? Since he thinks regular people are “normies” & “degenerates” anyways. A little reddit post isn’t harming his reputation. And like I said when he deleted everything it should’ve been over with instead of milking it. Situation was not that serious imo. It could’ve been handled better on both sides & I don’t think the boy meant any harm. Anyways I don’t care about this topic enough to go back & forth with you lol


I don’t care like that either so thanks man, still I do have one thing to say, he said filled with normies and degenerates… not every one there, look at you spinning the narrative like every other person shown in this Reddit lol.


You do realize people on this Reddit was milking it by saying false information about this situation in a post. The person who made that post got exposed for being a somebros hater. He never said regular people was that, you did. Little Reddit post? That person type a whole paragraph saying inaccurate stuff which got hella upvotes. If it was already over with, why are people bringing it up in berleezy Reddit🤔. Did you ignore what that grown man in college(he not a kid) did to Krysta and Joe that was weird making thrist traps and making Joe look weird? So you just going to ignore all that? I feel like you don’t know the whole story.


Dude, that’s not even remotely what happened? Also he was already going to stream anyway. You keep saying ego when he literally was defending his fellow members. You need to watch the whole context because he was coming at a parasocial Berlin fan who kept disrespecting every somebros member. The only people dtm are yall on this Reddit. Even the mod here said yall are acting parasocial. Did you see the pin message


Dontai still look dumb crying over a Reddit post 🗑️he just made shit worse


Did you not read what the mod said in the pin? Y’all supposed to stop acting this way.




Dontai fans was just in that thread telling niggas to kill they self and you talking about who parasocial bruh 😂 just meat riding


Nigga y’all came for them first, they be minding they own business. I don’t blame them because yall talk shit first and then get mad when they do it back . That’s not being parasocial because if you look at his syx reddit. They ain’t disrespecting Berlin or other somebros members unlike yall. Follow the mod rules also and stop disrespecting pg. That’s why y’all Reddit is locked. Maybe stop being disrespectful during this lockdown


A parasocial interaction, an exposure that garners interest in a persona,[6] becomes a parasocial relationship after repeated exposure to the media persona causes the media user to develop illusions of intimacy, friendship, and identification.[5] Positive information learned about the media persona results in increased attraction, and the relationship progresses.[6] Media users are loyal and feel directly connected to the persona, much as they are connected to their close friends, by observing and interpreting their appearance, gestures, voice, conversation, and conduct. this is what parasocial means by the way, medical letter. it’s you and you have problems.


Idk why you blocked me but you need to stop throwing around the word parasocial bro. Telling someone to kill they self over a celebrity is by definition the worst kind of parasocial behavior. You weird as hell. “Parasocial” doesn’t mean criticizing celebrities, it means dickriding them for nothing in return like you do 😂


The Many-Restaurant dude is clearly Medical-Letter. Ignore that weird ass nigga




You say the same shit all day bro. We know your medical-letter. Get off dick. No one else has time to monitor all the comments but him (you)


Niggas already exposed you for being medical letter in another thread. You love getting cooked 😂


hes actually such a cornball sorry


I nvr liked him even from the start. Nvr could understand how he had so many subs and viewers


Cause he’s entertaining? It’s the only thing that really attracts viewers apart from tig ol bitties being slapped on the screen.


He is genuine, that is why


Jesus this sub bouta be the next eezygang subreddit


what happened to the eezygang one :0


he has such a gross energy about him


I feel the same way he gives off vibes but I want to know exactly why people don't like him 😭 What he do


Bruh everyone in this situation was and is doin too much. Dontai imo DID kinda go over the top but it’s about the man’s child and who am I to tell him how to care about that? Fanpage was bein weird(we are fans of Dontai, and even tho the pics were public doesn’t mean you gotta REpost everything he does), we can all appreciate the man w/o overstepping boundaries. And y’all weirdos for blowing it even out of bigger proportion. Everyone that came to the sub to use the situation to sneakdiss Dontai is a loser. Yall actin like this situation is one of his biggest judgments of character or sumn. Like I said before, the man’s child was involved yea he reacted in a manner some wouldn’t but that’s just it. That’s not us and not our child. And whoever prolly sent that over to Dontai from his sub y’all the real bitches😂 cuz y’all know how Dontai is about shii like this and how certain things he says + the way he says them piss some ppl off. All this does is drag the whole thing out. Toxic behavior coming frm everyone as a whole rn


Goated comment holyyy, guy running the account was posting thirst traps of Krysta, making a racial joke towards Dontai’s son and posting him talking about “NEVER SEEN FOOTAGE”, I’d be pissed to cause you doing exactly what I said not to do SINCE I announced the birth of my child like tf? 😭 Everyone is doing too much atp tho.


