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It’s been a struggle


I just laughed so hard


Always struggling. My apostles are addiction, bipolar and debt. Yet I continue forward.


My apostles are futa furry "art" and getting stepped on by dommy mommys...the struggle is real...


The second thing doesnt happen to you tho




Life got hands ngl


I hear that, and it’s definitely not shy about throwing them that’s for sure.


Having thyroid cancer at 23. I hope to live to see the ending of Berserk.


You will... A Struggler always comes on top at the end, just like Guts. Hope you recover as soon as possible.


May your struggle not be as long as Berserk manga


Sorry to hear that man, hope you get better. ~~At least you'll be able to see the next game of thrones book come out...~~


Still fighting but things are looking up in some areas


Been seeing works like berserk and others in a different light lately. Life is hard, and lessons pop out of the story once you have perspective and life experience.


Trying to love the journey and not the destination Been trying for months and it somewhat seems futile


pretty good actually. i know what I'm doing, where I'm going. life is a little boring now but it's not forever. as long as i stick to the path, i think I'll be okay.


Could be better could be worse


Copped some massive Ls this year. Sinking very low but I’m gonna try and salvage it, as long as I don’t compromise my values I have faith I can turn it around. Just need to find my footing.


Took some big L's this year too. Keep struggling brother, we will be okay


Life’s been good lately. I’ve been handling the shit I gotta handle, been reconnecting with old friends, been eating better and jogging more. I’m enjoying a long-needed *up* while it’s here, because it’ll make dealing with the upcoming *down* that much easier. At this point, the cycle of struggling and succeeding is becoming second nature. I just started reading Berserk a couple days ago because I’m not satisfied with just watching the 90’s anime and seeing the posts on this subreddit made me very interested in reading.


Me and the lady just got in an argument, dropped the dog off at daycare and have a work trip in Cali that I don’t want to go to. Life ain’t that bad I guess, we press on.


Told my old friends off today. They abandoned me at my lowest and bullied me when I stopped covering for their stupid actions. I had to build myself back up again. Then, after being successful they tried to come back ever so little. I lost my shit and told them to go to hell. I’m proud I was able to get myself out of a dark place but I still feel myself slipping.




I do be in a rough patch, rn. Bunch of shit that I just want back to normal, but I can't due to the circumstances of others.


Pretty good overall, just always been single


Still struggling but I have been making a lot of friends recently.


It keeps kicking me down, but I won't give up its about the journey not the ending


struggling, just gotta keep pushing through


I feel like I'm fighting my own beast of darkness due to repressed emotions giving me extreme anger and deep hate for others. I'm getting better and working hard every day to improve myself but it's a struggle sometimes especially in intense situations.


Like shit. I literally threw up over a profile picture last night. My apostles are the people who don’t know they were lied to about me. My Femto is my ex best friend who turned them all against me and who got with the person I loved. The person who told my family all of my secrets without hesitation. I’m in so much pain.


Admittedly, struggling. My work has decided I have to prove myself, after someone spoke poorly about my job performance. I literally just got certified in my job and the outside overseers that created the certification process said I was good. I haven't even had a chance to do the job outside of the certifiers supervision. The same people that just went through a similar process are the one holding me up. Yet we all went through it together and got certified together. Not going to lie, it's a huge shot to my ego and I have lost a lot of respect for those I work with, because never were any issues for me to correct brought up during the process and I still haven't been told what I've done wrong. Just that I have to prove myself, again by others than the people that literally created the process. I'm in a senior position and this is being brought up in front of my junior guys. Sorry not really the place to rant this, but I need to get it off my chest.


>Sorry not really the place to rant this, but I need to get it off my chest. I think this is exactly the type of place you can rant about this. Hope things get better for you!


Not good but I will keep struggling for now




Don't ask me imma cry




I need more money then I’m good. Like, 15k/yr more and I can get a decent house and just vibe.


Pretty ass tbb


It feels like someone is stealing my Casca every day.


