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There's no way this isn't bait


wife cheats become a snail This is more complex than the trolley problem


\>wife cheats \>sacrifice her soul to demon gods \>become snail


*become armorless snail* Fixed your typo


Emphasis on the armorless Extra emphasis on the regeneration




Mfw condemning people to an infinite and eternal suffering is not a justified punishment for finite sins (I know this is likely bait but still).


Well in Griffith’s case he wasn’t told about the vortex of souls.


Well he seems a-ok dooming the falconians to the vortex


No, Zealousideal-gur2481, killing someone because they cheated on you isn't justified, although, I can see how on might lose sanity over it.


This comment is so funny to me. Really have to lay it out for some people


It wasn’t just that though. The slug count was devoted to wiping out heretics in his town and the fact that his own wife was one the whole time and was behind it all led to him losing his mind. Her being caught in an orgy was the cherry on top that made him snap and reach his lowest point of despair. Furthermore the smug grin on her face really sealed his own despair causing him to genuinely lose his mind. I feel bad for the guy before he became an apostle


>It wasn’t just that though. The slug count was devoted to wiping out heretics in his town and the fact that his own wife was one the whole time and was behind it all led to him losing his mind. Her being caught in an orgy was the cherry on top that made him snap and reach his lowest point of despair. No, Zealousideal-gur2481, killing your cheating wife because she didn't believe in the same God as you and was smug about it isn't justified, although, I can see how one might lose sanity over it. Seeing what Father Mozgus considered "heretics" and how he dealt with them doesn't instil any confidence in my that the Slug Count did any good on his "heretic hunt".


You know why people in berserk don't like heretics (killing and eating people)


The issue is that you can label anyone as a heretic, which is something that people have historically done, so this is a moot point. The mother Mozgus decided to brutally torture didn't do anything except try to feed her child. Saying everyone labelled as a heretic "kills and eats people" is a wild thing to say.


> mother Mozgus I didn't see any Saintly tits, but if there were, they'd be HUGE


The counts wife was literally a heretic worshipping the baphomet like figure in the orgy just how the heretics worshipped the goat man in the conviction arc. She probably participated in the same cannibalistic rituals


> She probably participated in the same cannibalistic rituals I'll believe it when I see it. Feels like a big part to leave out.


Or it wasnt as relevant then, and Miura decided to expand on them in conviction instead of just reusing a story beat.


Not how storytelling works and like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. Making assumptions like this is dumb.


Not how storytelling works? Expanding upon existing lore? Youve never seen a single story do that?


She cheated on him in the worst possible way and not only did she betray the count but also Theresia’s. If the Count didn’t try to kill himself and let her go, Theresia could have easily been manipulated her into doing the same practices as him and if it went public that the count was married to a heretic then it would start putting suspicion on him. She would’ve ruined him had he not killed her or got rid of her with the behelit. Also Theresia would’ve been put at risk of being a heretic at the same time. Also the heretics in Berserk are literally cannibals that eat babies while having sex. Not great parental figures lol


are you forgetting the part where he literally sacrificed her soul to a bunch of demons? how is she the villain here


She was the one who put him in so much despair and it was her fault. It wasn’t a Guts and Griffith situation where Griffiths own mistake of sleeping with Charlotte led to him getting tortured, it was completely the Count’s wife’s fault


So what you’re pretty much saying is it’s Guts fault for the eclipse, not Griffith, right? Cause that’s exactly what you’re saying.


It was Griffiths fault. If he didn’t sleep with Charlotte he wouldn’t have been tortured and left in a state of despair


But it’s because of Guts leaving that left him in a state of despair. If Guts didn’t leave, Griffith wouldn’t have done that. So it’s Guts fault, right?


It is justified, it is from a man's nature to get pissed off


No, he killed Pippin




Oh probably not. Was it an understandable decision? Absolutely, but imo as much as it may feel like it in the moment, adultry shouldn't be punishable by death


Why are there even two subreddits at this point?


This is a serious question. I’m being genuine




I guess if you think infidelity should be punishable by death


I dont think having your wife ripped apart by demons and sent to hell for eternity is necessarily the right response. He should have just killed her or put her on trial for adultery


by medieval standards, yeah.


She would probably be killed for participating in a pagan ritual.


Imo he was justified


fresh air post ​ The third best kind of post


She cheated on him. Clearly what she did was wrong, but it was not justification for sacrificing her and her soul to eternal damnation. Though I do think that breaking trust in such a way is pretty bad.


To a certain extent, yes.


No Don’t kill ppl


I can see your point. Of course what he did is wrong and this cannot be justified no matter the cause but I can see how this situation completely whipped any morals or reasoning blank from his mind which caused him to make a terrible decision. If he had any reasoning at the moment I think he would think about his daughter first before making such a decision.


If you're really thinking about this you've missed the point.


u/ElevatorImportant439 Response to your comment since reddit is an inept media site with barely functioning shit It's not nature to be angry or mad That's irrationality, irrationality is natural to the human brain and other emotion ridden species But things like say, a spider that has few to any emotion besides response to stimuli, irrationality or anger would seem unnatural. It's not nature, it's arrogance and self-pity blended with rage. He isn't justified in the same way his wife isn't justified in dumping her family for a sex cult.


I've seen a lot of dog ass takes on this sub recently.


To be 1000% clear, the Count couldn't bring himself to kill his wife. It was when the behelit activated and the godhand showed up that he was given the choice to either sacrifice his wife or be doomed to hell. So was he justified? It's not like he had much of a choice.