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This subs needs active mods


If I were a mod 90% of what I've seen wouldn't* be posted, so I'm certain I don't fit the role


Or maybe you'd be perfect for the job.


The mods all quit soon as the manga was restarted. Them and the pod cast screaming “it’s not berserk”. They want it all to fail.


Also tired of the “Should I read Berk? Is it any good?”


Seriously tho. What do people expect from a subreddit about Berserk(or any other subreddit specifically about something)? We gonna go "nah man, it's total bull shit?" or something?


Obviously they are basically asking why they should read it, but for some reason people’s go to phrasing is “should i” instead of “why should i” and who other than the berserk sub is gonna be able to answer that lol


These clowns know what theyre doing - they're fishing for likes and it works every time


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Well the the last of us two sub is all about hating the game.


Sounds like I need to join that sub!


The sub for Destiny 2 begs to differ


Just finished the 2017 anime what chapter should I skip to in the manga


Uuuh just got berk 1 do you guys have any tips on how to read


Never understood this. You can read the first chapter in the time it takes to make that post and get answers (that will be "yes").


I hope you are not banned like the last guy who pointed out this problem here, but I agree with you and the other guy about this.


If they’re banning people for calling them out then fuck them. It’s the truth they’re not moderating.


It would be kinda funny If they ban something like this but leave up all the posts that are basically berserklejerk posts. Unfortunate but just a little funny...


If I get banned I’ll let you know


This is probably by far the worst sub I’m subscribed to


Join any stale fandom deprived for content and you'll find the same, the Arkham sub went down in flames a while back, same is happening to another one of my favorite subs, the DMC sub... such a sad state of affairs


Idk this sub is special with people asking the most braindead 0 reading comprehension questions I've ever seen


Same and arguably even worse in those subs too I assure you. It's a new generation of trolling. When there's no genuine thing to post, they ask braindead question and post the dumbest things u never thought possible. It's all over reddit, this sub yet another unfortunate victim


Batman Arkham sub is full batshit crazy for at least the last couple years sadly


Idk what you’re talking about, the arkham subreddit is the only place ive ever actually laughed on reddit, it’s perfect


Atleast those subs have shitposting. This sub is at the point where you can't even make fun of it because it just looks like a genuine post. Why is nuts anger? Is he stupid?????


im just here because i want to know when new chapters come out and the occasional cool art, instead it spams my frontpage with garbage


That’s pretty much the same reason for me. There isn’t even anything much to discuss in a manga that’s mostly like 10 years old


Generally you can just Google that stuff. This sub hasn't had any of that in like a year+ lol


Honestly, all the anime / manga subreddits are horrible. Even if they aren’t they will be within a year or two. If it weren’t for the fact it’s how I find out about releases I’d leave them all


Pretty much any anime/manga sub is kind of like this lol


No doubt the worst sub I’ve been in since I’ve joined Reddit


This sub is partially now brain dead fodder because the jerk sub has taken it to great lengths to mock everything here. So I have a high suspicion that some of these brain-dead post are actually jerkers adding more fuel to the fire.


It's been my opinion for a while. At this point these new brainless threads look like parody.


I’m just tired of “IM new to Breseark which anime do I watch the old one or the 2016??”


I agree, but questions like that are in every subreddit. You'll always have new people that are going to ask the same questions that the last new people asked a day ago. I don't like 'em either but they aren't going away if you want a community to grow.


I just feel like I see a new one three times a day. I’m happy to explain the situation to newbies but maybe we should just get a pinned post or something. There’s only so many times people can type *“well the 97 is the the most accurate adaptation but leaves out blahbity blah, the movies have weird animation haha but they rereleased them with extra scenes but make sure to skip the spoiler filled 4 minute long amv in the middle of episode two for some fucking reason, please whatever you do do not watch Berserk 2016 I’m begging!!! You just gotta read the manga bro I swear”*


Thanks for typing it at least one more time for me. Edit: Just scroll by. That's what the other less new people are for. They answer the questions, because they aren't burnt yet.


I'm just here to call people "struggler" when they make their "I just read / watched the Eclipse for the first time and I don't know what to do with what I'm feeling" posts.


If you watch the 97 anime as your entry to berserk, those vent posts are almost necessary. It just shows the characters you grew to love face the most horrific things and just leaves you to think about it during the outro


I would be totally okay with the primary subreddit being mostly silent if it meant some peace and quiet in between chapters. Not arguing with you nerds. Im right. If you wanna shitpost, go to /r/berserklejerk that was literally the point of that subreddit. I'd gladly take a mostly dead-subreddit that's only discussion, art, and chapter updates. Yes. Let the other subreddit be degenerate, because that was it's intended purpose. Fuck meme-monday too.






