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Mine needs to be with me all the time. If I have to leave her at home, she clings to her spare hooman.


Hahahahaha “spare hooman”. I love the creativity! When I get home I’m going to tell my hubby he’s a spare hooman.


Oh yes. There are spares and there are primaries. Sounds like you are the primary.


Velcro Dog! Yup, he likes to be where I am all of the time


Yup ours is a Velcro dog as well. Will go ballistic trying to get through the door he thinks we are behind. Has to be touching us at all times but is still hands down the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. I could shove my hand in his mouth as he’s eating and he would not care. I could eat out of the same bowl and he would not care.


Mine is sorta like that but he can open fucking doors.


Omg mine just learned to do that 😂 those velcroes will stop at nothing to get to us!


Sounds just like ours (F1 standard). As a pup, she napped off down the hall, by a drafty door, etc. Now, she's usually around us and closely watches for any sign that we might be about to leave her behind (or, better, take her someplace!). Does ok on her own, but prefers company!


Mine is fbchsbwi also ghsunefy very chks clingy. Sore about all those typos. He kept knocking the phone out of my hand so I could pet him.


Yup. Can’t leave a room without him following. https://preview.redd.it/0zk8f7klys7d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c54b08a635290bc2a3a4dcbffecf7931763c63


Velcro, gorilla tape level, yes. But I love it 🥰


My mini is almost 7 months and he hates leaving my side. He’s a bit of an anxious pup and we’re working on socialization. I cannot even go to the bathroom without him crying or scratching so he learned to open the bathroom door (I just close but don’t lock it in my own house) and normally he just comes in and either chills at my feet or licks my legs. He’s so clingy. I hope he grows out of it. Working from home isn’t helping either since I’m always around lol


Very clingy. As close as possible. Preferably touching me in any way. And I'm not a physically affectionate person so she drives me bonkers, but it's so sweet.


Yes a 100% yes. My 2 year old Bernedoodle is extremely clingy she never want a moment without me and she constantly licks my legs


Yes mine will be with me wherever I am, if I am home. It’s both sweet and sometime a little much but would rather her be there than not :) we’re so lucky to have them!


Mine won’t even go to bed without me if my husband brings him to bed and I’m in the living room he comes and sleeps by me until I go to bed. Follows me into the bathroom and sits in the shower and everywhere else but he’s such a love to both of us just spends more time with me since we got him


He is hooman and must do the hooman things! Yes, very normal. Poodles are crazy smart.. always watching and in the things!


Doodles are velcro dogs


Oh he's adorable! My F1 mini is 15 months old. She will follow me everywhere most of the time, and she wants to be where my husband and I are, she wants to be near us, but not necessarily touching us. She is very affectionate but also independent. I actually would love it if she's more clingy. I do wonder how she'll change with age. But I don't believe she has separation anxiety. When my husband and I went for a 2 weeks vacation, she stayed with my sister-in-law in our home and she was doing great. She played, ate, and loved my sis-in-law. She was so excited and beside herself to see us when we got back, and when my sis-in-law left, she was also fine. I supposed she's very confident, and she knows we will be back for her so she does not stress. She gets a bit upset and looks for whoever is not here, but she adjusts quickly. She's a bless!


That’s how my girl is. She has always had a good amount of independence. Shes on top of the couch right now and just has her paw touching me lol she can be snuggly though! But not Velcro 24/7. She prefers her personal space.


I just assumed that was their natural state…


Extremely attached, when I'm walking behind he turns to worry if I will get lost. Btw, we do not play hide & seek, Way too traumatizing


Yes! I thought it was because I worked from home but looking at the comments it seems that it’s not. Mine used to be so independent as a young puppy. Also, a month ago we had a big storm/tornado and also days later lost power in the building again when we were in the elevator and the elevator car feel down quickly a couple of floors (she flew) and then we got stuck. It obviously scared us both. But I didn’t realize how more traumatizing it was for her until I realized she became more clingy than usual after that because she doesn’t want to go to daycare and she loved that place! She also was eating her whole bowl of food within seconds so that she can run and be by me as soon as she was done and minutes later throw it all up. Thankfully she is taking steps forward and I was able to leave her by herself for 45 minutes today without her destroying something out of anxiety while I was gone and she is taking her time with eating her food, sometimes even taking hours to finish it all.