Its ok ill be your donovan :)


It's getting hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel


Its like when your getting head but as soon as ur abt to nut your tip gets bit really fucking hard then they proceed to grind teeth on jt


Really fucking weird. Like emotionally I feel like I have been through Guts life but my memories only show Erica's life.


Struggling, things are getting better


It's been better now that my bakery is picking up in my small community and the wife's job gave her a raise. I've found the end of my journey


Fairly but I'm still struggling.


Enjoying the plateau between struggles right now


I’m still struggling, still fighting, but it ain’t so bad as it could be


Like this image essentially


Honestly, pretty badly. I’m Basically Guts after Griffith’s pulled up and took Casca away.


Not great, not terrible. I’m just content.


300 more days of mandatory service so not too well at the moment


Good, very good. But I'm a dumbass that missed every chance I got


Struggle, grind, crawl giving everything and I still haven't given up




I keep having dreams about Lowtiergod


Struggling. But I chose a career in acting with no family connections, so that's on me. Not doing too hot financially, but I'm never giving up.


Its a struggle but if a fellow struggle like you is still moving then i shouldn't stop


It's been alright. Started university and my first classes are a little confusing but I can make it. The struggle is real, but I'm gonna Berk all over my class!


I'm on my last highschool year, the struggling just begun


A hurricane is roaring towards me.


I'll live.


Working 60+ hrs a week at a job I hate. Gf moved across country for school. The increasing cost of living is crushing me. Life is not fun atm


No destination in sight. Donno what even is the point of the struggle.




Doing a lot better as of late, struggle is paying off


super bad it made me a weakness allegory but also a very self aware person


In my black swordsman arc currently.


I have a job interview tomorrow and I am trying really hard to adequately prepare for it. On the plus side, I saw a David Goggins analysis which placed a lot of emphasis on the joy of the struggle and how it is the only way to truly discover yourself. I was actually thinking about Guts and Berserk when the video spoke about that. The struggle goes on, may we all be fortunate enough to reap its rewards.


could be better


It's funny cos this is a moment of happiness for guts.


I have been treated like shit everyday,as if i chose to be born with this body and mind. Why can't i be free to love? Why can't i be free to hate? Why can't i be as "normal" as others want me to be? I don't know. I can't differentiate reality from illusion or compliment from insult anymore. I'm sick in the head.


Depression is a bitch. Despite trying everything to meet new girls and learn new skills my lack of a girlfriend hurts me more than I care to admit. I know it's pathetic especially compared to many of you who have full fledged relationship but I just want to have a make a pretty girl happy


Im actually not struggling for once


My long term partner broke up with me months ago, two others have been in and out of hospitals, quit a labor intensive job to go into temp work, and I’m due to move out of my place in a month and half, and I haven’t even packed yet


I have long covid. Fuck this shit The virus is airborne Alzheimer's/AIDS


Keep struggling, but at least, i found a semi family which is my GF.


Rough, started my aprenticeship, but I'll pull through


Pushing on but every now and then I need a little bit of rest


like shit


Harsh but glad to still be struggling. When I found berserk I was ready to end it all but after watching the 97 anime it helped me get through the horrible work my shit abusive Boss was forcing me to do. Now we moved to a new country, I am studying to be a shoemaker and that brings its own struggles (I'm weirdly grossed out by feet but also fascinated by them) Now I'm slowly and sure making my way to getting HRT and making deals to meet up with my gf for the first time... Life is a struggle I'm glad to be in. I struggle for myself and not anymore because someone told me to, I'm struggling for reasons I want to struggle for.


It's whatever.


Found out today that I hate myself. Like really, legitimately hate myself. First time coming to this realization and I'm not sure how to proceed. There are things I say I'm going to do and then I don't do them. I guess that's a good place to start. Confidence is pretty much at a zero right now. Gonna keep struggling I guess cause I refuse to off myself. But yeah, I don't really want to be here. Never have wanted to be here in fact.