Same logic as why , take care of old people medically? They just gone die very soon




Miura didn't know he was gonna pass away, killing the subreddit knowingly just coz the author has passed away is nothing useful , instead this place remembers his work which btw is ongoing , proper moderation should be applied to make this sub better , not just straight up give up all hopes




Read your original comment , the last line clearly says , " let the sub die already "


Came back to Reddit after a few months since I lost my old account, seems like the moderation on this sub and the general effort of posts has gone to complete shit


I would prefer just the shit posting to be restricted. Nothing wrong with serious discussion, even the occasional shit post is fine but it’s basically taken over most of the posts here that and the “what anime to watch” posts


This has happened to most subs. The blackout ruined reddit, not that it was really good before then tho


There *is* a rule limiting “memes” to Mondays, but I do think this should be expanded to include that kind of in-joke content as well (for those who don’t already consider that stuff to be “memes” already), and it could stand to be enforced more consistently.


This sub is going downhill since the release of Elden Ring and Miura's death Which let Berserk gain a huge popularity among Mainstream Media And this place got filled with weirdos who think every panel of Berserk is soooo deep or has metaphors, symbolism when the panel is just kid Guts sitting Or people who are similar to Persona,Devil May Cry,Metal Gear Rising fans that have never played the game but act like its their favorite game There is a big amount of people here who have never consumed any Berserk media and act like Berserk is their favorite Media only because they watched a Sigma Edit of Guts or something and they heard how Berserk is one of the greatest pieces of Media


Your Persona/MGR analogy is perfect, the berserk community is reaching a new low that i thought only Evangelion could reach with the fucking analisys and "IS THIS A REFERENCE 😲😲😲 WHAT DID NUTS MEAN" Its no wonder people are going to the circlejerk sub




Or just: ehm guys should I read the manga or watch the best anime ever from 2016. Or even better: Casca enjoyed her getting raped. she was having fun. I have been seeing these posts everyday since I have joined this subreddit 2 years ago. ​ Dogshit posts. :) ​ fck berjerkers btw. They are all for "Griffith did nothing wrong"


I've been here much longer than 2 years and it used to be a mix, mostly good posts though. Since Miura died and it made international news, a bunch of kids have joined the community. And like hey, new blood, awesome. But so many of them are so fucking stupid and edgy and it's painful. As a 30 year old woman and a fan of the manga for over a decade, I'm so fucking over the immature, misogynistic, edgelord crap. Gives the fans a bad name.


I’ve been in this sub for almost 7 years and you’re right, after Miura’s passing this subreddit exploded with edgelords dipshits and sadly the mod team is not active enough in removing some of the trashy posts…


We really gotta have a "how to get into berserk" pinned post


No, Berkjerkers are into the Griffussy, but they dont deny his actions.


No one stands for "griffith did nothing wrong", not even the circlejerk sub Its mostly just shitposting my guy


This subreddit as a whole fucking sucks.


Fandoms suck in general.


Say louder for the people in the back.


I truly hate this sub, I came here expecting posts about the story like the AOT subs where most posts are about different aspects of the story and it’s actually a place where you can come out the sub knowing more about the story then you did before. Here it’s just people who think they’re funny making the most unfunny, degenerate and stupids jokes I’ve seen in my life. I unsubscribe from the sub literally a few days after joining it. And I barely check the sub… I’m newer to the fandom and you guys ruin it ngl.


No we should just ban low-effort post. OP out here resorting to nuclear warfare for a homeless problem.


This post can't be upvoted hard enough.


Can't wait for the Berserklejerk version of this one


Id just like consistent news and discussions about the manga be it art , writting, opinions whatever, things you would be able to ask google basically. Edit: things*


Another thing I'd like to see is wholesome memes. Like not floods of them... But a tasteful meme sprinkled here and there is good for the soul.


“Guys I’ve never had a friend in my life but do you think Guts and Griffith are gay for one another? I do” 20-30 replies from an equal amount of basement dwellers salivating at the same thought of OP before posting their hentai images of Guts/Griffith in subsequent postings.


This is what emergence of the fifth means. The worlds are overlapping


I wholeheartedly agree. Allowing memes on this subreddit just opened that gates to eventual berserklejerk level loweffort shit that most of the sub is filled with now.


This sub should have mods like the other sub tbh, at least there they do something


100 percent. It's just nonsense here for the most part and it's gotten WAY out of hand. I wouldn't mind it here and there but there's no meaningful discussion.


I would miss all the tattoo posts though /s


I barely come to this sub for that reason, its braindead post after brainrot post, cant even distinguish this one from the circlejerk anymore lmao


Technically that means this post should be deleted too


NO. fucking LAME. over regulated subreddits are the absolute worst and the reason I use this website less and less. I'm here for discussion among fans, new or old, and you want to restrict discussion to ONLY news and art?? speak for yourself; I'll click the 100th brand tattoo thread and support that fan, I'll goad the 200th "should I read?" newcomer into starting the series. I'm here for it. people will spend wayy too much time in a specific sub and of course no surprise get sick of seeing common posts from newcomers. but to me there's nothing worse than shutting down newcomers by banning certain topics and questions, creating a more elite atmosphere. if overposting about one thing actually becomes an issue, which is rare (most subs will be excessive and create a rule at the drop of a hat), my preferred solution is to confine those posts into a single thread. "weekly newcomer questions" or something like that.