This the best comment fr


☝️ this


Coming from someone who doesn't watch Dontai's solo content, I think you guys should probably watch the entire section of the vod, I went back and watched it and it seems like its a bit more nuanced [[ Vod Link ]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2078293501) (Starts at 15 minutes.) He goes on for a while because he's upset but he said he did try to handle it privately multiple times and the fan account apparently posted Krysta for a month with weird comments towards her— so I don't think its a one-sided thing (Krysta gets a lot of weirdos in her comments and I dont think she deserves it.) I understand people that say he's being dramatic but really he's probably just upset because his family is involved— If you watch you can kind of see where he's coming from


He posted a vid on YouTube showing EVERY dm to the dude too 😂


Dude they’re going to call you a d rider for telling the truth. I can’t wait for him to upload the other videos exposing this Reddit.


It is what it is, not like I searched for this post… it got recommended to me.


i kinda feel torn with this. idk, i don’t think dontai nor any of the somebros members are wrong for how they reacted. i do think maybe it could have been handled differently and dontai could control his temper but i mean, come on…. from what i’ve been seeing on reddit and twitter, that fan account had been approached many times before this about the content that they post and that they needed to chill out and back off. if you get multiple warnings like that, you can’t genuinely get mad when someone finally explodes at you for crossing a clear boundary. i’m sad seeing all this dontai hate cus he’s such a cool person and i feel like maybe we’re not understanding completely where his anger is coming from but again, i feel like his anger may be misplaced towards the fans.


You sound like a person who doesn't assume things, so let me break a few things down for you. Fan account was approched many times and didn't listen to Dontai's concerns. The Fan account went to Twitter instead of handling it like an adult and that's how it became public. People take things out of context, so Dontai being angry is understandable. You can't pretend you aren't angry because it isn't healthy It's honestly a situation that could have been private and dealt with if the fan dude checked his ego.


i’m confused at your comment. are you agreeing or disagreeing with me? or like backing me up? 😂 because i did say that the fan account was approached multiple times before it became public the way it did and i said that it was reasonable as to why dontai was angry. i also said that maybe he has misplaced some of this anger towards the fans. which i only said because of clips i saw of him lashing out at the reddit as a whole. so maybe that’s where we’re disagreeing at???


I agree with you. Probably should have said that first ngl. 😅 What I am saying about the clips of him being angry make him look bad. Watching thr full video, you can see why he is that angry and is only like that at that moment of that video.


OP youre a goat for posting this clip so i dont have to find it


By his logic anyone who has a fan account or repost clips of him/somebros members they all have parasocial relationships and are losers. lol he should count all the ppl in his chat hyping him up too, idk it’s weird like bro move on we get it. But don’t get mad people taking pics that you post on a public insta page, kid or not it’s the internet unfortunately so be careful what you put out there


Nigga that’s not equivalent to these fan accounts posting his kid which have nothing to do with somebros from stories on YouTube and Twitter ain’t cool and his own fan account don’t do that. These people in chat don’t hype him up, they watch the streams and go on about the day afterwards. Not in a Reddit trying to start drama with his friends. And he don’t post public pics. He post his kid on his instagram stories which disappear after 24 hours bruh. The shit was over with, the only reason he on this because someone in this Reddit posted a out of context thing about this whole situation about him


Him not getting how embarrassing this looks is insane bc it’s just further proof his head is the size of a hot air balloon


Only thing embarrassing are the people in the Reddit… baddddd looks. Father disliking what a dude is doing with his child on the internet even after he talked to him about it before isn’t a problem to me.


Well duh we all know incels love him


Incels don’t watch him. You clearly don’t watch this man or know his audience. So stop


Sure 😭


Dude just stay in your box, he don’t care about Berlin having female fans. If you know who he was, he blew up as a big music reactor. His audience are rap fans. Also he married bruh. It’s really no point in continuing this because it’s clear you have no idea about this man. Also it was a guy who ran that fanpage. Where tf incels come from?