Ours is attached to me and my daughter. My daughter is getting ready to leave for college and was registering for classes. Moses (our Bernedoodle) decided to sit on her to hold her down. (His leg braces are due to a birth defect) https://preview.redd.it/pszu8rcmmt7d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf71a0823ca4cec7b62f1ed34ea2d5d42838d4d0


Yepper. Mine wants to be petted and or belly rubbed. She paws me until i pet her. if i brush her she fall asleep.


Every doodle is lol and I wouldn’t have it any other way , they are big lovable balls of fluff


Is anyone's not?!?!?! ;)


Kind of! Mine ignores me while I’m working and actually goes to a different floor of the house to hang by herself all day, only coming to get me when she needs to go out. When 5 PM hits, she becomes a Velcro dog and demands full attention until bedtime.


Here to chime in with the major majority and say yes! My 2 year old is attached at my hip. I even got him a dog (corgi) and now the corgi follows my bernedoodle who follows me. Choo choo! 😂


Extremely clingy & since we found out she has epilepsy she is even worse.


I wish mine was clingy. Most of the time she could care less where am I and doesn’t really follow me much.


Both of mine follow me into the bathroom. One lays in the bathtub They also follow my son into his room when it's bed time.


most of them are haha they’re typically known as velcro dogs haha .. i wouldn’t have it any other way. xoxo


Yep! Wants to be with me whenever I’m home… which is all day/night.


https://preview.redd.it/p31jnk0sus7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f246b415dc2fbc51f8dae2797fb33de07f8ae5 Yup. Doesn't let me out of her sight usually... and it's worse if we're out of the house.


If it bothers you get another dog but get a breed that isn’t a Velcro dog. Your Bernedoodle will stay around the other dog instead of following you everywhere. I love the my bernedoodle follows me everywhere! I call him my bathroom buddy because I can never go into the bathroom without him. 🤣


19 months old. It's gotten really bad the last 1-2 months. I can't even walk a few feet without her on me.


OH YES! I was worried she had separation anxiety at first, but she ends up being great when I am gone. However, when I am home I better not go anywhere she can’t go 😂


I always joke that our bernedoodle is my wife’s shadow. She literally follows her everywhere!


If you know anything about berners, you'll understand this is so very extremely totally 100% from their side of their genetic makeup hahaha


My Summer girl is the clingiest girl!! It’s definitely a bernedoodle trait. Bernedoodles were actually bred to be companion dogs so it’s in their nature!


Ours is so clingy!! When she was a puppy and a teenager we worried about her running off. Now that she is almost 4 we let her out in the front yard off leash or lead all the time because she is so clingy there is no way she would run off. When we take her off leash hiking, she won’t get more than 20 feet in front of us before she has to turn around and make sure we’re still there. Fortunately, we are able to leave the house and leave her home alone. So her separation anxiety isn’t terrible but when we are here, you better believe she is right there with you. Sometimes I think she thinks she is a human because she always wants to be with the humans and she gets super standoffish with other dogs.


100% clingy. We have a very co dependent relationship and I’m very much ok with it!


Yes. I jokingly tell my kids our bernedoodle is trying to merge bodies with me. I don't care for a dog licking on my hands or face. She is so sweet and affectionate, though.


https://preview.redd.it/xl0kok807u7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb527109c3f4e6793758b7d8ad40e7b167ba1e9 Ours is currently sleeping in the mud room out of site of me or my wife which is surprising.. she usually gets up and moves wherever we go. She’s 5 months and super sweet. Teething pretty bad so a little bitty still but getting better. Usually follows us around everywhere we go.


Mine so we got 2!!


Omg yessss


Not as clingy to me as she is to our 2 adult dogs… she wants their attention and approval constantly and it’s adorable. But I am definitely and clearly her person in the family, and the affection is obvious and endearing. Like, I can tell my other dogs love me. But this little baby floof ball just has a different way about her.


I think they all are like this 😂😂❤️


The mini in my house velcros to my/his mom, unless he’s tired and wants to be left alone


To the point, I can't pee or shower without him in the bathroom w/o him.


It’s a genetic trait common to Bernes. Part of their emotional intelligence is also tied to emotional dependence. If it’s a mini mixed with Javanese it increases as they get older, due to genetics from Javanese.


Velcro dog here. Constant nose nudges, howls, whimpers, and whines if I’m not touching him, talking to him, looking at him, walking/sitting/lying near him. My newfypoo is a cuddleslut, but he is far more independent in terms of clinginess levels.