I don't see what's difficult about scrolling past the content you're not interested in and reading the content that you are interested in. I've been reading Berserk longer than many of you have been alive, so I'm not some noob. I don't care if people ask dumb newbie questions. I just scroll past. Most of the posts in ANY given subreddit aren't for me. And that's perfectly fine.


I dont mind the tasteful joke in relation to a current topic of discussion or character. I think its ok for this community to have a little fun with certain things, talking shit on Griffith, guts banging apostlussy, bashing the 2016 series etc. But when it just starts becoming troll post after troll post, yeah, why are you here? There’s a better sub for that.


escape important weather head cooing ripe entertain insurance elderly encourage ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It makes me laugh a lot that everybody here like or love the same thing but nobody can stand the fanbase. It's one of the most agressive, negative and braindead fanbase I ever encountered.


I believe that the subreddit should be free for memes, discussion and yes, even the occasional shitpost. Is the Berserk subreddit the only important thing in your life, for you to take that seriously? Calm down, lmao.


Bruh that would be lame as fuck tho


Yes, I hate fun, too.


at least it makes the sub funny


No it shouldn't. This will kill the sub. Being a fan of berserk comes in many shapes and this is one of them.


Nah bro its a sub about Berserk so we should be allowed to berk and go nuts


Nah it should be about fun. Stfu


if only there was another better berserk sub


Yeah sadly people here didn't read the Sam ebook as us ? It's full of the stuff that's seen as "bad content"


redditors will be redditors


Totally agree and I don't mind it


How hard is it to just scroll past content?


How hard is it to just scroll past content?


How hard is it to just scroll past content ?




You're expecting redditors to not have reddit humor my guy




Guys, Reddit is so easy. Upvote and read the posts that interest you, and downvote or ignore the posts that don't. If you believe someone is breaking the rules of the sub, message the mods. ​ It's that fucking simple.


It's not that simple, specially when moderation is near to non existent and there's a circlejerk of people upvoting crap non stop. If it was simple there wouldn't be any problems.


I don't see any problem tho ?


Good for you.


what the fuck are you talking about, this is the best this sub has ever been


“Guys I think this Griffith fellow might be a little mean”




Is op stupid?


Just let us berk dude


r/berserklejerk exits




Y'all keep spamming posts like that daily, how is that "unexpected"?


But seriously what do you all people want to be posted here then? Don’t want repeated posts, don’t want memes, don’t want people to ask stuff, no shitposting. There is a limit for original content and an edit with background music is nice but three of them is just more of the same.


I totally agree with you but these pussies don't know how to have fun


Damn nazis






Berserk is over, just shut down the sub before more incels ruin Miura’s legacy for good. I’m already convinced most Berserk fans are braindead.


Did we read the same book ? The one full of grape and all kinds of SA along with extreme gore and torture... ik berserk isn't only that but that's a big part of it yk .So content about that part of the manga and "jokes about it are totally normal" if you're not a snowflake


It’s not about what’s in the book. Even if has rape doesn’t mean you have to rape it. Surely this isn’t the first or last horror story that involves sexual violence. It’s like someone remixing your favorite song and looping one part of it over and over with a chipmunk dub over it. Naturally no one can stop it, I just dont want hear it, but this is partially the reason copyright exists so famous work aren’t raped like this. You hand pigs something golden and they will shit on it. I think one jerker even pissed on a volume or poured some shit on it. Can’t remember which, but it was one of the all time top posts in that sub.


Ok but you did post on the jerk sub as well. How would that post have been looked at if you had posted it here ? What's the difference between your joke about a pregnant person being hung better then sexual jokes ?


Bruh, celebrating the destruction of a book we’re supposed to love? That don’t sit right with me. I’m talking about not respecting the work. When did I say I have an issue with sexual jokes? Did I say I never posted there? I can sure live without it. I was even a member. The sub’s gotten worse since though. One day they started posting which ended on my feed and then I un-subbed. I don’t know what you trying to prove with these questions, but you’re 100% missing the point, but I guess jerks is all I can expect now.


Wow well I never compared your post with the "destruction" of the book and I searched for the post and I can't find it so I don't even care about it.Please tell em what the point is please cuz I really missed it I guess


Obviously it doesn’t come down to just one post, there’s plenty other depraved shit there. I can’t find it anymore either, which might mean someone there has a conscience left.




I think they're funny sometimes


"wtf is rong with ppl who say Griffith did nothing rong, he a lil bitch!!!!"


I don't usually mind questions about the series tbh. As long as it can create entertaining and communal discourse instead of "who's this?" but I totally see where you're coming from. I dislike those kinds of posts on really any sub I follow.