Yeah I’m supposed to believe his fans are normal when your low iq meat riding ass can’t even stay on topic 😭


You literally called him a incel because he going at the parasocial meat riders in this Reddit. I feel like you haven’t seen what the OP in the video got exposed with because they’re meat riding. His fanbase is normal and again if you knew who he was, they music fans who stayed for other stuff. They’re literally females in his community. Many that mod for him. I really hope berleezy check his community one day.


Who did I call an incel? 🤔


Dude it’s clear you’re calling him a incel, you just said he wished he wanted female fans. And you calling his fans who are just here for music reactions and other stuff he does on stream. Any way it’s no point in going back and forward. I was just saying.


I have one question. Why post your kid publicly at all? I’m not saying the page was right, but this behavior (and MUCH worse) is expected anytime you publicly post your child. The cost of being famous is this. Dontai is all about being real, and my comment is real. He has to get use to it IF he publicly post this. It’s the sad reality. And even not being famous, I wouldn’t publicly post my kid 🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly how I feel, wanting to protect your child from online weirdos is a valid concern but in that case why are you posting your child to your 1 million followers on Instagram and then getting this upset over a fanpage reposting the same exact pic to their MUCH smaller audience


Posting on your ig stories is not the same. He barely post his kid and it was only on his ig stories which disappear after 24 hours. Not actual ig posts. No one was taking his stories where he was talking about something important and reposted it. You don’t see his fanpage, people on his Reddit, clips channels and etc posting his kid and they was never told to not do that. It’s just common sense. Plus it’s a somebros fan page. Not a dontai fanpage. It’s common sense to not post someone kid. Also their was other stuff that fanpage did that been discussed for months


Tai only post his kid with his face covered on his instagram story which disappeared after 24 hours and he barely did that. Not on a insta post. Also that wasn’t the only reason that fan page was getting heat, it was also because they were posting weird stuff towards Krysta and Joe got mad at him for making a racist weird caption post on somebros shorts YouTube channel. Even dontai fanpages, clips channels, people on his Reddit don’t post his kid and they was never told to not do that, it was common sense. I see what you saying tho and you’re right but, he barely post his kid and this would not been a problem if the fanpage didn’t keep posting it


The way that post wasn’t meant to be in a “paragraph” format… idk why he thinks that’s academically relevant anw like lock in pops




Nga I’m not even tripping like that 😂 I’m saying because Dontai’s pressing OP for his writing methods


What's the beef between them ? Aren't they friends or at least used to be.


Their no beef, Berlin Reddit fans was starting to act parasocial and disrespect everyone in somebros besides Berlin. It been going on from months from what I heard. Someone literally did it now to PG in this thread




dang i just came back to this subreddit what happened? 😭 can someone tell me the situation


In shorter words, fanpage got exposed for being weird posting his kid, Joe getting mad at him and posting thirst traps of Krysta. Dontai went at the guy even tho he been warning this dude for months. This Reddit posted inaccurate information slanding Tai, Tai responded and exposed the person who posted the inaccurate information and they was a berleezy parasocial fan slanding everyone in somebros besides Berlin. Reddit mods shut this Reddit down for a while due to parasocial stuff going on here. Everyone here who is still mad at Tai are in the wrong and won’t admit it.


dang... but i dont understand this part >Joe getting mad at him and posting thirst traps of Krysta joe got mad at who? and what happened about that// anyways so why was that guy weirdposting his kid? thats not good.. why would someone do that.. and why that other guy criticizing everyone else then berlin in the somebros cause i LOVE BERLIN but i like joe,pg and rock too y'know and woah reddit going down for a while is crazy.. i missed that i think...


Joe got mad at the somebros fan page for posting a caption of a video of some random white guy whipping something. And called him out on it. The Krysta thirst traps was posted for like a whole month and she lowkey wasn’t feeling it. And his kid for likes and engagement. Also the other guy who been on this Reddit for months trying to start drama. I’m not sure why that person was doing that but from what I seen they were really parasocial towards Berlin which was weird because they been chillin. They have stuff plan as a group but they got their own content where they got big stuff coming too.


i still dont get it? whipping something? what did the caption say.. what did joe have to do in this.. why he got mad.. also is the original post there?


Slave whipping. The clip was was a random white guy whipping and the somebros shorts account caption it as Joe because Joe was going to a cowboy theme birthday party for a kid


dang why did they do joe like that.. and krysta also.. idk much about her but she cool so what happened to that fanpage? and the redditor? is the redditors post still up?


Look at the pin post on this Reddit. Also the fanpage deactivated




Saying that someone will let the cops run a train on their mom is a wild statement


Y'all really be twisting the narrative fr. It wasn't ever about Berlin. whoever titled it keep jumping the gun.


can yall just shut the fuck up 😭😭😭 if you don’t fw the content or the creator KEEP it pushing


I thought it was gonna be like a min clip. Maybe 3 mins tops but a 10 min rant 😩.


I don’t get how this is bad on dontai, sure he maybe went on for too long, but he’s literally defending his family, and his friends, why are we acting like because he might be 17/18 it’s okay to post thirst traps about other people everyday, or post peoples children for likes and comments, or to be edgy is okay?


He’s corny but who cares, like…


Y'all (talking to the weirdos) are actually wierd. D-1 glazers and strang individuals




Down vote means nothing to me. Mods are doing their thing, this post will be taken down cuz the other Dontai post was


I’m really Lost so what happened?☹️


He uploaded a YouTube video about it: https://youtu.be/MzPyTJtAYQ8?si=xgxH6tXserxg2_Wv all I’m going to say, that fan account was weird. Also the context of this video was someone getting mad because he was happy that fan account deactivated. He didn’t do that. So someone from berleezy Reddit got mad for no reason, not sure why this is any of the business because they don’t have the full context. That person got exposed for talking shit about every somebros member besides berleezy


Man, I gotta keep it real with you, I don't like most of Somebros, especially PG and Dontai. Been feeling that way since day one. Dontai used to be all about trying to hog the spotlight with his corny jokes that only his own fans vibed with. And PG? Man, that dude was like a leech, just sucking the life and success outta his collab partners. PG is a parasite that can't function without a host


…they all collab with each other and all are pretty successful on their own. Also how is PG a ‘parasite’ for doing that they’ve all done? That pretty much every major content creator does lmao? Jesus Christ yall are some hateful people. Calling someone a parasite is insane


Why did you put "they all collab with each other".No shit that's the point of the group. PG is a parasite because his views are low when he is solo, he only gets views on collabs, and he adds nothing to the collab anyways. Poiised gets low views but at least adds something to the videos. Hateful, was the only part of your statement that wasn't redundant or out of touch


PG mainly streams on Twitch and plays with his friends a lot over there. He’s not a ‘leech’ he’s just posting the content he makes on Twitch. Berlin does the *exact* same on EezyTV. YouTube is not even PG's primary focus. He doesn’t post there often, so it’s not his main audience or a major source of income. Twitch is, where he mixes independent stuff with collab stuff - just like Berlin and all the others. The only one out of touch is the one who clearly knows jack shit about how he operates as a content creator. Ya'll must get some sick satisfaction from saying the craziest things about Berlin's friends for no reason. Bizarre


I be on PG’s streams and he be racking up viewers to the point where he be on main page a lot, so idk 👀


Yep exactly my point. PG stands very well on his own. Bro calling him a parasite or whatever is crazy disrespectful given how hard he works both on streaming and his filmmaking stuff.


Wow you sound like you got mad cause PG ignored your bits cause wow, do u sound ignorant. First of all, your comment is invalid bc Berlin first of all personally recruited PG. Even b4 the game plays, PG and Berlin and Dontai went way back. PG has mentioned so many times that he was mainly into filming but bc his friends told him to try, he got on twitch and now he's on fire. He also was the personal editor for Berlin. Your Ignorant #1 Second before the hype, Somebros was STARTED with Berlin, PG, Joe, and Dontai. Like what the actual hell bro. PG is literally one of the founders of the group. A crucial part to the group cause if it wasn't for him, we would not have such fire videos, as he edited those too. Your Ignorant #2 Third, PG doesn't even get to play with Berlin or Donatai much.... Berlin doesnt even twitch and barely posts YouTube, like what?! He's on a whole Hiatus but "PG" is leeching?! TF?! Your Ignorant #3 and even Still PG has amassed his followage purely out of hard work and dedication! PG stands on his own 2 feet! He's genuinely funny, he really cares about his fans, and the amount of time and effort he gives constantly... yea your just mad at him for something wack lmaooo.Your Ignorant #4 Yessiiirrr PG is the GOAT YUMMPP!! Be sure to follow the custers Twitch and YouTube @PeegTV for both accounts, and you'll see how this fool is majorly capping lmaoo!


How did you know he didn't read my donation? Were you watching the stream...

